The Pengele Family In the World of American Comics

Chapter 59: Understand your heart! Super death mode!

It all happened so fast that both Wanda and Pietro lost their minds for a moment.

The next moment, Pietro rushed over with red eyes, and knocked the bronze tiger away from Jonny with the impact of running at high speed.

Bronze Tiger was hit by this blow and flew upside down four or five meters away.

The vibrating gold claws in his hands pulled out from Jonny's legs, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood, causing Jonny to grin for a while in pain.

Wanda followed Pietro and shot, a red light strangled the bronze tiger's neck and squeezed his trachea, causing the bronze tiger to start struggling frantically.

Pietro hit the bronze tiger head-on, and the reaction force he received pushed him directly ten meters away. With the same force, Pietro's own mass was much smaller than that of the bronze tiger.

Raphael had just run to the front at this time, and he could run to Jonny's side in two or three steps, but at this moment he suddenly felt that his legs were heavy, and it was difficult to take a step as if filled with lead. .

Time seemed to be at a standstill at this moment, the world turned gray, everything around was fixed in place, only Raphael's thoughts continued.

Seconds ago, he had witnessed the whole process of Jonny losing his legs.

He clearly has the ability to prevent this scene from happening, he can clearly detect the copper tiger's sneak attack earlier, and he can clearly warn Jonny in advance...

Raphael believes that Jonny is responsible for losing his legs.

Just a few minutes ago, he was very confident in his victory over the Bronze Tiger, thinking that these few people on his side were fighting a Bronze Tiger without superpowers, wouldn't that be a catch?

In the end, he was on a par with Bronze Tiger, and he couldn't gain an advantage at all.

With his profound fighting skills and combat experience, Bronze Tiger can often strike very beautiful attacks and even counterattacks.

And although Raphael has learned a few fighting skills from Jonizemo, when he comes to Bronze Tiger, it's basically no different from fighting indiscriminately.

At the end, Raphael didn't even expect that Bronze Tiger's weapon was Zhenjin Claw, which was pushed away by the reverse shock wave, which directly canceled the Death Qi mode.

Recently, he has relied so much on the convenience of super-intuitive sense that he completely ignored the premise that super-intuitive sense is only effective for living beings. The kinetic energy rebound of Zhenjin weapons was unexpected by super-intuitive sense.

Although in some respects, super-intuition is similar to spider-sensing, but in crisis warning, super-intuition is actually not as good as spider-sensing.

And this is also the first time that Raphael has passively released the death mode from the battle.

He suddenly realized that since he crossed over, he had encountered the Zemo team, defeated the Hydra team, and subverted the old regime of Sokovia...

Along the way, it seems a little too smooth, it's like playing a game.

Raphael's mentality did not know when, from the desperate gamble in the face of the artillery fire, to the relaxed and comfortable game in the world, this change is undoubtedly fatal.

If it weren't for Raphael's overconfidence, the Bronze Tiger would never have had so many opportunities to fight back. If everyone in Pengele had come up to set fire to the Bronze Tiger from the very beginning, I'm afraid he would have perished long ago.

Self-blame, guilt, annoyance... Various emotions rose from Raphael's heart.

He apologized to Jonny, because among the current family members, he did ignore Jonny.

Just because Jonny was a nobody, maybe he died on the day of the Sokovia bombing in the original work, Raphael's involvement in Rajoni at first was more of a selfish desire to complete the mission quickly.

Although it sounds ugly, Raphael doesn't want to deceive himself. He can't open his heart to strangers himself, so why should he ask others to open up to him?

Later, after experiencing life and death together, what Raphael didn't expect was that Jonny would return to his heart so easily, just because he avenged his comrades in arms, he was willing to listen to Raphael's orders.

This made Raphael firmer in his heart that Jonny was a "trick", and he didn't care about Jonny even more.

But think about it carefully, how does Jonny treat himself and his family?

He always did some very stupid actions and said some very stupid things. He didn't seem to be wise, but he always brought laughter to the family.

During the days when they were hunted down by Hydra, they could be said to be dependent on each other. Without Jonny's active atmosphere, the two children, Wanda and Pietro, would have been depressed long ago.

Rafael had to admit that Jonny really treated himself, Zemo, Wanda, and Pietro as family.

Pietro is becoming more and more loyal to Raphael, and Wanda is even closer to blind worship. They truly regard Raphael as a brother.

Although Zemo only has an interest connection with the family on the surface, the many benefits that the interim government has quietly planned for the family in the past few days are all from Zemo's own handwriting, and Raphael is not familiar with this area at all.

Over time, this little family has become more and more like a real family.

What about yourself?

Do you consider them family members?

Or is it all just a collection game?

Raphael asked himself in his heart.

The answer is already obvious.

When Jonny lost his legs by the bronze tiger, in addition to the, Raphael also had an unprecedented anger in his heart.

At that moment, he just wanted to burn up everything he saw.

In this familiar and unfamiliar dangerous world, Raphael has long regarded the people around him as his real family.

In Sokovia, they are each other's family.

Raphael no longer wants to see anyone who can threaten the family!

He needs to get stronger! The family needs to get stronger!

He will fight to protect the family!


In the dark space, a flame suddenly lit up.

The flame is very small, and the light it emits is very weak, but it is still trying to dispel the darkness.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the flame is getting bigger and bigger.


One after another cracks emerged from the space, and finally shattered with a snap.

A special switch seemed to be flipped, and the still time resumed its flow.

Raphael's forehead burned with raging flames, and the orange flames throbbed like a real entity.

The flames of the sky were also automatically ignited on the I gloves.

A stream of heat flowed through Raphael's chest, and a steady stream of deadly flames poured out of his body.

"This feeling……"

Raphael felt that his strength had increased several times compared to when he was in Death Qi mode, and even his mind became clearer. If he were to fight against the previous bronze tiger, he would be able to solve the battle within a minute.

He is very sure that this is not the state of death energy mode, but super death energy mode!

Raphael entered the super-death mode for the first time without the aid of a death bomb!

At this moment, Len suddenly flew out from behind Raphael, suspended in mid-air, and released a dazzling light all over his body!