The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday

Chapter 177: Confrontation with the motherland


  Late at night.

  In the center of Fuyuki, inside the ruins of a noble mansion.

  Smartphones emit a piercing, retro electronic ringtone.

  The pure-blooded vampire Dracula, who was lying in the pit, pulled out his mobile phone with the last bit of strength. Looking at the blood-stained mobile phone, a small bright screen lighted up, as if seeing the savior.

  His pale and bloodless old face showed excitement and ecstasy, as if a pedestrian who was about to die of thirst in the desert had encountered an oasis.

  Eimon and Tifa also saw the name of the incoming call.

  The phone note seems to be - "Motherlander"!

  People from the motherland.

  Perhaps two years ago, only the supernatural department and high-level federal personnel knew that this name represented the great meaning of the patron saint of the west.

   Today, two years later, the Star Dragon Alliance no longer conceals the invasion incident, and normalizes the extraordinary, and even molds the people of the motherland into heroes and gods.

  The name Motherlander has become a household name. Since the disappearance of the Dragon Lady, the patron saint of the East, he is the undisputed NO.1 in the world's extraordinary ranking!

   There are too many names about him—

   Star Dragon Alliance officially certified the first person, the strongest superhero, the patron saint of the western jurisdiction, the city lord of Baishen City, and the perfect savior incarnation of God!

   Also, it is not an invasion incident, but exists as the only human superhero who has reached the S-level coefficient!

  After two years, he is a frequent visitor to the news media in various cities, suppressing extraordinary human gods all over the world, omnipotent in heaven and earth, and can easily solve any invasion crisis!

  Except for Fog Domain, it can be regarded as a stain on the debut of the motherland as a superhero. But that's not a stain, after all, the Fog Domain is defined as an SSS invasion incident, and it's normal that the people of the motherland can't solve it. This still can't conceal his brilliance. In this era of invasions like dogs and superhumans walking everywhere, he is the only glory of being a native human in the real world!

  Yimeng once speculated that the "star" in the Star Dragon Federation might represent the people of the motherland!

   "The two guests are from the motherland. The call from the motherland...!"

  The city lord Dracula, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog without majesty, saw the caller ID on the screen after the phone rang, and he still had confidence even though he was half a world away.

  Just because the caller is from the motherland.

   This name represents the top of the world, a symbol of invincibility!

  For two hundred years, the people of the motherland have been invincible in the Star Dragon Federation and have been passed down as gods.

  Two hundred years later, there have been countless invasions in the two years, and the people of the motherland are still standing on the top of the extraordinary, standing high in the sky of the western jurisdiction!

  Tifa saw the caller ID, her beautiful eyes also showed worry, and she looked at Yimeng next to her.

  Imeng patted Tifa's hand reassuringly, and said calmly: "Since the calls are coming, let's answer them."

   "Okay, okay."

  Dracula was afraid that Yimeng would repent, so he immediately manipulated the phone screen and swiped a few times before connecting the phone.

  Since Yimeng's feet hadn't left his body, Dracula could only lie on the ground to answer.

  The moment the mobile phone was connected, a calm male voice sounded: "I am from the motherland."

   "Motherland." Dracula almost cried when he heard this voice: "I am Dracula from Fuyuki City, help me!"

   "Don't worry, I will protect you, you will be fine." The motherlander smiled confidently, and asked: "I just saw the news reports from Fuyuki City, and the information reported by the local supernatural department. You were attacked?"

  The thousand-year-old vampire couldn't bear it anymore, and cried directly: "That's right, the other party is stepping on my head now, and I'm about to die!"

  People from the motherland: “…”

  The other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if to digest the message, and then tried: "Yimeng?"

"it's me."

  Yimeng stepped on Dracula's head, got down, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, and smiled, "I'm Yimeng."

The motherlander on the other end of the phone continued: "High school student Yi Meng, intrusion number: SAS-1666, intrusion level: identified as E-level. This is you, right? Federal records show that you disappeared after the Fogland incident. I didn't expect to be alive now."

  He praised: "Not only is he still alive, but he also defeated the A-level city lord Dracula, which is very good."

The people of the motherland speak softly, and you can imagine his iconic perfect smile when facing the reporters and media at this time through the phone: "That's it. The attitude of the Federation towards superhumans is completely different from that of two years ago. Since you Defeating Dracula means that you have the strength of an A-level factor. Not only can I get the Star Dragon Federation to withdraw its arrest warrant for you, but I can also directly recommend you to the top management of the Federation to become the new city lord of Fuyuki City!"

   "People from the motherland..." Dracula was completely stunned, never expecting this situation.

"I'm quite moved by what you said." Yimeng smiled lightly, but there was no expression on his face, and asked, "You know, Dracula is an inhuman creature, and he has the ability to transform ordinary humans into his own family members." ability of the author?"

  The gentle laughter of the people from the motherland suddenly stopped, and they said inexplicably solemnly: "You didn't disclose these things to the media, did you?"

   "Not yet."

   "Please don't disclose it to the outside world, so as not to cause social panic. Regarding the matter of Dracula, the Star Dragon Federation will deal with him according to his violations."

  Yimeng couldn't help laughing when he heard the righteous Lingran's speech: "So, you already know that Dracula is a vampire, and that his ability can assimilate human beings to become a vampire."

The domineering temperament of the people of the motherland seems to have endured to the limit, and the gentle tone became much heavier: "This is my decision, the decision of the Federation! If we can control Dracula, we can create countless flying immortals Those who fight against future invasions!"

Yimeng showed no fear, and continued to ask: "I heard that Dracula was recommended by you as the city lord of Fuyuki City a year ago. Why do you help other federal citizens to make decisions and make them become the ones who will never see the light? A non-human slave creature branded with a bloodline?"

   Indeed, extraordinary can only be countered by extraordinary, and invasion can be countered by invasion.

  But the purpose of letting an existence like Dracula secretly create a group of vampires is not at all for the so-called world peace, creating an extraordinary army that can resist future invasions, but to satisfy the selfish desires of some people and Dracula.

   This is to better control the world, not to prevent the collapse of reality, so that the world will usher in harmless peace!

   "Yimeng, are you questioning me?" came the words from the other side of the phone that the people of the motherland had lost all their warmth.

  His voice carried an astonishing power that seemed to fall across tens of thousands of kilometers through a mobile phone!

  Yimeng smiled casually at this:

   "So what? I'm just asking you, people of the motherland!"