The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday

Chapter 24: The Night That Determined the Fate of th

  Chapter 24 The Night That Determined the Fate of the Marvel Universe

  Marvel Universe.

  In downtown New York, a private factory with a sign that pedestrians are prohibited from entering is erected on the outer wall.

  Special effects arena.

  Quentin Baker, wearing a special effects uniform and advanced virtual VR goggles, stood in the center of the stage. His hair and beard were specially trimmed and sexy. At first glance, his face looked a bit like Tony Stark.

   This is naturally a shape he specially made for the plan.

   "Are you ready?" Quentin Baker asked in a deep voice, like a leader giving orders.

  Beside the special effects stage at this time, there were also other accomplices sitting on the computer in twos and threes, typing on the keyboard quickly with both hands and five fingers.

   "The network has been deployed with Europe and Italy, and can maintain a long-term stable delay of no more than 0.01S."

   "A private jet has been arranged, with five drones on it, and three spares, enough to form the desired effect."

   "It's okay on my side. The special effects of the elemental monsters made before have been loaded on the virtual projection of the drone, and the naked eye can't tell the real from the fake."

"very good."

Quentin Baker nodded in satisfaction, and said in a deep voice: "Remember. Your side is the most important. After so many rehearsals, don't make any mistakes for me! That kid Spider-Man is very sharp, and even a little mistake can be ignored. It may be noticed by the other party!"

   "We are plotting against the members of the Avengers and Stark Industries. Once the matter is revealed, the future of you and me will be ruined for the rest of our lives!"

   Speaking of this, Quentin Baker showed a cold and ruthless expression on his face, and his eyes glanced fiercely at his accomplices on the field.

   "Understood, there will be no problem!"

  The cheeky middle-aged man who controls the special effects master control computer nodded quickly. As a former Stark engineer, he naturally knew that once things were exposed, his life would be completely ruined.

  However, if they succeed, they will obtain a part of the Stark Industry authority, which is enough to gamble everything and do whatever it takes to obtain it!

  But at this time.

  The cheeky man's expression changed, he typed the keyboard faster, and looked at the computer screen in disbelief: "Wait, why is the system suddenly out of control? It seems to be hacked!"

"What did you say?"

  The two accomplices next to him also turned pale when they heard the words.

   "Quiet!" Quentin Baker was calm enough, and suddenly respectfully asked the air: "Are you here?"

   Besides them, who else?

  The other three accomplices were stunned.

   "What day is it today?"

  A cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded from the special effects audio.


   Quentin Baker seemed to be on the signal and smiled: "Everything is going as planned."

   "Peter Parker has already taken a flight to Europe for a summer vacation today. I will also take a private jet tonight. If there is no accident, we will complete our plan in Italy tomorrow! Achieve that result!"

   "Very well, I will keep an eye on you."

   Yi Meng left the built-in network after leaving this sentence.

   "Welcome to your supervision." Quentin Baker showed a sincere smile: "We are the best partners, aren't we?"

  The moment after Yimeng left.

   "The fully restored again!" The other accomplices looked at the computer screen in amazement.

   "Baker, who invaded our system just now?" the cheeky man asked in surprise.

   "You don't have to worry about this, just act according to the plan." Quentin Baker responded calmly, without revealing the existence of Ultron.


  He will become the much-anticipated superhero Mysterio, just like Iron Man before him, leading the Avengers to a new era!

  Quentin Baker sneered in his heart: "Have you been staring at me secretly? After obtaining that authority, I will be the first to destroy you! Ultron!"


   This night.

  Quentin Baker flew to Italy with his own special effects performance props and a conspiracy in his heart.

  Happy Hogan cheered in the luxury car he was driving because he had an appointment with Aunt May.

  Peter Parker was lying in a double room of an apartment somewhere in Italy, tossing and turning facing Iron Man's relic in his arms.

  Pepper Potts was alone at the Stark Industries headquarters, working late at night in the top office, looking tiredly at the city that never sleeps outside under the starry sky.

   This night.

  One of the Stark family properties, in the lakeside wooden house with the lights off.

  The six-year-old Morgan was already lying on the bed and fell asleep, breathing lightly and evenly, but his sleep was not very good-looking, and the thin quilt was kicked away with his little feet.

  A cleaning machine in the corner of the room suddenly started up, and a mechanical arm quietly protruded out to cover the quilt back.


the next day.

  The afternoon of colorful clouds.

  The black luxury car drove through the forest aisle and stopped in front of the lakeside wooden house.

  A middle-aged fat man in a suit with a big belly opened the door and got out of the car, and rang the doorbell.

   "Who?" A childish question came from inside the room.

   "Morgan, it's me! Uncle Hogan!" Happy Hogan was obviously in a good mood, and he called with a smile, "I brought a gift to visit you."

   "Oh, a present?"

  Little Loli stood on tiptoe with difficulty, quickly opened the door, and took Happy's gift away.

   "Your mother is not at home, right?"

  Happy Hogan looked at the deserted interior of the wooden house and the state of little Lori, and found that she didn't feel lost about it.

   Poor child, he is used to being alone.

  Happy Hogan felt a little ashamed, so he postponed his date with May, and decided to stay here a little longer at night, to spend more time with Morgan, who was lonely and guarding the house.

   After the two had dinner, they sat on the sofa on the first floor and watched TV.

  When he learned that Morgan had finished high school knowledge, Happy Hogan was stunned: "It's only been a few months, and you've already reached the point where you can go to college?"

   "Yeah, it's all thanks to Yiba..."

  Morgan stopped speaking halfway through his speech.

   "That's right." Happy Hogan looked at Little Lolita and asked in confusion, "I remember that Miss Potts once mentioned that you also have an artificial intelligence. What is it called?"

  Morgan pursed his lips, but did not answer.

   Just in time, a news report was broadcast on TV, diverting Happy Hogan's attention.

   "This is Venice, Italy. At noon and night today, huge monsters called Elementals appeared here."

   "Fortunately, there are two heroes who took action to prevent the disaster from happening. They are 'Night Monkey' and 'Mystery'..."

  News reports also released live video footage.

  You can see a fire giant monster that is bigger than the floor raging in the city, and a figure in black tights with spider silk and a helmeted man in a wind armor attack the monster.

  Happy Hogan was so dumbfounded that he almost spit out his saliva.

   Night Monkey?

   Another coat of color, and he knows it's Spider-Man!


  The other side.

  Italy, Venice, inside a late night bar.

  A curly-haired boy in his early sixteens and a mature man in armor were sitting in front of the bar and talking enthusiastically.

   "Mr. Quentin Baker, you are amazing!"

  Peter Parker was still wearing a black tights uniform, and said with emotion: "So easily defeated a powerful monster like the Elemental Crowd."

"this is nothing."

  Mysterious guest Quentin Baker has already taken off his helmet, and said in a low and serious tone: "I just don't want this world to suffer the same cruel experience as ours, even if I risk my life!"

   Peter Parker looked at the deep and upright mysterious guest, and suddenly went into a trance.

   "What's the matter, Peter?" Quentin Baker smiled what he thought was sexy.

   "Mr. Baker, you are very similar to a person in my world." Peter Parker said, taking out a pair of smart glasses from his body: "The owner of this pair of glasses."

  Quentin Baker squinted his eyes, stared at the smart glasses, and asked in surprise knowingly: "What is this?"

   "Edith, I can control the security system of this world, but I don't think I can own it."

   Peter Parker said ashamedly, looking at the smart glasses in his hand, suddenly remembered something and said: "For the next Tony Stark, I believe in you."

   "What did you say?" Quentin Baker looked at him curiously.

   "This is what Mr. Stark said when he handed me the glasses."

When Peter Parker said this, he looked at the smart glasses, then at Mysterio, and suddenly there was a gleam of understanding in his eyes: "Yes, it must be like this! He knows every mistake I made before, knows I'm definitely not ready for this right now!"

   "Then why did he give you this pair of glasses." Quentin Baker showed a proper puzzled expression.

   "Because, maybe he didn't give Editto to me, but entrusted me to choose someone who should own it." Peter Parker was very excited, as if he suddenly found a good reason to put down the heavy stone on his body:

   "That makes a lot more sense, he always knew I would do the right thing."

   "The world needs the next Iron Man, and that won't be me. I'm just a 16-year-old kid."

   "There must be an adult, like you, as good as Tony Stark! Only then can we shoulder this authority and responsibility!"

   "Enough!" The mysterious guest Quentin Baker was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he continued to pretend to be displeased and said: "Peter, you have to believe in yourself."

   “I’m doing the right thing right now.”

Spiderman Peter Parker took a deep breath, and said: "I want to transfer the authority of these glasses-Edith to you. This is the best for this world. You are a soldier and a leader. hero!"

   "Are you really going to do this?"

  Mysterious guest Quentin Baker suppressed his excitement, but still had a dignified expression of indifference.

   is about to succeed!

  Quentin Baker secretly thought.

   "Yes." Peter Parker nodded firmly, activated the smart glasses directly, and said, "Edith, I want to transfer the authority to Quentin Baker..."

  Quentin Baker held his breath, clenched his fists under the table, and suddenly asked subconsciously, "What day is it today?"

  Peter Parker didn't hesitate, and replied casually: "Saturday."

  The smart glasses immediately issued a confirmation sound: "Are you sure about transferring permissions?"

   "Wait!" Quentin Baker suddenly realized something, and shouted: "Peter, don't be sure yet!"

  Peter Parker had already been fooled into making up his mind, fearing that he would be rejected by the mysterious guest, he hastily added: "Definitely!"


  In the late night bar, there was a pleasant voice:

  "The system has confirmed that the authority has been transferred to Quentin Baker, Saturday."


   On the other side, the lakeside wooden house, one of the Stark family properties.

   "Happy, come here and don't tell me earlier."

  Pepper Potts, who had just got off work, opened the door and walked into the living room, only to see Happy Hogan standing in front of the TV with a serious expression on his cell phone, while Little Morgan sat on the sofa with his mouth pursed.

   "What happened?" Pepper Potts asked curiously.

  Happy Hogan's eyelids kept twitching, and he asked nervously: "Pepper, let me ask, what is the name of the artificial intelligence hosting Morgan?"

  Pepper Potts replied as a matter of course: "No, just call—

Saturday. "

  (end of this chapter)