The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday

Chapter 93: Changes to Ancient Doom

  Chapter 93 Changes of the Ancient Doom Day

   A strange combination of monsters, young women, and babies, one month after officially settling in the Tibetan Sea in the center of the earth.

   On this day, Atlanta carried the baby named "Clark" out of the cabin as usual.

  Bathed in the sun, the several-month-old baby suddenly pursed his mouth inarticulately, lifted his little head and looked towards the beach side of the island, and waved his fingers vigorously towards the beach with his white and tender hands.

  Atlanna knew it without looking, the bony spur monster must be basking in the sun on the beach of the outer island again,

  She glanced over there, and was quickly stunned again.

   I see.

  On the beach of the island in the Tibetan Sea, under the sunlight of the geocentric dome.

  A two-and-a-half-meter-tall bone spur humanoid monster stood there. He was still wearing a black tight-fitting cloak. The overall body showed a muscle curve that seemed to be poured by molten iron. On his strong chest was a totem with the S logo that symbolized hope.

   The bony body that was originally bloated and strong like a hill has become significantly smaller. Is this—shrunk?

  Atlanna's heart was beating violently suddenly, startled by the thought of offending her, she took a few steps back and secretly observed.


   I read it right, it has indeed shrunk a circle, of course this is compared to the previous strong to bloated huge physique.

   Now it looks tall and scary, but the slim figure is close to the golden ratio, plus the perfect muscle curve displayed by the battle suit...

  If you don't look at the head and ignore the ferocious bone spurs, the body covered by the black tights is like a perfect sculpture.

  Although the head is still bald, it is far less terrifying than before. The face is like a white bone mask, only the red flames of destruction still dance in the eyes.

   Less out of control, more sacred. There is less ferocity, but more domineering.

  Only the astonishing aura that radiates out, which is in essence, like a halo, will become even stronger if it does not drop.

  Even if Atlanna looked at it from a distance, she could feel the blood of the royal family of Atlantis trembling in her body, and the genes deep in her body were in fear, and the slender legs under her skirt trembled and almost fell to the ground.

  Such a power that surpasses everything, but also possesses extraordinary wisdom.

  Atlanna felt that calling the other party a monster in her heart was an insult to herself.

  This kind of existence, if it is a monster, is simply inferior to water fish!

  The existence of the old gods can't be compared with it at all!

  God? demon?

  Based on her own experience, Atlanna thought of several names, but it was difficult to match her current existence, so she could only watch from a distance in awe and trembling.

  He, and only He, is unique.


  Yimeng, the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday, lowered her eyes and raised her bony palms that seemed to be covered with exoskeletons.

   On the way to regain my sanity and control the loss of control.

  The ancient Doomsday gene, as if under the interference of independent reason and the Kryptonian code, began to evolve and transform towards the side he thought was good.

   This change is not extreme, so it is slow, but sufficiently controllable.

  He whose reality has been invaded looks more and more like Doomsday.

  And the current dream of the ancient ruin day, under the anti-invasion, began to look more and more like reality itself.

  Will there be a day when the Ancient Doom Day will be exactly like him in reality?

   And by that time, in reality, he will also control all the power of Doomsday?

  Ancient Destruction Day Yimeng didn't think too much, the red flame of destruction surging in his eyes became stronger, and the phantom and broken light of the yellow gemstone between his eyebrows became dimmer.

  It is already a miracle to spend a month in the dreamland of the DC universe by using the ancient destruction day to maintain sanity—

   And such a miracle, in addition to the projection influence of Marvel's dream avatar power, also has its own exploration results in the DC universe dream.

  Think here.

  Ancient Destroyer Day Yimeng stretched out her hand, and lifted the golden trident slanted on the beach.

  He took off on the spot, flew toward the high altitude of the Tibetan Sea in the center of the earth, broke through the sound barrier halfway, and then continued to dive down into the Tibetan Sea in the center of the earth.

  The sea surface broke open, and the water splashed tens of meters high. The supreme figure symbolizing destruction disappeared into the underwater vortex leading to the outside world.

  Atlanna trembled while holding the Kryptonian baby.

  The supreme being obviously went out to the outside world, but this time he went out and brought the Poseidon artifact as a weapon...

  Is there such a powerful existence on Earth?


  The outside world, DC Earth, inside a cave on an uninhabited deserted island.

  In the depths of the cave, a small bonfire was crackling. Beside the bonfire, an old man with white temples sat on a flat stone.

  The old man was wearing a tattered fisherman's sackcloth, his cheeks were thin and haggard and slightly sunken, his wrinkled eye sockets were also filled with black circles, and his eyes were cloudy and lifeless, reflecting the flames.

   It is estimated that even if Wonder Woman comes here again.

   I can’t recognize him either, this is one of the old Greek gods who have lived from the age of the gods to the present modern civilization, and their divine power and ability are still powerful, Poseidon, the sea god!

   After all, compared to a month ago, the old sea **** who showed his majesty, high spirits, and youthful appearance, now the old man has completely become a fisherman who has truly entered his old age.

  Even his bare feet trembled slightly as he stepped on the gravel in the cave.

   At this time.

  Outside the cave, there was a sound of a sonic boom in the air, as if something had reached the desert island from a distance and stopped.

   Sea God Poseidon's legs trembled even more.

   He is coming!

here we go again!

  Poseidon, the **** of the sea, had despair in his eyes. He no longer remembers how many times he was approached this month. Thanks to being one of the old gods, his self-healing and physical recovery are inhuman...

   No, this is the real torture!

  No matter where you flee, you will be found by the other party, and no matter how you resist and fight, you will end up on the verge of death.

  The other party seemed to be playing with himself as a weak prey.

  The sea **** Poseidon wants to be angry and growls to fight back. He also has the honor and dignity of being one of the top old gods.

  But after a month, facing that unbelievably powerful existence, all confidence and confidence were shattered and ravaged!


  At this moment, Poseidon is facing a crisis, and he doesn't even have the courage to stand up again and run away.

  Destroy, end...


  The mountain of the island where the cave was located trembled suddenly, and a metal streamer pierced through the mountain, and more than half of it sank into the gravel ground next to the campfire in the cave.

   Sea God Poseidon's cloudy pupils shrank. It was a golden trident.

   is his artifact, surpassing the supreme authority that has ruled the earth's oceans for thousands of years. Seeing this trident weapon reminds me of the demeanor of being the pinnacle **** of the earth back then!

   "You forced me!"

  Poseidon’s eyes burst into brilliance, and his aged and decayed body emerged with fighting spirit and divine power. He stood up, reached out and held the trident, and streaks of golden divine power surged out from the cave!

   "Come on, come on!"

  The sea **** Poseidon gritted his teeth, his legs shook unavoidably, and stepped out of the cave with tears in his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)