The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 102: meet

"Boom blah blah"!

The sound of the rails shaking became louder and louder, and Newt, who was standing here, seemed to feel that the ground was shaking.


The driver of the train stepped on the brake pedal, the piston of the gas cylinder was opened, and the high-pressure gas sprayed out turned the cam, and then opened the brake shoe.

The braked wheels were violently rubbing against the rails, and the two people standing beside the rails could even see the obvious sparks.

The military train finally stopped firmly beside the temporarily built platform.

It seems that diesel locomotives are indeed more suitable for the severe cold climate here than steam locomotives. If it is a steam locomotive, it is estimated that this train may lie down halfway.

East Asia has experienced a large-scale cold wave this winter. It is snowing all over the north of the Qinling-Huaihe River line, and the precipitation in various places is 2-3 times that of previous years.

Like Aigun and Suifenhe in northern Shenzhou, the snow here can no longer reach the knees of adults.

Newt Scamander couldn't help but sigh that it was a miracle that the train could be dispatched in this weather.

But just as his eyes moved to the front of the car, Newt noticed something.

There seem to be some complicated patterns under the black anti-rust paint on the front of the car. These patterns are all over the entire front of the car, and they seem to be some kind of alchemy matrix, but they were hidden by the anti-rust paint and were not discovered by everyone.

And after a night of melee yesterday, the officers and soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery division had not had time to clear the rails, and Newt saw a watermelon-sized stone laying on the rails. For a moment, he even suspected that the car was probably due to Hit the stone and overturn.

As a result, what shocked him happened. The train drove past without any hindrance, and the hard rock was directly crushed into pieces by the train.

Newt's expression as he looked at the train instantly became serious.

When he was still studying at Hogwarts, Dumbledore once told him to always be on the alert for alchemy items.

Because alchemy always follows the principle of equivalent exchange, but you don't know when you will hit the threshold of the transaction, and what price you will pay for it...

"Mr. Scamander, the General is on this train."

The major on the side reminded him.

"Oh well".

At this time, Newt had changed back to the suit he wore all the year round, but he had put on a coat outside because the weather here was too cold.

After nearly 100 meters of braking, the fully armed train finally stopped stably beside the platform.

Countless soldiers who had been waiting on the platform for a long time immediately opened the door and took down one huge green wooden box from above.

This army column contains their ammunition and food supplies. Due to the heavy snowfall two days ago, this supply line was briefly interrupted for a week, and the anti-aircraft artillery ammunition quickly consumed by the front line was used for the team's air defense mission. Created a lot of pressure.

But fortunately, today finally a fully loaded train brought them much-needed supplies, and they also brought along the fraternal troops for replenishment.

Under such severe cold conditions, non-combat attrition is very normal. Many soldiers of the antiaircraft artillery division unfortunately suffered from frostbite, and the condition of several wounded is so serious that they need to go back to Suifenhe for surgery. level.

The army will unload all the supplies later, and then transport the wounded back to Suifenhe.


The door of the compartment in front of Newt was slowly pushed open from the inside, and the cold wind mixed with goose feather-sized snowflakes immediately poured into the compartment.

However, the soldiers who filed out inside didn't seem to care about the temperature that was close to minus 30 degrees outside. They jumped out one by one, assembled in front of the train, and then began to count.

"Report! Seventh Company responded to 123 people, and actually reached 123 people, please instruct"!

A lieutenant who had just jumped out of the car shouted loudly


There were footsteps and a female voice in the dimly lit carriage.


The lieutenant trotted all the way back to the team and stood at the front.

Mr. Scamander glanced at these neatly arranged soldiers, and immediately found some clues.

These officers and soldiers are all wearing brand-new Type 81 automatic rifles, but there are very obvious golden patterns on the gun body, and the bayonet folded under the muzzle also seems to be made of Damascus steel, with layers of beautiful textures on it.

These firearms are alchemical weapons!

Newt opened his mouth in surprise.

You must know that the price of alchemical weapons is very expensive. Ordinary alchemical products are half as expensive as magic products. This is one of the reasons why alchemical items are rarely seen on the market in the magic world, because their cost is too high. Taller.

And alchemical weapons are something that is completely banned by the Ministry of Magic in various countries, especially in the UK, where the public sale of alchemical weapons ends up being thrown into Azkaban and sentenced to 10 years in prison, if it is a black magic alchemy product You can also get a Dementor's Kiss.

On the black market, an ordinary knife engraved with sharp runes needs about 150 gold Galleons. Although the price of the black market always has some water in it, it can also fully prove that the price of alchemy weapons is expensive. Not something ordinary people can afford.

And I heard that apart from Mr. Nicole May who made alchemy firearms, many other alchemists have tried to enchant firearms, but they all ended in failure.

That's because the gunpowder smoke generated when the firearm is fired will seriously affect the stability of the alchemy matrix. The sulfur-containing gas produced by the combustion of gunpowder will corrode those expensive metals, eventually causing the matrix to be destroyed and fail.

Moreover, the speed of the bullet ejecting from the chamber is as high as 1~2 kilometers per hour. If you want to enchant the bullet, you have to wait until the moment it is ejected. No matter what kind of alchemy matrix, there is no way to enchant the bullet in an instant.

With his solid basic skills and extensive knowledge, Mr. Nicole May has successfully produced an alchemy pistol, and the life of the pistol has been extended to about 400~500 rounds of bullets.

However, the rare alchemy materials consumed by this pistol are enough to buy the Malfoy family's manor, so after many attempts to improve it to no avail, Mr. Flamel gave up the development of the alchemy pistol and put his limited energy into it. to other projects.

But just today, Newt saw the 120 people in front of him holding an alchemy rifle!

Since the rifle is larger, it needs more materials, so the cost of an alchemy rifle should be about 1.5 times that of a pistol according to Mr. Flamel's calculations. .

According to Nicholas Flamel's quotation, the rifles in the hands of these people are enough to buy the British Gringotts Bank!

Shenzhou is very rich, but it is definitely not so rich that it does not treat money as money.

Then there is only one possibility left.

Shenzhou has mastered a certain alchemy technology, which can greatly reduce the cost of alchemy weapons, enabling it to be reduced to a small number of elite troops, or even to the extent that it is popularized in the entire army!

This is actually a very scary thing, but Newt, who has lived in the magical world for a long time, did not realize how big a storm these things can set off in the world. As for the alchemy rifle that can be matched with more than 100 people.

"Hello, Mr. Scamander."

A figure in a Chinese military uniform jumped off the train quickly, walked quickly to Scamander, and stretched out his hand towards him.

"Hello, Ms. Xu Lin."

Newt quickly grabbed the opponent's hand, squeezed it lightly, and released it.

"Shenzhou is very grateful for your help, Mr. Scamander, your professional knowledge has effectively reduced casualties for us. For this reason, China has decided to award you the International Friends Medal after you arrive in Peiping. This is what Shenzhou can give to foreign countries. The highest honor ever awarded by a man."

The person standing opposite Newt was wearing a 87-style Shenzhou Army uniform, but in this temperature of nearly minus 30 degrees, he seemed to be talking with Newt calmly as if he didn't feel cold at all.

This is a woman who looks to be in her 30s. She has red eyes like white snakes. Her white hair is tied into a ponytail, and it floats in the back of her head with the wind.

The epaulettes on her shoulders proved her identity.

A gold star!

"It looks like the battle last night was fierce."

Xu Lin looked down at a dragon scale with a trace of flesh and blood buried in the snow beneath her feet, then bent down and picked it up curiously.

"This is the dragon scale of an adult Siberian black dragon. You see, this scale has a pattern similar to Damascus steel. Its physical resistance and magic resistance will make it very troublesome for wizards to deal with them."

Speaking of his major, Scamander seemed excited.

"Really, although the dragon scale of the Siberian black dragon is not as hard as the Ukrainian iron belly, it is the most precious thing in the scale of the fire dragon, because this thing can brew several kinds of precious potions. The kind that can save one's life in an emergency, so the price of these scales on the British black market has reached the level of one Gallon or two, and Shenzhou has added a lot of extra income this time."

Newt said excitedly.

"Yes, yes, this is a fine tradition in China. After all, we have been doing this kind of thing since the 1950s - shooting them back with the cannonballs whose sugar coating has been gnawed clean."

Xu Lin stood there and said to Newt with a smile.

"Ah? Ms. Xu Lin, I don't think I understand what you mean"?

Newt scratched his head in confusion.

"Mr. Scamander, I want to ask you a question."

The smile on Xu Lin's face disappeared, replaced by an incomparably serious look.

"Have you ever thought about a question? Why are these fire dragons attacking the northern border of China like crazy? You know, even a man-eating Siberian black dragon would not choose to risk attacking a big city, and occasionally destroy a few Small towns are their limit."

"This year, the plains of Siberia are too cold. These dragons probably lost their food source for the winter, so they had to move south."

Newt thought for a moment, then replied with a frown.

"But Vladivostok, which is also around Siberia, doesn't have that kind of alchemy circle, and the Siberian ice black dragon is the most intelligent fire dragon species in the world. This kind of thing that has never dared to hit the border of China, why not Would you go around a few tens of kilometers to attack a city without taking any risks?"

Xu Lin then asked Newt.

This conversation made Newt frown, because he also knew that the black dragons in Siberia had very high IQs and were usually unable to do such things as attacking the Muggle defense lines.


"You mean, this is someone's conspiracy? Those fire dragons were driven to the northern border by humans"?

Newt came to this surprising conclusion after careful consideration.

He couldn't believe that there was such a possibility in the world, how could someone do such a vicious thing!

Once these cannibalistic fire dragons fly into Muggle cities, they will surely cause quite heavy casualties.

There will be hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of people who will die painfully because of this!

"May I ask Shenzhou to find out who is behind this incident?"

Newt resisted the anger in his and asked Xu Lin.

He also didn't want to let this scum go. Maybe it would be a good choice to feed his own crouching demon?

Those cute little guys haven't tasted fresh brains for a long time.

"I'm sorry Mr. Scamander, you have no right to know about this matter according to our confidentiality regulations, but I hereby assure you that those who dare to play tricks behind our backs will receive our sincerest greetings!"

Xu Lin clenched her fists fiercely.

Due to the sudden incident, the troops deployed by Shenzhou on the northern border were actually not very abundant, and the incident of the fire dragon invasion caught them by surprise.

The northern border was not suitable for deploying anti-aircraft artillery because of the rugged terrain, so the front had to be constantly pulled back.

Behind this position is the important town of Shenzhou, Aigun. If it fails, the city behind is likely to turn into a purgatory on earth, and Harbin further behind is the capital of Longjiang Province. Once there is any damage, the consequences will be It will become unimaginable!

The behind-the-scenes culprit this time has completely angered China. For this reason, Xu Lin even came to the front line herself, just to accompany the accompanying security personnel to investigate any clues here, so as to find out the inhuman culprit as soon as possible and shoot him. .

Of course, if it was handed over to the Mystic Arts Association, the murderer would be sentenced to the highest level of death penalty in China - Thunder Punishment!

The purple-red lightning that falls from the sky will completely burn his body and soul, leaving only a trace of consciousness, wandering in the world forever, not allowed to enter reincarnation, enjoying the reward of slowly going crazy in the boundless silence.

This is something this scum deserves.
