The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 124: Aftercare

"Chi Chi"...

The transparent disinfectant was evenly sprayed on the ground by the hydraulic nozzle, and the original shape was no longer visible, and even the hot coke made a chi chi sound.

It was the chemical defense unit under the garrison that was killing every corner of the factory.

In the factory, the armed police of the inner guard are carefully searching every corner to ensure that no fish slips through the net and can cause secondary damage.

In fact, this is unnecessary. After the body of hatred dies, the "parts" that fell from it lose their previous activity and turn into dry corpses one after another.

The soldiers packed all the disgusting dried meat (mostly the carcasses of pigs and chickens) into airtight body bags, and then loaded them away in uniform.

Shenzhou has several research institutes named after numbers in the uninhabited northwest. These hateful parts will be transported there by military trains for researchers to dissect and study.

After all the wreckage was loaded and transported away, the armed police fell into a strange silence as they looked at the meat pigs who were all over the factory and had been frozen for almost one night.

"Head, what should I do?"

An armed policeman in protective clothing stabbed his captain.

"The superior orders, catch the pig"...

The captain smiled wryly and looked at the fat pigs who were curled up and shivering on the ground, and gritted his teeth and said to his soldiers.


In a camp tent supported by the gate of the factory, Zhang Qizheng was lying tiredly on a camp bed, where he closed his eyes and rested.

Word Spirit Judgment is known to be the strongest word spirit that humans can use, but its enormous power is also accompanied by strong side effects.

Zhang Qi now seems to feel that all the bones in his body are scattered, and he doesn't even have the strength to lift his fingers. He can only lie on the camp bed, wrapped in a blanket, and recover his physical strength while keeping warm. .

Last night, Zhang Qi almost fainted after finishing Yan Ling's chanting. Shen Jianshou hurriedly picked him up, otherwise he would probably fall directly to the ground.

The consumption of this word spirit is so great that it was once considered a word spirit that only pure-blooded dragons can use. It can be seen that it is difficult to use and has a strong effect.

"Hello, Mr. Hilbert, how are you feeling?"

The major from yesterday opened the curtain and walked into the tent, and asked Zhang Qi with a tired face.

Zhang Qi noticed that the major's left arm had been plastered and bandaged, and hung with a bungee cord around his chest, swaying with his steps.

"I haven't fully recovered yet, but may I ask, were you injured yesterday?"

Zhang Qi said to the major.

"Indeed, we were attacked yesterday when we were moving forward to the meat factory. Fortunately, including me, I have only been injured three times, but all the materials on a truck were destroyed in the explosion, which can be regarded as a loss. Terrible." . . .

The major shook his head with a wry smile, took out his enamel jar and placed it on the table, then poured himself a cup of hot water from the dark green thermos beside him.

"Want some hot water, Mr. Zirol"?

"No thanks".

Zhang Qi politely rejected the major's offer and continued to ask:

"Then may I ask what attacked you?"

"Several low-level undead jumped out from the side of the road and rolled under our wheels, causing a truck to roll over. Unfortunately, I was on that truck."

There was a trace of embarrassment on the major's face.

"Then the truck exploded because it rolled over and leaked oil. Fortunately, the three of us ran faster and were not affected by the burning gasoline it sprayed everywhere. This can be regarded as a fortune in misfortune."

"You are very lucky. I think there will be blessings after the disaster. You may be able to live a little more comfortably in the future."

Zhang Qi comforted him from the side.


The major shook his head and replied somewhat dejectedly.

This time, his team was basically in a state of playing soy sauce all the way, and the government was not very satisfied with him.

But fortunately, nothing major happened.

"Remember what I said to you last night, Comrade Major"?

Zhang Qi propped himself up against the edge of the tent and sat up, then said to the major.

"I still remember that you said at the time that this was likely to have something to do with what happened in the northern border of China. Now that I think about it, it is indeed very possible."

The major's brows also furrowed.

"Don't you think it's all too coincidental? Fire dragons invaded the northern border of Shenzhou, and General Xu Lin, who is the most high-end combat force in the Jingyu area of ​​Shenzhou, was forced to go to the front line to work. These things happened"...

Zhang Qi said with a frown.

"Anyway, I also feel that these things are very wrong, but my position does not allow me to say more. The specific analysis and judgment work should be left to the researchers above. I believe they will analyze the truth."

The major thought for a while, sighed, and then said to Zhang Qi.

"General Xu Lin has come The train that General Xu Lin was on has temporarily changed its route. After a while, the special train will pass the train tracks specially used for conveying meat products in this factory, and then stop directly at the before us".

"General Xu Lin is back, so the matter in the northern border of Shenzhou should be considered resolved"?

Zhang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise and said to the major.

"I think it should be, after all, I don't think anyone in our department can beat General Xu Lin."

The major nodded in agreement.

General Xu Lin is not one of the most recognized as the president of the Shenzhou Xuanshu Association and the old monsters who have retreated in the deep mountains.

However, the wizarding system of Shenzhou is almost completely different from that of Europe. Europe is more inclined to output all mana, while Shenzhou is more like a magic knight in the era of lords - mainly using alchemy weapons, supplemented by magic.

So if the fight is real, maybe the wizards of Shenzhou will suffer a little when they are at a distance, but once the wizards of Shenzhou get close...

Basically, you can open a new account and start over, and by the way, you can accumulate a little more experience for the next life.

As a teacher surnamed Zhang said, Shenzhou's magic wands are either strange shapes or mass-produced models, and private customizations are extremely rare.

It's just that the custom-made Divine Wands are rare and powerful, and ordinary wizards can't afford such a price.

For example, the price of Shen Jian's root is conservatively estimated to be more than half the Malfoy family's manor.

If the processing fee is counted, it may be worth 2/3 of the manor, because those old monsters who sleep on the pill stove all day are basically not going to shoot, but the price is sky-high...
