The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 151: Accident

By the time Zhang Qi arrived at the noodle restaurant, it was completely dark, and every household on the street lit up lanterns, adding a lot of festive atmosphere to the sparsely populated streets at this time.

Of course, the lanterns are filled with light bulbs, and few people use fire to light red lanterns these days.

And now that the new year has passed, bright fireworks can be seen slowly blooming in the air from time to time over the area where firecrackers are allowed to be set off in the distance. The golden flames are burning freely in the sky, coating people who walk at night with a layer of gold. .

"This guy, what are you going to do?"

The noodle shop guy asked across the table.

"A bowl of noodles with fried sauce, add a fried egg".

Zhang Qi asked casually, then took out a 10 yuan note from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Okay, sit inside and wait a while, there is free hot tea on the table over there, you can drink some to warm up if you want."

The guy said to Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi nodded after hearing this, and then walked into the lobby.

It was meal time at this time, and the hall of the restaurant was almost full of people, most of them were citizens, but Zhang Qi saw a very prominent western face at a glance.


Zhang Qi shouted in English towards the innermost table.

Astoria, who was holding a noodle bowl and slurping noodles, raised her head in confusion, and Zhang Qi could see a lot of sweet noodle sauce on her cheeks.

The woman in a white down jacket sitting next to her smiled helplessly when she saw this, then took out a tissue from the tissue box on the dining table, and gently wiped Astoria's face.


Astoria looked towards the door of the restaurant, and saw Zhang Qi with a helpless face at a glance, then exclaimed, grabbed the tissue in Lady Bai's hand, and wiped her face vigorously .

"Let the two bother you, seniors."

Zhang Qi walked over generously and sat on the empty seat on the table.

"This child hasn't been out much since he was a child, right? I don't think he has much self-care ability"...

Bai Niangniang nodded her head as a greeting, and then asked.

"Indeed, her illness is dangerous to herself and others, so this child basically never walked out of the family castle before she became an adult."

Zhang Qi replied.

"But he is a very good boy, but his life is too hard."

The white lady sighed.

"This alchemy prosthetic eye is very beautiful, but it cost you a lot."

Zhang Qi took a look at Astoria, who was not wearing a blindfold now. There was a beautiful green eye in the socket of her left eye, which was almost exactly the same as her sister.

"It's nothing, it was given to me by that little doll surnamed Zou, and I didn't ask me to pay for it."

The White Lady shrugged her shoulders, and then continued:

"Alchemy is a very profound thing. If there is no deep foundation as a foundation, some accidents are likely to happen, so remember to think twice before operating."

"Don't worry, I never do things I'm not sure about."

Zhang Qi replied.

"By the way, your headmaster at Hogwarts is very capable. When you are free, learn a few more tricks from him. That little doll is still good."

The white lady continued:

"Transfiguration and potion science in Western Europe are much more developed than ours. For example, their Bone Spirit can heal bones with a light cough, while our Jinchuangsan can only heal wounds."

"But our offensive spells and alchemy are much more advanced than theirs. The mysterious masters in Western Europe give me the feeling that they are holding a small wooden stick and pointing at each other... By the way, do you have a magic wand? Bring it to me." have a look".

Zhang Qi pulled out his golden magic wand from his waist, and handed it to Bai Niangniang respectfully.

"It's very interesting. I guess it should be the work of a royal alchemist. The creative and magical circuits are very similar to ours... But this gauntlet almost represents the pinnacle of Western alchemy. You are very lucky."

Bai Niangniang looked at the magic wand in her hand, and nodded her head as a sign of admiration.

"Come on, young man, what you want is Jajiangmian with fried eggs"!

At this time, the waiter had already brought a bowl of steaming noodles to the table.


Zhang Qi quickly took the noodles and put them on the table.

"Let's eat first, I haven't eaten for a day, I'm probably hungry."

When Bai Niangniang saw that the noodles had been served on the table, she stopped talking.

Zhang Qi was not polite either. He picked up the chopsticks on the table and picked up the egg first, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Authentic stupid eggs, after one bite, the sugar inside flows out, and it tastes delicious.

Candied eggs are the soul of noodles, and no rebuttal is accepted.

Stir the sweet noodle sauce, cucumber shreds and potato shreds in the bowl with the noodles evenly. Zhang Qi picked up the noodles with a large chopstick and bit down hard.

"Comrade, please have another bowl, this child hasn't eaten all day, one bowl may not be enough."

Xiaoqing shook her head lightly, then waved her hand, and said to the waiter.

"Okay, wait a moment, and send it up immediately."

The guy answered immediately after hearing this, and then ran to the back kitchen.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten such authentic fried noodles”…

Zhang Qi swallowed all the noodles in his mouth, raised his head, and continued with some emotion:

"I want to ask, where do the two seniors want to celebrate the New Year this year?"

"This year Suzhou and Hangzhou invested in the reconstruction of the West Lake Leifeng We can't go back for the time being, we should stay in Beiping and spend the New Year with Xiaolin, don't you want to stay here too?"

Bai Niangniang said.

"General Huaqing invited me to Lushun, and I guess I will spend this year there."

Zhang Qi shook his head, then asked:

"Are you interested in going to Dalian? I'm going to make some dumplings stuffed with mackerel."

"Forget it, Xiaolin can't leave the imperial city even during the Chinese New Year because of her job. The two of us can stay here with her."

The white lady waved her hand, and continued:

"Anyway, after two years, Shen Jian will go to your place to participate in the competition, and maybe I will go too."

"Hey? Where did that little girl go?"

While the two were talking, Xiaoqing who was next to him suddenly asked.

"Should I go to the bathroom?"

Zhang Qi said.

"No, it's almost 10 minutes, why haven't you come back"?

Immediately, Bai Niangniang stood up and began to look to the side.

"Not in the house, let's go to the door and have a look."

Bai Niangniang said in a deep voice.

"Remember what I said this morning"...

"damn it"!

Bai Niangniang and Xiaoqing looked at each other at the same time, and then held the sword hilt at their waist.

"There's something out there, and I feel it too."

At this time, Shen Jian, who was in charge of looking at the bag all the time, also stood up, and half of the magic wand, which was as crystal clear as red crystal, was exposed from the cuff.

"I smell it too, it's the rotten smell of undead."

Zhang Qi's eyes narrowed sharply.