The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 195: hell invitation

"By the way, Headmaster Dumbledore, is it really okay to let the guardians of the school hurt the students?"

Zhang Qi lifted his feet from the armor with some helplessness, and the cracks in the armor under his feet were still shining with a blue light like a short-circuited wire.

"I have confidence in your skill, Mr. Hilbert."

Dumbledore was still sitting tall in the stands, drinking black tea leisurely.

"Then you really have confidence in me."

Zhang Qi held his forehead with one hand, and then twisted his body violently.


With a dull impact sound, a mace hit the ground fiercely, hitting a big hole in the soft sand.


Zhang Qi didn't even turn his head, and his backhand was an elbow.

The bone, which was harder than steel, hammered **** the neck of the armor, making a crisp rattling sound.

The state of the armor was like a puppet after a puppeteer had taken an old punch. It wobbled violently on the Quidditch pitch, and then the parts of its arms and legs fell to the ground.

"This is the third one, and it's still short of the last one."

Zhang Qi looked at the armor that had been turned into parts, and muttered to himself:

"Almost got it".


The enemy this time can be regarded as very difficult, full of medieval mithril knight armor, plus a large shield and spear.

The moment the armor rushed towards Zhang Qi, every part of its body glowed with divine light.

This armor is estimated to have a long history, and it is very likely that Salazar Slytherin picked it up from the corpse of a papal paladin.

Because even wizards back then only used some weapons and didn't take the time to forge magical armor.

Moreover, wizards at that time would not draw intricately carved religious patterns on armor.

However, one thing is undeniable, that is, the alchemy level of the Holy See far exceeds that of wizards.

At least, that's what Zhang Qi thought when he walked around to the back and wanted to break the armor's neck.

This pair of armor is obviously much stronger than the previous ones. Because Zhang Qi's face was blushing, and he failed to twist the iron rings.

That pair of armor also appeared to be much more flexible than the others. When Zhang Qi jumped behind it, he immediately stretched out his hand, wanting to take this opportunity to grab Zhang Qi's wrist.

But Zhang Qi at least had some kung fu in his body, he immediately let go of his hands when he saw the situation was not good, kicked his feet towards the back of the armor, and used the solid silver plate to bounce away.

"Huh! Things are getting a little difficult."

Zhang Qi muttered to himself looking at the solid figure with a dignified expression.

This tin can was designed to deal with the attacks of wizards' minions, such as giants and vampires.

These alchemical armors can focus energy to emit a beam-like thing that can cause serious damage to giants.

Mithril, as an armor material, is itself the best weapon against vampires.

The Holy See has an advantage in equipment, as well as in numbers, which is why the Holy See won the war with wizards.

In that era when existences like Dumbledore could only belong to the upper middle class, there were very few wizards who could break these tin cans.

Salazar Slytherin is one of them, otherwise this armor would not be a Hogwarts trophy.

"Everything has a weakness, and it's actually not that hard to think about Mr. Hilbert."

Dumbledore drank the last drop of tea in his cup, then took the teapot and filled his own cup.

"Yes, I know this truth, dear Headmaster Dumbledore, so I would like to tell you another sentence as well."

When Zhang Qi said this, the golden light in his eyes suddenly shot up.

Everyone present seemed to hear the crackling of someone's bones.

But this is not an illusion, but something that is really happening!


With a crisp sound, the spear swept by the armor was grabbed by Zhang Qi in his hand.

"Let me go, you"!

The golden light in Zhang Qi's eyes became more intense, and then he took a step back, exerting force on his waist and shoulders.

The armor could no longer hold the mithril spear, so it could only let it go out!

"Swipe, boom!"

With the sound of the wind and the piercing sound of armor piercing, everyone only saw Zhang Qi wielding the spear vigorously in the wind, and then poked forward fiercely!

The spear pierced through the front chest of the armor without the slightest resistance like piercing through a cardboard shell, and then pierced through the protection of the back chest, nailing the knight armor to the ground fiercely.

The armor was still struggling on the ground, but the spear had penetrated so deep into the ground that even if the armor shook vigorously, it still couldn't pull itself out of it at all.

"Maybe all things come to an end"?

Zhang Qi patted the dust off his hands gracefully, and the gold in his eyes slowly extinguished.


After being dazed for a moment, Dumbledore applauded lightly.

"Excellent test, Mr Hilbert, 10 points for Slytherin".

"Everyone hasn't had lunch yet, have you? Go to the cafeteria to eat first. I have to talk to this child about something."

Dumbledore turned his head and said to the four principals behind him.


Snape snorted, then turned away.

Although the other professors were also very puzzled, they didn't intend to ask more questions out of Dumbledore's face. After saying goodbye, they walked towards the auditorium of the castle.

"I knew you didn't call me here today just to watch how I beat these tin cans."

After all the professors had Zhang Qi took out a water bottle from his pocket for releasing the space extension spell, and then poured clean water in big gulps.

"I guess I'm hungry again, I still have some refreshments here."

Dumbledore smiled and used his wand to control a plate to fly to Zhang Qi's nose, which was full of various European refreshments.

"Oh, then I'm welcome."

Zhang Qi also consumed a lot just now, so he grabbed a piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

"The macarons are well made and taste good."

Zhang Qi felt the delicious tea, and then poured a few more sips of water into his mouth.

"I know your mother's attitude towards noble etiquette has always been scornful, but as your teacher, I still want to remind you, remember to maintain certain basic etiquette on some important occasions"...

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.

"Actually, there are still some personal things to keep you this time."

"So what's the matter?"

Zhang Qi had already eaten all the refreshments at this time, so he sat in his seat and asked.

"An old friend of mine is very interested in you and wants to meet you".

Dumbledore said a little embarrassed, and then took out a letter from his wide sleeve.

Zhang Qi took the letter gently.

"You have the right to refuse my invitation. After all, in some people's minds, this is an invitation from hell."

On the gold-plated invitation card was written this line in beautiful German cursive.

Seeing this, Zhang Qi squinted his eyes, and then looked at the place where the letter was signed with sharp eyes.
