The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 202: i teach him

"Dragonborn, I have never seen such a magical race, but according to the experiments we did when we were young, dragon blood does contain some kind of ancient power, and it should be left by a high-ranking god."

"But I still want to warn you Dumbledore, anything related to Godhead will become very troublesome, whether it is magic or race, I think there should be time to be busy in the years before you die."

Grindelwald frowned, as if thinking about something.

"You don't have to worry about this, Gal, I'll take care of it."

Dumbledore stood there and nodded.

"My recommendation to you is to kill him. In this case, this variable will not cause any trouble to your savior cultivation plan. Of course, the premise is that you do it thoroughly and don't let his mother see the clue."

"You know I can't do that, Gellert, when the headmaster of Hogwarts enters office, he swears to always protect his students, not to mention he's just a child."

Dumbledore shook his head very firmly.

"As for Harry, if possible, I also want him to have a really happy study life, instead of being forced to carry the burden of saving the world after his parents died."

"Who is not? But in this position, we have no choice."

Grindelwald's voice was very low:

"Do you think I want to kill people? Do you think I really want to disrupt the order that has been in operation for thousands of years and cause countless people to die in the war"?

"That's something only perverts and lunatics do. If possible, I'd also like to lie at home and bask in the sun. Instead of going around giving those speeches and being forced to kill the Aurors who attacked me team".

"I know, Gellert."

Dumbledore looked very melancholy.

"No one really wants to end a life, not even the life of a heinous person."

"That's why you didn't want to kill Voldemort"?

Grindelwald asked sarcastically.

"If possible, of course I would kill him with my own hands, but it's a pity that I just got some information - Voldemort can't be killed for the time being."

Dumbledore still said with such a melancholy expression:

"To make Horcruxes for their own immortality, there is no way back for those who go astray."

"Ah, it seems that you Hogwarts have a strong research on black magic. Although there is a special black magic research class in my alma mater, there is absolutely no one who dares to teach such disgusting things."

"If the books I flipped through in the library before were not wrong, it should be necessary to kill a person when making a Horcrux and slowly eat him in order"...

At this moment, Grindelwald looked like he was thinking hard, as if a diligent student was recalling the knowledge points in the class.

"Please say no more, Gellert."

Dumbledore interrupted Grindelwald's words with a livid face.

"Ah, this is just knowledge. There is never any forbidden knowledge, but only knowledge that should not be used."

"But I still think that forbidden knowledge can still be used."

Grindelwald's face was full of indifferent expressions.

"The only purpose of knowledge is application. If it can only be learned but not used, then teaching is completely meaningless."

"So I want to plan to teach this child."

"But why"?

Dumbledore asked suspiciously.

"Ah, I just want to teach."

Grindelwald thought for a while, then said softly:

"I am now a dying old man, and maybe I will be in a coffin soon. If the knowledge of justice or evil just stays in my mind, then after I die, these things should be completely lost."

"Instead of letting this precious knowledge rot in the coffin with me, it is better to give it to a child, so that these extremely precious things can be passed on."

"Don't teach him black magic, especially the Ring of Loyalty you used back then."

Dumbledore said lightly.

"I think you are overthinking it. Even if I wanted to teach him this magic, he would definitely not be able to learn it, because this magic is driven by blood."

"Only those with the Grindelwald surname can use this magic. It's a pity that this family is extinct. I am the last living person of the Grindelwald family."

"Actually, I don't know how my nephew's family died, but I heard that they are from the United States"?

The tone of Grindelwald's speech at this time seemed very flat, but the meaning inside was particularly obvious.

"I don't know, Gellert, but"...

"No, no, I think you must know that, but I'm just afraid that I won't be able to let go of that hatred and go out to seek revenge for Picquily's granddaughter."

Grindelwald sneered, then continued:

"I'm just an old man who is dying, what else can a person who is about to enter the coffin do?"

"I won't be like decades ago, but this child can inherit our heart of wanting to change the status quo, because the future will eventually fall into the hands of young people."

The two just stared at each other like this, the snow flakes swaying outside the window, because that's how the snow-capped mountains in Austria are.


"One, the scientific and technological strength is completely inconsistent with the previous life, and it is speculated that the horizontal line has jumped for at least 5 years."

"Second, the strategic awareness is relatively advanced, and it is speculated that the horizontal line has jumped for at least 10 years."

" The economic ability is slightly stronger than that of the previous life, and it seems that some advanced management experience that may come from the later life is used."

Zhang Qi sat in his bedroom and wrote a few lines on the paper with a feather pen.

In that secret conversation, Mr. Lin told him that there was another transmigrator, so Zhang Qi kept some minds in his future schedule.

After a business negotiation, when Zhang Qi and Xu Lin were chatting, Zhang Qi once said that Shenzhou's 64-type is too difficult to use, and if possible, it should be replaced with a new pistol.

But Xu Lin didn't seem to pay much attention to this matter, she just said that she had been tormented by the too low power of the 64-style, and then nodded in agreement.

Now it seems that China has already started such projects.

But if Zhang Qi remembers correctly, the official launch of the Type 95 gun family should have been in 1997.

The matching 92-type pistol should be two models of 9mm and 5.8mm in 1998 and 2000 respectively.

And when talking about business issues, Zhang Qi accidentally found that the required aero-engine parameters were much higher than he expected, which is not a reasonable thing.

It seems that this world seems to have some deviations from history. At least the technology level of Shenzhou is probably five years advanced than that of the previous life, and it should have taken a lot of detours.

"Forget it, I don't care, this kind of thing should be left to think about after the mess in front of you is over."

With some headache, Zhang Qi rolled the parchment into a ball and threw it into the burning fireplace in the bedroom.

The paper caught fire in the fireplace, then quickly burned away, leaving only a cloud of ashes.
