The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 228: Another potions lesson

【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"Morning, it looks like your sister still woke you up, or else Professor Snape might have a bad expression when we have Potions class later."

In the Hogwarts auditorium the next morning, Zhang Qi smiled and poked the sausage on his plate with a fork.

"Waking up in the morning is really uncomfortable"...

Astoria opened his still somewhat scattered eyes, and inserted a sausage with the fork in his hand in a daze.

"What's the first lesson?"

Astoria asked in a vague voice while eating.

"Professor Snape's Potions class, so I strongly suggest that you finish eating quickly, and then go to the front row to take a good seat."

Zhang Qi had finished his breakfast quickly at this time, then grabbed the napkin and wiped his mouth.

"I'll reserve a seat for you first, hurry up on your side too."


Astoria let out a breath, then shook his head vigorously.

The girl probably didn't sleep well last night.

Walking in the corridors of Hogwarts where the crowds were not dense at this time, Zhang Qi followed a familiar route and walked towards the Potions classroom on the basement floor.

With Snape's character, the first class of the new semester must give the students a bad impression, so there is a high probability that this class will be tested on what they have learned in the previous semester.

It is better to wait in the classroom in advance.

After all, he didn't learn much in the first grade. Just look at the tools prepared in advance on the test bench, and he can almost guess what to test.

With this in mind, Zhang Qi pushed open the door of the Potions classroom.

Various specimens were displayed in the empty classroom. Most of the organs of these magical animals were soaked in glass jars filled with potions, which looked extraordinarily weird under the green light.

"As expected, I was the first to arrive again."

Zhang Qi threw the heavy Potions book in his arms on the table in the first row, and then thoughtfully put the wand next to that seat to occupy a seat for Astoria.

"Scale, silver knife, mortar? It's white fresh essence again"?

Zhang Qi looked at the tools that had been placed on the table in advance, shook his head helplessly, then took out two goggles from his pocket and put them on the table.

Fresh white fresh juice is as volatile and irritating as onions. If you don’t wear protective glasses, you’ll be waiting for pear blossoms that cry all day with rain.

After simply adjusting the balance on the table, Zhang Qi unexpectedly found that the balance did not seem to have been calibrated. If it is operated normally, the level of the pot of medicine will be scrapped.

"Huh? This balance seems to be broken too"?

Zhang Qi picked up the balance on the table next door and simply measured it with weights. He was surprised to find that there was no standard for this balance.

"Damn it, Snape, an old bat, definitely did it on purpose, but why is he so ruthless with his academy?"

Zhang Qi already understood in his heart that this was a test, so he didn't care too much. Put the balance on the next table back again.

"When I boil the potion in class later, I guess some of them will read it."

Zhang Qi thought very helplessly.

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

Since the first class was Potions class, and the reputation of the old bat had spread throughout the school, the students unexpectedly came very early, and no one even dared to get stuck in the classroom.

At eight o'clock, the bell for class rang on time. Snape took his flowing black robes and pushed open the heavy door in the basement, then hurriedly walked up to the podium, leaving everyone with an elegant back .

"Roll call".

Snape said coldly, and then opened the roster in his hand.


"Very well, it seems that you all learned how to teach in the first grade."

After checking that no one was skipping class, Snape nodded and tapped the blackboard with his wand.

"This class is an exam class. Follow the method I taught you last semester to make a potion that is qualified. The results of this exam will enter the final grade."

After speaking, Snape waved his wand, and a pile of unprocessed raw materials was piled on the table.

"Start brewing now. The whole morning is my class. You have enough time to finish this pot of potion."

"What are you still doing now? If you fail to finish the course before the end of the course, this exam will be recorded as zero."

Snape suddenly raised his voice and shouted to all the students present.

After hearing this, everyone shivered in unison, and then began to work in groups of two, lowering their heads and carefully brewing these potions.

"Let me tell you a little secret, these balances were deliberately adjusted to an inaccurate state by Professor Snape, just to see who can remember to adjust the balance before the experiment."

Zhang Qi put the goggles on his face, and then whispered to Astoria while grinding the fresh white meat.

"Ah? Godfather's move is really too bad, why did he do this?"

Astoria asked in a low voice, very puzzled.

"Actually, I just want to remind the students in this way, remember to check the equipment before boiling the potion in the future, I guess they will not forget to call for the rest of their lives after the potion is The balance is over."

Zhang Qi said very sympathetically, and then poured the ground white fresh paste into the crucible.

"Then add knotweed, carrots, and peacock feathers in turn, and simmer for about 40 minutes on low heat... Remember to close the lid before the potion is completely cooled, but in fact, because we are wearing goggles, you can't do it. It doesn't matter if you put the lid on the pot."

After Zhang Qi threw everything in, he looked up at his poor classmates.

These children are all full of snot and tears, not to mention how miserable it is.

Even if Zhang Qi was watching from the side, he felt uncomfortable for them.

"Remember to cover the pot".

Snape, who covered his head with a bubble, happened to pass by the table of the two of them. After seeing the beautiful fluorescent yellow color of the potion, he nodded in satisfaction, and then reminded him.

"Yes, Professor."

Astoria quickly put the lid on the pot, and when Snape turned around, he stuck out his tongue at Zhang Qi to express his gratitude.

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

However, Astoria immediately coughed out from the choking smell in the air. Fortunately, he covered the pot in advance, otherwise the potion might have to be scrapped again.

"It's best not to open your mouth when cutting onions. This is common sense in life."

Zhang Qi helplessly covered the heads of both of them with bubbles, so as to completely isolate the pungent smell.