The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 266: Small error in time transfer

Time passed quickly, and the four founders quickly finished dealing with the affairs in the castle, and then began to nervously defend the next wave of attacks from the church.

But after about a month or so, a piece of news that a few people couldn't believe came from afar.

There was a mutiny in the Vatican. Otto Apocalis, the uncle of the current Pope Marcel Apocalis, led an army into the imperial city, sent his nephew to the gallows, and announced his successor as the next Pope.

It seems that this uncle seems to have a deep hatred for his nephew.

The Holy See is currently scarce in manpower, and is no longer able to fight the wizard to the death, so the two sides decisively chose to negotiate peace.

The war ended just like that, after countless people sacrificed their lives for that distorted belief.

After a few days of studying with these founders, Ms. Ravenclaw has fully understood how to use the time converter.

It's finally time to go back.

"Thank you very much for your help, you have saved countless lives."

When the two stood on the teleportation platform, Slytherin handed over a book.

"This is what I have learned all my life. Judging from Mr. Dumbledore's spellcasting state, it seems that black magic has been completely lost in your time, so I will give this book to this child."

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Slytherin."

Zhang Qi touched the book made of human skin unnaturally, but the expression on his face was as natural as usual.

"Give me the book when you go back. That kind of thing can only be studied when you are an adult."

Dumbledore nudged Zhang Qi behind him.

"Actually, there is no knowledge that should be banned in the world, some knowledge just shouldn't be used."

Slytherin let out a rare laugh.

"Life is always difficult, but just get through it."

Ms. Ravenclaw also said.

"Goodbye, boy, if I can live a thousand years from now, I will definitely ask you for a drink"!

Gryffindor waved his hand very boldly.

"I buried two boxes of wine for you on the hillside over there. In order to make it easier to identify, I planted a seedling of a willow tree on it. You will definitely find them easily in the future."

Hufflepuff also waved friendly goodbye.

"Then two, I have successfully anchored your time and space, but I still want to remind that this spell is not particularly stable, and you are likely to stop in the mid-level time and space for a period of time before you can reach the correct destination. ".

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can go back normally."

Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Goodbye then, I wish you all to make this school the greatest wizarding school in Europe"!

Zhang Qi waved to the four founders, and with the strong light rising from the magic circle, the two figures slowly disappeared.

"How about Rowena, did the two of them reach their destination safely?"

Gryffindor asked with a bit of disappointment on his face.

"Sorry, there seems to be a little accident. Only one person returned to Hogwarts a thousand years later, and the other person seemed to be about fifty years earlier"...

"Arrived at Hogwarts fifty years early? He should be able to be sent back in the end, right?"

Gryffindor asked eagerly.

"I will be able to return to the real destination in the end, but"...

Ravenclaw frowned as he looked at the circle in front of him.

"But there seems to be a big deviation in the location, and the deviation value has almost reached five, which means that one person is likely to be teleported to half a world away"...

"I can only wish them good luck"...

Slytherin said with a shrug.


"Ah, my head hurts."

With a flash of white light, Dumbledore opened his eyes and he was back in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.

There are piles of debris all around him, and it looks exactly the same as when he left. He should have returned to the correct time and space.

"Ah, an amazing journey, isn't it?"

Gu Dumbledore sighed with some magic, but no one spoke behind him.

"Mr. Zirol"?

Dumbledore looked back strangely.

There was no one behind him.

"Damn it, something unexpected happened."

Dumbledore stomped his foot anxiously, but he still couldn't do anything about the current situation.


"Where am I?"

There was a hard touch under his feet, Zhang Qi shook his head and found that he seemed to be in an alley.

"What is this place"?

The buildings next to it are all traditional Western-style buildings, with large white roofs and granite walls, just like some of the old towns in London.

But, why is the breath here so familiar?

Zhang Qi put his hand into his pocket with some doubts, and held the Type 54 pistol with bullets.

"This young master, do you want to charter a car?"

The moment Zhang Qi walked out of the alley, a middle-aged man who was squatting next to him immediately stood up, and asked in Shanghainese with expectation on his face.

Zhang Qi was stunned for a moment, then instinctively shook his hand, expressing his rejection.

"Sorry, sir, do you live here? If you charter a car in the future, you can come to me at any time to give a little business."

The middle-aged man scratched his head in disappointment, then bent towards Zhang Qi.

"What's the name of the man?"

Zhang Qi thought this place seemed a little weird. He took out a box of unopened cigarettes from his pocket, opened it and handed one to the middle-aged man.

"Yo! Harmen's cigarettes are not as good as this!"

The middle-aged man took the cigarette with bright eyes, then put it in his mouth and set it on fire.

"Country people don't have any names, just call me Huzi."

"Ah, then please ask, where is this?"

Zhang Qi asked in a casual manner.

"Ah, this is Suzhou River. Your first time here, sir"?

The middle-aged man nodded and asked.

"It's not the first but I haven't been here."

Zhang Qi trembled inwardly, but on the surface he remained calm.

"Is business not doing well recently?"

There was a slight explosion in the distance. After hearing the sound, the corners of Zhang Qi's eyes twitched.

That was the sound of artillery firing!

"Yeah, those dwarf melons don't know what kind of wind they are blowing, and they're always shooting cannons recently."

Hu Zi sighed, then pointed to a huge dirty building across the river.

"Master, are you not a local? Did you just come here?"

"My mother is French. I met my father in China. I lived in France for a long time."

Zhang Qi nodded and said inductive words with real information.

"No wonder, do you see the building over there? It's the Sixing warehouse. The dwarf melons have been trying to knock it down, but the warehouse wall is hard enough for them to bite down."

The middle-aged man laughed at himself, and then continued:

"I took a religious gentleman yesterday, and he told me that this side of the river is heaven, and the other side of the river is hell"!



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