The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 306: Ministry of Magic search

Remember for a second【】

"Ah, I also think it's very beautiful, but this suit obviously can't be worn on the Hogwarts Express, so Miss Greengrass will probably have to put on her old clothes very hard later."

Zhang Qi glanced at Astoria with little interest, then frowned as if thinking about something.

"Astoria, take out all the contraband in the box, the Ministry of Magic will probably have to search the car later."

Zhang Qi first picked up his box, took out the "Forbidden Alchemy" and the "Summary of Black Magic" written by Slytherin on the table, and then took out the White clown mask.

Astoria also hurriedly rummaged through her small suitcase, and put the purple alchemy costume and beak mask on the table.

"Wow, great design, who gave it to you"?

Hekmedia picked up the beak mask and observed it carefully, then exclaimed.

"Ms Ravenclaw".

Zhang Qi replied, then took off three or four pistols from the windbreaker and his belt, and threw them on the table together with two mk grenades.

"Alchemy firearms? Made them yourself? Also, don't always carry so many explosives on your body in the future."

Hekmedia said a little helplessly.

"If there were no explosives, I would have probably died in the basement last time."

Zhang Qi rolled his eyes, then threw the Glorious Hand he bought from Knockturn Alley on the table.

After Astoria reluctantly put her pistol on the table, the two finally confirmed that there was no more contraband on them.

"Ah, I'll keep these things for the time being, and I'll take them back when you ask for leave next time."

Hekmedia was very careful to pack up all those dangerous items.

"Ah, looks like we're almost there".

A few people looked out the window, and the quaint Tower Bridge appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

The plane descended rapidly, the roar of the huge engine resounded through the sky and the ground, and the tires on the landing gear hit the ground heavily, but the fuselage did not appear bumpy.

The plane slowly stopped at the end of the runway, and several people who had already packed their luggage immediately stood up and walked towards the string ladder.


The King's Cross platform is still as crowded as ever, but it seems to be a lot better than when school started on September 1.

Muggles attribute it to some boarding schools, and they are.

"Good morning Harry, where did you spend your Christmas"?

The little girl with brown hair asked very fast.

"Don't mention it, at my aunt's house, this is not a good memory, but the two of them seem to have a good attitude towards me, and they even packed a room for me to live in, which makes me feel a little bit better. eccentric".

Harry yawned, apparently not sleeping well last night.

"You must have stayed up late again. Staying up late will have an irreversible impact on the human brain and internal organs. If you don't want to sit in a wheelchair when you are old, you should go to bed on time!"

Hermione frowned at the two large dark circles on Harry's face. …

"I had a nightmare last night, so I didn't sleep well".

Harry said wearily.

"Dreams are feedback from reality. I've read the Dream Interpretation Guide. What did you dream about?"

Hermione asked with concern.

"Some very miscellaneous things, that dream is very weird."

When Harry said this, his face also became strange.

"I seemed to be attached to someone in my dream, and he kept yelling there, saying that as a noble pure blood nobleman, saying that he would eat what was in the sewers was the greatest insult to him, and he would definitely Kill those who spread his rumors or something."

"Ah, it's likely that you've been thinking about feeding Malfoy something from the sewers, so it's natural to think about it in your dreams."

When Hermione heard the content of Harry's dream, she also thought the dream was very strange, but it made sense according to this interpretation.

"Maybe, but I actually don't hate Malfoy as much now as I used to."

Harry rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Why? He insulted your family!"

Hermione asked curiously.

"Hilbert told me, he said Malfoy was just a spoiled child, he could get back to normal with just a bit of social beating, and he would help society beat Malfoy at the right time." .

Harry yawned.

"Ah, my dear little Harry, why have you become so listless"?

At this moment, Zhang Qi silently appeared behind Harry, and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Oh! Hilbert"!

Harry quickly stood up and helped Zhang Qi to stuff the box under the seat.

"How about a bottle of Coke? You seem sleepy to me."

Zhang Qi took out a few glass bottles of Coke from the box before stuffing it under the seat again, and then lightly tapped the bottle caps with his wand, and the bottle caps were lifted automatically.


Harry picked up a bottle and took two sips, feeling refreshed.

^0^ One second to remember【】


"Where's Miss Granger?"

"Carbonated drinks are bad for my teeth, my parents strictly forbid me to drink them"!

Hermione said with a wave of her hand.

"Oh, that's a pity".

Zhang Qi shrugged his shoulders, and then picked up a bottle himself.

"Oh, a Muggle drink? Would you mind giving me a bottle"?

Just when Sister Greengrass was already seated and a few people were chatting there, a kind old voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Professor Dumbledore"!

Hermione and Harry stood up in a panic, with joy and doubt in their voices.

Dumbledore usually only stays in the headmaster's room at Hogwarts, why did he appear in the carriage this time?

"Good morning, Mr. Dumbledore, of course you can drink whatever you want, but I still want to remind you that eating too much sweet is bad for your teeth".

Zhang Qi raised his hand and said hello with a smile.

"As for the maintenance of teeth, Madam Pomfrey's tooth potion is still very Dumbledore smiled, picked up a glass bottle, and took a sip.

"Ah, I haven't had this in decades, the last time I drank it was in North America."

"Well, Professor Dumbledore, why are you in the carriage at this time?"

Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Ah, something happened in Knockturn Alley the other day, and the Ministry of Magic was very hypersensitive about it. They insisted that there might be a suspect on the train, so for our safety, the Aurors will come over and do a simple inspection. ".

Dumbledore winked at Zhang Qi, and Zhang Qi also made a gesture that everything was normal.

Dumbledore nodded reassuringly, and then continued:

"Well, the Aurors at the Ministry of Magic haven't had a good rest lately. Don't be too surprised if you don't have a good attitude later on"...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^