The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 311: Voldemort: You don't talk about Wude!

【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"Ah, thank you for the drink, Mr. Zirol, but I think this time should belong to you and your classmates."

Dumbledore picked up the glass bottle and showed a very comfortable expression after taking a sip.

"Well, though, I seem to have found one of the man's parts, from an informant in Knockturn Alley, which is the map."

Zhang Qi coughed, took out a roll of paper from his arms and handed it over. It was a map of the small island printed by the British Ocean Surveying Bureau.

"In a cave on the island, I think you should be able to find there."

"Well, I have to say, child, you do have the ability to make my eyes shine."

Dumbledore. Frowning, he took the paper and put it in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zirol, I may need you to sleep less tonight."

"Ah, can you leave me alone?"

Zhang Qi helplessly covered his face.

"Sorry, Mr. Zirol, there must be at least two people for this kind of thing. I'm afraid that if I accidentally fall into some trap, it may cause very serious consequences."

Dumbledore said very apologetically.

"But, Principal Dumbledore, you are the greatest wizard in the world, how could anyone hurt you?"

Daphne asked very puzzled.

"There is an old saying in China called drowning in water, which means that those who drown in the water are usually people who can swim, because accidents always happen when you don't expect them, so they are called accidents." .

Zhang Qi sighed.

"But, Headmaster Dumbledore, all my weapons have been taken away by my mother, so I can escape today's search"...

"Ah, about this point, I will prepare a handy weapon for you, but you can't use it until after the dinner party. After all, the Sorting Hat likes to watch the students eat."

Dumbledore blinked, then walked out the door.

"Then, see you tonight, Mr. Zirol. Tomorrow afternoon, the first session will be Professor Snape's small potion test. I think he will give you full marks even if you don't go."

"I have no doubts about that."

Zhang Qi smiled and spread his hands, Dumbledore and him looked at each other, and then laughed too.

After a big fight (the Auror was unilaterally beaten), the carriage was filled with joy.

At this time, the children can still have fun and enjoy the childhood full of pure-blood intrigue, but this period of time is still stable.

The intrigue among the nobles will not be obvious, and the world will usher in the greatest despair a few years later.


There is also a dinner after the Christmas break, but it is not as formal as when the school started, but everyone still has a good time.

"Well, why don't you eat?"

Astoria put down the fork in his hand and looked at Zhang Qi who was already wiping his mouth.

"When I work as a laborer at night, I may have to pack some supper later."

Zhang Qi took out a clean piece of oil paper from his arms, and wrapped two steaks and a chicken leg in it.

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"How about I want to go with you"?

Astoria pondered for a moment, then asked suddenly.

"However, the dark aria is in the hands of my mother"...

Zhang Qi shrugged.

"But Mr. Abraham is eating on it now, and his crutch is in his hand."

Astoria suddenly stood up at this moment and walked towards the faculty seat.

"Mr. Abraham, can you lend me your sword in the stick for another day"?

Astoria asked the old man very politely.

"What's the matter? Which Slytherin idiot boy made you angry? It's better to leave this kind of matter to Mr. Ziroel to help you solve it. Boys are generally willing to stand up for the girl they like."

Old Man Gu pondered for a moment and said.

"Ah, Mr. Abraham, you misunderstood. I may have to deal with a group of monsters similar to the monsters I encountered before, so I plan to let you borrow this sword for self-defense."

Astoria quickly explained.

"Miss Greengrass, don't you mean"...

Dumbledore, who had just finished his meal at the top, came down from the rostrum at this moment, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, Grandpa Dumbledore, I also want to take a look, so I plan to ask Mr. Abraham to borrow something for self-defense."

Astoria said very politely.

"Well, I don't think Mr. Hilbert would agree."

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched and said.

"He said that you can agree, and I don't want to embarrass him too much."

Astoria tilted her head and showed her trademark smile.


The two old men looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Astoria is usually a very cute and cute girl, but when she really determined her direction, no one could stop her from making up her mind.

"Well, Miss Greengrass, please eat more, we may be very busy".

Dumbledore stroked his beard and said helplessly.

"Okay, Grandpa Dumbledore."

Astoria nodded, then turned around and returned to his seat, and started eating again with big mouthfuls.


After dinner, everyone lined up again and returned to their dormitories, but Astoria and Zhang Qi stayed in the Well, children, it seems that you have already made preparations in advance ".

Dumbledore looked at the two who had been waiting there for a while, and nodded.

"Mr Hilbert, your weapon".

Dumbledore handed a hat to Zhang Qi very solemnly.

"Ah, I have an impression of this freshman...Ahhh! Don't mess around with my hands"!

Just as the Sorting Hat was about to put it on, it felt a hand reaching into itself, groping around for something.

"Ah, caught"!

Zhang Qi finally grasped something cold and hard, he grabbed the hilt of the sword, and then pulled it out.

A gorgeous Scottish broadsword appeared in front of everyone. The tsuba and the hilt were decorated with gorgeous rubies, and the sword body was decorated with very complicated and beautiful folded steel patterns.

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"Well, since the two of you are ready, let's get ready to go now."

Dumbledore smiled and summoned the phoenix, intending to reach the destination directly.

"Wait, Mr. Dumbledore, I think we should go to another place before going to that island."

Zhang Qi suddenly raised his hand to block Dumbledore's movement.

"Oh? Mr. Zirol, where do you want to go"?

Dumbledore asked a little strangely.

"The Boris Sausage Factory in the UK, where pig blood sausages are produced day and night, we may need to get a little bit of raw material for sausage production from there."

Zhang Qi said with a smile.