The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 35: Transfiguration

Most of the students didn't eat that much for lunch, and relatively speaking, they had to leave the table earlier, so Zhang Qi thought that he should be able to eat a full meal less noticeable at noon.

But it turns out he was wrong.

Zhang Qi, who had just walked into the auditorium, immediately found that he had become the focus of everyone in the school. No matter where he went, there would be people staring at you with admiration or curiosity in his eyes. With malicious eyes, he will deliberately avoid the past when he looks back.

Zhang Qi reflected for a while, he had shown too much limelight this day, and he had already attracted the attention of the students in the school and Lao Deng. However, he successfully used the hedgehog-like shell to dispel Dumbledore's suspicions, at least he should not ask others to find out who his grandfather was.

As for what happened last night and this morning, what the other three colleges saw was that there was a lunatic who dared to challenge the pure-blood order in Slytherin, and the students of Slytherin who were the most politically sensitive would perceive the difference. s things.

The newcomers are using violence and means to establish their own order, and Slytherin, things will change soon...  

Although it is very likely that it will be more difficult for him to go to the forbidden area of ​​the library to steal books in the future, but at least his personal safety should be guaranteed.

The lunch was very rich, but Zhang Qi only ate half full because of his face.

If you want to eat very full, it will be too conspicuous, because Zhang Qi's food intake is similar to Hagrid's.

At this moment, a brown owl broke through the castle window, flew to Slytherin's long table in full view, and threw a letter beside Zhang Qi's fork.

Zhang Qi glanced at the envelope and saw the words "French Air Force Supply Purchase" on it.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely the envelope that Hekmedia and the French Air Force took with them when they traded chocolate.

But count the time, the last batch of cocoa purchased from Tanzania should have been fermented, and this time it is estimated that they can make a lot of money from the big dog owners of the French Air Force.

Opening the envelope, Zhang Qi began to read the letter carefully.

Then his complexion began to look worse with the naked eye, and then he stared at the two people from the Greengrass family not far away with a complex but helpless look.

"What is the first class in the afternoon?" Arito, who was trying to swallow a piece of bread and choked a little, asked.

"The first-year freshman should be Transfiguration." His sister Daphne patted him on the back, and then handed him another glass of orange juice.

"Thank you"...Alito finally swallowed the bread choked in his throat with a painful expression.

"Astoria! Be a lady when you eat"! Daphne hated that iron was not steel, and slapped her sister's waist with her index finger, and said in a low voice.

"Yes, but I'm a boy now." Arito's eyes widened, looking at his sister innocently.

"You"... Daphne glanced bitterly at Zhang Qi who was eating Hesai not far away, and then gave up struggling.

I can't help my sister, let her go...

But tonight is my sister's birthday, so I need to prepare in a while.


The Transfiguration Classroom is located on the 4th floor of the main castle building. Unlike the gloomy Potions Classroom downstairs, the lighting and ventilation here are very good.

This class was attended by Slytherin and Ravenclaw students, so the atmosphere was still relatively lively.

Of course, if Slytherin and Gryffindor students are in class together, the atmosphere will be more lively.

That's why the first-year freshman schedule has Slytherin and Ravenclaw students taking classes together, which was a hard lesson from last year.

Zhang Qi walked into the classroom unhurriedly 10 minutes before class and found a seat in the first row.

Then boredly stared at the tabby cat sitting upright on the podium.

"What a cute kitty." Alito also came in at this time and sat down on Zhang Qi's right hand.

"Would you like to touch?" Arito moved Zhang Qi as usual.

"Why don't you touch"? Zhang Qi asked back with a smile.

"I played with this cat a lot when I was young." Arito said confidently, "But you must have never touched it, so why don't you try it?"

try and die...

Zhang Qi remembered that when he was reading online articles in his previous life, a teacher named Zhang Xu used dried fish, cat-friendly sticks and catnip for the cat. But he didn't know what happened after that.

Anyway, the tomb grass grows quite tall.

"Clang clang"~

The ancient wall clock struck three times, and the tabby cat on the podium suddenly jumped off the stage, twisting and deforming in the process, and by the time it landed, it had turned into a serious middle-aged lady.

"Very keen observation, Mr. Zirol. But I heard that Severus has given you a lot of points this morning, so this time I will not add any points."

"Before the class begins, I want to remind you. Transfiguration is arguably one of the most complex and dangerous spells you will learn at Hogwarts, so during the class, I ask you to pay attention and pay attention. Take notes. If anyone dares to be naughty in my class, get me out of the classroom immediately and never come in again.”

As if to enhance the atmosphere, Professor McGonagall waved the wand in his hand vigorously. The podium in front of her immediately transformed into a mighty lion and let out a huge roar at the students below.

The first-year freshmen, who were still whispering a little, immediately In addition to fear, there was also a trace of hope on their faces.

Zhang Qi, who was sitting in the first row, was not affected in any way because of his good habit of wearing shields, so he could clearly see the entire deformation process.

Accurate, fast, and error-free casting, a podium made of wooden planks became a conscious creature. In addition to highlighting the mystery of magic, it also showed Professor McGonagall's superb technique and solid skill in Transfiguration!

Zhang Qi recalled what Lockhart once said.

Professor McGonagall is good at using polymorphism and fire to attack. When fighting her, every grain of dust around you may be a spark hidden by polymorphism. They can burst open at any time, leaving you feeling the pain of burning yourself.

But now there is something more important. Because Zhang Qi didn't feel the pain of burning his body, but the feeling of fingernails grabbing into the flesh was just as painful!

"Mr. Greengrass, could you please let me go? Your fingernails are completely digging into my arm"!

The corners of Zhang Qi's mouth twitched, trying to give Arito a more peaceful smile.

"Mr Greenglass"?

"Oh, hug, sorry"...Alito, who was so frightened just now, hurriedly let go of Zhang Qi's arm. When Zhang Qi, who was grinning, looked down and checked his arm, the above had already appeared. There were four deep nail marks and blood spots appeared under the skin.

"I think it's time for you to cut your nails, Mr. Greenglass."

Zhang Qi said helplessly, grinning straight at the **** Daozi on his arm.

"Hug, sorry. I really didn't mean to"...
