The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 502: Explosive infection

【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"Bang Dang, bang Dang"!

In the St. Louis Hospital, in the isolation ward that had just been divided, there was the sound of something struggling violently on the bed.

"Damn it, it's time for medication again... Nurse! Continue to add tranquilizers"!

A doctor with a tired face who was sitting on a bench in the corridor drinking glucose water sighed, and then waved to the front desk.


The nurses also looked tired. Several nurses who were also tired quickly prepared the medicine, and then walked into the isolation ward.

Following a flurry of hands and feet, the struggling voice inside soon calmed down again.

"Damn it's getting worse now".

The doctor sighed, then tapped the record button on his laptop.

"It is now the sixth day that the riots have spread. The violence that has spread across the city has further led to the spread of pathogens. Since most of the patients are aggressive, we have to renovate and use isolation wards, and use restraint belts to control patients" .

"The hospital's daily supplies have not been delivered for a day, and some marines responsible for protecting the hospital's safety were also injured. However, the isolation ward was already full of patients, and we had to free up our lounge to accommodate more patients. patient".

When the doctor said this, he took another sip of glucose water and sighed:

"I heard that the order in the city has collapsed. During the day, the streets are almost empty, but at night, they are full of mobs. Fortunately, my family is in the countryside"...

"Stop talking, let's report the situation."

"Many cases have been found today with symptoms of elevated body temperature. The mercury thermometer in the hospital cannot accurately measure the temperature—as long as the thermometer is clipped to the armpit of the patient, it will explode. According to the display of the temperature gun, several patients suffered from severe The surface temperature has reached an astonishing 50 degrees."

"It's really unbelievable that such a high body temperature can destroy all of a person's...?

There are brain processes, and these patients just become manic, the vitality is not affected at all."

"This disease should be a kind of fungus. Some patients have already appeared the symptoms of epidermis rash. It should be confirmed that the disease can only be transmitted by exchanging body fluids with patients. When conducting research, we must pay attention to whether there are exposed wounds or not. Someone in the room has already been recruited."


Just when the doctor was about to say something, there was a deafening explosion outside.

"Da da da"!

The sound of M16 sounded like popping beans, and the doctor stood up in horror, his face full of disbelief.

"what happened"!

The doctor grabbed a soldier who was running out of the waiting room, and asked eagerly:

"Why did you shoot?"

"There are already mobs gathered at the entrance of the hospital, but I think they should be infected people. The body temperature of those things is frighteningly high, and it is brighter than the vent of a tank in the night vision goggles!"

The soldier took out his pistol and put it in the trembling doctor's hand, then ran towards the door, shouting as he ran:

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

"There are some supplies stored in the basement of your hospital. Take other doctors and nurses to hide there. Remember to lock the doors and windows of the hospital. If something goes wrong, you can survive there for a long time."


The sound of a grenade exploding came from outside the hospital gate again, and the exploding grenade flashed a not-so-obvious flame in the dark night, spreading fragments evenly around.

The infected people who were blown away were covered with wounds, but they didn't seem to feel any pain. They stood up tremblingly and bleeding, and continued to attack the hospital's gate.

"Damn! We can still shoot!"

The soldier who had just run out of the hospital lounge, holding a tripod in his hand, cursed and climbed up the newly raised wall of the hospital.

Thanks Edenia Congress...?

That convulsive order, when they were ordered to build earthworks a week ago, these soldiers scolded a lot, but looking at it now, this is a choice that can almost save lives!

"We are now out of contact with the headquarters, so the order is temporarily changed."

The captain, who had experienced many security battles, flicked the cigarette **** in his hand against the wall, and then fired a few shots into the crowd of infected people who swarmed in.

The M16 bullets pierced through several people, slowing down their impact on the iron gate of the hospital a lot.

"Father, do you really want to put this thing on the shelf? If this thing is put on the shelf, it will be a massacre."

The team member carrying the tripod put the tripod heavily on the ground, and then wiped the sweat from his head.

"Why do you think you're giving us this"?

Leng Sensen, the captain known as Daddy, said:

"Don't you think these things are very similar to the zombies in the movie?"

"Damn, indeed, look at these **** poor people, may God forgive them."

The machine gunner sighed, and then began to fiddle with a pile of parts in his hand.

"This thing should be the same age as my grandfather."


The team members in charge of firing fired another magazine, and the bullets flew out of the bullet window like splashing water, and fell on the fence with a clanging sound.

The fence is 5 meters high, and the explosion-proof wall is deployed for field emergency. Those infected people can't climb up at all. Even if some parts have started to stack Arhats, they will quickly collapse after being shot a few times.

"Our ammunition is still sufficient, and there is no problem in sticking to it for two or three days, but the food"...

Everyone kept patrolling the fence, and once they found an infected person, they fired two shots to quickly break up the pile of people.


After a while, a high-pitched copper sound resounded on the wall!

The old godmother of M2 who was just erected spit out a bunch of...?

Tongues of flames and tracer bullets formed a whip of fire and swept towards the crowd of infected people who were gathering here in the Those infected people who walked slowly were cut down like wheat in a wheat field, and the bullets were cut down in a few seconds. A large blank area was abruptly cleared within!

The power of guns is not like in the movie, even if hit by a heavy machine, there will only be two blood holes. In reality, if a 12.7mm bullet hits a limb, it will tear the whole limb away, and if it hits the middle of the body, it will completely cut the person in two!

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

The mutilated limbs and organs of the infected people in the distance flew around, and cloud after cloud of blood rose under the street lamps.

But soon the blood mist disappeared, because the heavy machine's bullets directly swept the lamppost in two!

The broken wire fell into the crowd of infected people, and a large area was electrocuted in an instant.

"It looks like we can hold on for a while, but when are those **** supplies supposed to be delivered?"

"Daddy" cursed and lit another cigarette.

There were mutilated corpses strewn across the streets at dawn. This hospital was located in the suburbs of St. Louis, so not many infected people were attracted by the gunfire, so that they could still handle it.

However, if there is no supply, even if the battle against the infected is always a one-sided massacre, it cannot last long here.

However, similar things have happened in the entire eastern part of Edenia. Most cities on the east coast have been completely reduced to flames. Even if important facilities have been protected, they cannot support them for too long without supplies.

The long night of Edenia has come.
