The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 509: Victory belongs to humans (Part 2)

【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

Dumbledore and Grindelwald stood together again after nearly a hundred years, and their ideas and beliefs merged into one at this time.

Maybe they've been confused, maybe they've fought each other, but neither of them has ever forgotten that wizards are as human as Muggles!

In the face of these disgusting monsters, the gap between Muggles and humans should have been ignored long ago!

"Let's sort out the situation today."

Grindelwald pulled a chair and sat down carelessly. He looked at the panicking officials of the German Ministry of Magic and shook his head with some disdain.

"Edenia has fallen across the board. The last forces of the Magic Congress and the Edenia Congress still control the west coast. About 2 million survivors are waiting for the ferry to the Rihe Islands, Siberia, and China."

"There should be a total of three dimensional anchors that tear the space, one of which is right in front of us, the other is the incarnation of the **** of flesh and blood, Ian, in the world, and the location of the other one is still undetermined. Do you think this crack will be set in Where is it more convenient for them to attack reality?"

"First exclude Shenzhou, where the space is extremely stable, opening there is death."

Dumbledore shook his head, then continued:

"I think it might be in Italy!"

"Wrong, Dumbledore, if the distance between the dimensional anchors is too close, it will be meaningless. If the distance between the two space cracks is too close, then the upper limit of the projected force will be far greater than the width of the battlefield, which will waste precious transport capacity .Those undead are disgusting, but they are not stupid!"

Grindelwald was about to say something, but he heard a roar resounding from outside the hall!

"It's pointless to say that now, they're here again!"

"Crunch! Boom!"

The claws of some kind of huge creature penetrated into the roof of the basement, and then, with the sound of violent flapping wings, the ceiling of the whole basement was lifted by some kind of creature!

The street outside has already fallen into chaos, the infected ghouls are biting every living thing that can be seen fiercely, people are running and crying and cursing, waving all the weapons in their hands indiscriminately, the whole street seems to be in chaos. It has become a **** on earth!


The creature that toppled the roof of the basement dropped the remaining bricks in its hands heavily. In the rising smoke and dust, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were able to get a glimpse of the creature.

It was a huge skeletal creature about 100 meters long, with broken ancient wings and incomplete ribs. Its tail was criss-crossed with bone spurs, and its mouth was full of sharp fangs!

"My God."

The two strongest wizards stood there blankly, looking up at the skeleton dragon, and then raised their wands in unison.

"Fiendfire burns!"

"Blazing flames!"

The two unanimously used the fire spell. According to their logic, these undead should be particularly afraid of fire, even the powerful bone dragon is no exception!


But a scene that everyone didn't expect happened, the wands in the hands of the two just spewed out a few sparks, and then there was no response!

"Blazing flames!"

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

Dumbledore frowned, he poured almost all his magic power into the Elder Wand, and then used the Fire Curse.

The black-red flames that were stronger than the flamethrower immediately enveloped the bone dragon, but the giant bone beast let out a roar, and then flapped its wings and took off, seemingly unaffected!

However, the surrounding ghouls that were illuminated by the flames wailed fiercely. These undead creatures were reduced to ashes in the flames and decomposed into stinky smoke!

"This thing is the anchor! Only by destroying it can the crack be closed!"

The two realized this problem at the same time. The inside of this undead creature was planted with an alchemy core. The principle of this alchemy core is extremely simple, that is, to use the energy absorbed from the abyss to run the magic circle, and then suppress the surrounding magic power!

In other words, even if Merlin, the founder of the wizard, came, he couldn't cast a few spells!

"The two most legendary wizards in the world, hello."

Under the dull eyes of the people, the bone dragon slowly opened its mouth, and a middle-aged man in a black wizard robe came out from inside.

"Ian? No! You are a puppet manipulated by him!"

Dumbledore immediately realized that this was an alchemy body manipulated by the God of Flesh. Zhang Qi had already killed no less than 5 puppets in previous incidents, but it was obvious that these puppets had sufficient reserves.

"You're still talking nonsense here, don't you want to recruit us?"

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes and asked the puppet coldly.

"As expected of a generation of Dark Lords, he understood my meaning so quickly."

The puppet of the flesh and blood **** bowed, and then opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Dumbledore, Mr. Grindelwald, you were all powerful men in the past, are you really willing to fall here today?"

"Please join us, the flesh and blood of the gods will give you more powerful power! The problems that have plagued wizards for thousands of years will be solved, we will stand at the top of divinity, and everything will be freely controlled for us!"

"If the powerful power you mean is turning into a disgusting piece of meat like you, please allow me to refuse!"

Dumbledore replied sharply to the solicitation of the Flesh God.

Grindelwald didn't speak, he just raised his wand and aimed it at the clone of the flesh and blood god.

"You two, God is merciful. Although you have rejected God's good intentions, God will still bless you—after you become my puppets!"

The negotiation broke down, and the bone dragon let out a deafening roar, and the ghouls rampaging on the street immediately stopped chasing and killing civilians. The gap is coming!

"Let me see how long the two strongest wizards can last in this non-magic condition!"

The rampant laughter of the God of Flesh echoed among the tall buildings On the street below, ghouls formed a wave, rushing frantically towards the gap guarded by the two. With their red eyes wide open and mouths full of blood grinning, they seemed eager to tear off a piece of flesh from these living people!

"It was a pleasure fighting with you in the last moments of my life, Albus."

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【Periodic Table of Speech Spirits in Hogwarts】【】

Grindelwald raised his wand, and the smooth spellcasting in the past became extremely difficult at this moment, but the two still stood firmly together.

"Me too, Gail."

Dumbledore also raised his wand firmly.

"What a sad love!"

The puppet of the flesh and blood **** laughed wildly, but in the next second, his smile froze on his face.

A gun sword flew from the tall building in front of him, pierced through his head, and nailed him fiercely to the upper teeth of the bone dragon!

"It's really noisy, dead people don't talk here!"

A figure plummeted down from the building and hit the ground fiercely, splashing a large cloud of smoke and dust!

"The dead dare to walk in front of me, and the undead dare to form an army! Form a queue and advance! Deviate from the most noble principles and try to break through in crooked ways!"

The blond man in a white windbreaker slowly got up in the smoke and dust, and slowly raised the two gun swords that appeared in his hands with a halo, and then crossed them into a cross and drew dazzling sparks!

"You will not even have time to tremble and fall like straws and die in the name of the Most High Father!"
