The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 74: stolen material

"It seems that you have a good grasp of the basic knowledge. It is considered that you have inherited your mother's talent."

Snape nodded as a compliment to Zhang Qi.

"What about the saccharomyces?"

Snape continued to ask.

"After eating this herb directly, it can make people grow fish gills, so that people can breathe in the water. If you add puffer fish and some other herbs, if you boil it slowly, you can make underwater breathing medicine, which can make a Humans live underwater for about three days."

Zhang Qi thought about the answer.

"very nice".

Snape nodded again in approval.

"The powerful burning potion can be completely useless as long as a thin layer of trace powder is spread on the floor, and the water breathing potion does not pose any threat to the students of Hogwarts. I think you are the best professor. It should be the compound decoction that should be vigilant, the maneuverability of this thing is too great."

Zhang Qi pretended to think for a while, and then said to Snape.

"The above is my inference, Professor. According to the existing clues, I can't infer who went to your storage room and stole those precious materials, but if you think about it, it is probably just a certain A student is short of money and intends to spend some pocket money."

"Hit this idea on me? Hmph"...

After thinking about it carefully, there is indeed such a possibility, Snape snorted coldly, jumped out of the carriage door, and led everyone back to school into the Hogwarts auditorium.

"Welcome! Welcome back to Hogwarts, everyone must be hungry, but I have something to say before eating."

After not seeing him for a few days, Dumbledore seemed to have become quite haggard.

"Judging from the previous attacks, it seems that a gorgon has been mixed into the school. But don't panic. The prefects of each year are troublesome to count the names of the students in each college when they go back today, and tomorrow Give it to your respective deans in the morning, and the professors will carefully compare everyone's names with the files, and I believe that soon we will find that abominable disgusting monster."

At this time, Dumbledore's tone was obviously tinged with anger.

"Okay, everyone is hungry too. After eating and drinking, ask the students from each college to voluntarily form two teams back to your dormitory. During the process of climbing the stairs, please make sure that the students around you are not left behind, and the two The prefects can stand at the head and tail of the row to make sure this doesn't happen."

After speaking, Dumbledore waved his hand, and once again delicious food appeared on the plate, but this time the atmosphere in the auditorium seemed a little depressed.

"The direction is completely wrong, but it is worthwhile to increase vigilance."

Zhang Qi sighed secretly in his heart.


As if thinking of something, Zhang Qi suddenly had a cold war.

According to the original trajectory, the duel club will start soon, and then Harry's snake tongue talent will be discovered.

But no one realized that this thing was probably a basilisk, everyone thought it was a Medusa.

More importantly, the Gorgon also speaks snake language! This will create a considerable misunderstanding for Hogwarts professors and students - everyone will think that it is a gorgon and not a basilisk wreaking havoc in the school, so naturally it will not be in sight. Be prepared.

But looking directly at the Gorgon will only be petrified, and this petrification can be cured by mandrakes.

But if you look directly at the basilisk, you will die instantly! The kind that can't be saved.

"It seems that Lucius said that Dumbledore was a little old and confused, but it's not false. The gorgon went extinct earlier than the basilisk. In ancient Greece, the three gorgon sisters have been used by heroes. How can you still hang out in Hogwarts with your head cut off?"

Zhang Qi thought a little anxiously, but he couldn't speak to remind him, so he could only think in his heart whether he could give the Gryffindor trio some more obvious but not revealing hints of their own strength, and let the three boys follow the original Timeline track to find this basilisk and eventually kill it?

This idea actually has a certain maneuverability, so Zhang Qi has to go back and think about it for a while.

After dinner, Zhang Qi and his roommate, who were frowning and thinking, walked down the stairs and finally returned to their dormitory.

But just as Zhang Qi was closing the carved dormitory door, a hand that came out of nowhere suddenly moved onto the door frame!


Zhang Qi was so frightened that he scolded a **** in Chinese, and then with a swish he pulled out the black iron thorn from his waist!

At this distance, it is easy to fall into the opponent's hand when the gun is drawn, so Zhang Qi decisively chose to draw the sword, and then put the military thorn on the opponent's neck at once.

Arito, who had already reacted, also raised his fist, and the black and red gauntlets appeared in the air, with dazzling arcs jumping on them.

"Yes, yes, it's me"...

The person who was caught almost urinated his pants on the spot.


As Zhang Qi pressed the other party's body and pressed the headlight switch on the wall, in the bright environment, he could finally see the other party's face Harry's green eyes were full at this time. It was panic. Ron once told him about the tragic condition of Zhang Qi's mother when dealing with the captured Death Eaters, and he just took this as a story.

But today, after watching Zhang Qi's smooth movements, Harry suddenly felt that those rumors were very likely to be true.

Those Death Eaters may have been tortured and mad by corporal torture before they were handed over to the Attorney General of the Ministry of Magic, and it is said that several Oros who were in charge of escorting at the time vomited, and the Ministry of Magic had to give them Several Oros took a few days off to recuperate.

"Next time when you have something to look for, please ring the doorbell on the door. If you do this, you will probably be regarded by me as a scheming enemy."

Zhang Qi let go of Harry, and then helped him up, who had almost collapsed.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Zhang Qi asked.

"I think the Slytherin heir written in blood on the wall is probably Malfoy"!

The frightened Harry said out of breath.

After hearing this, Zhang Qi covered his face helplessly.

Sure enough, this child knows recklessness.

"Hagrid was taken away by the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic yesterday. Before he left, he secretly told me that if you have any questions, you can go to the Forbidden Forest to find his pet Aragog, and it will tell us about Hagrid's injustice. "!

Harry eagerly continued:

"I discussed it with Hermione and Ron, and plan to go to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow night to find out, I believe we will definitely gain something"!

"madness"! At this time, Zhang Qi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and after closing the door, he pointed at Harry's nose and started to yell.
