The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 221: Save again

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"Taro." Duanmu had just walked two steps forward and heard the shouting of Situ.

Duanmu squatted and saw Situ Kong in front, and his eyebrows scorned, "Master Father?" Didn't let him go first? Why is this still here?

"How is the clothes wet? Are you okay?" Faced with the doubts of Duanmu, Situ was decisively moving the topic.

Duanmu 汐 低 低 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了

Duanmu said that he raised his hand and patted Lanze’s head, and his face was full of love. Lan Ze is raising his head and smashing the palm of his hand.

Situ looked at the warm interaction between the two, and also smiled. "It's okay..."

"His Royal Highness..." The two men were talking, and shouts came from not far away.

Hearing the sound, Duanmu and Situ Kong were carrying them at the same time.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

"His Highness, isn't it hurt?" Feng Wu and Feng Xie ran to Duanmu, and Longyue and Yuying followed closely.

"How come you are back?" Duanmu looked at the four people in front of him and frowned.

Feng Wu and Feng Xie heard the words immediately, and Long Yue and Yu Ying saw it together.

Duanmu looked at the four people in front of her and blinked. Some time, I couldn’t react.

"Below the body as a bodyguard, but just ignore the safety of His Royal Highness, first fleeing to be a deserter, it is simply sinful to die, please the Royal Highness to punish." Feng Wu said that he hanged his head deeply, at this moment she only feels ashamed, if There is a seam on the ground, she will not hesitate to drill in.

"Please appoint the Highness..." Long Yue and others also bowed their heads together.

Duanmu 汐 汐 眸 眸 轻 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"You are not wrong, you are not a deserter. You are only obeying the orders of the temple. It is your duty to protect the security of the temple as the guard of the temple, but it is equally important to obey the orders of the temple."

Duanmu said that he directly lifted up Xuanqi and held up several people. "Remember, there is nothing wrong with loyalty, but this temple does not need fools."

Feng Wu and others heard a glimpse of the movement, clearly they were wrong, and His Royal Highness in turn comforted them. This life can have such a master, that is, 10,000 deaths are also willing.

Duanmu had finally noticed something wrong. He looked up at Feng Wu and others and asked, "Why are you four, thirteen and dragon days?"

Feng Wu and others heard the words and looked at them behind, what happened? What about people? Shouldn't they follow them behind them?

"Who do you see the thirteenth and the dragon day?" Longyue brow wrinkled, looking at Yu Ying and Feng XIV asked.

Yu Ying and Feng Xie heard a word and shook their heads together. "No."

"They won't do anything?" Feng Xie was anxiously anxious. With her understanding of Thirteen, she wouldn't not come with them. What must have happened?

Duanmu sings and screams, "Go back and see!"

Duanmu said that he rushed straight ahead, and several others followed.

Feng Thirteen has been following the vines, and the speed of the vines is quite fast. Feng Thirteen has raised his speed to the extreme and barely caught up.

Long Day was swept in the air by the vine. At first he struggled hard, but the more he struggled, the tighter the vine would wrap him.

At this moment, Long Day only felt that he could not breathe, and his head slowly began to empty. Finally, there was only one person left in his mind. Looking at the cold-blooded look in his mind, Long Day’s lips were unconsciously hooked up. It’s good to see her again before I die.

Looking at the face in the air more and more blue, and finally closed the eyes of the dragon day, Feng Thirteen secretly called bad, directly transported Xuanqi to throw the long sword in the hand toward the vine.

"Oh..." The long sword cut the vine, and the vine suddenly turned into two pieces, and the blood of the red blood sprang from the break.

When the vines were broken, Long Day fell directly from the air.

Feng Thirteen didn't think much about it. He caught the dragon day directly before flying.

In the air, Feng Xie took advantage of the dragon's day and slowly descended. The vine behind him was madly twisting the broken branch because of the pain. The **** flower splashed, and a **** romantic hero saved the beauty.

The dragon that breathed fresh air slowly opened his eyes and saw the beautiful face of Feng XIII. Long Day smiled sillyly, and couldn’t help but raise his hand and touched the small face of Feng XIII.

The phoenix thirteen micro-small, the light flashed, but did not escape.

The warm touch of the fingertips makes Dragon Day squat again, how is the illusion and temperature?

Feng Thirteen directly took Longji to the ground and looked at Long Day’s straight eyes. Some worried about the authenticity, “You are all right!”

Long Ri heard the words and returned to God instantly. He hurriedly took back his hand and hurriedly removed his eyes and stuttered. "No...nothing..."

"It's okay." Hearing that Long Day said nothing, Feng Thirteen was relieved and relaxed his hand on the shoulder of Long Day.

After discovering the dragon day, I realized that the distance between the two of them was so close, and I heard the faint body fragrance of Feng Thirteen. The heartbeat of Long Day unconsciously accelerated several times, and went backwards in confusion. A few steps, at this moment, he only felt that his hands and face were too hot.

Just when the atmosphere of the two people was awkward, the vines quickly attacked the two.

Feng Thirteen directly pushed the dragon to the side, and he himself slashed the sword of the dragon and cut it toward the vine.

Long Day looked at Feng Xie, who had a long sword waving a long sword. The light flashed slightly. In just three days, she saved him three times. Is this what is destined?

Suddenly, the vines were directly drawn toward the face of Feng XIII.

"Be careful..." Long Day was shocked and slammed straight into the vine.

Feeling a sharp pain, the vines immediately shrank back.

Long Day went straight to Feng Thirteen. When she saw the blood stain on her face, Long Day’s eyes suddenly became red.

"Ah..." Long Day screamed and reached out and sucked the sword of Feng XIII.

Holding a long sword, Long Day has only one thought, that is, the vine must be smashed.

Looking at the dark blue swords flying in the air, the phoenix thirteen glimmering, the peak of the Emperor, is the first dragon of the Qinglong country.

Long Day held a sword and left to dance right, and it was unstoppable, and the vine seemed to feel the anger of Long Day, and directly retracted his branches, and then desperately ran to the depths of the jungle.

Long Day’s red eyes glared at the running vine, and it dared to hurt her. He was going to smash it. "Ah..." After another sigh, Long Day flew past the vines that fled like a gust of wind, raising the sword in his hand, and it was a fatal blow to the vine.

The vines didn't even have a chance to scream, and they just went out.

Looking at the vines dissipating, Long Ri took the sword back to Feng Thirteen.

Looking at the blood marks on the face of Feng Thirteen, the dragon hit a heartache in the middle of the day. "Does it hurt?"

Long Ri said that he raised his hand and tried to touch the blood marks on the face of Feng XIII. He felt that it was not right, and some of his hands were stiff.

Feng Xie shook his head in disappointment. "It’s a little hurt."

Long Riwen’s brows are wrinkled, and the women in Suzaku’s country are so uncaring for themselves? Suddenly think of something, and get an ointment from your arms.

"I will help you with the medicine." Long Day's fingers were stained with ointment, and looked up at the deep wounds. The brows were wrinkled. "It hurts a little. You endure it." Long said, raising his hand and gently helping Feng Shi. Three rubbing the ointment.

Feng Xie heard the words, the light flashed slightly. Looking up at the handsome face that is close at hand, Feng Xie’s heart skipped a beat. I didn’t dare to look at Long’s very serious face.

"Well, do you feel better?"

Feng Thirteen heard this and felt that there was a slight tingling in the wound on his face, and it was followed by a cool feeling. Looking up at the eyes of Long Day, the lips are slightly hooked, "It’s okay."

Suddenly, Long Day felt a violent tumbling in his chest and lifted his chest tightly.

Feng Xie looked at the dragon day, which was suddenly close to his chest. He was shocked. "What happened to you, just injured?"

Long Day sat directly on the ground, feeling the energy of the body constantly tumbling, frowning slightly. "I am fine, don't worry, I just want to be promoted, please help me protect the law."

Feng Xie heard the face and dignified and nodded.

Seeing the 13th noon of the Phoenix, Long Day immediately closed his eyes.

Duanmu and others rushed to the place where Feng Wu had stayed.

Feng Wu looked at the empty open space, and his eyebrows were wrinkled. "Thirteen, just now, here, how are you missing?"

Longyue looked around for the next four weeks, frowning. "Everyone looks for it, maybe there are any clues?" According to the rigorous temperament of Yifeng Thirteen, he should tell them what clues should be left.

The crowd nodded and began to look for it.

Soon, Yu Ying found the piece of jade that Feng 13 deliberately left behind. "Who is this jade?"

Feng XIV saw Yu Pei and immediately rushed to grab it.

"It's thirteen, and thirteen must be an accident." Feng Xie looked at Yu Ying, and his face was anxious.

Duanmu 汐 汐 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸

"Look, the signal of thirteen." Suddenly, Feng Wu pointed to the red smoke in the air.

Everyone heard the words and looked up.

"Thirteen is over there." Feng Xie said that he ran straight in the direction of the red smoke.

Everyone saw it and followed it up.

With the guidance of red smoke, everyone quickly found Feng XIII and Long Ri.

Seeing that the two were safe and sound, everyone was relieved.

Just when everyone wanted to get close to the two, suddenly a purple light sprang from the body of Long Day.