The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 273: came back

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Wild sanctuary, the Virgen Palace.

Xuanyuan ink leaned against the bed, still holding the white crystal in his hand. Niangzi, it’s been a month, are you and your children ok? How can he get into this stone and save the woman?

Just when Xuanyuan ink held the **** stone and missed the end of the wood, the faint glow of the **** stone suddenly became stronger, and the thorns of the Xuanyuan ink did not open their eyes. Then the **** stone began to vibrate violently, and the large-scale let Xuanyuan ink catch Can't catch it. Shen Shi fell to the bed and still trembled fiercely.

Xuanyuan ink looked at the unusual stone, first and foremost, then another ecstasy. He remembered that when the baby was sucked in by the broken stone, the stone seemed to react like this.

After a violent tremor, a person was thrown from the stone, and Xuanyuan ink did not even think about catching it.

Looking at the end of the closed eyes, Xuanyuan ink's heart trembled a little, until I felt the breath and heartbeat of the person in the arms, Xuanyuan Mo was pleased to hold the person in his arms, he missed the already. That force seems to be to integrate her into her blood.

"Hey..." Xuanyuan ink gently called Duanmu in his arms, but he shouted for a long time, and the people in his arms did not respond.

Xuanyuan ink eyebrows contemptuously, looking at the end of the mouth to breathe the shallow end of the raft, and finally did not worry about holding her out of the room.

Xuanyuan ink directly went to Mello's room with Duanmu, because at this time Situ Kong should change the medicine for Merlot here.

When Situkong and Melo saw the people in Xuanyuan’s hands, they were all excited.

"Yes... is it a child?" Merlot's eyes were fixed on the end of the Xuanyuan Mo Huai Li, and he immediately blinked.

“It’s a girl!” Situ’s face looked at Xuanyuan’s Duanmu’s Duanmu. “That’s great, great, Shantou is finally back...” The mutter is also red. Eyes.

Xuanyuan ink listened to the excited words of the two men and immediately said, "Yes, my nephew is back." They are very understandable at the moment. They are as worried about him as a month, and the three masters are harder. In addition to worrying about self-blame.

Melo heard the words, and the tears in his eyes slid. "That's great, it's good to come back safely." If it was because of her, what happened to her? Then she really has no face to live in this world.

Situ looked at Xuanyuan’s eyes, and his eyebrows slammed. "What happened to Shantou?"

Melo heard the words, his heart slammed tightly, and he frowned and looked at Xuanyuan Mo.

Xuanyuan ink heard the words, looked down at Duanmu, who was in her arms. "She has been falling asleep since she came out of the stone. How can she shout and wake up? I am worried, so I want to ask the master to see."

Situ air heard the words and immediately nodded. "Well, let her down first."

Xuanyuan Mowenyan immediately put the Duanmu on the chaise couch.

Situ went to sit in front of the chaise couch, and the **** gently slid on the slender wrist of Duanmu, closed his eyes and began to probe her.

After a while, Stuart slowly opened his eyes.

"How? Is it all right?" It’s not Xuanyuan ink, but Melo.

Looking at the anxious Merlot, Situ sighed and smacked the lips. "Nothing, it is asleep, Xu is too tired, it will not wake up." Situ said, gently put down the raft Wrist.

Merlot and Xuanyuan Mouwen are all relieved. Situ Air said, and looked at Xuanyuan Mo, "The little doll is fine, it is very good.

Xuanyuan ink heard the words, Shuguang did not consciously move underground, looking at Duanmu's slightly raised belly, Xuanyuan ink's cold face instantly softened.

"Take her back to rest! It should wake up tomorrow." Situ looked at Duanmu's quiet sleep, and the light was soft.

Xuanyuan ink nodded, and bent down to pick up the raft, watching Situkong and Merlot. "Then we will go back first."

Situ looked at Xuanyuan ink and hooked his lips. "If there is anything wrong with the girl next time, it is good to send someone to call the teacher. Don't run around with the hoe." This time the boy is too When I was nervous, I even ran straight to the hoe, but it was okay, if it was a serious illness, it was not suitable for moving.

Xuanyuan Mowenyan’s face was red, and looked up at Situ’s seriousness. “It’s not going to be next time.” Xuanyuan Mo said, holding Duanmu, turned and left the room.

Going back to his room, Xuanyuan ink gently put the end of the raft on the bed, covered the quilt for her, and went to bed next to the side of the raft.

Raise his hand and caress the small face of the top of the hibiscus, and leaned over and printed a kiss on her slightly curled lips. Hey, his nephew finally came back.

Looking at the little face that slept sleepy, Xuanyuan ink unfortunately hooked the corner of the lips, and finally reunited, this girl fell down, and she slept sweetly, regardless of his acacia.

Listening to Duanmu's even breathing sound, Xuanyuan ink blinked a little bit, and didn't feel tired when he didn't sleep for a month, but this time she saw that she slept so well, and she felt sleepy. Stretching his hand gently into the arms, holding the end of the wood, Xuanyuan ink also slowly entered the dream.

The next morning, the morning sun shone through the screens, and there was a kind of holy beauty on the small face of Duanmu!

Xuanyuan ink woke up very early, but he did not get up, so he looked at Duanmu's sleepy look like this, as if he didn't see enough.

Duanmu squatted in a confused way, and then drilled into Xuanyuan Mo Huali, it seems to feel the warmth, Duanmu 汐 unconsciously arched to Xuanyuan Mo Huaili.

Looking at the end of the raft that continually arched into his arms, Xuanyuan ink's scorpion smashed into the ground, and the lips smacked a smirk, leaning over the earlobe that contained the end of the raft, gently squatting.

The Duanmu in his sleep only felt that he was getting hotter and hotter, and at the end he seemed to be burning and uncomfortable.

"Well..." He was so hot that he let the Duanmu unconsciously whisper, and the little face was smashed to Xuanyuan's chest, as if it was the only way to reduce the heat in her body.

The blushing little face, the charming low-lying, unconsciously scorned, no one no longer tested the willpower of Xuanyuan ink.

Finally, under the scorn of Duanmu, who was grinding people again and again, Xuanyuan ink raised the white flag. Leaning over, some eagerly kissed the red lips of Duanmu, and couldn't wait to open her teeth and drive straight in.

Duanmu snorted and gasped heavily, passively bearing the enthusiasm of Xuanyuan Mo.

"Well..." It was another string of low-pitched spills from the end of the wood.

Listening to the squeaky low-pitched voice, Xuanyuan ink was tight in the underground, and was no longer satisfied with the kiss. One turned over and directly pressed the end of the raft to the body, reaching out to pull her belt, and the big hand slipped into the seam. .

Finally, I felt that I was wrong. Duanmu opened her eyes in confusion and saw the head buried in her neck. She suddenly became completely awake and pushed the person who pressed on her to move quickly. Grab the quilt and shrink it to the foot of the bed.

Looking at the assorted deer-like Duanmu, Xuanyuan Mok flashed a blame, "I'm sorry, scared you!" The hoarse voice also carries the unrelenting feeling. Desire, but surprisingly gentle.

Duanmu squatted and looked at Xuanyuan ink, and he was happy in his heart. Then he frowned indefinitely. "Are you?" In front of this, is this ink or A Xue, the appearance of the two is too much, she can not tell, Although it is said that the ink is the past life of A Xue, but for her, she only loves A Xue, and the ink is only a nephew, not her.

Looking at Duanmu Ming clearly recognized him, but there is no way to recognize it, Xuanyuan ink flashes lightly.

"Only one month, the lady can't remember it for her husband? As long as I know this, I won't miss the lady every day." The voice was aggrieved and wronged, and Duanmu was guilty.

"A Xue." Duanmu 汐 excitedly flew directly toward Xuanyuan ink. It’s A Xue, it’s her snow!

Seeing that Duanmu rushed over, Xuanyuan ink immediately reached out and said, "Be careful, you have to be a mother, how is it like a child." Although blaming, but the voice is as soft as dripping water.

Duanmu squatted his face in Xuanyuan's arms and scorned like a kitten. "A Xue, I miss you!" Very good, she finally saw her snow again, and she jumped off the Sendai I can return to the mainland of China, but I don’t know if it is because she has read the story of her and A Xue’s past life, it will be so easy to return here.

Looking at the cute look of Duanmu, Xuanyuan ink lips slightly hooked, the hand holding the rafter slightly tightened, whispered softly, "I miss you too!"

"Right, A Xue." The two were tired for a while, and Duanmu remembered the words that Xuanyuan Mo said. "You just said that I left here for a month?"

Xuanyuan ink heard the eyebrows, "Yeah, what happened?"

Duanmu 汐 汐 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I haven't stayed there for a thousand years, but only for a month. If I think about it, if I really stayed in the stone for a thousand years, then the child in my stomach is already a thousand years old.

Seeing that Duanmu has been touching his stomach, Xuanyuan ink caressed the lower abdomen of the top of the raft, "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Duanmu sings, and looks up at Xuanyuan ink hooked the lips, "No, just did not eat for a month, a little hungry."

Xuanyuan ink heard the words, the light flashed, she is not ready to tell him what happened in the stone? Since she didn't want to say it, he didn't ask, he would wait until the day she was willing to tell him.

Xuanyuan ink lips smacked a smug smile, leaned over the lips of Duanmu, and secretly kissed him. "Well, I will go to you to eat for the husband." Xuanyuan Mo said that he would get out of bed. Duanmu was going to eat.

Duanmu looked at Xuanyuan's back, and the deep purple scorpion flashed. She was not ready yet. She didn't know how to tell him about the things in the stone. She didn't know if he should tell him. After all, he was forgotten. In the past, the memory of everyone was sealed with the power of the beast. Wait, wait until you find a suitable opportunity to talk to him.