The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 284: crisis

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After a long silence, Xuanyuan Mo reached out and took the reincarnation ball into his own hands. Looking at the reincarnation in his hand, Xuanyuan’s eyes were faintly red.

"Where is the inheritance?" The low voice couldn't hear the anger, but the ghosts on the ground trembled unconsciously.

Ghost repairs, respectfully, "The Emperor left the inheritance of the Lord to the temple in the north of the Holy Land, but in order to enter the temple, you must first get the key."

Xuanyuan Mo Wenyan turned to the ghost repair on the ground, and the impatience in the eyes once again made the ghost repair a cold.

Ghost repair immediately bowed, "the key is on the top of the building this month, please take the owner down." Ghost repair said to stand up and take the road for Xuanyuan ink.

Xuanyuan ink followed the ghost to the roof of the moon building and saw the key that was suspended at the top of the building.

Looking at the shining key, Xuanyuan ink flashes lightly, and the original light is the key.

Xuanyuan ink extended his palm, and the key was automatically flew into his palm.

Did not look carefully at the look of the **** spoon, Xuanyuan ink directly collected the key, turned and looked at the ghost monk, "Go."

Ghost repairs screamed and screamed, and then there was a faint tear in the shackles. The younger master wanted to take him away, but...

Seeing the ghost repair standing still, it seems to be difficult to say, Xuanyuan ink raised his eyebrows, "I don't want to go with me?"

Ghost repairs immediately shook his head. "No, I just came for the Lord, how can I not want to go with the Lord!"

Ghost repair said and looked up at Xuanyuan Modao. "I just lost my body and can only live in this month's building. If I want to go out this month, I must find another body."

His body is dead, only the gods are left. Unless you find another place of residence, you can't go out this month. And he still has one thing to say to the lesser, that is, there is no key to this month. Disappeared, he will disappear with him at that time.

Xuanyuan ink heard the contempt of the eyebrows, the body, suddenly thought of the sword.

"How is it?" Xuanyuan ink directly summoned the sword.

The ghost repairs the words and looks at the scorpion sword hanging in the air. The scorpion flashes a touch of respect and sighs against the Xuanyuan ink. "The scorpion sword is the original **** of the gods, and the scorpion is offensive." ""

Listening to the words of the ghost repair, the sword of the sword of the heavens rose, and the proud look seemed to say, "Look at your kid."

Xuanyuan ink smelled amber in the awkward flash, and looked up at the arrogant look of Yan Tianjian, reaching out and playing the sword handle.

It was bounced twice by Xuanyuan ink, and Hao Tianjian was honest at the moment.

Xuanyuan Mo looked at the ghost monk. "You live temporarily in this sword, and you will talk about it later."

Ghost repaired and frowned and meditated for a moment, nodded and turned to face the sword of the heavenly sword. "Hey, I am offended."

Yan Tianjian heard the dissatisfaction and tilted the tip of the sword, but Nai Xuan Xuan ink stared at the side, only to grieve down the hilt.

The ghost repaired it and turned it into a phantom.

The ghosts were repaired into the 弑天剑, Xuanyuan ink grabbed the 弑天剑 and rushed out from the top of the moon building. Xuanyuan Mo just went out of the moon, and the original tall moon building disappeared instantly.

Xuanyuan ink looked at the disappearing moon floor and frowned.

"Less master, your subordinate will take you to the temple!"

Xuanyuan ink heard the words, the light flashed, "first find a child." Anyway, you must first find a child.

Ghost repair heard the words, and then respectfully said, "Well, the first one will take you to find the girl." After the ghost repair, he flew out with a smashing sword.

Yan Tianjian was very uncomfortable to smash the sword body, the master really hated, let others occupy its body.

In the flower tower, Duanmu smashed the Taiji array very easily.

When the Taiji array was broken, the mirror appeared again. "Break the right and wrong, distinguish between black and white, congratulations on passing the Tai Chi mirror."

Duanmu 汐 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾 勾

When I thought of Xuanyuan ink, Duanmu’s light flashed a bit. I don’t know where A Xue is now? He should be worried about her.

"You have passed the mirror and the Tai Chi mirror. The third level is the life and death mirror. You can choose to pass the gate. You can also choose to give up. If you pass the gate, go up. If you give up, you can go back." The mirror disappeared after it was finished. At the same time, there was a flower ladder leading to the fourth floor in front of Duanmu.

Duanmu looked at the flower ladder in front of him, and the deep purple scorpion flashed, life and death mirror. Since it came, she could not give up. Lifting the foot, did not hesitate to walk up the ladder.

On the plaque on the fourth floor, Duanmu saw the words "life and death mirror" and did not hesitate. Duanmu squatted directly into it.

As soon as he entered the life and death mirror, Duanmu had heard a strong smell of sputum, and then a fire hit her, and Duanmu squatted to the side. I haven't waited for her to come back, but a string of fireballs flew toward her, and Duanmu couldn't think too much and flew directly into the air. But when she saw the big scarlet eyes that were almost as big as her body, she was shocked and fell directly from the air to the ground.

God, what kind of monster is that, Duanmu looked at him with a stunned look at this golden golden giant, because the monster was too big, and Duanmu had to retreat a certain distance to see the monster. Look like.

When I saw the monster's appearance, Duanmu was once again horrified, because the scarlet eyes that were almost as big as her body had nine pairs. Looking at the nine heads in front of her mouth, the mouth was difficult. After swallowing the swallow, it turned out to be only nine gold oysters.

"Blue wind." Duanmu tried to summon the Qinglong beast with spiritual power.

It seems to have heard the call of Duanmu, a clear voice appeared in Duanmu’s mind. "Master, we can't help you. It's a fantasy. You can only rely on yourself, but although the nine golds in front of you are illusions, But its damage is real, and the nine gold scorpions are the same as ours, so the master, you must be careful."

Duanmu 汐 汐 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , So she will be lucky enough to see if she can summon the blue wind.

Duanmu looked up and looked at the nine golden heads in front of him. His eyes narrowed up. Now that he knows that he can't summon the blue wind, she can only find a way to deal with the nine gold.

Duanmumu slowly moved to the corner of the wall to minimize his sense of existence. Although she is a little pitiful compared with the behemoth, the gods and beasts of this mainland can be very powerful, she is careful. it is good.

Standing in the corner of the wall, Duanmu looked closely at the nine-headed golden dragonfly and found that it had two larger heads in the middle and the other seven smaller heads around the two big heads, as if protecting themselves. The same as the owner. Duanmu’s eyes slowly moved down and swept to the seven-inch corner of the nine-headed golden scorpion. This should be its fatal part. It was just trying to escape its nine heads. It’s not easy to stab its seven inches. .

It seemed to be the gaze of Duanmu, and the two heads in the middle of the nine-headed golden eagle slammed into the raft, while the huge scorpion swept along the Duanmu.

Knowing that he was discovered, Duanmu screamed badly, and rushed to the side of the nine-headed golden scorpion. Perhaps it was too small and not all bad. She had to use her small advantage to climb to the nine-headed golden scorpion.

It’s just that the nine golds seem to know the idea of ​​Duanmu, directly sticking out a head, and facing the end of the raft is a lightning strike.

Seeing the lightning strike, Duanmu’s eyelids jumped and jumped. The nine gold scorpions didn’t just fire the spirits, but they also thundered the spiritual method. They no longer wanted to ask for Duanmu’s hand to summon a colorful cane and block it. Thunder strikes.

Duanmu looked at the seven eager gimmicks, and there was a smear in the scorpion. This guy would not be a whole beast.

"Master, you guessed it." Qingya’s voice rang again in Duanmu’s mind. “I just forgot to tell you that these nine gold scorpions are all sacred beasts, it does not belong to our heavenly continent, so There is only its illusion here, its seven smaller heads, each representing an attribute, and the two heads in the middle are not spiritual, but they are the two most powerful, they can Control the other seven head attacks, so the two heads in the middle are solved, and the others are not afraid."

Duanmu sings and screams, so important information will forget to tell her, when she is a three-year-old? This breeze is really the best belly black, she remembers him.

I don’t think that the raft is too much, and the front nine gold heads are wind and fire, attacking her.

After the "Xuanbing Armor" was stunned, Duanmu had more of a cold-blooded armor.

Wearing the ice armor, the raft was flying directly into the air, trying to jump from the air to the nine-headed gold scorpion. It was just that the nine gold scorpions were really smart. I saw the idea of ​​Duanmu in the morning, and the Duanmu just arrived in the air. At that time, the golden tail that was as thick as a big pillar swept directly toward the end of the raft, and Duanmu squatted down the body.

"砰", the Duanmu was directly smashed to the wall.

At this moment, Ghost Repair has taken Xuanyuan ink into the mirror and sent it out to the flower tower.

Xuanyuan ink looked up at the tall flower tower and smashed his eyebrows. "Is this child here?"

Ghost Xiu heard the words and respectfully said, "Yes, the flower tower in the mirror is the same place as the moon in the water. If the girl wants to accept the inheritance, then she must pass the test of the flower tower and get the key. Go to the temple to accept the inheritance."

Xuanyuan ink nodded and heard that the child should be tested here. I don't know if the child is now on the first floor.

Xuanyuan Mo wanted to enter the flower tower while thinking about lifting his foot, but he was stopped by the "Shou Tianjian".