The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 350: Know me, the little emperor also

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When the voice was heard, soldiers immediately came in.

The soldier did not pay attention to the original emperor of the morning, but directly opposite Zhuge’s unclear, "Wang Ye."

Zhuge did not even give the soldier a look, but he still looked at the morning with a sneer.

"Is that person dead?" The sarcasm sounded with a strong sigh.

The morning child heard a stern heart, and the childish face was instantly reddened by anger.

The soldier heard the words immediately and said, "Not yet."

Zhuge did not know that the original proud face was suddenly gloomy, and turned and slammed directly toward the middle of the soldier.

"Oh..." The loud applause was particularly harsh in this quiet camp.

The soldiers were directly thrown to the ground by Zhuge Wuming, and the cheeks on the right side were not only red and swollen, but also the **** lips of the lips.

"A group of waste." Zhuge did not know the face of the soldier with a sullen face, full of anger.

Seeing that Zhuge was not angry, the soldiers couldn’t get dizzy and immediately climbed up from the ground. He feared, “The prince is angry, but the man is still dead, but it’s almost the same. If the prince wants him to die, the little now Go and kill him." I knew that Wang Ye wanted him to die, he would not torture him, and he would kill him directly.

"You dare." The morning child was angry when he heard the words, and he directly slammed the soldier to the ground.

"Oh..." Because the person was small, the morning foot reached the soldier's legs. The softest place between the soldiers, the soldier hurts to hold his baby on the ground and roll straight.

Seeing the morning anger, Zhuge did not know why he was angry. He changed his smug expression and looked at the soldier who was so cold and sweaty on the ground. "Who said that the king wants him to die, the king wants him to live now, since he If you don't like to eat, then give the king three waiters a day to serve him, but don't let him die. If he is dead, you will all be buried with the king."

Hearing the deliberately aggravated "burial", the soldier immediately endured the pain and got up from the ground and went to the body. "Yes...small will definitely call him." The soldier said the drooping dice There was a faint glare in the shadows. Today he almost broke his son because he broke his son. How could he not greet him, but he could not kill him so easily.

It seemed to feel the thoughts of the soldier. In the morning, there was a sigh of anger, and he once again slammed into his crotch.

"Oh..." The soldier was once again overturned to the ground. This time, not only did he sweat coldly, but his face became pale, and his son and grandson were twice hit hard, letting the soldier go half a life.

The soldier held his son and grandson in a pale face. This time, the strength of the rolling is gone. This is good. Just then, he can still feel the pain of the cone heart. This is completely numb and unconscious.

The morning did not pay attention to the soldiers who had been tripped to him by the ground, and he looked at the uncles with anger and anger. "Let him go."

Zhuge did not understand the lips and sneered a sneer, and raised a brow, "What do you say? Who put it?"

"Oh, say, let go, he." Every word that came out of the mouth of the morning was like a smoldering fire, but the moment it re-exported it became a cold ice.

Listening to the words of the morning child, Zhuge did not know the smile of the lips, and even the "朕" was used. It seems that he really cares about that person, maybe he can make good use of it.

"The two white-faced hoes on the ground were eaten, and the king put him." The voice on the high is like alms, a joke.

The morning child heard the white-faced **** on the ground, which was stepped on a crumb. The brow was wrinkled and looked up at Zhuge’s unclear cold road. "Your words can be believed, there is no untrustworthy person in this world." If he ate These pieces of debris on the ground did not know that he could put the man, then he could eat, but he knew that Zhuge did not know that he would never be a trustworthy person. Even if he ate these crumbs, he could not really let the person.

"Ha ha..." Zhuge did not know the words and laughed loudly, looking at the morning child, "Know me, the little emperor also." Zhuge did not say, and turned his face proudly.

Looking at Zhuge's unsatisfactory back, the darkness of the morning scorpion was full of anger, and the roots were biting, and the sweet taste in the mouth made the morning child remember the helplessness and humiliation of this moment.

"Get out of the way."

Hearing the angry voice of the morning, the two soldiers immediately ran out and rolled out.

In the restaurant room, Duanmu slammed up from the bed.

Xuanyuan ink was shocked by the sudden movement of Duanmu, and immediately got up and looked at Duanmu. "What happened, have a nightmare?"

Duanmu 汐 汐 回 回 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕There is some uneasiness in my heart, and I always feel that the dream seems to be true.

Xuanyuan ink heard the light flashing, and then gently put Duanmu into his arms. "Don't think about it, he is so smart, there will be nothing."

Although he did not have much contact with the child, but he still knows about Xuanwu’s affairs. Xia Houchen was enthroned at the age of three. Although he was in the five years of his reign, Xuanwu’s masters were Zhuge’s uncle and the underlying kings. However, he can persist in such a long time in the Xuanwu chaos situation, and it will not be a simple role.

The consolation of Xuanyuan Mo did not let Duanmu Yu’s heart come down. Xuanyuan and Zhuge did not know the collusion. Both of them were ambitious and insidious villains. The situation of Chen Er’s present situation must be very bad. Duanmu’s dark purple scorpion flashed. Deep fears.

Feeling the worry of Duanmu, Xuanyuan ink sighed with a sigh. "I will take you to find him." Perhaps her intuition is right. Xuanyuan brought 100,000 troops to Zhuge, but this is undoubtedly given to Zhuge. Unexplained with a huge sword, with enough soldiers and horses, Zhuge has not been sure that he will rebel, and the situation of the child at this time can be imagined.

Duanmu 汐 汐 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜 惊喜

Looking at the excited Duanmu, Xuanyuan ink lips sneered a smirk, holding a small face of Duanmu, "But before that, you have to help me again."

Duanmu 汐 汐 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小

Looking at the small face of Duanmu, the Xuanyuan ink lips evoke a sly smile, shaking his head, "No." Xuanyuan ink said directly to the end of the wood to the bed.

After a long time, the lingering lingering was over until a pleasant low-pitched sound.

Outside the city of Zhangzhou, Xuanyuan Mo and Duanmuyu found the Baolingma that was left last night and the two returned to the road. Duanmu 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐 汐

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Mo is a refreshing look after a slap in the face, and the spirit of the sly look, so that Duanmu can not wait to pounce on his handsome face.

Looking at the gongs and drums of Duanmu, Xuanyuanmo was in a good mood to kiss her little red face.

Duanmu's small mouth slightly stunned his face. "I will see the morning tomorrow."

Xuanyuan Mou heard a smile in his voice, and hooked his lips. "Tomorrow is impossible, the day after tomorrow, help me ten times."

Duanmu 汐 言 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗

"The deal." The last raft is still succumbing to the arrogance of Xuanyuan Mo, who asked her to ask for help now, no matter how promised, and later will be said later.

In the military camp in the northwest border.

The morning is lying in bed waiting for the dark, only he will have a chance.

Because of the incident of the gimmicks that had appeared before, Zhuge did not explicitly aggravate the guards of the morning camp. Now the morning camp’s camp is not only the front two soldiers’ handles, but also the soldiers in the northeast and northwest, with a total of eight soldiers.

At this time, the two soldiers in the west were talking quietly.

A younger soldier looked at the middle-aged soldier next to him, whispering, "Have you just seen there?"

The middle-aged soldier heard the words of the young soldier with a blank eye. "The Regent King confessed, how could he not go?"

The young soldier sighed with a sigh. "Oh, it’s too bad. It’s just that I can’t see it. It’s estimated that there isn’t a good piece of meat on the whole body.” The old soldier said that he couldn’t help but tremble, just one He couldn't help but tremble when he thought about the man's misery.

The middle-aged soldier’s words are also a lingering fear. “No, it’s estimated that it will not last long.”

"Why do you say that the Regent does not give him a quick pain, so that the torture of the law is not more difficult than death?" The young soldiers are full of unbearable and sympathetic, they are all military camps, and no one wants to see them. Such a thing.

The middle-aged soldier also sighed with a slight sigh. "Hey, who knows, maybe he wants to give us a warning."

The young soldier sighed and nodded. He said it was good. If it was not for the warning, it would not be so costly for the soldiers of the entire military camp to see the man sentenced.

"Actually, I admire the courage of the man. I can be faithful to the young and self-denying." The young soldier’s face flashed a touch of admiration and yearning. Those who can come out as soldiers are hot-blooded men, which one does not want to Jingzhong is loyal to the country, and he has made meritorious deeds. Who wants to be the seller’s quest for glory and rebellion against the rebellion? To blame, it can only blame the current basaltic situation is too chaotic, and these small people can only follow the tide.

The middle-aged soldier heard the words and whispered immediately. "Don’t talk, do you want to be like that person?"

The young soldier heard that he was no longer talking, and he kept his head down and didn't know what he was thinking.

The middle-aged soldiers sighed silently, and the world was too chaotic. They were not able to control them, but they had a poor child.

The morning child in the camp listened to the conversation between the two people. The cold light in the middle of the squad is getting deeper and deeper. Zhuge is not clear. You wait, one day I will let you ten times.