The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 374: Where are the crazy heads, dare to come

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Hearing the screaming scream, Duanmu Xue was the first to anger. He slammed the table and yelled at the phoenix in the dark. "It’s all what you eat, so you can break into Suzaku Palace."

Seeing Duanmu Xuefa, Feng Wei and Wenwu Baiguan immediately squatted down, "Chen and other confession, please majesty the Queen."

Looking at the phoenix and Baiguan who had smashed the ground, Duanmu Xue was not angry with one place, and the doubtful eyes of the guests made Duanmu Xue feel that his face was dull, but it was not good, it was really embarrassing. Quite very much.

Looking at the raging Duanmu snow, Duanmu smashed his eyebrows and got up and looked at Duanmu Xuedao. "I went outside to see." Listening to the strange voice, she really couldn’t think who would have such courage. I came to Suzaku and told me to see her.

Duanmu said that he did not wait for Duanmu Xue to talk and went straight to the temple. The Xuanyuan ink next to Duanmu, who stood up at the end of Duanmu, stood up and went out together.

Everyone saw the situation and looked at each other, and did not understand what happened. Jun no evil, Ming dynasty, Lian Zhengyu, Chen Er and other people have all followed, and Duanmu Xue, Huang Pu and others are finally worried, all followed.

Duanmu and Xuanyuan ink went outside the Fengyi Temple. They saw a strange woman. The strange woman’s feet fell to the ground and fell to the ground. The guards who fell to the ground quickly stood up again and took the strange woman. Surrounded.

The woman has a pink coat and a blond hair. The appearance is exquisite and beautiful. A pair of pink eyes are as clear and transparent as a jewel.

So beautiful beauty, Duanmu looked at the woman who was screaming at her eyes, her eyebrows were contemptuous, although she didn’t know, but she gave her a familiar feeling. When she saw this woman, Duanmu’s first thought was white. He, the same blonde, the same colored eyes, as beautiful as a real person, Duanmu thought, subconsciously looking at the woman's ear, and found the pointed ear outside the hair. It seems that she did not guess wrong, it is indeed a woman of the elves, but she and her have no enmity, why she wants to run to Suzaku.

Duanmu saw the identity of the woman in the pink coat. Xuanyuan Mo also saw the identity of the girl in the pink dress at the same time. Naturally, he also knew the reason why the woman came here.

Seeing Duanmu, the woman in the powdered coat flashed a touch of stunning, the woman saw her much, the woman of the faint color, the elves of the elves were countless, but there was no beauty like her, her beauty. It is a completely different beauty from their elves. No wonder that the guy will fall in love with her. If she is a man, she may be fascinated by her beauty. Unfortunately, such a beautiful woman is a black heart.

Looking at the disgust in the eyes of the women in the powder, Duanmu's eyebrows were scornful, waving at the guards, and the guards immediately stepped back to the side.

"Girl, if I remember correctly, we should haven't seen it before." Since I haven't seen it before, I can't even talk about any hatred and grievances. I don't know why she is coming here.

The woman in the powdered clothes sighed angrily. "We have never seen it, but some people have seen it with you. Not only have you seen it, but you have been unconscious to save you, but you can do it, don't say it. Save people, so far no greetings, your conscience was eaten by dogs?"

Xuanyuan ink listened to the last sentence of the woman in the powder coat, and the light was cold and cold. If it was not for the person who saved her life, this woman must be a dead person at the moment.

Listening to the inexplicable complaint of the woman in the powder coat, Duanmu’s brow wrinkled more tightly. Was someone slumbering to save her? who is it? At that moment, a name suddenly appeared in Duanmu's mind.

Baihe, who has a relationship with this girl, only Baihe, the person she knows, but when is Baihe trying to save her from being unconscious, why didn't anyone tell her this?

Duanmu Xue and others who came out together, just walked out of Fengyi Temple and heard such a sentence. All of them came down coldly. Duanmu Xue was angrily glaring at the girl in the pink dress. "Where is the crazy girl, dare to come to our Suzaku act wildly."

In the face of Duanmu Xue’s anger, the white-haired woman was not afraid at all, and bluntly said, “This is something about me and Duanmu, and others don’t care.”

The powder-coated woman said that she didn’t wait for Duanmu Xue to talk, and then turned to Duanmu, and shouted disdainfully. "Don't tell me, you don't know, Baihe has been sleeping for more than a year to save you, and you go to care only. The husband and wife of the family have a happy family. If you don’t ask him, he will pay his true heart to you."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed again, and all looked strangely at Duanmu.

Duanmu Xue also forgot to be angry, and looked at Duanmu, stunnedly. Is it because the nephew has provoked any romantic debts outside, and the family members come to discuss the arguments, oh, this is not good, the ink kid is also true. If there is such a thing, Mo Xiaozi must be angry.

Everyone looked at Duanmu, and only the innocent face looked at Xuanyuan Mo, and a pair of beautiful peach eyes were full of optimistic expressions.

Did not pay attention to everyone's weird gaze, Duanmu only thought about the woman who had just finished the powder for more than a year, and suddenly thought of something, Duanmu slammed and turned to look at Xuanyuan ink, but saw Xuanyuan ink look guilty and don't open his eyes.

Duanmu’s brows are wrinkled. It seems that this woman is telling the truth. Baihe actually tried to save her from sleeping so far, but she didn’t know it until now. It’s really... Duanmu’s deep purple Flashed a bit.

Duanmu picked up his emotions and looked at the girl in the powder. "This girl, I really don't know that Baihe is awake to save me. Please ask the girl to give me time to figure out the truth of the matter, no matter what white. There is no relationship between coma and me. I will definitely find a way to wake him up because he has helped me. He is my friend."

Looking at the face of a sincere Duanmu, the pink woman's pink voice flashed down and looked at her, as if she really didn't know. If she didn't know it, it would be justifiable.

The powdered woman shook hands into a fist and put it on her lips and coughed. "Well, well, this girl will give you time to figure out, but the girl won't leave until you explain it to the girl."

Looking at the woman with a smugly powdery coat, Duanmu slammed the lips and said, "Yes, if the girl doesn't give up, she can live in Suzaku Palace."

A farce ended here. Fortunately, the four small annual banquets were not affected. The guests should still eat and drink, but in the intertwined relationship between guests and civil servants, it seems that they can hear the granddaughter of the Virgin. The words of debt, accounting, etc., have to say that the brains of these civil and military officials and guests are still quite big.

Tai women's hall, Duanmu 汐 people to call Feng five, before the phoenix five pregnant, Duanmu 汐 put her fake.

Soon, Feng Wu walked in with his stomach and saw Duanmu, and Feng Wu immediately went to the ceremony. "His Royal Highness, are you looking for me?"

Duanmu squinted at the eyes of the five phoenixes and frowned. "This temple asks you, what happened to Baihezi when he was in the wild sanctuary?"

Feng Wu heard that his body was stiff and immediately bowed his head. "Bai Hegongzi, he... He used to use the Elf Secret Method in order to retain his soul." I have been slumbering. "Feng Wu has always felt very embarrassed about Bai He's things. People almost lost their lives in order to save the temple, but his Highness did not know at all.

Duanmu’s words flashed a sigh of anger and frowned. “So important, did you not talk to the temple before?”

Seeing that Duanmu was angry, Feng Wu immediately squatted down and said, "The priest is guilty, please appoint."

"I told her not to let her say, you have to blame me!" Suddenly a voice came from the door.

Duanmu sings, and looks up to Xuanyuan ink, gently frowning, "A Xue?"

Xuanyuan ink went to Duanmu, and waved to the phoenix who was lying on the ground. "You go ahead."

"Yes." Feng Wu heard the words and immediately retired.

After Feng Wu left, Duanmu looked at Xuanyuan ink and looked puzzled. "Why are you..."

If Duanmu’s words have not been finished, Xuanyuan Mo will reach out and bring Duanmu into his arms.

Duanmu was not talking about anything in Xuanyuan's ink, but just waiting for Xuanyuan's answer.

Silence for a while, Xuanyuan ink was able to open the door. "At the beginning, you were stabbed in the heart by Xuanyuan. At that time, you had no signs of life. At that time, I was so desperate that I wanted to go with you."

As soon as he thought of the scene at the time, Xuanyuan Mo could involuntarily exude a desperate atmosphere of unbearable love.

Feeling the deep despair of Xuanyuan ink, Duanmu's heart suddenly hurts, and that time it really scared him, Duanmu reached out and clung to Xuanyuan ink, silently told him that she was.

Xuanyuan ink also clung to the end of the wood, and buried her face in her neck, muffled. "Later, he suddenly appeared, saying that there is a way to leave your soul, I heard what he said. Excited, I only thought that as long as you have a soul, I will be able to wake up, so I did not ask him what method to save you."

Until he was awake, he realized that he had paid such a heavy price to save her, but even if he knew it early, he could not change anything, because he would not stop him from saving her, even if he did not want to, he Will ask him, he is very grateful to him, he not only saved her, but also saved him.

"The reason why I didn't tell you is because you were pregnant before, I am afraid that you will ignore your body and be anxious to save people. After you have a child, you are difficult to produce, and your body is not good. I have never been. Find the right opportunity to tell you."

After listening to the explanation of Xuanyuan Mo, Duanmu’s light flashed and whispered. “I didn’t want to blame you, but I’m a little guilty.” After all, he was so sleepy because she saved her, but she even knows both. do not know.

Xuanyuan ink heard the words and looked at Duanmu. "Do you want to save him?"