The Pioneering Era of Crossing the Orc World

Chapter 60: Festival

Stop what Feng wanted to say, "I know, you want to develop your tribe like our tiger clan, right? You saved me and Chi's lives. We should help you, but it's really not the time now! I promise You, wait for the next spring to start working for you, okay?"

After a long silence, Feng said, "Why should I trust you?"

Why? Xia He turned his eyes and thought quickly, and finally said, "Because I am the founder of the development of the Tiger Clan, and also rely on...I am the patriarch of the Tiger Clan to take over!"

Seeing Feng's ironic smile and suspicious face, Xia He was hit hard. "You have to believe me in the first thing anyway, and in the latter sentence, Patriarch Gao has already taught me Ruby."

After listening, Feng opened his eyes wide and looked up and down Xia He strangely, "Just you?"

"Of course!" Xia He straightened his chest. "If you don't believe it, let's make a contract."

"...What is the contract?"

Suddenly Xia He was full of black lines, and suddenly thought of another question, "Patriarch Feng, do you know how to write?"

"No." In fact, Feng wanted to ask, what is writing? You can see Xia He's face, if you ask yourself again, you will be like someone who doesn't know anything.

Xia He smiled stiffly. He always thought that no matter which world or country, he has his own language and writing, but there is nothing here!

"Well, let's ask a few orcs to accompany us to the Tiger Clan?" He knew that this method would not even agree with him. If this method did not work, then he really couldn't think of any guarantee with the Wolf Clan. Xia He deeply doubted whether this servant had been deceived by someone, which seriously hurt his heart, so that it had an influence and no longer trusted others easily?

"Let me think about it for a few days." Feng also knew that there was no way, but remember not to easily believe his human principles to remind yourself, especially people of different races.

"How many days? No! It's been too long, our tribe really has something to do, we can't afford to waste time! Tomorrow, tomorrow I will come to you again, tonight you think about it." Xia He said firmly. "It’s not that I said you, Chief Feng. People have to trust each other. Although we have to maintain certain vigilance, trustworthiness has to be in the forefront. Look at the Eagles, Chief Ming just trusts us, so We are now keeping in touch with each other and exchanging the items we need. What a wonderful development this is..."

"Wait a minute!" Feng interrupted Xia He's endless voice and asked urgently: "He, what you just said was the Eagle Clan? Is the Eagle Clan trading with your Tiger Clan? This is your first bow to the Eagle Clan. The proposal is that the Eagles are the first..."

"Eh~~No, no, we are not who bows our heads first, but we are mutually reciprocal interests. Eagles have the food that our tigers need, and our tigers have the development life they need. Of course, by the way, I will also point to them to develop on a better path. Therefore, if the Feng chief is willing, we can also have a long-term development cooperation.” Xia He continues to induce him, if they develop mutually to the tiger clan There is no loss, even if the wolf clan has nothing to exchange, but at least multiple allies are better than multiple threats.

Feng clenched his fist with his right hand and rubbed the frowning brows between his eyebrows, "You come to me tomorrow, I will reconsider." Then he walked out.

Realizing that you have to reconsider and prove that you are a step away from going home! Xia He smiled successfully, looking at Feng's slender and strong back, maybe he is not as sinister and selfish as he thought, he just wants his tribe to live a better life. In this way, Na Feng is actually great enough. In order to make his tribe more prosperous, he would rather be a villain. Of course, Xia He did not deny Feng's nature of wolf nature. He had great patience and cunning and suspiciousness, as well as a chic and unrestrained side, even an orc with rich emotions.

Back to the tree cave house, Chi and Ba were carrying two stone pots of meat into the tree cave.

"The river is back, sit down first, I will wash the spoons and chopsticks." As he said, he took three spoons and three pairs of chopsticks on the stone table and went to the river not far away to wash them.

Xiahe made a little bit, smelling something different from the usual chicken scent, "Um~ It's so fragrant, it seems that it's not just chicken stewed with mushrooms, let me see, what else is stewed?"

"Hehe, Brother He, it's in this pot. The stew in it is the deer meat, which I hunted~!" Ba Xiao made a small face and proudly said that the deer was hunted by himself.

"It's pretty good, my family's He can't hunt, and can only catch rabbits or pheasants by trapping." Xia He said while touching her soft gray short hair. Sure enough, the number of people in each tribe is different, and their survival skills are also different. In this world, it may be necessary to train male orcs from an early age to have a strong will and superior fighting ability. It's just that Xia He has never understood Niancun. Why didn't the orcs call females and train them? According to what he saw, the females of each race were about 1.89 meters tall. They were all cows and horses, five, big and three thick. How could they be petite and weak as the male orcs said?

"Oh~ It turns out that Brother He's house also has a little male orc." Ba Xiaodian said he knew. "But what is the trap?"

"Traps~ When you wait for Ba to go to our tiger clan, let He take you to create a trap. He is only one or two years younger than you. You can play together." As long as Ba goes to the tiger clan. Now, that also proves that Feng intends or has already cooperated with the Tiger Clan. As for everything else, it's easy to say.

Chi also came back when he was speaking. During the dinner, Xia He also reported to Chi all of Yu Feng's conversations, and finally asked Chi Jue if he knew what was wrong with doing so. Chi said that if Feng agrees and there are no other strange requests, then there is nothing wrong, but when you go back, you have to clarify the matter with Patriarch Gao as soon as possible. After all, Xia He just accepted the Peugeot object and did not even verbally agree to Gao. , Explain to him that sound is necessary.

For this Xia He, of course he nodded and promised, if he hadn't had to, he would not express himself like that. The two guessed that if Haofeng trusted them, they could go back tomorrow. At the thought of being able to go home quickly, both of them ate very much.

Unexpectedly, only the child next to him was depressed, put down his favorite meat, and looked sadly at the two topics of homecoming with great interest.

"Puff~! Haha...cough, baah," Xia He was still wondering why Ba suddenly couldn't eat, but saw that Ba was depressed and unhappy, a small face full of sad expressions like being abandoned by his lover, it would be strange if Xia He didn't spew food. . Finally suppressed the laughter and asked, "Ba, what's the matter with you, huh?"

Chi also stopped eating and looked at Ba inquiringly.

Ba pouting dissatisfied with Xia He laughed at the scene, "I can't bear to leave you, can Brother He not leave, or stay a few more days?"

This Xia He couldn't laugh out loud, "Uh, I have been out for almost a month, and I miss home especially, and there is He at home waiting for us to go back." I couldn't bear to see Baal disappointed and downcast, "Ba, in the future. You come to our Tiger Clan to play, just stay a few more days, eh?"

Ba nodded reluctantly. Finally, there was a female who loved her but had a partner. Otherwise, she had to ask the beast father and brother He to spouse, then maybe Brother He was his beast mother. But now people are going to leave... Hey~ Ba sighed, why are the females who tenderly love the little orc belonged to someone else?

"Okay, okay," Xia He held Ba's small face in both hands, kissed his forehead, and said funnyly: "We will have many opportunities to meet in the future. Eat meat, it won’t taste good when it’s cold. . "Whether you can go back depends on whether the frontman thinks about it or not.

It's just that one thing they didn't expect was that from now on, Ba really would meet with them every day.

The author has something to say: Ooh, I really want to write one or two chapters and finish it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


54. Go home...

I have eaten stewed chicken soup, deer meat, rabbit meat, and some unknown beasts for several days. Fortunately, I have wild greens that I know I can eat. Otherwise, I would be really tired of eating meat every day. Although Chi Chang cooked different dishes every time, without rice, Xia He couldn't get used to it. Also, Xia He squeezed his cheek, um, it was soft, it must have been fleshy, and the pale face that had lost its blood and paleness not only made up for it, but also made up for the extra flesh. There is also a belly. Xia He looked down and looked at the loose T-shirt he made without any obvious protruding. He breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he wears loose clothes, his belly will not protrude so quickly. After all, it will take eight months. It’s time for me to come to fruition.

When I walked to the river, Chi was still busy. There were a lot of wild chrysanthemums around the wolf clan and it was in full bloom. Therefore, Chi was called to pick a large handful of chrysanthemums and dry them every day. The chrysanthemum tea can clear heat and cool blood. It is a herbal tea suitable for all seasons.

Chi looked up and saw Xia He and said hurriedly, "Why are you here? The river is uneven. Come on, sit down first." Chi helped Xia He onto a large flat rock.

"Damn, every day I’m either lying or sitting, I’m about to get moldy, you know, but I’m pregnant with a ball and not with a glass, it’s not that fragile. I’m healthy now, and I’m not tired yet. Don't want to sit, don't stop me anymore."

Looking at Chi's helpless face, Xia He was even more helpless. He was about to lose his freedom and didn't say anything. Bing had to think about the child first about what a pregnant woman should do. But it’s more beneficial for a pregnant person to walk around properly, but I don’t understand.