The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 462: [Beller! Let others nowhere! 】

On the Internet, fans around the world are questioning the level of Larry Brown's coaching, and the Knicks fans directly called: "Brown gets out of New York"!

The Lakers' victory has sounded Brown's "death bell", and his coaching career in the Knicks has entered a countdown.

That night, the Lakers flew back to Los Angeles on a special plane and received a three-day break.

Yang Rui was absent from the team training for Ming and the next two days and left alone in Los Angeles. He is the busiest man in the Lakers and has important events in New York. David Stern knew for a long time that he specially gave him a green light when scheduling the Lakers schedule.

After Yang Rui joined the Lakers, he did not take any snack advertising endorsements. Some people said that he was more mature than before. More people wondered why he didn’t make money. On the 4th, North American evening news gave the answer.

Facebook will be officially listed on the Nasdaq on the morning of the 5th. Yang Rui will participate in the company's "bell ringing ceremony" as the company's largest shareholder.

Yao Ming cut off the super data and was still grabbed the limelight by Yang Rui because the news is incredible.

There are very few companies that can be listed on NASDAQ in the world. At present, there are only more than 5,000 companies. It is a great honour to be invited to the bell ringing ceremony on NASDAQ. Yang Rui is not a friend or company employee, but It is the bell ringer!

Suddenly many fans felt that Yang Rui had changed his taste.

Isn’t he the youngest tease coach in the NBA, the number one player in sports?

Now you tell me, this product will become the top 100 richest people in the world, and the ranking will be relatively high?

Although people have long known that Yang Rui has a relationship with Facebook and has a unique image of a little yellow man, few people think that he will become such a cow someday.

Even the Lakers boss Jerry Bass felt very stressed, and a great **** was invited.

When the Forbes annual rich list is released, the wealth of NBA bosses will become a hot topic. In this year's top 400 US rich list, 13 NBA bosses are on the list, and the Lakers owner Bass family has no suspense. Compared to assets, Bass is a "poor man" among NBA bosses. He just made the most shots when running the team.

After Facebook went public, Yang Rui, who held a lot of shares, was much richer than the Bass family and ranked in the top five in the entire NBA. As stocks rise, company dividends, etc., Yang Rui's net worth has the potential to continue to improve.

Yang Rui was also very excited to participate in this kind of activity. His previous life was just an ordinary white-collar worker. He contributed money and creativity, and he couldn't manage the company at all, relying on Thomas Bentley.

The two brothers rushed to the Nasdaq trading building in Times Square at 8 am, entered the gate through security, and attended the 50 guests invited.

In addition to the company's top management, Stanna-Katic and Scarlett Johansson were also invited to the scene.

Jennifer Aniston did not come. Recently, entertainment news broke out that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had feelings when they filmed "The Smith Couple". Pete and Jennifer have also separated. She is a housewife at the girlfriend's house. .

Yang Rui and Thomas are willing to help, but it is inconvenient to meet her. The paparazzi are now staring all day long, this bone-and-eye heterosexual friend meets Jennifer, not knowing what negative news will come out.

Everyone lined up to take photos at half past eight. This photo will be used as a souvenir.

Less than 9 o'clock, everyone entered the studio together, and the ceremony was held here. A variety of high-end cameras were arranged more like a TV station. The securities trading started at 9 o'clock, and the ceremony started at 9:30, so it was just a form.

Yang Rui and Thomas wrapped around each other's shoulders and reached for the thumb with their thumbs. The so-called "ringing the bell" is an old-fashioned saying, but it is actually replaced by an orange-colored electric button.

In Yang Rui's previous life, Facebook's first show on Nasdaq was "stumbled" due to a software error on the stock exchange. The stock price rose only 0.61% to $38.37 on the day.

This time, there was no failure, and the overall situation of the US stock market was good. With Dongfeng, Facebook surged 38% on the first day, and the final closing price was 61.3 US dollars.

In terms of social platforms, Facebook has become a recognized global hegemon, and ICQ and Microsoft have been defeated by them.

It is worth mentioning that the founder of Facebook in Yang Rui’s previous life, Zuckerberg, known as “Gates II”, also launched a similar social platform in February this year. It's a pity that he started too late. Facebook and the little yellow man have been imitated by countless people. Zuckerberg's website is not profitable at all, and it is already on the street.

Yang Rui used practical actions to explain what it means to "take the path of others, so that others have no way to go."

Yang Rui and Thomas Bentley both hold the majority of the company’s shares, more than the share of Google founders who were listed more than two months ago. The early stage of Facebook relied on Yang Rui, Jennifer Aniston, and her friend James.

Sports, entertainment, and financial media are competing to report on Yang Rui. China CCTV News also reported that Yang Rui's net worth is about 10 billion US dollars, which can rank among the top 50 in the world.

Last year, Forbes ranked China's richest man, Ding Lei, worth billions of dollars, and Yang Rui was ten times his.

Fans on the Internet are all in a pan, Yang Rui leads the team to win the championship and takes the highest annual salary in the coach. Everyone thinks it is normal. Now the coach suddenly becomes richer than the NBA bosses. What kind of trouble is this?

Online reviews are varied. Many people think that Yang Rui and other coaches are not in the same dimension.

"Larry Brown, you have a big deal."

"Jerry Yang must be the richest person in sports now, there is no one."

"Where is he a basketball coach? Obviously the basketball pope!"

A lot of people ganged up on Stanna Katick, thinking she was not worthy of Yang Rui.

"What kind of aesthetic is Jerry I look better at her big face than Stanna, kick her!"

"Why not find a Chinese girlfriend? Jerry, I will give you a monkey."

"Yang Rui has never been married. Did he expect such a day? In case he divorced and divided his property, the amount was too amazing."

Some people in Canada directly maliciously slanderd that Stanna was adopted by Yang Rui when she was in college.

After reading the news, Stanna was under great pressure.

Her family called her, and regardless of her parents, younger brother or younger sister, she told her to have a good relationship with Yang Rui and not break up. With such a large backing, you can walk sideways in the world.

Stanna also feels that she really doesn't deserve Yang Rui. If she wasn't lucky enough to meet him in Toronto, maybe she is just an ordinary person now. Even if she is lucky to be in the entertainment industry, she has no connections and no advantage.

Taurus constellation women are extremely material, and the point of view is that there is no love without bread. For Taurus women, love is indeed important, but material is more important than love. If two people want long-term love, they should maintain a certain economy. condition.

Stanna is very realistic, she has made up her mind, even if Yang Rui does not want to get married, as long as she does not dislike her, she will not take the initiative to leave.

At this time, a fat man thought the same way.

Scarlett is Scorpio, seemingly cold, in fact, it is easy to listen to men's rhetoric and even put the whole heart on, this is their dead spot. Scorpio's love is the most affectionate, they are not so easy to fall in love with a person, once they fall in love, they will carry on the love to the end.

Yang Rui’s treatment of Scarlett was magnified by her many times. She was jealous and jealous. She loved jealousy very much. She couldn’t lose weight. If she starred in the movie, she was still depressed.