The President’s Number One Fresh Wife

Chapter 181: She is damned

Huo Yichen took out his cell phone and called Gu Yanxi.

Linda cried out: "Mr. Huo, I called the boss before I went to the dignitaries of Oak, and turned it off."

At this time, Huo Yichen's mobile phone also heard a sweet but emotional female voice saying: Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off.

Huo Yichen held the phone tightly, with a bad premonition in his heart.

Linda was scared, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Huo, the boss is not an accident, right?"

Huo Yichen gave Linda a dark face.

Linda was busy with "pooh," two mouthfuls: "Mr. Huo, I'm talking nonsense. We have been here for two or three days. I heard that foxes and monkeys occasionally crossed the safety net to steal fruits. I never heard of anything else. Big beast. So, there will be nothing wrong with the boss, and nothing will happen."

Monkeys and foxes can cross the safety net. Isn't it possible for large animals to cross the net?

Previously, the news reported that there were cases of wild elephants and boars injuring people in the southwest mountainous area.

"Find someone!"

Huo Yichen was covered with cold air, and there were two clusters of flames in his eyes.

Gu Yanxi's disappearance for three hours quickly spread around the base. Everyone didn't care about the bonfire party. Chen Yufeng immediately organized a group of five people to find people with torches and lighting tools.

When Chen Yufeng arranged things, Huo Yichen and Xiao Li had already set off alone with a hand-held light.

Huo Yichen still remembered the direction Gu Yanxi left. He followed that direction to find Xiao Li all the way, out of the vineyard, there was a small road, east to the residence, west to the lemon garden. Since Gu Yanxi didn't go back to his place of residence, did he go east from this place to the lemon garden?

At this time the sky was completely dark, Xiao Li said cautiously: "Sir, we are here for the first time. The situation in front is unknown. Should we find a worker in the garden as a guide before we go in?"

Huo Yichen didn't reply, and plunged straight into the lemon garden.

The lemon tree is very tall and has no fruit. The lush leaves are very luxuriant, and it looks like a huge ghost standing one by one under the light.

"Gu Yanxi, Gu Yanxi." Huo Yichen shouted as he walked.

"Miss Gu, Miss Gu" Xiao Li also kept shouting.

The two walked for about ten minutes. Suddenly, Xiao Li said: "Sir."

Huo Yichen turned his head: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Li bent down and took out a mobile phone from his feet: "I stepped on a mobile phone, and you can see if it's Miss Gu's."

Huo Yihan turned around to pick up the phone, which was indeed the brand of phone used by Gu Yanxi. The screen is broken and it is off. Fortunately, it can be turned on, and the boot screen is a photo of Gu Yanxi and Gu Wenhai.

"It's her phone!" Huo Yichen held the phone, his heart sinking more and more. Keeping Xiao Li from moving, he took a hand-held light and looked around where he was picking up the phone. Sure enough, he found some messy footprints.

"Gu Yanxi may have been kidnapped." Huo Yichen said with a cold voice.

What Huo Yichen feared most was when Gu Yanxi met the beast going down the mountain. But from the current clues, she didn't meet a beast, it was possible that she encountered a beast.

This is also a very bad result.

Xiao Li took a closer look at the messy footprints and said, "There are two people's footprints here. Although they are messy, you can see that the shoe sizes are not very large. If it is a man who hijacked Miss Gu, then this man will not It is very tall and does not weigh too much. Men in the southwest are generally thin, but there is another possibility that the kidnapper of Miss Gu was a woman."


Huo Yichen's pupils tightened: "It is indeed possible that it is a woman, but why does the woman kidnap Gu Yanxi, enmity?"

Xiao Li shook his head. He just said that there is such a possibility. Indeed, what did the woman kidnap Miss Gu for? She had just been here for a few days, and it was impossible for her to forge hatred with any woman. Besides, Miss Gu's temperament is very good, and it is impossible for anyone to hate it.

Huo Yichen endured his anger and anxiety and looked around carefully: "This is a large orchard far away from the city and the place of residence. The people who usually go in and out here are basically Shengye employees. Outsiders should rarely come in."

Huo Yichen used lighting tools to illuminate the surrounding carefully, looking for possible clues. Suddenly bent over and picked up a button from a clump of weeds.

He clearly remembered that Gu Yanxi was wearing a casual milky white sportswear today with only zippers and no buttons. But today I saw that the work clothes worn by the orchard workers had buttons, which seemed to be round buttons the size of a black-gray thumb nail.

Huo Yichen clenched the button tightly in his palm, picked up his mobile phone and called Chen Yufeng: "Yufeng, immediately close the base. Employees of the base are only allowed to enter and not leave. Find someone to gather the staff from your base. I said that I was working at the base today. All the employees."

Chen Yufeng guessed what and asked: "Yi Chen, you mean Miss Gu was kidnapped by the base staff?"

"The current situation is." Huo Yichen hung up and walked back in strides.

Chen Yufeng immediately approached the management staff of the base, and asked all the staff at the base to gather on the scene wearing work clothes, and call them by name.

There are 132 workers at the base today. Before, I was calling for help finding people, but now after a roll call, they are all here.

Huo Yichen asked the 100-odd people to stand in ten teams. Huo Yichen looked at their feet and Xiao Li checked their overalls. Check one, go out one.

Check to the fifth row, the seventh person. This is a twenty-seven-eight-year-old woman, of medium build, medium appearance, and freckles on her face.

Huo Yichen asked the woman: "What is your name."

"Wang Xiaoju." The woman replied with a local accent.

Huo Yichen asked again: "Are you cold?"

Wang Xiaoju shook his head subconsciously.

"Why are you not shivering?"

Wang Xiaoju was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly, and shivered with her shoulders: "I'm cold, I'm cold."

Huo Yichen watched Wang Xiaoju's exaggerated performance, and then looked at her feet, which was about 37 yards. Xiao Li took Wang Xiaoju's arm: "Why are the cufflinks on your sleeves gone?"

Then Wang Xiaoju tilted his head to look at his sleeves, with a dazed expression: "Why are the cufflinks on my sleeves gone? Yes, why are the buttons gone. Oh, maybe it was accidentally scraped off while working in the afternoon. ."

Huo Yichen spread out the palm of his hand that had been clenched tightly. The palm was white. There was a button lying on the line in the middle, and his cold eyes cut his teeth: "I found a button, is it yours?"

Wang Xiaoju looked at the button and then at Huo Yichen. He was frightened by the horrifying aura in Huo Yichen's eyes, and shook his head vigorously in horror: "No, it's not mine, it's definitely not mine."

After speaking, Wang Xiaoju turned around and wanted to run.

How could Xiao Li let her run? He grabbed Wang Xiaoju's arm and kicked it to the curve of her leg. Wang Xiaoju knelt on the ground with an unstable center of gravity.

"Ah, why are you arresting me! You let me go! You are breaking the law, I don't know, I don't know what!" Wang Xiaoju went crazy and turned his head around and bit Xiao Li's hand.