The President’s Number One Fresh Wife

Chapter 707: Show you something

Ma Haoyu looked at Yue'er frowning, and couldn't help laughing. In the end, she was still a little girl, she looked good and smart, but she was still silly sometimes.

"Uncles and aunts have a good relationship. My husband loves his wife and wants to let his wife sleep longer. If you want to disturb him, your dad will naturally say you. Your dad is not a guilty conscience, it is a spoiling wife, and then he feels a little uncomfortable in front of the children It's just embarrassing."

Yue'er tilted her head to see Ma Haoyu blinked her eyes: "Really?"

"Stupid." Ma Haoyu smiled, put a word down, and walked forward on his own.

Yue'er quit, and ran to catch up: "Hey, who do you say is stupid. You are the first person in this world to say that I am stupid, I am not convinced."

Ma Haoyu deliberately said: "Obviously, I still refuse to accept it."

The two children were making a fuss like a child, and at the corner Yue'er turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. I was too busy to say sorry, but I looked up and saw that the person was actually Li Jianfei.

"Li Jianfei, why are you here? You should be in school right now." Yue'er asked sweetly with a smile.

Since Li Jianfei provoked Ma Haoyu, Li Jianfei has not appeared in front of Yue'er. This time, he suddenly appeared, and Yue'er was naturally surprised.

Li Jianfei was dressed in casual clothes, and still looked awe-inspiring. He looked at Ma Haoyu behind Yue'er unkindly, then took Yue'er and left. Ma Haoyu followed a step, but Li Jianfei directly yelled, "Yue'er and I have something to say, you are not allowed to follow."

"Li Jianfei, what are you doing? Just say what you have to say, where should I go."

Li Jianfei didn't say a word, anyway, his face was gloomy and scary, as if sandstorms were about to blow up at any time. Yue'er rarely saw such an angry Li Jianfei, and knew that others were good and could not do anything bad, so she simply followed him.

Li Jianfei dragged Yue'er into a roadside car, pulling her to a small square where there were usually not many people.

Yue'er got off the car and looked at the small square, then at Li Jianfei, puzzled: "What are you bringing me here for?"

Li Jianfei still didn't say a word, and pulled Yue'er to a sculpture in the land of white steel in the small square, and said in an angry tone: "Look."

Yueer looked at the sculpture, the shape of a rocket about to be launched. The whole body is cast in white steel, about 89 meters high, with a base underneath. People who usually come to the park after swimming like to take pictures here.

"What are you doing to show me this? You are going to be an astronaut, you are going to heaven." Yue'er smiled and looked at Li Jianfei.

Li Jianfei glanced at Yue'er: "Don't show me a hippie smiley face, I'm not going to go to heaven to show you this. I don't want to show you this sculpture, I want you to look here, look here."

Li Jianfei pointed to a slightly recessed place on the sculpture and let Yue'er look at it.

Yue'er leaned closer and took a look: "Oh, how come there is a palm print here. Good deed, this is stainless steel and cast iron. Who is so powerful, actually left a mark on it."

Li Jianfei cut his teeth: "You also know this person, and you are still very close to him."

Yue'er didn't need to turn his mind, and guessed who it was. But she did not say the name, but deliberately asked: "By the way, before the November holiday, I went to Haoyu's dormitory to find Haoyu, and the people in his dormitory said that he was called out. Now think about it, that You are the one who asked Haoyu to go out? Say, do you ask him to go out to give him power?"

Although Li Jianfei loves face, he dares to act. He confessed directly: "Yes, it was Ma Haoyu I was looking for. I just wanted to give him a prestige. I want him to know that you Yueer is my childhood sweetheart. Why is Cheng Yaojin who he killed halfway through every day? Together? But what I didn't expect was that with my ability, he didn't clean up for him, but he gave me a big deal."

Yue'er laughed and laughed to the point: "Li Jianfei, do you think you deserve it. You went to find a housework, but they were flattened by them. This is how you judge a person by appearance, and forget the truth that there are people outside the world.

Li Jianfei's face was stern: "Yue'er, you actually laughed out! Didn't you find the seriousness of the matter?"

Yue'er tried her best to stop her laughter and asked, "How is the matter? You are fine now, and you can still stand on my face and talk to me with confidence. Doesn't it mean that Ma Haoyu didn't treat you well? what."

Li Jianfei felt that he was talking to a pig, and he hurriedly turned around on the ground before he took a deep breath and said, "Yue'er, the key to the problem I want to tell you is not whether I won or Ma Haoyu won, and whether I lost face or hurt. . What I want to tell you is that Ma Haoyu is not an ordinary person, or even a very scary person. Think about it, think about it with your toes, if you are a normal person, if you can make an understatement, you will be fine here. Is there a palm print on the steel cast iron sculpture? Tell you, I was standing here, and his palm was going to hit me on the head. If he hadn’t missed it, I would have died in his hand with a brain crack Up."

Yue'er knew what Li Jianfei was going to say to him when he saw the palm print. He deliberately talked about it, but he still expressed his fear of Ma Haoyu.

Yue'er had to face this topic and said seriously: "Li Jianfei, if Ma Haoyu has the ability to easily make a handprint on this sculpture, would you not have the ability to aim and deviate from your head?"

"I know this truth, so I also know that Ma Haoyu didn't want to kill me, he just wanted to give me a predicament and tell me not to pester him anymore."

Li Jianfei is not stupid, but he does not appreciate: "However, these are not important. The important thing is where did his skill come from? Is it a crooked way? How much do you know about him? You may be exposed to him. Do you know that your gentle gentleman lied to you."

Yue'er knew that Li Jianfei was worried about herself, and watching him explain to herself with a flushed face anxiously, her heart was still very warm. He stretched out his hand and flew Li Jian to sit down on the long chair, and said softly, "Thank you for worrying about me."

Li Jianfei's anger and anxiousness were instantly widened by Yue'er's words, and then he was a little embarrassed: "Yue'er, I'm worried that you didn't want you to say thank you. After that day, in my heart I was very flustered and shameless. I felt ashamed to go to you and tell you something. During the November holiday, I thought about it a lot and felt that my face was really nothing compared to your safety. Then I made up my mind to go yesterday. The school looked for you and found out that you hadn't gone back to school. I went to your house to look for you, only to realize that you and Ma Haoyu had not come back even after going on a trip. I regretted and blamed myself even more. I didn't tell you earlier for fear of your accident. Then Last night, Ru Cheng called me and said that you and Ma Haoyu were back together, so I came over to talk to you about this in the morning."

Yue'er said sincerely: "Li Jianfei, I used to think you were an impulsive guy who wanted to lose face and not be liked. But now I know that my previous understanding of you was wrong. Although you love face, you are worried about my safety. You can put your face aside. This touches me a lot, do you know?"