The President’s Number One Fresh Wife

Chapter 955: Playing hooligan in the daytime

Panpan is the daughter of Liu Sheng's male neighbor, six years older than Panpan. She is "sexual" cheerful, lively and enthusiastic. When Liu Shengnan was a child, he was most willing to follow Panpan as a little tail. Many times when I was in college, I was shy and couldn't hold on, and I was funded by Panpan. Panpan watched Liu Shengnan grow up, knowing her best, knowing her, and understanding her.

"Male, male, it’s good for someone to chase you. You have to try to get along with a man, instead of rejecting people thousands of miles away, or putting forward many harsh conditions at the beginning. What people think will change with time and environment. Change and change. It's as if you had so much resentment against your father before, but now you also reconcile with him?"

Liu Shengnan shook his head: "My father gave me life, and his blood bleeds in my body. No matter how bad the relationship between us is, it will be easy to forgive if we are linked by blood. But others are different, the hope is given. The bigger, the disappointment will double when hope falls."

"I know you are a student of literature, and you can find reasons to refute me whatever I say. I will just say that the most uncontrollable thing in this world is feelings. Once feelings come and occupy your heart, there will be conditions and principles. You must give way. For the rest of your life, follow your heart."

Panpan said, his husband sent a video request. Tian Zi, who is on a business trip abroad, is worried about his wife and wants to meet each other on video every night to comfort the suffering of lovesickness.

The night here in Panpan is the morning in the foreign country. This shows that Tian Zi sacrificed his precious rest time just to say something meaningless to Liu Shengnan to his wife. For example, what have you done today, what have you eaten, what have you encountered happy or unhappy? But if it was just like this, the two people talked with gusto, and even forgot the time and there was a Liu Shengnan in this room.

Liu Shengnan saw the smile of Panpan's eyebrows and fell into thought.

Panpan was a girl who was free and wandering freely. But for the sake of a man of science and engineering, he gave up poetry and distance, and even willing to walk into the grave of love, wash his hands and make soup for a wooden man.

Is Tian Zi really wood? He seemed to have something to say to Panpan in the video, as if it wouldn't be annoying to say it for three days and three nights.

Liu Shengnan admitted that Panpan and Tianzi are very happy now, but the premise of this happiness is that they have no children yet. It's like mothers and mothers are happy honey mixing oil when they have not given birth to themselves. But when he appeared, everything was broken.

"Panpan, wait for me, I'll go back and bring you a present."

"Tianzi, when you come back, I will also give you a present."

"What gift can you give me?"


It's Tianzi's time over there, and Panpan reluctantly hangs up the video.

When Liu Shengnan saw Panpan hung up the phone, he "touched" his belly with a happy and gentle expression on his face, and his heart sighed: "Panpan, shouldn't your stomach..."

Panpan smiled and nodded warmly in his eyes: "It's been seven weeks. I checked it out the week after Tianzi went on a business trip. I didn't tell him for fear of affecting his work there. I went to the hospital to take a photo yesterday. Super, the baby is very healthy and has a fetal heart."

Pan Pan took out a b-ultrasound inspection form from the bedside table and handed it to Liu Shengnan. Liu Shengnan saw the baby's b-ultrasound list for the first time and was very curious: "Is this a baby?"

"No, this is the uterus, and the little thing inside is a baby."

"It's a strange shape, like an eggplant."

"Haha, indeed." "Is this a boy or a girl?"

"It's too small, I don't know."

"Then Tianzi likes boys or girls?" Liu Shengnan asked cautiously.

"Boys and girls like it." Panpan said casually, and suddenly remembered Liu Shengnan's previous experience, so he stretched out his arm to live her upstairs: "Men, men, not all fathers like boys. That's more than twenty. Years ago, people’s thinking had not changed. Now, people’s ideas have long changed."

Liu Shengnan knows the truth. But knowing it does not mean letting go. She even faintly worried about Panpan's future.

Liu Shengnan took the subway to go to work when a beautiful woman accidentally bumped into her in the crowd.

"Sorry, are you okay." Wu Yan politely apologized to Liu Shengnan. The voice is soft and it sounds particularly gentle and comfortable.

Liu Shengnan smiled hurriedly: "It's okay, it's just a touch."

Two people got into the car one after another and sat next to each other. Wu Yan took the initiative to talk with Liu Shengnan and asked Liu Shengnan what kind of work he did. After learning that she had just gone to work on the TV station, she asked if she was getting along well with her colleagues.

Wu Yan asked about Liu Shengnan's sensitive points with this sentence, as if he had found someone to talk to, he told Wu Yan about his embarrassing situation in the TV station.

Wu Yan talked a lot to Liu Shengnan as a person who came over, and Liu Shengnan benefited a lot. When Liu Shengnan got off the train at the station, he took the initiative to add WeChat with Wu Yan, saying that he would consult Wu Yan again when he had time.

After Liu Shengnan got off the bus, Wu Yan also got off at the next stop. She called Li Jianfei and said everything went well.

Because Li Bei could not meet the three conditions set by Liu Shengnan, he had to give up pursuing her and stopped coming to the martial arts gym.

Li Jianfei formally joined the Asian Group and became a project manager in Gujia Construction. This position is very small for him, and Yueer believes in his abilities, and originally planned to be the ceo for family construction. But Li Jianfei has to start from the grassroots level, starting from a project.

Li Jianfei got busy at work, and he didn’t have so much time to be sentimental to learn new business, but he did not give up Liu Shengnan. He spent all his time outside of work to study traumatic syndrome, and wanted to use practical actions to warm himself up. Liu Shengnan's fragile and fragile heart.

Liu Shengnan went to work, and a black Lexus was parked outside the martial arts hall.

"Get in the car and take you to work." Li Jianfei opened the car door.

Liu Shengnan left only one corner of his eye for Li Jianfei, and then staggered him to go to the subway station.

Li Jianfei grabbed Liu Shengnan's arm, and Liu Shengnan shook it subconsciously: "What are you doing, playing a hooligan in broad daylight."

"Unless you want to be single for a lifetime, there will always be male'sex' by your side. If I'm not by your side who is too annoying, I can drive away those nasty flies, I think this is a very cost-effective thing."

Li Jianfei casually said a reason why Liu Shengnan could not think of any more reasons for rejection.

Liu Shengnan thought to himself: I am neither deaf nor blind nor stupid. He is upright and young. Although he is not the "sex" of Tianxiang Country, he is still able to pass. It is impossible to stay in the house forever, and always "touch" in the society. And as long as they step into society, there will be no men chasing them. Now I have rejected the senior brother and Li Bei. What if there is another second senior brother in the future? What if there is another Li Nan?