The Prestigious Family’s Young Lady and the Farmer

Chapter 37

Yao took the job and came back, just as if he had been beaten up with full power and started to do it.

Usually, she stayed in the house alone when she was out of work. For a few days Lin Qingwan saw that her eyes were bloodshot. Can't help but sigh Yao's desperation, and then stimulated her to move faster.

After doing this for several days, it was not until He asked Yao whether his pickled vegetables had been put in the jar this year, and Yao did not realize that the pickles at home had not been made this year. Hurry up to find Wang and Lin Qingwan, ready to start making pickles.

The first thing I did was pickled sauerkraut. The basic material used is white cabbage, which is commonly known as Chinese cabbage by Lin Qingwan.

First, put the white cabbage in the yard to dry, and the white cabbage does not need to be too dry. The helper outside of the white cabbage can be wilted. Then break off the old cabbage outside the white cabbage and cut off the head. Because Yang's pickled cabbage tank is so big, there is no need to split the white cabbage in half and put it aside.

Yao cleaned the jar for pickling, and after wiping it dry, he sprinkled a handful of coarse salt on the bottom of the jar. The coarse salt was prepared by He in advance. It was the large-grain salt, which was much coarser than what they usually eat. Place the white cabbage neatly on the bottom of the tank, sprinkle a handful of salt on the two layers of white cabbage, and sprinkle a handful of salt on the two layers, until the white cabbage fills the whole tank, and finally sprinkle a handful of salt. I covered it with a blue cloth, pressed a big stone at the door, and put it under the wall.

By the next day, Yao's filled the tank with well water, and the well water just filled the white sock. Yao added another stone to the tank, and it was finished.

The Yang family had marinated two jars of sauerkraut. Yao said that it would take a month to marinate. There were few vegetables throughout the winter, so he could only count on some sauerkraut for dinner.

Of course, not only pickled cabbage, but also pickled mustard greens. The pickling method of mustard greens is similar to that of white cabbage, that is, the mustard greens must be peeled and washed in advance and soaked in water for two days before they can be pickled.

There are also pickled leeks, eggplants, cucumbers and the like. Lin Qingwan lived in the south in her last life. It was the first time she saw this method of pickling vegetables. She was a little surprised, and she learned a lot from the Yao family.

After marinating a few large jars of things, the whole process of pickling vegetables is truly over. During the period, Wang always made excuses for not coming to help, so only Yao and Lin Qingwan made these pickles, which really made them very tired.

Although very tired, the two of them were really happy. Because these things are all I want to eat in the winter, it looks like a few large tanks are very fulfilling.

The men not only go up the mountain every day to chop wood, but also make time to clear the chimneys and kangs at home. The vegetable cellar at home was organized, and a lot of vegetables, such as potatoes, white cabbage and radish, which can be stored for a long time, were moved into the vegetable cellar.

Lin Qingwan only learned that the Yang family had a vegetable cellar, right on the corner of the backyard. She went in and took a look. The inside was not big, about 10 cubic meters, and it was dark, and you had to light an oil lamp to see it.

After everything was done, another few days passed.

During this period of time, Sister Yang had been very silent, and she didn't make any noises. She usually stayed in the main room and didn't see it. Of course, she didn't do any work for the family, and when she was eating, she took chopsticks to the table. The food was still ugly, but Lin Qingwan thought that as long as she didn't produce any moths anymore. After all, there is no separation now, and Mrs. Yang and Mr. He stayed at home with her, and those who were sons and daughters-in-law could not say anything.

Lin Qingwan's character is that as long as you don't look for trouble, everyone is in peace.


On this day, Yang Xuezhang came back from the classmate's house, acting in a hurry, with a rare smile on his face.

This surprised Lin Qingwan.

What should I say? Yang Xuezhang is the kind of very orthodox scholar who always carries an arrogant and superior aura. It's not that the nostrils are upturned, but it is also the kind of defiant person.

Really defiant. He didn't show that he looked down on you, but there was no one in his eyes. Except for a few words with Mr. Yang of the He family, seeing other people in the family is the same as not seeing him. After being married for so long, Lin Qingwan never said a word to Yang Xuezhang.

However, Yang Xuezhang usually spends very little time at home. He spends most of his time in the college, and only comes back at night or when the college is on holiday.

Is it possible that a scholar has passed the exam? After thinking about it again, it seems that the test has not yet started.

At night, when everyone had finished eating, He and Mr. Yang left everyone behind, drove the children and Sister Yang and Sister Yang back to sleep, and then told them the whole story. Lin Qingwan knew what was going on.

But is this really good?

She was full of misgivings, but here, women rarely have the right to speak on major issues at home. Therefore, Lin Qingwan didn't charge her to speak, she didn't want to offend a group of people, when her man wanted to give her a way out.

The process of things is like this-

Yang Xuezhang told his family that he was going to stay at his classmate's house for a few days. After asking for some money from He, he packed up some clothes and went to town.

His classmate's surname is Chen, and his family lives in the town. The Chen family runs a small grocery store. Although his family is not wealthy, he has no worries about food and drink. Chen's classmate is the only son of the family, so the family also looks forward to him as a long-term son, and allows him to study in the academy.

However, this classmate surnamed Chen, like Yang Xuezhang, was not admitted as a scholar after several exams.

The same failed attempts, and they were classmates, and the two of them felt that they were unfamiliar with each other...So the two of them usually have a good conversation at the academy, and often go to some activities such as the literary club together.

This time, Yang Xuezhang said that he was going to his classmate’s house for a few days to study eight-legged essays together. In fact, there was a literary club in town that was about to open recently.

He and a classmate surnamed Chen made an appointment to go there together, because the Yang family is very inconvenient in the country, and the literary club is held at night, so the classmate surnamed Chen invited him to live at home. It is convenient for one, and two people can also be a companion.

By the way, Yang Xuezhang and classmates surnamed Chen went to the Wenyouhui together-

In fact, the so-called literary club is a group of scholars looking for a place to have a drink, talk about poetry, poetry, and eight-part essays, and talk about ideals and ambitions. This is not the first time Yang Xuezhang has participated.

But this time it was different, because there was always a new face among the familiar faces. Although the new scholar said that he was not very good-looking, he was dressed very gorgeously, his speech and manners were quite elegant and connotative, and his thoughts were very insightful. His speech and manners were fundamentally different from those of scholars in these small places.

Whether it’s talking about poetry, poetry, or eight-part essays, they all have insights, and many scholars have come forward to meet him. Of course, this also includes classmates surnamed Chen and Yang Xuezhang.

After some mutual names, everyone knew that the new scholar was named Hu. This scholar named Hu is not from Luoyun Town, his family is from Huaihe County. This time he came to Luoyun Town to visit relatives and ask friends. He heard that there was a literary club here, so he came to participate in exchanges with all literary friends. Learn about it.

After meeting the scholar surnamed Hu, everyone sat together to exchange knowledge, and talked about the upcoming county test.

Most of the scholars who came to participate in this literary club have failed the exam several times. It is inevitable that they will feel discouraged in their hearts and feel that they have no talents and feel that the examiner who is reviewing the papers has no vision...

In fact, most of them feel that they have not met their talents and the examiner has no vision. All of them said they were impassioned, as if they were a Maxima, but it was a pity that Bole was not among the examiners.

Since it is about learning, wine is definitely indispensable. The scholars were drinking and talking...

Other scholars often attended these literary clubs, and the amount of alcohol was pretty good, but the scholar Hu was a little drunk. His words gradually became bold and unrestrained. Not only did he write a few poems that were not bad in the ears of the scholars, but the words also revealed a certain triumphant expression that he would win a talented person this time.

This group of scholars are not very old, and they will inevitably be competitive. I scrambled to ask why the scholar surnamed Hu was so sure, because in the eyes of these people, the county examination not only tested the four books and five classics, but also the eight-part essay.

The eight-part essay consists of eight parts: breaking the topic, undertaking the topic, starting the lecture, starting, starting the stock, middle stock, back stock, and bundle stock. The first is to break the question. Without knowing what the examiner will produce, no one can guarantee that the eight-legged essay he wrote will be taken.

Moreover, the time of the test is not long, it is all about revealing the subject matter before the test, allowing the test students to freely develop one to two eight-part essays. Many of these scholars who have failed many attempts have lost in the eight-legged essay.

The scholar surnamed Hu was a little drunk at first, and was rushed to question by the scholars. First, he didn't talk to the right, and then he stammered, and finally he accidentally showed off.

It turned out that his family had something to do with the county government in Huaihe County, so he spent a lot of money to get him the subject of the county test.

The scholars were in an uproar. Some of them also knew that there were problems in the scientific examination, but they did not expect to encounter one in real life.

After the scholar surnamed Hu accidentally missed his breath, Jiu was immediately awakened. Hurry up to say good things to the scholars, and behave in a hurry, begging the scholars not to tell the matter in a very embarrassing manner, and he will be done.

After the scholars knew the truth, they were angry and irritated, and hated the group of people who walked through the back door to drag their relationship. But who told them that their family background is not enough, they can't get through the back door. Co-authored that they failed the test repeatedly, but they were squeezed out by those who dragged the relationship...

But apart from resentment, it is inevitable to think a little bit more carefully.

The scholar surnamed Hu saw no one respond to him no matter how he begged, so he had no choice but to share the exam questions...

But there is a premise, the premise is that there are a total of ten scholars here, and everyone must give him 50 taels. Because his so-called county government has something to do with it, and it was bought at a high price.

With so much money from the family to buy him the title, I hope that he will be able to pass the exam this time and give the family a bright future. Sharing it with everyone for free is definitely not enough.

The scholar surnamed Hu said that if anyone gave the silver, he would give him a decree, otherwise he would die, he would not take the test this time, let them talk...