The Princess Wei Yang

~: 233 Happy Drugs


In the hall of Guofu, all the prostitutes stood down and swayed, but all the masters sat quietly, and each face was never dignified.

"Is it really impossible to cure?" asked Princess Chen Liu.

Qi Guogong shook his head and sighed: "Mother, the doctor has done his best, but he said that the right hand of the guide is too heavy, and he can no longer take the sword."

Guo Dunzhong flashed a touch of color, can not help but face like a frosty tunnel: "I really can't think of it, the son of the Chen family, the shot is so heavy, we are still two of us."

Qi Guogong looked at him with a warning: "The game is naturally ruthless, Chen Hanxuan's martial arts are better than your five younger brothers. The guide is also hurting with others. What is the use of your blame!"

Qi Guogong said this, his face was also very unsightly. He did not think that things would develop to this point, but it was due to the invitation of the emperor to participate in the contest. How could he abolish his right hand? For a person like Guo Dao, suddenly let him abolish his right hand. Has the martial arts learned for so many years been in vain? I also know how painful Qi’s public heart is, but he did not show this emotion in front of Princess Chen Liu.

Mrs. Guo’s whole person trembled heavily, then calmed down, but her eyes were red and she was always squatting.

Princess Chen Liu heard this news yesterday and cried a little. At this time, she was crying. She blamed herself: "I blame me for not being good. If it weren’t for me to go to the competition, things would not be like this. ”

The long-term grandmother Jiang, who is next to her, hurriedly persuaded: "The grandmother doesn't have to worry. Although the doctor said that the right hand of the five younger brothers can't be cured for the time being, let's go to find a famous doctor. It is not necessarily that there is no way. Everything must be thought of."

Princess Chen Liu did not have a better face because of this persuasion, but she was sitting there in a daze.

Chen Bingbing’s eyes are all self-blame. In public, please plead guilty: “This is all my third brother’s. If it’s not that he’s too heavy, it’s definitely not the case! I will let my father discipline him—”

"No, this has nothing to do with you, get up soon." Princess Chen Liu helped her up and shook her head.

Chen Bingbing feels that his heart is like a duckweed floating on the water. He is very anxious and uneasy. He also knows that his younger brother has injured the younger brother. If the Guo family pursues it or remembers it, how should she do it? In the heart, Chen Hanxuan couldn't help but sneak a pass. At this moment, I saw that Princess Chen Liu and others did not blame her for the slightest relief.

Jiang took a shot of Chen Bingbing's hand and turned to say: "Grandmother, the five younger brothers are a kind of arrogant person. Let's not show sadness in front of him. Yesterday you didn't want to visit him, but you were Has the doctor stopped it? Today his mood has stabilized a lot, and I will accompany you to see him later."

Jiang’s face is amiable, his smile is gentle, and his tone of voice is very bleak and flattering.

Princess Chen Liu heard this soft voice and could not help but nod. "This is good, you two will accompany me." She said she stood up and left the hall with the help of two grandmothers, and went to the hall door. However, she suddenly turned around and looked at Mrs. Guo, who had never said a word, after all, she sighed. Didn’t say anything more and turned and went out.

When Mrs. Chen stayed, Mrs. Guo turned her head and stared at Qi Guogong. She said very seriously and seriously: "Guo Su, you and I have been husband and wife for many years. I have never heard you tell me a lie. How did yesterday’s event come back? What? You told me truthfully, as a mother, I have the right to know the truth."

Qi Guogong looked at his beloved wife and did not say a word for a long time.

Li Weiyang, like Mrs. Guo, has been silent since the beginning. At this time, she heard Mrs. Guo say so, and she also looked at Qi Guogong.

Guo Cheng can't help but urge: "Father, is there anything hidden in this matter? Why don't you tell the truth?"

Qi Guogong looked at his son and looked at it. It seemed that something had turned away. Because it combined too much emotion, it was difficult to interpret. The whole hall was dead, and everyone only heard the sound of the wind blowing outside, bringing a heart-warming chill.

Li Weiyang slowly said: "Father, we are all family. In yesterday's game, I was obviously better at taking advantage of the Wugong's martial arts, and Chen Hanxuan's sword did not hurt the fifth brother. The meridians, why can't you use your right hand? The doctor only told you the truth of the matter. Why are you reluctant to tell us and choose to hide from your grandmother?"

Qi Guogong's gaze swept across the faces of everyone. Li Weiyang's words were like a heavy hammer, and while he was squatting on his heart, he also knocked out all the emotions in his heart. He knew that things couldn't last for a long time, so he said: "Yes, the guide is not because of that sword, it will be so badly injured. The root cause of his inability to take the sword is because the sword is wiped. Poisoned."

Mrs. Guo only felt a huge force hit her. Then she tore her whole person from head to toe. She looked at Qi Guogong with disbelief. The voice was shaking: "What are you talking about?!"

Qi Guogong looked at his wife, his heart was sad, but his face was trying to suppress it. One word and one word: "Taiwan doctor told me that Chen Hanxuan’s sword was smeared with poison that could make people muscle paralyzed. I am afraid that the limbs of the guide will be completely abolished, not just a right arm."

Everyone’s face was shocked at the moment, especially Guo Dun. He couldn’t believe it: “Is this Chen Hanxuan crazy? What kind of friendship does Guo Jia and Chen Jia have, how can he make such a vicious thing? Is it for a Shouchun princess?"

Li Weiyang’s crystal clear dawn became condensed. She looked at Guo Dun’s eyes, but shook her head and said: “According to my opinion, this matter may not be Chen’s work.”

The eyes of everyone were concentrated on Li Weiyang's body. Mrs. Guo couldn't help but step forward and ask: "Jia, what do you mean by saying this?"

Li Weiyang glanced at Qi Guogong and nodded slightly to her direction. Li Weiyang’s eyes suddenly became painful and continued: “Chen Jia and our Guo family have come to make good, for the location of a Hummer, they There is no need to succumb to this poisonous hand, not to mention Chen’s daughter is a daughter-in-law in our family. If Chen Hanxuan’s poisoning is exposed, how should the mother and father treat Chen Bingbing? I think Chen’s family is dull and cannot be Stupid to this point, so Chen Hanxuan’s sword must have been moved, and the person behind this scene is aiming to provoke Guo Chen’s two rebellious enemies.”

The muscles on the Qi nationality couldn't help but shake it. He bit his teeth and said: "Jiaer said it was good. This thing must not be done by Chen!"

Mrs. Guo jerked her turn, her eyes were like a sword, like ice, like all the sharp edge of the world, she screamed: "But the sword is the hand of Chen Hanxuan, and the injury of the guide is also out of contact with him!" "Although knowing that the poison is not under the Chen family, this hatred is a result."

She is a mother, and no matter how to forgive Chen Hanxuan!

Li Weiyang’s eyes were deep and dark, and she saw Mrs. Guo’s coldness that she had never seen before. Her eyes showed an unspeakable clearing, and she sighed softly. The people behind her were sinister and sinister. It can be said that the fire is pure. No matter how generous the Guo family is, but the matter involves Guo’s youngest son, Guo Dao, Mrs. Guo will not let go of it anyway.

There is nothing in the heart to plant a bit of resentment, but as long as the right time is right, this kind of child will take root, sprout, open the flower of evil, and ultimately destroy the alliance of the two.

Thinking of this, Li Weiyang went up and carried Mrs. Guo’s arm and said softly: “Mother, for the sake of the five brothers, you have been exhausted and overworked. In my opinion, you still have to go back to rest, what is the matter? It’s not too late to wait until the rest is good.”

Mrs. Guo looked at Li Weiyang, and the smattering of the face gradually disappeared. Instead, she was tears in her eyes. Finally, she burst into tears and said: "But your fifth brother..."

Li Weiyang patted her hand and barely smiled: "Mother, you can rest assured that the five brothers naturally have us, and will not let him do anything stupid."

Mrs. Guo sighed for a long time, and now she has no other way. At this time, the butler hurried into the hall, saluting everyone, and then said: "Guo Gongye, Chen Jialai people."

The look of Qi Guogong and everyone in the family was a slight change. Then Mrs. Guo was full of anger and said: "Tell them, don't see guests!" When the words were exported, the butler's face was extremely difficult. He took a look at Qi Guogong and Qi Guogong. Lightly shook his head, the butler continued to say: "Guo Gongye, this time Chen Taifu."

Even Chen Shang, who has been in the ranks of Sangong, has come personally. The matter is not trivial. Qi Guogong has already understood that this is a must. He glanced at his wife and immediately whispered to him: "What is the lady's thing, let's talk about it, I have to go to see the Chen family. This matter is very important. Don't act rashly." He looked at his wife with a deep look, and he took the housekeeper out.

Mrs. Guo sat down in a chair, her face was stunned, her eyes were sore and red, Li Weiyang looked at her, and her heart was slightly hurt. She was unconsciously, and she became happy with Mrs. Guo’s joy and sadness. Sadly, I saw Mrs. Guo’s sadness at this moment. Her heart was filled with anger of the sky. Not only is there a black hand behind the scene, but there is still a trace of anger against the Chen family. This Chen Hanxuan has an irresistible responsibility for this matter. If he is not careful, how can he give the other side a hole and let people poison his sword? ? This is not an anger, but because Chen’s family is indeed responsible for such things.

Guo Cheng stood up at this moment and said to the niece next to him: "You must help the lady to go back to rest, and I have something to say to the lady."

The **** next to him came over and helped Mrs. Guo walk to the inner hall. Li Weiyang turned his head and was very impressed. He said to Guo Chengdao: "Three brothers, do you have anything to say to me?"

Guo Cheng’s eyebrows smashed and then stretched out, but the tone slowly became stagnant: “Jiaer, what should we do now?”

Li Weiyang gently raised his eyebrows and said: "What do you do?"

At this time, Guo Dun was looking very angry. His temper has always been violent. It is extremely difficult to stay awake after such a thing. He walked up quickly and looked at Li Weiyang: "How to get out This behind the scenes?! Little sister, you are the smartest, we all listen to you."

Li Weiyang shook his head gently, and the depth of the scorpion gradually faded away. Slowly, there was a sharp radiance. She said: "In fact, people behind this scene are not difficult to guess. Chen Hanxuan guilty because he injured Guo. The latter test is not very hard, and who is the winner?"

Guo Cheng and Guo Dun looked at each other. Guo Dun looked pale and gnashed his teeth: "It turned out to be him, the emblem!"

Li Weiyang continued to watch him. He was very calm and said one word: "Yu Jia and Guo Jiaben are enemies. This time, he is not strange to the five brothers. But this person is vicious and he is not directly involved in him. Instead, Chen Hanxuan hurt his five brothers. In this way, no matter who we guessed who is behind the scenes, it will be associated with Chen’s family. So this time, Chen’s family knows that things are serious and will come specially. Please sin, in my opinion, he is afraid that even Chen Hanxuan will bring it together."

Guo Dun’s face was covered with a layer of frost. He asked: “How can we avenge the five brothers?”

Li Weiyang’s nephew was like a little bit of a spark, and suddenly she was faint. She sighed: “Yu Hui just won the game and injured the five brothers. It’s time to be vigilant. Now is not the best time to move him, only wait until The enemy is full of enthusiasm and relaxed, and can only start, so we have to wait."

Guo Dun heard this, just want to say something, but Guo Cheng next to him held his shoulder.

Guo Cheng admired Li Weiyang. He thought that he was already a very clever and calm person. However, Li Weiyang was able to distinguish his head and tail faster than him, and he saw that the five brothers had been wounded. She is able to consider things very long-term. He quickly adjusted his emotions and replied: "You are right, we can't act rashly."

Guo Dun resisted this tone and said: "Well, I will listen to you! This is why the Huishuis are going to clean up, but for the five younger brothers, we must also be soothing and comforting. I am ashamed of his emotions. ”

Guo Cheng nodded and said: "Little sister, maybe you advise him to be better than us." He said a strange word, Guo Dun could not help but look back at Guo Cheng, I do not know what he meant.

But Li Weiyang understood what he was talking about. The hall was quiet and the sound of breathing was almost inaudible. It is clearly a taboo that has been made for a moment. Li Weiyang can only pretend that he does not know, saying: "Go."

Guo’s courtyard was very quiet. When he first entered, it was a large martial arts field. Li Weiyang looked at the lush bamboo forest and all of them were swords and wooden stakes. They shook their heads. Guo Dao is a civil and military son of both civil and military. His temperament is even more proud. If he is told that he can't use his right hand to raise his sword in this life, this is probably a great blow. Just as a scholar can't take a test, the farmer has no field, and the shepherd's lamb is all towed away by the wolf. This is the worst thing in the world. It is not only related to livelihood, but also completely destroys one's mind. Li Weiyang gently sighed, and then quickly stepped through the inner court. He did not enter but suddenly heard Guo’s voice.

"Who is outside?"

The voice was very hearty, as if nothing had happened, Guo Cheng and Li Weiyang looked at each other and did not say anything for a while. But Guo Dun, who had the least chance, opened his mouth. He said loudly: "Five brothers, let's see you!" He said that he had pushed the door open and walked in quickly.

Princess Chen Liu and two grandmothers are sitting inside and seeing them coming. Princess Chen Liu retorted: "Jia Er, you are coming right, good life helps me to take a look. What happened to your five brothers?"

Li Weiyang looked at Guo Gui’s eyes, but he felt that he looked as usual. The peach eyes were still in love, and his face was full of smiles, as if he had not been affected. Pressing his heart and being surprised, Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Five brothers, is your body still okay?"

Guo Xiang smiled and said: "Of course I am very good! It should be that I asked you what happened, how come you go to my yard to visit me, but it is a little hurt, it will be good soon." He is so Speaking, but subconsciously glanced at the right arm that was entangled.

Li Weiyang followed his gaze and looked at the past. Guo guided a glimpse. Then he gently sideways and sideways, avoiding her eyes. Li Weiyang frowned slightly, and Guo Dao knew everything clearly. Why does he pretend to be nothing? Doesn't he really care about such a blow in his heart? No, this is impossible.

Princess Chen Liu couldn't help but say: "You yell at him, still have no heart and no smile. What kind of evil is it?" Princess Chen Liu said as she shed tears, and Guo guides her eyes gently and comfortably. "Grandmother, it’s not good for grandchildren. I am saddened by you. This comparison is really useless to me. Otherwise, I won’t lose to Chen’s son. Don’t be upset, I will be fine soon.”

Princess Chen Liu is crying louder and louder. When people are older, they often become poorer. When she is young, she is so decisive. In addition to being too kind to the husband and her three children, no one has ever dared to be disrespectful in front of Princess Chen Liu, but over the years, Princess Chen’s personality has gradually become very gentle. It is to encounter such a thing, in addition to crying, can not give any good words to comfort Guo Dao.

Li Weiyang saw Guo’s brows twisted deeply, but with a bitter smile on her mouth. She sighed and went up, whispering to the Princess Chen Liu: “Grandmother, the five brothers said that he is fine, nothing is wrong, as for his injury. ......" Looking back at Guo Xun, I saw him look good, and then continue to say, "Five brothers hurt, we will naturally find a good doctor to heal for him, grandmother does not have to worry, if you cry, eyes, five brothers 岂Not to be anxious?"

Guo’s singer should be, and several people even swindled, and finally sent Princess Chen Liu away. Guo Dun glanced at Guo’s guide and subconsciously said: “Five brothers, you can rest assured that we will avenge you.”

Guo’s voice revealed a trace of surprise: “Four brother, what are you talking nonsense? This is the end of the matter, no one should pursue it.”

Guo Cheng’s pupil began to shrink. For a long time, he looked at Guo’s guide: “Since you know everything, why...”

His words were not finished, but he heard Guo’s steadfastly saying: “It’s a matter of Chen’s family. You can’t act rashly. No matter what we do, it will make the people behind the scenes proud. So we can only stand still and find a chance to pay back.” When he said that he replied to these two words, his voice was extremely low and extremely slow. He almost spit out a word and a word from his teeth, and his eyes also shot a strong hatred.

Contrary with himself, Li Weiyang’s eyes softened, and if Guo Dao could figure this out so quickly, she would be relieved. Just - knowing that there is a black hand behind his own injury, even Guo Dun is so violent, but as the party's Guo Dao, it is so calm, showing how cool and wise he is, Li Weiyang found himself in the past The five sons of Guo’s family, she smiled lightly: “Since the fifth brother is gone, let’s go back and don’t bother him to rest.”

Before leaving the yard, Li Weiyang couldn't help but look back, the sun was shining warm, and Guo Dao was standing quietly in front of the window, looking at her for a moment, the wind blowing his blue silk fluttering, but in his expression There was a hint of sorrow, and this kind of eyes made Li Weiyang’s heart suddenly unstable.

Li Weiyang walked out of the yard, her face was plain and cold, but her eyebrows were hidden with a hint of suffocation.

Zhao Yue whispered: "Miss, look..."

Li Weiyang said quietly: "People are going to stare at the emblem for me. If there is any wind and grass, I will report it to me immediately."

Zhao Yue immediately responded: "Miss assured."

After this incident, everyone was very caring for Guo. Guo’s parents felt that he was sorry for this son. He was very caring for him. This sentiment filled the sky above Guofu. If Guo Dao went out, Princess Chen Liu will keep talking in his ear, let him come back soon, don't hang around, in case something happens. And Guo Cheng and Guo Dun are not leaving him for a moment, as if he wants to commit suicide.

Such excessive protection is seen in Li Weiyang's eyes, but it is shaking his head in secret. In her view, Guo Dao is a very self-respecting person, and he should not be able to stand this kind of care. Sure enough, Guo’s excessive emotions made Guo’s retreat to them, often not in the yard. Mrs. Guo went several times to find, but she did not see Guo’s figure. Even once in the middle of the night, I found out that Guo Dao secretly came in from the small courtyard door next to him. He was still full of alcohol. Mrs. Guo was both distressed and angry but there was no way.

Li Weiyang knows that Guo Dao must be able to release the day's things, and Guo's family's emotions will force him to go further, so she wants to find opportunities to talk with Chen Liu and others, and don't use excessive care to hurt Guo Dao. Self-respect, but she did not think that the action was too late.

This evening, Shantou went to the five young master's yard to send sweet soup, but found that the five young masters were not in the government, this was anxious, and quickly notified Mrs. Guo. Mrs. Guo originally thought that Guo Dao was just an ordinary person to go out to drink with friends. However, she did not care. However, for three days, Guo Dao did not return. Mrs. Guo could not help but get up and sent someone to find a friend who was familiar with Guo. In the end, even the whole one was overturned, but no one could find Guo. When things got to this point, they were very serious. Guo Cheng and Guo Dun were anxious like ants on hot pots, looking around all day. In addition to arranging the manpower to find, Qi Guogong Guo Su also wrote a letter to Jing Zhaoyi, asking him to bring people to search in the city, but no matter how he found it, Guo Dao was like a sinking sea, how could he not find it? .

Li Weiyang knew that Yuan Lie was clever and cunning. There were many channels that ordinary people did not have, so he entrusted the matter to Yuan Lie, so Yuan Lie secretly ordered his own spy to search for a half-day in the capital, and suddenly returned a message to Li Weiyang. The five sons of Guo Jia were drunk in a very dilapidated restaurant. It is very euphemistic, not so much a restaurant, but rather a Qinglou Chu Pavilion, which is still very inferior.

Qi Guogong Guo Su personally went to the small restaurant to find Guo Dao. He was so drunk and did not know that Guo’s family was looking for him. Qi Guogong’s name was not awake, but he suppressed the anger and made Guo Dun carry it back. Mrs. Guo met her long-lost son, and suddenly she burst into tears. She ordered the woman to take hot water and immediately wiped her forehead.

Guo Cheng advised Qi Guogong to go back to rest, but Qi Guogong Guo Su was cold and frosty. He said coldly: "No, I have to wait for him to wake up and ask him personally, what is going on!"

Li Weiyang just feels strange. She knows that Guo has been escaping the excessive care of Guo’s family recently, but he is a smart and restrained person. He will never make excessive behavior. This time he suddenly disappeared, still in that place. It was found to be too outrageous, not at all like Guo’s style.

Guo Dao slumbered for three hours. When he woke up, he was very embarrassed. He looked at the crowd and showed an incredible look on his face.

Guo Cheng saw Qi Guogong's face was not good, and quickly asked: "Five brothers, what is going on with you? Why have you been away from home for so long, but don't tell us, do you know that your father and mother are anxious?!"

Guo Dao only felt a splitting headache. He frowned slightly and shook his head. "I don't know." He held his head as if it were very painful.

Qi Guogong’s eyes were sharp and sharp, and he decided to take advantage of Guo’s guide to forcibly suppress the anger that was about to erupt. Guo's son can not understand martial arts, can not have talent, but can not be a bastard!

Mrs. Guo saw her husband's look extremely angry, and even the busy man came to the hangover soup. Guo Dao drank the soup, but his head was not clear. He looked at his father and other family members, but his eyes were even more confused.

Qi Guogong said: "Is it better? I will sit right when I am better. I have something to ask you."

Guo guide opened his mouth and seemed to want to explain it, but Qi Guogong’s expression of sentenced him for him stopped him and said nothing.

Qi Guogong’s voice is very cold: "I have trained you for so many years. I thought you were a smart boy with a head. I know that it’s light and heavy, and I’m not going to make a foolish thing. But this time you are too outrageous, are you hurt? Hand, you can leave home and leave your mother sad? What is the truth, Guo’s teaching to you for many years has gone there! So that you are not willing to go home in the Qinlou Chu Hall?! You know This matter is everywhere, it is already full of storms in the city. Are you sincerely asking the Guo family to lift their heads?!"

Guo Dao lowered his eyebrows with his hand and lowered his head slightly, but he was completely shocked.

Li Weiyang saw Guo’s feelings, but he couldn’t understand what Qi Guogong was saying. He couldn’t help but feel a strange look. She looked at Guo Dao and asked: “Five brothers, what strange things have you encountered these days? Is it something?"

In Li Weiyang’s opinion, Guo’s guide may be sad, perhaps sad, or unrestrained, but he’s not sure that he’s lost because of this incident, even if he doesn’t return for a few nights.

He is very caring for his mother, and he is very concerned about his family. He can never do anything that makes them sad and sad. Then why is he drunk in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion?

In fact, Qi Guogong did not misunderstand Guo Dao. He has sent people to ask them carefully. However, they all said that Guo Jiagong was drinking there in the past few days, and he had been unconscious and had no other knowledge. Li Weiyang vaguely felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but he could not tell where it was.

Guo Dao knew that no matter what he said, Qi Guogong would not believe it. He shook his head sharply, but suddenly stood up and his voice chilled: "I am fine, you don't have to worry." He said, he has swayed outward go.

Qi Guogong angered: "You stand for me!"

His words have not been finished yet, but Mrs. Guo is distressed to stop the road: "The child has come back, why are you still jealous of him? This thing is still wrong with us." She said so, Qi Guogong is A word can't be said.

Indeed, if they let Guo Dao go to participate in such a contest, Guo Dao will not fall to the present level, and his son’s depression is not very open to them. As a parent, I always take all my guilty duties. At this time, Mrs. Guo and Qi Guogong are very guilty, and it is not easy to blame him too much.

Li Weiyang went back and thought about it for a night. He felt that the matter was very wrong. She thought about it and decided to find Guo Dao to ask things clearly. So, the next morning, she was going to look for Guo Dao, who knew that she had just walked to the garden, but almost hit a person who came to the bridge.

She stopped, but could not help but be surprised, this person is Guo guide, but his look and clothing is very weird. In the past, Guo Guide paid great attention to the instrument, and his hair was meticulous. However, nowadays, his forehead hangs a few times and faintly meets the long eyebrow. The eyes are slanting like a peach blossom with a sinuous edge. At this time, although it was spring, the weather was a bit cool. The Guo guide in front of me only wore a soft robes, and the sleeves fluttered, but there was a dusty gesture.

What's more, Guo's face is still a bit of a red heart, very cozy, like a drunk look.

But - do you drink early in the morning? Or did the wine not wake up yesterday?

Li Weiyang was shocked: "Five brothers, what happened to you?"

Guo Dao laughed and laughed. He stepped forward and grabbed Li Weiyang’s sleeves. Then he smiled and asked: "Jia, how come you come? I thought you hated me."

Li Weiyang gently raised his brow and was confused by his inexplicable problems.

Guo Dao saw her dissatisfaction, as if she had three more awake, he immediately lowered his eyes, thick and long, dense eyelashes covered in the eyes, covering a slightly crazy look, Li Weiyang also What to ask, Guo Dao immediately let go of her, his face floating a little sad, he smiled slightly: "I should go." He finished this sentence, suddenly fluttering away from Li Weiyang's side .

At this time, I was also worried that Guo’s Guo’s brothers came together. They saw Guo’s appearance and quickly went to stop him.

And Guo Dao just pushed Guo Dun away, and said coldly: "Go away."

Guo Dun’s face glimpsed and rushed to stop Guo’s guide. The soft silk twisted and deformed under his finger: “What the **** is going on? What’s not in my heart? Let’s fight one.” This is the habit of Guo’s brothers. The way to solve problems.

At this time, Li Weiyang was aware that it was wrong. She quickly said: "Four brothers! Let the five brothers go."

Guo Dun looked at Li Weiyang and looked very surprised. Li Weiyang shook his head gently to him. Guo Dun frowned slightly, but he still retreated to the side. Guo Cheng had already seen it wrong. He watched Guo guide leave and turned to look at Li Weiyang. "What is going on?"

In Li Weiyang’s eyes, there was a hint of cold mang, and she turned sharply, looking at the guide who had been following Guo, but at the moment she was preparing to escape from her side. She said coldly: "What is this doing?"

The waiter seemed to have made a big mistake, and he slammed down on the ground. "The son...the son..." He didn't finish his words, but the sweat on his forehead rolled down.

Li Weiyang’s twilight was so heavy that his voice suddenly became cold and cold: “Good explanation!”

The man bowed his head, one word and one word: "This is the son."

Guo Cheng’s face changed suddenly. He hurried up and grabbed the man’s collar. The knuckles were faint and whispering. "You just said what? Just say it again!"

The man lowered his head, but the cold sweat had already wet the clothes. He shivered: "The son took the distraction, so he was just scattered." After his words were finished, Guo Cheng had slammed him a slap in the face. , Li said: "Nonsense, how can the five brothers touch the dirty things!?"

Li Weiyang heard it, and then she looked at Guo Dun. She saw that her fourth brother’s look was very different. She couldn’t help but ask: “What does it mean to be scattered? What is that happy?”

Guo Dun didn't talk, just staring at the attendant, and the fire came out of his eyes.

Guo Cheng left the waiter and tried to calm down his feelings. "This Xiaoyao was originally invented by the medical doctors of the former dynasty to heal the typhoid fever, but later people discovered his beauty, and after the meal, the mind was big. Open, will not be shackled by the world, there is a sense of boarding the fairy world, and no longer care about it. So when the emperor arrived, many famous aristocrats are very fond of, and the good fortune has been alive for a while, so A wonderful elixir, it is very dangerous to take it. After taking it, you must eat cold food, drink hot wine, wear a thin shirt, and walk quickly to dissipate the heat of the body. Never stop, otherwise you will have a life. The danger, so people call this behavior scattered."

Li Weiyang frowned, and she said: "I can forget the troubles and come to the fairyland. No wonder the five brothers will take care of them."

However, Guo Cheng suddenly cut off her words: "No, this thing is absolutely impossible to eat! People who take Xiaoyao San are addicted for a long time, and this addictive head can't stop it. After a long time, people will gradually After losing weight, until the death of the skinny, the five younger brothers know how, how can they be confused!"

Li Weiyang’s face was a change. She did not think that the role of Xiaoyao San was so terrible, but she heard that Guo Dun continued to say: “Because there are so many harms in Xiaoyao, it’s already banned when I arrived at the emperor. I originally thought that this thing would never appear in the West, but I didn't expect the five brothers to take this Xiaoyao."

When Li Weiyang heard them say this, his heart sank and frowned. "You just said that this medicine is a banned drug?"

Guo Dun nodded and said: "Yes, if you let others know that the five brothers are taking this medicine, I am afraid..."

His words have not been finished, but Li Weiyang has already understood that taking the royal ban is a big crime of disobedience, not to mention the harm of the drug itself... even if it is not discovered by others, it must not be taken. Why should Guo Dao make it? So confused?

Guo Cheng took a deep breath and looked at Li Weiyang: "We must talk to him well."

Li Weiyang nodded lightly, and she faintly felt that there was a hand behind it that was driving the development of all this...

Li Weiyang entered the study room of Guo Dao, but saw a paperweight next to the desk. Underneath was a stack of rice paper. She took out the rice paper and flipped it over and looked very seriously. Guo Dao’s paintings are exquisite and the lines are more beautiful. The women painted in black ink, the expression or the cold, or lazy, or happy, or elegant, or graceful, or graceful, are all beautiful, graceful, and embarrassing. A few strokes will outline her demeanor.

Li Weiyang is still stunned. Although she is not very good at painting, she still doesn't understand painting at all. The skill of this painting is certainly pure, but it seems that his feelings for the people in this painting seem to be It is also a feeling of love. If not, how can you use the brush to vividly display the beauty of the woman.

The waiters in the study room bowed their heads and did not dare to look at the young masters of the Guo family. The five young masters always painted on the same day, and painted at night, as if they were enchanted, but did not know what they were painting.

Guo Dun, next to him, glanced at him and said: "Little sister, isn't this you?" Then he couldn't help but shook his head: "How did the five brothers paint your portrait?" He was thick and leafy, but there was no Think more.

Next to Guo Cheng slightly sighed, the voice was tight: "four brothers, you ah ..." is really a girl.

Li Weiyang squatted for a long time, but in the end it was a light smile, as if he had not seen the paintings, he was ready to put them back. However, at this time, Guo’s guideline was over. I heard that they were here and had hurriedly walked in. When he saw the rice paper in the hands of Li Weiyang, his face was ashamed.

Li Weiyang had not had time to explain, Guo Cheng had already said: "Little sister, you should persuade the five younger brothers, let us go." He said that he had gone inexplicably, Guo Dun went out and told the study room The attendant also quits.

Guo Dun quickly said: "Hey, my brother, don't pull me! I still have something to say to the five brothers!" His words were not finished, he was already pulled out by Guo Cheng, and then slammed and closed. Door.

Guo Dao’s face is ugly that has never been seen before, but Li Weiyang is looking at him, his eyes are very calm, as if he did not find the secret that he hides in his heart.

Guo Dao’s eyes fell on Li Weiyang’s body. He only felt his throat hoarse, but he didn’t know what to say until he heard Li Weiyang’s voice softly: “I know that the five brothers always like me very much, right.”

Guo looked at her with a sly look, and his face suddenly became pale. Li Weiyang seriously said: "I only ask you, is not yet."

The room was very quiet, only two people breathe, very light and calm.

Guo has not spoken for a long time. In the end, he finally raised all the courage to look at her. The voice has already become condensed: "I am passionate about myself, how about it? You don't know."

Li Weiyang smiled, but it was true and sincere: "Thank you."

Guo’s guide is almost dumb. Li Weiyang’s smile is as calm as peacetime. She looks at Guo’s guide: “In fact, the reason you have not said is that we are afraid that we can’t get along as calmly and timidly as we are now, right? You are special to me, I’ve been able to Seeing it, this kind of thing can't be concealed, but I know that the fifth brother is a heart-throbing person. Sooner or later, I will want to understand. If I am your sweetheart, one day this relationship will fade away. Cooling will become ugly. But if I have always been your sister, then we will always be there, and the family can't be separated anyway. Are you saying?"

Guo Dao wanted to say something about Zhangkou, but he couldn’t say a thousand words. He looked at Li Weiyang slyly. She said it all in front of him. Why did the other party not care when his hard-hitting things were exposed?

Can't tell if it's a loss or a pain, he looked at her fixedly, and he must understand it.

Suddenly she was discovered by her. He felt like he was falling under a cliff. At that moment, there was no way to think, no way to talk, or even forget to breathe.

A voice said in the bottom of my heart: Be sure to conceal it. If she is known, she will only get deep disgust.

But another voice is in the ear, tempting to say: Why can't she let her know? Are you painting her portrait day and night? If she knows, maybe...

His hand clenched and loosened, but he still couldn't stop the trembling from the soul. In the end, he laughed and slanted his eyebrows slightly. He always feared that Li Weiyang knew that he was worried about destroying this kind of harmonious atmosphere. Now Li Weiyang knows his mind, but he does not care. There is only one reason: he really can't get into her heart.

The more hidden it was, the more he felt uncomfortable, but now he said it was open, and he was seen by the other side. Instead, he had a feeling of relief. He didn’t have the tightness in his heart, but he lost something: "I thought you would blame. I, or anger me, is this something that ordinary women will do? Treat those who are jealous of you."

"Five brothers are my loved ones, you like me, I am very happy, why should you blame you for using other people's methods?" Li Weiyang smiled softly. "And, these paintings are well painted. I don't know if I can give it to me."

Guo guide laughed again, and something was slowly melting in the smile.

Li Weiyang’s voice was a bit sighed. “No one has painted me so beautiful, can’t the five brothers reluctantly?”

Guo guide waved his hand and said generously: "If you like it, you will take it all."

Li Weiyang looked at him, just smiled. In fact, she was relieved with a long sigh of relief. She was able to untie Guo’s heart. She could continue to say, and she immediately said: “Five brothers, what happened yesterday. whats the matter?"

Guo Xiangxiang had already expected her to ask this question. He looked at her quietly. He did not speak for a moment. Li Weiyang looked at him and said quietly: "I believe that the fifth brother is a very intelligent person. I have long known the dangers of Xiaoyao San, you will not take the initiative to touch this thing."

Guo’s eyes suddenly became brighter. He looked at Li Weiyang: “Do you believe me, really believe me?”

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "The five brothers are exquisite and will not be confused. Plus you are not the kind of person who worried the mother. So I think this thing is very embarrassing. Yesterday, because my father was furious, you It is inconvenient to explain, what do we have to discuss now?"

Guo Dao sighed and said loudly: "Before all three of us went to eavesdrop on my father. Why should I use this trick to deal with me? Don't overhear it, come out!"

The window screamed open, and Li Weiyang was slightly surprised, but he saw the faces of Guo Dun and Guo Cheng. Guo Dunyi said: "We don't care about you." Said, two people have gone out from the window one by one. Jumped in,

Guo Dao sighed: "This thing I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I am afraid that my mother will not say it."

When Guo Cheng saw that he looked different, he immediately said: "Now we have a few people, everything can be said, we will help you with it."

After all, Guo Dao nodded and said: "In fact, the last time, I always suspected that it was what the family did, so I asked Chen Hanxuan to talk to him, but I don't know what happened, somehow hijacked, surrounded by The guards were also gone. In those three days, I was dizzy all the time. I only knew that I was forced to take medicine, but I didn’t know what it was. When I woke up, I found myself in the tavern. I carefully studied the powder on my clothes and found that it was a happy thing."

After he said this, he heard Guo Dun slamming a hole in the table: "This Chen family is really hateful!" The other three were all hated and looked at him. Guo Dun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What? Do you still think this matter has nothing to do with Chen?"

Guo Dao immediately said: "Of course it is irrelevant, then Chen Hanxuan did not come at all, so I suspect that this is something that someone has already premeditated, deliberately tempted me to get rid of Xiaoyao!"

Li Weiyang looked at Guo Dao, but he sighed gently: "The five brothers know clearly, but why do you have to touch the Xiaoyao?"

Guo Dao did not speak, but his eyes were deep. Guo Cheng clenched his teeth and said: "If this kind of thing touches, it will become addictive. If you want to quit, it will be more difficult than death! Someone wants to quit Xiaoyao, even his own head can not wait to cut down, and finally Madness kills, you say this is not serious! The people behind, the mind is too poisonous, he does not kill the five brothers, it is not a mercy, but to completely ruin him!"

------Off topic ------

Edit: Valentine's Day, dear, can't see Yuan Lie, the most sad reminder of men in history

Xiao Qin: (⊙o⊙)... In the past five hundred times, he can meet with Weiyang, you have to calm down.

EDIT: Yeah, they haven’t made progress, I guess they didn’t do it in the past, and the light is back...

Xiao Qin: "_"