The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 33: The promise of the latrine king! (5)

Chapter 33 The promise of the latrine king! (5) The latrine of the latrine was slightly wrinkled, and the sideways avoided the back of the back, but did not stop the pace that rushed over to me. He leaned over and grabbed my arm, and pushed **** his hand. Turning around, I have been guarded in my arms.

In the midst of his whereabouts, he heard him whisper in my ear and said, "If I promise, I will repay it."

I am a little embarrassed, and all the tastes are in my heart.

Until the plop, the two fell into the water together. At the moment when the river did not pass overhead, I just wanted to ask him a word: Can you drink water?

Soon I discovered that it would not matter if the latrine is not water.

The river is very anxious, whirls forward and slams forward. The blink of an eye is rushed out of the distance. It’s no good to have good water. What you can do is to keep your breath as close as you can. Don’t drown, don’t Being irrigated, then rushing to change his breath.

After another rush, the river surface suddenly narrowed, and it has entered the famous Jiuqu Gorge.

Jiuqu Gorge, the river bends nine songs, the beach is more than anxious.

Suddenly there was a reef in the middle of the river. I and the lavatory prince were rolled up by the river. From time to time, I would hit one. The lavatory priest kept my whole person in my arms, and my hands were behind my head, and I used my body to greet one after another.

In the water, I can clearly hear the squeaking noise between his throat when he was hit.

I know very well that it is not a way to continue this way. Now, although he can still hold me, he may be stunned and loose his arm in the next second. I thought about it, forcefully stretched out my arms, wrapped around his neck, and then protected his head and neck with his hands. At the same time, his feet were on his waist, trying to block his ribs with his legs. under.

Suddenly, there was no gap between the two people. I rub! This position is really awkward. I feel embarrassed myself.

The squatting squad apparently has not been stunned and looked at me with some horror.

I took the time when both of my heads were washed out of the water and shouted at his ear: "Let's make a bet and see who stunned."

The water of the lavatory toilet was full of water, and even grinned and said: "Okay, I bet you."

I opened my mouth and just wanted to fight back. Suddenly a big wave was shot. The two of them suddenly sank into the river. I quickly closed my mouth and closed my breath waiting for the next time I came out again.

But this time it has been caught in the whirlpool, and can not get out of the water for a long time. I have reached the limit when I am closed, only I feel that my lungs are boring. I know that all around is water, or I can't help but open my mouth and breathe. My legs are still not able to protect the lavatory prince, and only try to step down on the water, hate not to breathe out the water immediately.

The dying struggle, the mouth was suddenly blocked by two soft lips, a flexible tongue came over, strongly opened my teeth, followed by a mellow airflow from there. I slowly passed over.

I am dumbfounded, obviously already dying, and even forgot to breathe.

Because in the water, the latrines of the squatting sensation of my sluggishness may have thought that I was fainting, and my hand pressed my back of my head hard, and my lips pressed harder, trying to blow my mouth. gas.

My first thought is that this little son has a good lung capacity! This time I even dared to give me artificial respiration!

I suddenly woke up, and it’s hard to be born and died. I still want to do so much disgusting about my own affairs. Just when he is a personal high-browed crush, don’t you have it? I persuaded myself, and I hugged him, and consciously and consciously sucked his mouth.

With this half-shoulder support, I finally insisted on getting out of the water again.

The two men's mouths were separated at the same time, and they all opened their mouths and gasped. It’s easy to breathe and calm down. I thought about it and thanked him. I turned my lips and accidentally wiped his lips. Somehow, I was shocked and suddenly I was paralyzed. The saliva suddenly coughed up violently.

The latrine master reached out and patted me on the back and asked, "What happened?"

I don't know the answer. Fortunately, the rivers in front of us suddenly became more urgent. We were rushed forward by the water, and we couldn't talk.

This is the last song of Jiuquxia, and it is also the most dangerous one. There is a beach in the beach. Although both of them tried their best to avoid the reef, they still wiped a few. The last one hit the most, and after the squatting of the latrine, it slowly released a tightly held arm.

Ok, I gambled and won, and the latrine was fainted.

The sky is still dark. I can't see where he was hurt. He can only continue to hug him and continue to float along the water.

Going down again, the river surface finally widened and the water flow eased. After drifting for a while, the river surface completely disappeared from the violent temperament, and it seemed like a shy girl, with a radiant glow in the moonlight.

I loosened my hands and feet, and I used only one hand to grab the neck of the latrine, and then leaned back on the river, quietly drifting slowly along the soothing river. The river is very quiet, and my heart is very quiet.

I think, as long as I let go of my hand, I will never be a threat to me. I can go back and find Qi Qi, and then continue to play the prince Zhang Zhang, until Qi Qi is enthroned as an emperor, then I will pick a few beautiful palace ladies, then bring a hedge, find an unobtrusive palace, mix in it Waiting for a lifetime.

It can also be regarded as "safe and healthy, comfortable food and clothing."

My hand was loose and tight, tight and loose, and I still couldn't let go of the latrine.

I am afraid that I will let go of this. It is not just the latrines and the conscience of my own.

After drifting in the middle of the night, when the sky was bright, we finally landed on a slow beach. My hands and feet are not paralyzed, but I still dragged the latrines out of the water.

The riversides are all mountain forests. I chose a place to shelter from the wind. I put the toilets on the ground and checked them carefully. The bruises on the body are not counted. There is also a shallow knife wound near the shoulder blade. The wound has been whitened by the river.

Fortunately, the limbs do not seem to have fractures. I carefully touched his ribs again, and it seems that there is nothing big.

I was relieved and wondered how to bandage the wound. Can look down again, he has long been ragged by the sharp reef, and even the bandages can not be torn out.

However, the clothes on my body are better, especially the goose yellow satin inside. It can be used if you tear it. I took off my clothes and took a good place to tear it off and wrap it in the latrine. I only looked at myself. It is better than the lavatory prince. The sword wound on the chest is not deep, and it has been applied. Although it is blistered, it does not know how. All that remains is that there are only some bruises and bruises on the arms and legs, not a big injury.

The lavatory king has been lying quietly beside him. Although he did not wake up, his breathing was still stable. What I am afraid of now is that his wound is inflamed and then causes a high fever. As a result, I was afraid of what was coming. After a while, I heard that the lavatory squad’s breathing gradually increased. He was very hot, his teeth creaked, and his limbs were together.

I was kneeling beside him, watching him silently, hesitating whether to try the way on TV and take off yourself to marry him! I don't know if it works. There is no psychological barrier. In this case, there is nothing wrong with the two men. But I finally give up the IQ problem of the scriptwriters. I gave up this kind of attempt and honestly dipped the cold water from the riverside. Give him physical cooling.

Until the sun rose to the old height, the body temperature of the latrine was gradually lowered, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, the lavatory priest opened his eyes, but did not speak, only looked at me silently.

I started to worry about whether he had burned his brain just now.

The lavatory suddenly said with a hoarse voice: "You made me very surprised."

I patted the soil on my ass, turned and turned over the pile of ragged clothes, and replied casually: "Some things you did were beyond my expectations."

I tried to find a dress that I could wear on my body. I couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, I could only pout and pick out some rags. I wrapped the two foot boards first.

The lavatory was stunned and it was silent.

I turned back and looked at the latrine for a moment, and said with sincerity: "After last night's change, no matter what calculations you made, we always lived together for a lifetime. I sincerely advise you. You still have a good heart to fight for the throne, or it will be a dead word sooner or later."

The lavatory squadron stood up and half-sitting, leaning against me, sneer and asked: "Why do you say this?"

I walked to the side of the lavatory toilet and sat down with my legs crossed. I said, "The military power! Although you are the prince of the pet, you have no military power in your hands, but there is no power in the hands of Qi. He is the prince, the prince of the ancestors, even The emperor did not like him. As long as he did not rebel, the emperor would not move him for the stability of the court."

This is also the reason why I decided to continue to work along with Qi Tong. Today's emperor, although his temper is a bit soft, is not a faint prince, a country where the prince, where is said to be abolished!

The latrines did not speak, only looked at me coldly.

I feel that I am open-minded and do not need to avoid his sight, so I look at it.

In the end, the latrines did not pass the line of sight. They smiled and said, "Would you be safe when I don't fight? They step by step and forced me to go to today. There may be a glimmer of hope, but we can only wait." dead."

Going down, I don’t think I have any say, and I won’t say it anymore. I just got up and stood up and said, "Hungry, you are waiting here first. I can see if I can find something to eat around, and then I will try to get some water from the river."

When I said that I had to turn around, the lavatory officer suddenly called behind him: "Hey--"

(End of this chapter)