The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 39: Really want to be promoted? (3)

Chapter 39 really wants to be promoted? (3) Sure enough, I didn’t know what Qi and Jiang had said in the inside. They suddenly heard Jiang’s volume rise and screamed: “The emperor does not have to think about it for the moon, and it’s just when the moon is dead! ”

I was so curious at first, I couldn't help but get closer to the door of the inner hall, and covered my hand to listen to the conversation between the two. Qi Tong’s voice was a bit low, and he couldn’t hear what he said. He only heard Jiang’s remarks after a while: “If you are ruthless, I will take a break, please go.”

The hall suddenly calmed down, and then heard the footsteps of Qi Qi coming from the inside out.

I was busy running on my toes. The person had just left the temple door, and the figure of Qi was already in sight. I was busy and looked up to see the moon, until Qi Hao came to me, and I was shocked: "Ah? Finished?"

Qi Qi looked gloomy and did not answer, only looked down at me with a slight lower head.

I simply recognized it as a generous one. "Jiang’s words only heard a little bit of words, not even a sentence. Your words are not heard by one person, you can rest assured!"

Qi Qi did not say anything, the sleeves went out.

I looked back again, and quickly bowed in the direction of the inner temple. Jiang, you will recognize it first. After I have a solid foundation, when the power is in the grip, you must have a whole life with you. Human mind!

Amitabha, God bless!

August 19, the book after the book.

In Daming Palace, I wore a queen's dress and wore a phoenix crown, and I was stunned and stunned in front of Qi. I worshipped and worshipped. I was tossed several times, and people were fainting. This was the quorum. After the procedure, I have the Queen’s “employment certificate”!

Qi Qi took up my hand again and took me step by step out of Daming Palace, overlooking the mortal beings under the high platform.

In the high voice of the civil and military officials, I first realized the feeling that I am the only one in the world. Drunk in the beauty of the knee, wake up the power of the world, men's life, but this is the case!

It feels so **** good!

Of course, it would be better if there were no ones around!

On the night after the book, the emperor was supposed to rest in the Queen. The hedge is very exciting, I am very depressed.

The hedgerow was covered with rose petals in the tub, and the red eyes were screaming: "The sissy has been licking for many years, and it is finally smashed. If the old lady can see the maiden's book after the book, how good it is!"

Hey? How do you get out of the hedgerows? It’s a bit of a change. It’s like Zhang’s wife has long been a scorpion, and Mrs. Zhang’s wife is alive and strong!

I glanced at the hedge and opened my mouth, but I still had it.

The hedges sprinkled a basket of petals into my bath. I didn't think it was enough. I grabbed a basket from the side and poured it into the tub.

I really couldn't help it. I talked with the hedge: "The hedgerow, can you stop the petals? Are you washing me or washing the petals?"

Hedgehog smelled iron and iron, and I glared at me. The eyes were not red immediately. I only solemnly educated: "Where is it, when are you, you still have a heart and a slave, and you will come to the emperor for a while! No. Wash your body scented, OK? How does Li Chenghui's skin like gelatin come from? It is soaked out with goat's milk all day long! On the chest of Huang Liangyuan, do you know how much papaya she eats every day? There is Chen Liangzhu..."

"Oh! Stop!" I quickly stopped the hedge. "I bubble, can I still not make it?"

The hedge was proud, and I poured a half basket of petals into the tub, and then whispered in my ear: "Mother, I have prepared some wine for you and the emperor. When the emperor comes, you invite him to Drink some."

When I saw it, I immediately understood the meaning of the hedge, and pulled it down! Losing your body after a drink is enough! I haven’t heard that this can be played a few times!

Hedgehog saw me, and retired a few palace ladies who served next to me. I tried to persuade me: "The goddess, the slave knows the heart of the emperor, but you have to give birth to the emperor. Only then can your status be stabilized! Just because This, the home of the Tai Hospital of the Tai Hospital is well managed!"

The Song Tai doctor who is good at gynecology?

I had a chill, and when I remembered that I had to have a baby in October, I felt a pain in my stomach. No, this is nothing! The child has to have it, but that can't be born to me, no matter which one is born, as long as his mother is cold!

The best is called Qi Wei and Jiang Shi gave birth to a child, so you can be regarded as the crystallization of his two "love".

Qi Qi came very late, I was sitting in the inner hall and slept for a long time.

The hedges screamed at me, "Mother, wake up, goddess, wake up, the emperor is here!"

I was a spirit, suddenly woke up, looked up, I saw that Qi Qi has also changed into a uniform, the dragon walked out of the hall.

The hedges rushed forward to change clothes.

Qi Wei waved his hand and screened off the hedge. He looked at the jug from the case and picked up a satirical sneer at the corner of his mouth. He sat down in front of me and sneered and said: "You I don’t have to drink alcohol to go crazy, I am sitting here and you go."

I was a little embarrassed, and I watched Qi Qi fill the glasses in front of the two people. I drank a cup of coffee alone and silently. This is a faint voice: "When I was nine years old, I knew that I would like to swear later. Be married."

Ah! Is this about drinking? I quickly filled him with wine, didn't talk, and just waited quietly for his following.

Qi Qi looked at me and smiled. "People say that because someone praised me in the presence of Cheng Zu, so the ancestors passed to the emperor and wanted to pass the throne to my hand through the hand of the emperor. In fact, this is not the case at all."

In the principle of being a good listener, I widened my eyes in a timely manner and asked, "Oh? What is going on?"

Qi Tong pulled the corner of his mouth. "Zhang's grandfather Zhang Sheng is the most favored general of Chengzu. When he became a servant, he often went to Zhangfu to get a foot. At first, I only used this because of Chengzu's favor, Zhang Sheng, and then I I realized that Chengzu went there every time, but just thinking about meeting someone."

I am in my heart, I wipe, Chengzu to Zhang family will not go to steal love? Who is the object? Is it difficult or not to have a famous name?

Qi Yan drank a glass of wine and turned his eyes to my face. He said, "I went there many times. Once, Cheng Zu finally met the man. It was a cold winter. The man was with the five-year-old Zhang. After playing snowballs in the garden, Chengzu stood on the side and watched for a long time. The talents discovered Chengzu, and brought Xiao Zhang’s to come to Chengzu to see the ceremony. He said that when Xiao Zhang’s thought of his childhood was small, he also started. I was a child, and asked me if I was with Lao Jiu. I didn’t want to play with them. I was a lot more fun than the old nine, and I was very tempted. I was very tempted to listen to her. But he shook his head and said that he would accompany the grandfather and refuse to play with us."

I heard a faint confession, but there was a lot of wine that had been drunk there. When it came to this, the line of sight looked at me, but it seemed to have passed through me and fell far away.

Qi Hao suddenly smiled and laughed spontaneously. "From then on, Cheng Zu obviously treated me differently from other emperors. He smiled and asked me how Zhang was. I answered the girl and was squeaky and arrogant. It was a trouble. I was not happy at the time, saying that Zhang was a lovely little girl, who could marry her who was the blessing. After that, when Cheng Zu asked me how Zhang was, I always said the benefits of Zhang."

I understand this point, and I am very sympathetic when I am aligned. It is a grudge to rely on a woman to make a home.

Seeing that Qi Qi was a little bit high, I added him to the wine again and advised: "It is all the past, anyway, don't mention it! Drink and drink!"

Qi Qi did not have wine, and helped the case to get up and walked away from the temple.

I followed the little **** who hurriedly greeted me in the back: "Hurry up, hold the point, the orchid temple on the northeast corner, do you know the road?"

Qi Qi looked back and gave me a cold look, and rushed to the little **** to spit out a few words: "Go back to the palace."

After that, the head did not go back.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The hedge was straight into the wall with remorse, and whispered in his mouth: "All the slaves, do not drink anything, drink what wine!"

I thought that she wouldn't hit the wall for a while, and she couldn't kill herself. She wanted to have more troubles for tomorrow, and she ignored her. She washed herself and slept.

On the second day, the rumors of the disharmony of the emperor spread in the harem.

After the squatting of the squadron, I gave it to me to summarize the report after the book. I retired all the people and used a few chopsticks to explain to him that the triangle relationship is the most stable relationship in the world!

"That! You see, if this is Qi Qi, this is Jiang, then this root is me, the three of us form the triangle in the harem, and the lack of one harem is unstable." I used chopsticks to make a The triangle type was placed in front of the lavatory prince. Two more came back, and then the chopsticks representing Qi Qi had a triangle. "And these three, Qi Qi, your nine emperors, the royal king of Chu, Zhang Jia, It is a triangle above the temple, and one less will be a **** hurricane."

The latrine master looked up at me and asked, "What about Zhao Wang? Zhao Wang counts that corner?"

I couldn't help but lick my mouth. "Can you mention the unlucky child?"

The lavatory priest looked at me without saying anything, and his eyes were very persistent.

I was helpless. I could only add a chopstick. I made a stroke on the two triangles on the ground. I said, "The relationship between the four corners is the most unstable in the world. You see, it is possible to go there. And Zhao Wang, he is now the fourth side, whether it is placed in the harem or the former, it is an unstable factor. Let us not mention him!"

(End of this chapter)