The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 72: Live to have a future! (4)

Chapter 72 is alive to have a future! (4) "You are a new emperor. Although the name is justified, the foundation is still shallow. In addition, the Empress Dowager has presided over the harem for many years. The power of many years is not something that can be eliminated in the first place, so you can only do it forbearance and plan in patience. Cultivate your new strength in the courtiers and wait quietly for the opportunity."

Having said that, I stopped for a while before continuing to say: "You have endured for two years, and then God sent you a chance, Yunxi rebellion. Although you made a game of uncertainty, in fact, I have already set Yang in my heart. Yu went to rebellion, because as long as Yang Yu took the soldiers away, Chu Wang lost his cuddling, and you can squeeze it by you, right?"

Qi Qi did not answer, in fact, I do not use his answer.

I smiled and said: "This is a good opportunity. If you only remove the King of Chu, it would be a pity. So, you think, if you can take advantage of this opportunity, it will be good to bring Zhang Jia into it. But this person is too careful, acting and timid, I have not seen you have a son to succeed next day, I dare not let go of the courage to promote the cooperation between Zhang and Chu. So, you I decided to push me."

This is the only thing that has closed the palace. Even the Queen Mother of Song can't enter my Xingsheng Palace, but Qi Qizheng allowed Zhang Jiajin to visit me.

He thought that I would be confused because of my identity, I would be afraid that he could not tolerate me, would be unsettled, and would give Zhang a wrong signal.

I laughed silently, and I lost my old lady into the palace, and I was suspicious of the intention of aligning me.

Then gambling in general, knowing that he is giving me a trap, I don’t know why he dug the pit, or how deep the pit is, but I still bravely jumped.

So I didn't just follow his heart to tell my unprepared situation to Zhang, I also helped him fan the wind.

He was very satisfied. Although he continued to seal the Xingsheng Palace, he did not bother me.

After Yang Yuping rebelled and Yang Yan entered the palace, I finally understood it. The previous situation is followed by such a connection, a little pass, all the pass.

Qi Qi calculated my step by step, and I broke the boat, and as he wished, step by step to today, Zhang Jia and Mao Fangjun were all pressed in front of him, just to let him believe that I am now at the end of the road, In order to give yourself a chance to turn over.

Because I know very well from beginning to end, since I stepped on the "Prince", I have no way to go back. The only good post is the "Taiwan", not the princess, the county owner. .

I didn't have the life to be a princess or a county lord. Once Zhang’s family rebelled, the first to be given to death would be my queen Zhang.

The most crucial battle has already started. I can only win and not lose in this game.

I turned to look at him, my heart organized my own words, I wanted to suppress the disdain in my heart, but the corner of my mouth was involuntarily bent. "You actually realized my alienity long ago? But it has been I can't bear it, until I need it now, you suddenly attacked, and then my heart finally got chaotic, and eventually pushed Zhang to the king of Chu, so the impossible marriage must be completed."

Qi Wei was silent for a long time and finally said: "You are very smart."

I laughed and laughed at myself. "I’m smart afterwards. What are your plans? Is it only involved in a Zhangye, or is it an opportunity to cut off the whole Zhang?”

Qi Hao replied softly: "Northern Xinjiang can't be chaotic."

I slowly nodded. In this case, it was only taking the opportunity to remove Zhang Yi, and removed the half arm of Zhang’s family. From then on, Zhang Jia could no longer make waves.

I asked again: "He Bing has always been loyal to you, isn't it?"

Qi Qi replied: "Yes."

I smiled softly. "The little girl like Zhang Ershan would believe that men would abandon their family parents for love."

Qi Qi did not speak.

I was silent for a while and decided to carry out the most important part of this conversation. I have to tell him that my soul should be a woman, not a man.

This matter is related to the likes and dislikes of me after Qi Qi, I can not ask him to have psychological obstacles when facing me in the future.

I took a deep breath and suddenly whispered: "Qi, you asked me whether I was a man or a woman that night. In fact, I often asked this question myself. I was trained as a man for more than ten years, then I was In exchange for the woman, the man said that I was supposed to be a woman. It was their mistakes that had this twist. In the future, I can only live with this flesh."

I stopped and turned to look at him quietly. "Actually, I thought about it long ago, but I didn't have the guts."

Qi Qi asked me: "Is this guts now?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I still don't have it. I have already said that I have become a woman. I have been so guilty of having a child, and it is too bad to die."

Qi Qi’s mouth was slightly invisible and hooked.

I was in my heart and looked at him and asked: "It's up to you, can I ask you a question?"

Qi Hao nodded.

I asked: "Do I feel disgusting now? Disgusting that even my existence can't be tolerated?"

Qi Wei was silent for a moment, whispered: "No."

I calmly said: "In this case, Qi Qi, I will continue to give you a queen. No one in this world is more suitable for this position than me. I will not fight for my mother's rights. I will not compete with the palace and manage the harem for you. , raising children. Is there a more suitable person than me? Not to mention that I have no foundation in this world, and I can be completely controlled by you."

Qi Qi’s face was quiet and she couldn’t see the anger. After a while, I asked, “What are you asking for?”

I seriously thought about it and replied: "Safe and healthy, there is no worries."

The temple was very quiet. It seemed that I could hear the long breath of breathing. I didn’t know how long it took, and he nodded slowly. He said, "Okay."

There is no more words about this word.

I am imagining that these eight words are really easy to use. No matter who they say, the people who listen are really taken seriously.

I got up from the bed and solemnly arranged the nightgown on my body, as if it was a complicated and solemn emperor's coat. When the small folds were smoothed out, this was surrendered to the knees and the forehead was placed on the back of the hand. On, devoutly said: "Chen Chen thanked Lord Ron."

Qi Qi had no echo for a long time, and when he looked up again, the temple was already empty.

My heart was loose, and my body fell down on the bed, only to feel a splitting headache.

In fact, I don't have to ask for it, Qi Qi will continue to call me to be a queen, because he still has to use my Zhang to appease the remaining half of Zhang's family, to tell the courtiers that Zhang Hao's disaster is only affected by the king of Chu.

If he didn't guess wrong, Qi Qilian's life would not be necessary. He would only stop Zhang Wei's military power, and then put Zhang Hao in good house to express his concession to Zhang, and to my queen. Respect and favor.

What he wants is just an attitude of mine.

In this case, I will show him my humbleness. Isn't it just to retreat? Han Xinshang can be humiliated, what am I?

As I licked the temples on both sides with my hands, I whispered secretly: Play, see who is playing in the end! Isn't it more than a turtle now? You can bear it, Lao Tzu is more tolerant than you! And consume it!

Freehand put a jade bowl in, softly said: "The goddess finally woke up, first get up and drink the medicine."

She stepped forward to help me sit up, but I was surprised at the dark medicine pot in the bowl. "What happened? What kind of medicine?"

The freehand red eyes were red, and he bowed his head: "The night before, the goddess got a high fever and both fell asleep for two full days."

I stunned and suddenly realized.

I said how I feel that I have slept so long, I can't think of being sick.

This is really the first serious illness that I came to when I came to this world. I stayed in bed for a few days before I recovered. When I took the little doll and played it, she didn’t know me anymore, and it was in my arms. Wow, I cried.

I suddenly realized that it is impossible to bring a child like this. In any case, she is born out of my hard work. I always give it to others to raise it. I don’t want to come up with a one who doesn’t kiss me.

With such considerations, I put a lot of thoughts on the little doll. I spend most of my time mixing with her. Only in the evening, I called the mother to take her back to the warmth to sleep.

During the period, Qi Qi came back several times. Every time I still looked at the little doll, I also met with me several times. The look is still natural.

Once I went to the little doll with my freehand thoughts and wanted to see if she had a long tooth. I didn't expect that we had been stunned for a long time, and the little doll was still closed and not confusing.

When I was not recruited, Qi Qi did not know when she stood by me. When I saw the shape, I put out **** and pinched the jaw of the little doll. When I glanced, the little doll opened her mouth.

He said faintly: "Look."

Nima, how much do you do this skill to be so skilled!

I was ruined by his skillful approach. After returning to God, I hurriedly shouted: "Let your hands, let go!"

The little doll in his arms was very close to crying.

He loosened his hand, and his face was calm and somewhat awkward.

I am speechless. I can only bow my head and softly whisper. Don’t cry, so it’s easy for her to stop crying. But she turned her arms to the knees with a grievance...

Qi Yan’s lips and eyes were slightly smiled, and she reached out and took her from my arms. She also scorned me. The meaning of the triumph was self-evident.

In my heart, this little girl was secretly obsessed, but she smiled unconsciously.

With this little doll to ease the atmosphere, my relationship with Qi Hao has been quickly eased. When the end of February, Qi Qi finally lifted the control of Xingsheng Palace.

(End of this chapter)