The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 89: Emperor's ambition! (5)

Chapter 89 The Emperor's Ambition! (5) I am so happy, said: "If this is the case, then everyone will be careful about their own embarrassment, and be careful, let people raise a small thing, just don't be killed!"

After I got up, I went out.

Yang Yu suddenly rushed, busy calling me, "Queen Empress..."

I turned back and looked at the two of them, sneer: "Since you all think that my method is good, how can I see what I am doing so hard?"

Yang Yu frowned slightly, but did not know what to say, look at me, and turned to look at the latrine.

The squatting toilet sat there silently watching me for a moment, and suddenly said: "General Yang, please avoid it first. I have a few words to say to the Queen Empress."

Yang Yu nodded and looked at me again. He stood up from the table and strode out.

There was only me and the latrines in the house. He lowered his head and added tea to his cup. He whispered to me: "Do you still remember the words I said to you on Wanjiang?"

I took a nap. He had said a lot of words on Wanjiang. He also said that I was "safe and peaceful, and I was worried about food and clothing." When the meeting suddenly asked, I was somewhat unsure that he was asking. That sentence.

The lavatory priest looked up at me and said slowly: "If I promise, I will repay it."

My heart suddenly shook, and I suddenly remembered the scene when I fell into the water. He used to hold me and stared at my eyes and said the eight words one word at a time, then released the one that was carrying the ship's side. Hand, protecting me into the river.

Wanjiang Jiuqu Gorge, the river bends nine songs, the beach is flooded, and the reefs are everywhere, always dangerous.

That night, I hugged him tightly with each other, using my body to block the reef against the other side, and finally got up in the middle of the night to escape the birth.

I nodded and replied: "I remember."

The latrine master looked at me and continued to ask: "Then I am asking you now, what do you say in the Xingsheng Palace?"

I was silent, and I replied for a long while: "Count."

"That's good," said the lavatory squad, with a sigh of relief on his face, saying: "This time he treats you so well, I am really afraid that you will faint."

I subconsciously wiped the tip of my nose, and some stunned. "Also, people say that gentle township is a hero. In fact, gentle township is not only used by heroes."

The latrine of the latrine was easy and only smiled.

I turned back and sat down at the table. I was going to open the door and talk to him. I asked directly: "What are you going to do? What do I need to do?"

The squatting face was calm and silently looked at his eyes and said: "I have insufficient strength in my hands. I have the name of a monarch and a minister. I can’t compete directly. Only the soldiers will be in danger. He will fight North Desert sooner or later. The temper is afraid to be kissed, I will arrange the slain in advance, so that he will stay in Jiangbei forever, when you hold the will, and help the young emperor to ascend the throne."

His speech rate is a little slower, but his tone is extremely relaxed. He is obviously saying that he is rebellious. He seems to be tired of climbing the mountain today. Add two more dishes at night, or Minger. I am afraid that it will rain, don't forget to add more clothes.

I listened earnestly, every word and every sentence was put aside in the mouth, and then asked him four questions in the spirit of "suspicion". Simply summarizing is the four "where":

First, where are you when Qi Qi kissed the North Desert? Still alive? Will there be rights in the hands? Second, where are you talking about the dead? Can you guarantee a killing? Third, where is the purpose of my hand when I arrived? Is the form legal? Fourth, it is also the most crucial point in this plan. Where is the young emperor?

The lavatory prince answered one by one: "As long as I am willing to plead for it, I will follow his heart everywhere, he will not be able to live my life. As long as I am still alive, there will always be some people in my hands. You are worried that if I say this, I have already made arrangements. As for the purpose, no matter whether he will stay before he is born, I will always ask you to have a sacred person in your hand. Whether there is a young emperor who can be enthroned, it is necessary to see the queen."

Around a thousand laps, I turned a number of bends, and finally I went around the question of whether Qi Qi could have a son. I rub! My pressure is really big!

I thought about it and tentatively smiled: "Can you have a young emperor or an unknown number? If you can get rid of it, why not be your own emperor?"

Mao Dianjun slowly shook his head and his eyes were clear. "The name is not right, the world will be chaotic. Moreover, when Yang Yuding will be trapped in Yunxi, I still need you to stabilize the situation in Jiangbei, even if I am married to Zhang San. A queen is also unable to satisfy Zhang’s appetite, only to help you ascend the Queen’s position."

Well, this is all the truth.

I nodded, squinted for a moment, and put my palm on the table and stood up and said, "Okay, that's it!"

Xu is that I promised it too simple. The latrine can not help but reveal some surprises. I looked at me and asked: "He is waiting for you now. I thought you would have to hesitate for a long time to give me a reply."

I ridiculed: "You are a man yourself. Don't you know what a man is? What a reliable son!"

When I finished, I got up and went out.

Chaoyang little girl is still waiting outside, seeing me out and taking me to the garden, waiting for the two to just sit in a water pavilion, the maid of the sun is far from free Come over.

The maid went to the front of Chaoyang and reported: "We didn't have a dress that could be changed with us. We had to buy this sister from the mountain, so we lost a lot of effort, and the county owner was strange."

(End of this chapter)