The Protagonist Makes You Retreat About Thirty Miles

Chapter 94

In today's world, Shenzhou and Dezhou merged into Feng Dynasty. With the sinking of Xianzhou, there were few remaining monsters captured by Yaozhou. In the end, Ji Mo released several ancient monsters controlled by Ye Junhou in the past. Order them to sort out the remaining forces of Yaozhou and return to the snowy field before leaving Yaozhou with a ray of vitality.

Dragon's ability is to help the monster to advance. Now that the fairy returns to him, he dare not stay in the world. After Yu Yujing talked with Ji Mo, he followed the advice of the morning star priest and went to the snowfield with the monster to return to hermit. The DPRK signed a non-aggression treaty.

In this way, the five continents have calmed down the four continents. Only the buddhist monks and the envoys of the Feng Dynasty are still in peace talks. This group of monks does not mind returning to the Feng Dynasty. Buddhism.

The state religion of Fengchao has been designated as a temple, and this condition is still under consideration. Su Ge is not very concerned. In order to follow the old father to leave, he has begun handover work with the temple priest.

Soon after, both Jimo and Su Ge will leave, and Chang Hui is also busy with Feng Dynasty affairs. The temple is only hosted by Hui Yue. In order to prevent the temple from being sold by this elf, Su Ge was very careful when selecting the new white priest. .

Ji Mo also felt that the shrine headed by Huiyue was filled with the breath of pills from top to bottom, and the note asked for the help of Shui Wuhen to stay.

Shui Wujian thought he was hopeless to survive, who would have been rescued by Ji Mo, and this life-saving grace had to be reported, and he also accepted it, becoming a part-time brain of the white priest in Huiyue. Although these two people are present, the future style of the temple is really worrying.

Since the last contact, Ye Mingjun hasn't heard any news for three days. Ji Mo was worried about the changes of the world and changed everything. After explaining everything, he decided to go to Fozhou to check the situation by himself.

The news that he was leaving didn't hide from everyone. Huiyue didn't expect that he would suddenly become the only high-level man when he returned to the temple, and he was also very moved to Ji Mo, "Dead Ji Mo, you really have to elope with a man ? "

He said that Ji Mo also found that he was really abducted by Ye Mingjun. At that time, he swears that there will never be a day when he will be attacked. In the end, regardless of body and mind, he ran away with this bead and his face was beaten It was loud enough.

Even so, he didn't feel any pain at all, but raised an eyebrow at the elf, "We are marrying Ming media, thank you."

Although Huiyue was entered into the temple by Ji Mokeng, he has adapted to his life here over the years. When he thought that his most familiar colleagues had left, only he was still here, so he could not help but sigh: You pit, thinking that I wo n’t see you suddenly in the future, I ’m still a little reluctant. "

In the end, where he lived for three years, Ji Mo recalled carefully. Although he was indifferent in the past, the treatment in the temple was excellent, and he was a little more reluctant in his heart. He patted Huiyue's hand and only asked: " Stay in the temple and ask Brother Shui and Chang Xiang if you do n’t understand anything. As long as you do n’t turn back to Fengchao, I believe nothing will happen. ”

As the Feng Dynasty grew stronger, the temple and the royal power inevitably ran into conflict. The simple temperament management of Huiyue was just right. At least the Qing Emperor did not have to worry about him usurping power. Just like now, the meaning of the elves in Ji Mo's words was not understood at all, and he continued to sigh to him with a long heart: "You too, have a good husband, don't raise your son like you."

The young woman is definitely the thunder point of Ji Mo's life. When she heard this, she glanced past and instantly said coolly, "Oh, I also wish you a happy Langjun, and a good son."

As an elf who thinks he is very straight, Huiyue is undoubtedly the most vicious curse to him, so the final dialogue between the two still ushered in the standard ending, "You still get out!"

With a light smile, he said goodbye to Huiyue, Ji Mo and Su Ge met, and after the handover of the temple was completed, it was easy for the Fuzhou Miao Fa City to converge, and out of the temple, the figures of the Qing Emperor and Chang Hui were found at the gate.

It was not surprising that Aoba would come to Jimo. Instead, she was a little surprised to see Chang Hui. Thinking of this man who was not a nostalgia, he chuckled lightly: "I didn't expect Chang Xiang to come and send me."

Chang Hui originally thought that everyone had worked together for some time. Ji Mo also made a lot of sacrifices for Feng Chao. Now he has to leave and say goodbye. After hearing this, he only returned indifferently: "I still have to give it away, saying Maybe you will be able to send Buddha Island as a return gift. "

If Changhui's character is really good-bye, Ji Mo has to worry about whether he has dug a hole and waited for him to step on. Qing Emperor gave a white glance to the prime minister who had no human feelings, so he gave the prepared farewell gift to Ji Mo. Although he was still indifferent to the Devil's inherent expression, he could hear the real care.

"Morning star priest, the orphan will rule this world well, and you and the high priest can safely leave."

Ji Mo saw that Aoba grew up from an upright boy to a generation of emperors who are now in a high position. Sometimes he recalled the appearance that the young **** priest had a fish and could smile and look at it, and then look at what now seems to have been unknown. The Qing Emperor also experienced a sense of vicissitudes.

Qing Emperor and Huiyue are not familiar with each other, and the ordinary phase is such a character that no one can see through. After Ji Mo and Su Ge left, there is nothing to rely on. Elderly, Ji Mo is also somewhat pitiful, only Instructed: "Your Majesty will take good care of yourself in the future, and if possible, you must also find someone who can rest for you."

Heavenly Devil was merciless, and the Qing Emperor was far away because of his parents ’love for love. Although he is now the brother of the morning star priest, he still glanced at someone as usual, coldly said:" The lonely now only wants to tame the normal phase as soon as possible. Rebellion, there is no intention of marriage. "

These words fell into Chang Hui's ears, but they made Chang Xiang's eyes lightly glance, and his heart was very ironic: Oh, tame him? Yesterday, Su Ge and Ji Mo were going to run into his dormitory. He didn't know who was pulling Chang someone to tell the story of the temple all night.

In spite of this fact, Chang Xiang still left his majesty a little thin face in front of everyone, and used only the usual tone of irony to sarcastically say, "Your majesty is indeed a generation of masters, so daydreaming Top Gun."

Seeing that the two of them have now worked out a bit of tacit agreement between the king and the minister, Ji Mo was relieved and only said: "When the demon master is more peaceful, I will give him a holiday and come back to visit relatives."

Ye Junhou is a violent monarch in the end. In the past, he still maintained the appearance of a loving father to Ye Po when he suppressed his nature. Now he has completely restored the style of the heavenly demon without memory.

In the past few days, he and the Qing Emperor did not talk a few words, and then they drew swords. He didn't know how many palaces to know about Yucheng. He had a lot of fun himself. Seeing that Qing Emperor was so angry that he couldn't beat him, his father was still drinking with a big smile, Ji Mo thought that this person had to go on a good life to learn how to be a qualified old father.

The Qing Emperor didn't know how to face this biological father, but now it's calm. Such an old villain, playing at the sight of him is his only option. There is no need for filial piety between Heaven and Devil!

Now when mentioning Ye Junhou, the Qing Emperor, who had no feelings, was still a little angry, but had no anger. "This old devil does nothing but add chaos to the orphan. If he wants to come, go directly to the General's Mansion. Find Ye Po, so as not to tear down the lone Jieyu City. "

Ye Junhou in the novel is not yet married, and he still maintains his true devil's character after being formed. The state of arrogance is better than that of the former devil. Even so, in these days in Yujing, he unexpectedly did not hook up the beauty in the city, but went to Mozhou overnight to dig out his body, and then broke into the emperor's tomb and forcibly buried with the demon.

After the death of Shuangshuang, he left his last words, hoping to be buried with Ye Junhou, and Mo Yaoli did not need to worship, so just let them quietly quiet down. As a result, Cheng Zhang insisted that the daughters of the Cheng family could not be buried with these rebel thieves. The Qing Emperor's authority was not stable at that time. After moving the capital, another emperor's mausoleum was built to bury it.

Ye Junhou now remembers nothing, but he just thinks that his body should be lying with her. However, when the coffin was lifted, he looked at the woman's face as she was born, and the murderous intention raised by the conflict with the guards suddenly broke up when she broke into the tomb.

He was a careless demon, and he did n’t know why he was sad. He just thought, even if he had no memory, he could let go of the killing intention at a glance by seeing this woman. The instincts here can't be forgotten after many reincarnations.

In the end, the newborn devil just drank all night before the tomb of the Empress Dowager. He used to sneer at the cultivating heart that Ji Mo said, but in front of her tomb had a bit of meaning to try.

Xu is for having such a favorite person in the future will not let her lie in the cold grave like this; or hope that if one day she is destined to meet again in this world, and she forgets everything, she can look back at him again. , Just as he showed a bit of a lost soul at this time.

Regarding the resignation with Ji Mo, the Devil Lord only needs a pair of portraits, not the dignified appearance when she became a demon, but the young girl of the Cheng Dynasty painted by the old minister of Fiji. She was standing in a sea of ​​colorful flowers with apricot-colored clothes. Although the smile between her eyebrows was lightly reserved because of being a boudoir, it was truly from her heart.

Ji Mo knew that this trip might not come back, so he let the three of the picture scrolls let them hang out. When he was talking with the Qing Emperor, Ye Junhou just returned from his trip, and he stopped walking when he saw his son.

Although the Devil Lord is ruthless, the expression in the weekdays is very public, and the coldness of the Qing Emperor's eye is still more with the mother. Now that he sees him with a slightly angry look, the Devil Lord who came back with the wine is a bit better. Only loudly said: "Little Bunny, you wait, I will beat you up to be dad next time!"

When he heard this voice, Qingdi hated his teeth, and immediately said angrily: "Old rabbit, how long will you be alone? You must be beaten down!"

When Qing Emperor was indifferent, he seemed to be a pair. Once his eyes were infected with anger, the devil's style was faintly visible. Ye Junhou did not know why, but he liked the appearance of her own characteristics and her traces, and only laughed at this time. : "Yes, I will wait for you to cut with a knife!"

Ji Mo, the father and son's relationship mode, really can't understand it. Seeing that Li Xian'er and Bailu have also arrived at the city gate on time, he was worried that the deer ran away as soon as he went out, but he was relieved and looked away. After staying in the two for a moment, after all, he still spoke to Li Xian'er who spoke better: "Xian'er girl, would you mind taking a ride?"

Fuzhou Luyuan was far more suitable for saving time or flying, Ji Mo was worried that Ren Qingya hated being treated as a mount, and he did not want to have a bad relationship with him again. Who knows that the white deer glanced at him and said: "Male and female Do n’t give or receive, I ’ll take you. "

After rebirth, the white deer still maintains vigilance against people, but these days they have unexpectedly got along with Li Xian'er very well. It seems that he also likes the innocent temperament of the little girl. Ji Mo believes that he should be just the kind of person that Qingqing Ya does not like, and he has not taken the initiative to approach Bailu in the past few days. Now, the never-obedient daddy son will take the initiative to show his favor, but it makes him feel suspicious. There is always a subtle sense of being pitted.

Ji Mo was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of Jingsheng, but he didn't know that his secret vigilance at this time was very similar to Bailu. Looking up at him, Ren Qingya remembered the old deer that came with the dragon telling himself, and his eyes were unclear, but he still acted as if he didn't know anything in the past, just faintly. Tao: "If you saved my life, I can return it to you if it is justified. But for the things I refuse to do, you better not force me."

Although Ren Qingya is ruthless, he is extremely caring for his companions. If he has hatred, he will be rewarded. If they are already in trouble, Ji Mo estimates that he has shaped him twice, and now he has not arranged any plot for him. Eternity is greater than resentment, and the odds of being pitted do not seem high.

So, if this rebellious son is going to control him, he will be topped, and if he ignores it, he will take the initiative to come over? Ye Junhou is right, what kind of donkey temper is this?

Although Ji Mo was a little vigilant, Ren Qingya was still intact. He could not observe anything from the face of a deer. He tried to touch the back of the white deer. Seeing that he had no intention of resisting, he finally believed him. Back, he sat down slowly, only said lightly: "Then thank you demon king."

Bailu now owns most of the pictures of the mountain and river community, and he travels a thousand miles a day. In the blink of an eye, there is only a residual image in Yujing City. Ji Mo watched the crushed floating clouds turn into a snow-white road in the rear, and suddenly recalled that He also sat on the side of the white deer when he came, and stepped into the world from the snow in the sky. I didn't expect it. It was the same when he left, turning around, as if returning to the original appearance.

The difference is that this time he will not be lost in the wind and snow again. Now all he thinks and thinks is one person, but he is red dust, traveling all the way west, just to find the most enlightened pearl he cherishes.

The author has something to say: Ji Mo (Alert): If you leave, I will definitely not team up with you. Whoever plays with you will definitely fall back to bronze!

Ren Qingya (calm eating grass): What are you afraid of? You are currently playing a stand-alone card draw game.

Huiyue: You guys got all the pits out of the SSr, only me to keep drawing cards!

Ji Mo: Calm down, look at the Qing Emperor, you will not be the one who is the most wrong.

Emperor Qing (indifferent): We do not need the card pool to play the king.

Chang Hui: The little kid in this year won't change if he gets a Demon skin. If he begs me, I will give him new skin.

Qingdi: Alone wants to black you.