The Protagonist Makes You Retreat About Thirty Miles

Chapter 95

This is a world dominated by Taoism. Behind the dynasties, there are powerful schools of cultivation, so Buddhism is not prosperous.

The common people know that seeking benefits and avoiding harms, compared with the cause and effect of reincarnation without desires and desires, ordinary people are more willing to pursue the practice method to prolong life and longevity. They do n’t mind burning some incense to buy a peace of mind, but if they want to donate money to repair the temple, the locals would rather go to the temple or Yunyou to repair it, at least it ’s more reliable than the mysterious retribution.

For this reason, the territory of Florida is a desert grassland type of less inhabited place. Their internal management organization is a temple at all levels. If they want to live in the territory, they must be shaved and become a monk. Marry a child.

Jimo, who is sparsely populated in Florida, knows it, but they have traveled all the way to see a few small cities in the sky, but they did not hear human voices or smoke, but this situation is a bit weird. After reaching Miaofa City, the largest city in Florida, the doubts in Ji Mo's mind reached their peak.

Miaofa City is the city where the monastery dominates the void, and it is also the place where all the monks practice in the territory. Although the size is just like the ordinary city of Fengchao, it should be a place with strong security and prosperity. But when they fell, the city gate opened like this, not to mention pedestrians, not even a guard, only completely silent in the quiet night.

Li Xian'er quickly grew up at night, and now she looks like a young girl. Although she has a fairy-like cultivation, her mentality is no different from that of an ordinary girl. With her Shennong's perception of grass and trees, she quietly looked at it, and she was a little scared. He grabbed Ren Qingya's antlers and said to Ji Mo: "Brother Ji, this place is quite dead, and even the roadside flowers and plants have no vitality, which is not a good place."

Among all the people, Li Xian'er only spent time with Ren Qingya in Lingshan Xiaozhu. Unconsciously, he regarded him as the most familiar companion. Although Bailu didn't like being touched, she glanced at her without saying anything.

But Ye Junhou, the **** who was not afraid of ghosts and gods, went straight above the city walls. After walking around, he did not find the breath of living people. He only found a few scattered Buddhist precepts. Female **** is also banned. Normal people in this kind of place are crazy for a day. Who can live? "

At the same time, the white deer with the most sensitive sense of smell moved his nose, and was also vigilant: "There is only the smell of corpses in the city, and no living people exist."

Heavenly Demon is originally from the abyss, and all the undead demons are used to it. Here, no matter how heavy the yin qi is, it will have no effect on Ye Junhou, but it will greatly increase the strength of the devil.

With him in place, Ji Mo didn't worry about the ghost problem, but frowned with some doubt, "The monk of the void set up a temple here to overwhelm the world's undead, and it's not strange that the city is overcast, and I don't understand why the immortals come Well, it looks like this here? "

Although Fuzhou dominates the void, the origin is different from most of the protagonists. He comes from the magical short story "Void Monk Storytelling" serialized on Weibo.

The text is described in autobiography. The protagonist is a modern monk who has yin and yang eyes since his childhood. The main event is that he was possessed by various dead persons to solve his life's hatred.

The description is very true, and even a specific case can be found. No matter the time and place, the characters are not bad. It is more successful to predict that a certain building will have a murderer committing suicide in a few days. The more truthful the story is, the more scary it is, so this article is quite popular. For a while, it was madly reprinted by netizens. The homepages of Ji Mo and Song Qiao were inevitably swiped on the screen. Can stop.

Later, some people speculated that this should only be written by a police officer based on a real case, and the public accepted this statement. Ji Mo didn't care much about the authenticity of the original. After all, there were immortals, and supernatural events were not uncommon. What he was thinking about was the setting of the monk of the void.

Because it is a short story, the author does not describe the settings in detail. It only mentions that he was born to perceive yin and yang. Once he is possessed by the yin, he will fully get the ability of the dead, and it is not like walking one by one like the traditional ghost story. Instead, all ghost powers can be superimposed. If the spirit removal is not successfully completed, his temperament will also be affected by the dead.

Although Bu Zhou referred to the Void Monk as the Buddha of Joy, in fact, he did not practice the Joy of Joy Zen, only because he smiled at all times, as if he was very happy, he won this name. And this is exactly the sequelae of the failure of a mental patient's death in his youth. Since then, he has only had a smile on his face.

The trouble with the supernatural story is that there is no standard for combat effectiveness, and the author will not set a limit state for the protagonist. As long as Void is possessed, you can get the cultivation of the deceased during his lifetime, and it will continue to stack as more and more dead souls are added. It can be said that the more deaths and injuries in the world, the stronger the Void is.

Fortunately, he was indeed a compassionate monk. In these years, he only stayed silently in this barren land. He never clashed with other heavens and people. He never clashes with other heaven and earth. .

Fozhou was already good at surpassing the undead, and now the celestials are also looking for the world to come here. It is reasonable to say that the existence of ghosts and the like should have been wiped out, but this magical city is such a ghostly appearance. There was a problem with Ge's hunt.

Ji Mo remembered that the last reconciliation between Feng Chao and Fozhou was three days ago. At that time, the envoys of Fozhou had n’t been any different, and from that day on, Ye Mingjun, who would be contacted through the system every day, had no news. See Come, if there is no accident, the accident should be from that day.

Ji Mo originally thought that there is no need to worry about Heavenly Court in this matter, but the situation is not very optimistic, and he could not help but clenched his hand to draw the scroll. Although his tone remained calm, he was a little worried. "The system can be Contact Ye Mingjun? "

"Communication has been initiated and Xianjun did not answer."

In the past few days, Jimo inquired about the whereabouts of Ye Mingjun, and all of them received Xianjun who has not yet responded, but now he has changed the reminder.

Although he was confident of Ye Mingjun ’s strength, he was inevitably worried when he encountered such a situation. After watching the dead city for a while without knowing whether there was a trap, he finally decided to investigate it first, but only said lightly: "Three please Stay alert, let's go and see if we can find the trail of the fairy. "

This place is weird. Ji Mo was extremely cautious when he entered the city. He walked into the city gate and looked away. The night in the city was as usual, and there were no blood corpses on the ground. There was nothing special except for the quietness.

However, just when they passed the city gate, there was a sound of neat heavy objects falling from behind. Looking back, it was actually a dozen corpses wrapped around their necks with ropes, and all their flesh and blood were dried up, only wrapped in dead skin. The toes of the corpse just hit the ground, so it fell on the wall and swayed in the wind.

Ji Moguan had his hairless head and ragged clothes, and guessed that these should be monks in the city. They seemed to be harmed by ghosts, and they didn't know what to do.

The scene with dozens of corpses hanging behind is replaced by a normal person. I ’m afraid I ’m already scared. I ’m not a normal person. Ye Junhou did n’t know how many dead abyss brothers slaughtered. He glanced at them. Contemptuously: "Why are these old bacon hanging on the city wall?"

"The fierce spirits, probably."

Ji Mo has been dealing with Heaven and Man for all these years. What horror scenes have not been seen. The human body is not enough to evoke his panic. At this time, he is still looking at him indifferently who put these corpses down and looked at the inverted image They are deliberately frightening them.

Even so, he remembered that there was still a normal person, Li Xian'er, so he asked, "Aren't you afraid of Xian'er girl?"

However, Tianren ’s thinking is very different from that of ordinary people. Li Xian'er was still a little scared before entering the city. When he saw these corpses, he felt relieved at once, but he was glad to say: "Fortunately, it seems that they can't beat me."

Just when they were cruelly watching the corpses of the monks, and Jimo was about to put down a dead body to examine the cause of death, Ye Junhou, who couldn't help himself, also pushed open the door of a residential house.

As soon as the door opened, a white shadow fell down. The devil was not a kind person, and he did n’t look at what raised his hand or was a punch. He raised his eyebrows after the shot, "Is there something that was just beaten by Lao Tzu?" Fly? "

In response, Ji Mo glanced at the miserable bones on the window sill and sincerely answered his question: "It should be a skeleton."

After hearing the words, the demon master was instantly furious, and the entire room was demolished with the palm of his hand against the wall. "The low-level undead like skeleton soldiers are also equipped to touch the fist of the devil?"

Look, this is the abyss.

Looking at all of this calmly, Ji Mo just wanted to dissuade this kind of destruction of the residential house, and he heard another sound of brick and stone collapse. He turned his head and saw a white deer shaking the dust on the antlers. Finding his sight, the deer only maintained a consistent arrogant expression: "There is a fierce spirit on the roof, which looks too ugly."

That's why you overturned the whole room? What's wrong with a fierce spirit in the city? Is n’t this a ghost ’s work ethic?

Well, maybe these two little house-breakers are more frightening than ghosts.

Reluctantly, these fierce heaven and earth were tossing around in the city, and Jimo climbed the city wall by himself. He did n’t know what was happening here, but he was quite sure that when Bailu demolished his house, someone here “wowed”, and this kind of skinny tone could hear who was a few miles away. .

Sure enough, just above the city wall, Ye Mingjun in white clothes and another young fairy in bright yellow costumes were holding the ropes of the corpses, and even stepping zombies with feet seemed to be ready to be used as props. Mo actually found it, and the Xiongxian who deliberately used a ghost town to scare his wife blinked in surprise.

Yes, Ji Mo rode a white deer and walked thousands of miles to finally find the Qiming Pearl that he missed, but this bead actually greeted him with a ghost town and a corpse. Man, even a partner with a similar heart, don't want to guess what he is going to do.

At this moment, Ji Mo can only look at someone expressionlessly, "Ye Mingjun, is the haunted house fun?"

Ye Mingjun came to the city only a few hours before Ji Mo and found that the bodies hanging on the city wall stayed for a moment. He was on the way to the autopsy, and suddenly saw his sweetheart appearing outside the city. While happy, he came up with such a unique way of greeting. At this time, Guan Jimo looked a little annoyed, and immediately stepped forward to hug him, and said softly: ? I will sleep with you tonight, you can hold me tight. "

"Compared to the scene where you were hanging upside down from my window, these things are not terrifying."

The mischief of Ye Mingjun's mischief is now calm, so I don't need to know what the boring reason for wanting to take advantage of his frightened hero to save the beauty. At this time, I feel relieved to see that the fairy is okay. "Who is this……?"

Ye Mingjun didn't expect that it's so easy to get through today. Even if Ji Mo hadn't seen Ji Mo for a long time, he thought about it very much. He touched the head of his subject and smiled back: "He? It's just the fairy emperor."

Fairy Emperor? Lord of heaven? The head of the cents? Now the official strongest fairy?

So, even if you are bored to scare yourself with the ghost town, even pulling the fairy emperor to be an accomplice, let him help you hang the body?

This time Ji Mo's expression was really stiff. He found that he still underestimated Ye Mingjun. It turned out that he could really exert his power when he came to the fairy world!

Even so, my heart was stolen by this bead, and the morning star priest who had turned back had no choice but to sigh: "Well, you succeeded in scaring me."

The author has something to say: Ye Mingjun: Reunite with his wife for a long time, I want to surprise him!

Immortal Emperor: I thought you were helping you in solving a major event. I really believed in your evil!

Ji Mo (indifferent): I watched you frantically on the edge of the kneeling rubbing board.