The Queen of Everything

Chapter 132: College entrance examination is approach

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What Xiaoyun showed on WeChat was the same as she did on Ciao Miao. Su Cha sent her clothes soon after returning home and sent a message to tell her by the way.

The next time, because the "Dream in Progress" competition is approaching, Su Cha's time will be used to learn and practice songs.

With the progress of "Dream in Progress" in full swing, the sea elections are gradually coming to an end.

On the official website, 100 places were finally selected and discussions started on the Internet.

Although Su Cha has some fame in the sea election district on the side of Yonggu City, it is not a fire.

In the annual sea elections, the focus areas are in several first-tier cities. Most powerful singers will even choose to enter the Royal Capital or the Magic Capital area to compete, not only because of the high visibility of the competition area, but also these The judges in the division also have absolute popularity as stars or queens, and their influence is not at a level.

If they can be appreciated, that is a great benefit.

Different regions have different popularity.

Some players in the division have their own advantages, and now there are fan groups on the Internet. There is no big splash on the side of the Yonggu City division.

One hundred people, promoted to ten places, and then went to the Royal Capital to participate in the finals.

It seems very difficult, but Su Cha is not very worried. The top priority is the college entrance examination.

She and Bo Muyi's feelings are becoming more and more stable, but during the time when she is about to leave Yonggu City, Bo Mu also seems to be busy at the peak. He basically only has time to call Su Cha, and there is no time to even come over.

Time goes into June, "Dream Progress" just ends the sea election, and the college entrance examination is imminent.

Such tight time is pressing on everyone's heart, even Le Anqi, who usually doesn't seem to have any pressure at all, is still a little nervous.

In such an environment, everyone will naturally have a pressure, unless it is completely calm.

Such is Sucha.

Even if it seems, she should be more tense than others.

After all, there is a heavy bet condition on her head, that is, she must pass the school first. If she fails to pass the school first, she will not only become the laughing stock of the school, but also must kneel towards Yu Chuai.

No one thinks that Su Cha can pass Min Chen.

When the time was approaching, I didn't have a thorough examination, and even the teacher did not know the true standard of Su Cha.

She could see that Su Cha was studying hard, but she didn't have the urgency of other classmates, only a state of being unhurried, and He Qiu was also worried about the child.

That bet is not just known to students now, it has spread among teachers.

The seventh class of Chang Wugui even laughed at Su Cha's uncontrollability and whimsy in front of He Qiu. He Qiu blushed at the time and only said, "Even if Su Cha is not good for Min Chen, she just You can’t say that she cheated after getting the last score!"

Also choked Chang Wugui on the spot.

After all, in their eyes, Su Cha cheated even the last score, but because the target set by Su Cha was too careless this time, it made people forget the fact that she had a horrible score increase last time, only concerned about Can she pass Min Chen, but forget that her last score was not unscientific?

However, now everyone seems to be acquiesced. Whether Sucha can pass Min Chen is the key.