The Queen of Everything

Chapter 373: I'm not interested in watching

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

Needless to say, Su Cha knows who the Su came back.

But in the first moment, her inexplicable anger towards Su Cha made everyone a bit dazed.

"Chi Zhi... Come over here!"

Ruan Yin was very excited to wave at her, "I... I never told you, in fact, you still have a sister, you and Nan Fan's sister, she is Sucha! We finally found her back Now!"

Zuo Zhi's words at the door froze directly.

She looked at Su Cha, and then looked at her mother, as if it was somewhat unacceptable, she shook her head directly: "Impossible! How can I have a sister, I don't have a sister! Nan Fan is only my sister!"

She came over angrily. The attitude was inexplicable and uncomfortable. She pointed to Sucha's nose and said: "You can't be my parents' child, you are a liar! Mom, don't believe her!"

Su Cha: "..."

Even if this person is really her sister, it does not prevent Su Chaxin from swearing something ill.

She hasn't hurried to prove it yet, but she hastily cleaned it.

And Su Cha remembered that she had never seen this Miss Qianjin, how could she offend her?

However, looking at her, she knew she had participated in the show, indicating that she knew her early in the morning.

Seeing a draft player look like his mother...

Su Cha had a trace of awareness in her heart and probably understood where the anger of this Zuo Zhi word came from.

Ruan Yin was a little angry: "Chi Zhi, how can you be so rude? Su Cha is your sister! If you fake it!"

What she said is very certain, even if she hasn't done a paternity test with Su Cha yet.

Su Cha is too lazy to talk at this moment. She sits lazily on the sofa, like watching a movie.

A slight sarcasm was revealed in the indifferent expression, and he was at ease, and his attitude was far from that of ordinary people.

The man next to the housekeeper was a little surprised to see, not to say that this Miss Su, who was raised in ordinary people since childhood, how can you have such a grace?

For a time, hesitated to the housekeeper.

Zuo Zhici blushed when he heard Ruan Yin's words. Although she was raised in Zuo's family from childhood, she has been cultivated as a celebrity, but she has always been wayward.

In this family, everyone must follow his own.

In particular, Zuo Zhici felt very wronged when she saw her mother, who had always been hurting herself, for the first time in eighteen years, and did not know whether she was a sister or not.

She looked at Ruan Yin as if she were going crazy: "Mom, you yell at me, are you just coaxing me for an outsider today? I have no psychological preparation, you suddenly told me that this person is my sister, you How do I accept it?"

The grievances of Zuo Zhici suddenly made Ruan Yin feel guilty. She looked at Zuo Zhici apologetically and immediately appeased: "Sorry Zhici, my mother did not intentionally..."

Zuo Nanfan looked a little puzzled next to him, and he whispered toward Zuo Zhici: "Sister, what are you doing? We have one more sister, aren't we?"

This younger brother has always been annoying, but it doesn't prevent Zuo Zhici from glaring at him now.

You know what a fart!

"Chi Zhi, mother knows this..."


They were ready to stage a mother-daughter relationship. Su Cha was not interested in watching it. Sitting there, even some sarcastic expressions revealed a sense of high dignity: "I am not interested in watching what crazy people are playing here."

Everyone: "..."