The Queen of Everything

Chapter 568: Paparazzi

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

It seems that because of this special word, many people who eat melons do not pay attention to the so-called management business experience. After all, they don't understand it. Instead, they are the 25-year-old wealthy tycoons at the helm who like to be with their wives.

Twenty-five, in the eyes of many people, is a very young age, especially for people like them. It is unscientific to get married so early.

In addition to expressing daily worship on Weibo, some people want to know who the wife of this helm is, although they do not even know what the object of the interview looks like.

There are also conspiracy theories, saying that the man at the helm intentionally uttered this sentence, presumably wanting to falsify people.

How many true love can there be in the giants?

But this kind of remark was soon scuttled by other people. There are other conspiracy theories. It is naive to say that others set up people to be innocent. If the money is so unimaginable that the helm will need to care about one person?

You don't even know who he is.

Compared to previous interviews on Weibo, this Weibo has more people discussed below, and the official does not know how to think about it. Within a few hours, another interview clip was released. The difference is that this time there is another Blurred silhouette.

Although it is not clearly stated, it seems to be the silhouette of the man at the helm.

It was just a silhouette. It seemed to be able to see the domineering breath of the silhouette across the computer screen. He sat on the sofa with his legs upturned, and a silhouette could feel the coldness and coldness.

-This silhouette is the person at the helm? It looks so handsome

-If you take it, a silhouette can tell if you are handsome or not. Your filters are also awesome. Do you dare to say anything if you have money?

-I really don't believe this leg is so long, P! !

-The reality that the silhouettes are so handsome is certainly not bad, but for a while, I can’t believe it. Is it handsome to be rich? Jealousy makes me ugly...


Su Cha called Bo Muyi after seeing the report. She just asked Bo Muyi how she suddenly accepted the interview.

Bo Mu also just said that it was necessary to accept it, but Su Cha felt that it was not as simple as that.

In the past, the official media also wanted to interview Bo family, but had never seen relevant reports.

Soon after hanging up the phone, Su Cha saw a new Weibo with a silhouette of Bo Muyi.

Su Cha narrowed her eyes slightly, others could not see, she could see at a glance, this silhouette is Bo Muyi.

Don't like to expose yourself? Why are you still interviewed now?

Su Cha feels that Bo Mu's purpose is not so simple.

Although he has always been mysterious, this time because of an interview, the discussion level of the Dimu Group has risen with the water. The information about this helm is also dug up a little, but only a little.

Everyone is curious who the wife of the helm is.

Su Cha didn't worry about things on the Internet. She quietly filmed her drama in the crew. When the weekend arrived, she returned to the crew and continued to participate in her competition.

Sue tea is really hot now, but under this hot red, there is a certain low-key.

If it is not a special operation, Su Cha in private pays careful attention to her whereabouts, and no one will notice, unless it is particularly obvious.

However, Su Cha still knows that she is red, after all, there are even people who candidly shoot.

Soon after she returned to Wangge, she was followed by paparazzi on the way down to the show.