The Queen of Everything

Chapter 884: Thank you fans

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"What did you say?"

For a moment, Tan Jinsui felt his tinnitus.

"I didn't hear it just now, you say it again."

Su Cha rolled her eyes.

"I said, she didn't make a mistake. The master is me. She said that her hands are exactly the same. She didn't make a mistake. It was my hand."

Her tone of voice is very innocent, as if to say something very casual and natural.

She saw Tan Jinsui slowly apathetic from the original expression, and finally turned to Tie Qing: "Su Cha, you honestly told me, what else do you have in the end? The master of Chinese studies, you can bear Ah You!"

"Then what can I do?"

Su Cha shrugged: "When I first entered the circle, I first learned to embroider the Tang thorn, and then gradually became famous on the Internet by Master Yunzu. They noticed it. In order to thank me for reappearing this lost skill in the world, Central Taiwan will interview me..."

Tan Jinsui's face became more rigid: "Are you kidding me?"

He still thought for a moment that Su Cha was joking.

"of course."

Su Cha's expression is very natural: "Am I the kind of person who makes jokes casually? Didn't you praise the embroidered pair yesterday? It's really good. After all, I embroidered it. I won't tell you this time Saying that I am busy, I am busy with embroidery."


Tan Jinsui rubbed his temples and suddenly felt a headache.

He now wished to beat the little villain in front of him, but he wouldn't say that he couldn't beat her, even on this site, he didn't have the courage.

He took a deep breath: "Does your dad know? Where did you learn the embroidered Tang thorn?"

"I won't tell you where I learned from. I tell you that there are so many secrets in me. Don't be surprised if you see anything in the future."

Su Cha blinked at him, Zong Yanxiu had already finished his exercise in the morning, and now he could barely walk without crutches, but he walked slowly.

"What are you talking about?"

He saw Su Cha and Tan Jinsui, with soft smiles on their faces, and asked them.

Su Cha opened her mouth and was considering whether to say that Tan Jinsui had glared at her: "Yan Xiu, your daughter can bear it. We also discussed the embroidering of the Spring Festival Evening last night. The master is standing in front of us, but he can really pretend that he didn’t know anything at all."

Zong Yanxiu froze for a moment, and then clarified the meaning of Tan Jinsui's sentence, and suddenly looked at Su Cha with some surprise: "Little tea? What he said is true."

Su Cha smiled embarrassedly: "Dad, did you find a suitable opportunity to tell you..."

"The embroidery picture on TV turned out to be embroidered by you?" He came over and glanced up and down at Su Cha. It seemed incredible: "I thought it would be an older master who could embroider that kind of work. Is it you? When did your little girl learn to embroider?"

Su Cha pursed her lips and smiled: "When you are away, I have learned a lot. These are all the same. Don't be so shocked. Am I not telling you now?"

Tan Jinsui heard the words and sneered.

"It seems I have to thank your fans?"

If it weren’t for Su Cha’s fans who suddenly pulled out this topic that Baganzi couldn’t fight together, they didn’t know Su Cha’s identity.