The Queen of Everything

Chapter 915: I'm so shameless?

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

After waking up, Su Cha and Bo Mu also left the company.

Although no one noticed the whole journey, the trip that Sucha went out halfway brought a little influence.

The next day when Bai Kun went to work, he heard the Lantern Festival. Colleagues who came back to work were discussing when Assistant Bai had a relative.

When Bai Kun was still asked by the head of the business department, he realized that he had somehow a "relative" to come out.


Bai Kun's image in front of outsiders is still relatively stable. Hearing this for a moment, he was still stunned for a moment, and his head turned quickly.

Of course, no relatives came to the capital, even if they came, they would not bring them to the company.

Obviously, this relative has other people.

He thought of Su Cha yesterday that he wanted to see it in the company. When I met someone asking about it, Miss Su didn't want to reveal her identity, so she said she was a relative?

"Is it a pretty little girl?"

Bai Kun smiled, the head of the business department was a little surprised: "Is it really your relative? Cousin?"

Even if the people in the big group are not privately solemn and solemn, as long as there is nothing wrong with doing things, the working atmosphere of the group is still relatively relaxed.

This kind of thing meets the client and asks two sentences.

Bai Kun nodded, with a vague sentence: "Just a relative."

There is no clear statement, even if it is exposed at that time, it cannot be regarded as its own pot.

What's more, Miss Su didn't want to admit his identity, he had to take it off, and he didn't lose anyway.

"But your relatives..."

The eyes of the head of the business department are a little weird, because the relationship between this supervisor and Pak Kun in private is not bad, he said a few more words: "How can I hear that the fingerprint of the company is directly entered, and you do so, the people below will have opinions."

Bai Kun froze for a moment, then remembered that he gave Su tea permission, he smiled: "No, I asked BOSS in advance."


The supervisor suddenly realized that since BOSS agreed, there was nothing to say.

When it was time to discuss things with Bo Muyi upstairs, Bai Kun said with a smile: "Miss Su probably met someone in the company yesterday, saying that it was my relatives. Someone just asked me, I Let’s get started."

Bo Mu Yikui raised his head, frowning at him, and seemed to be dissatisfied: "Why didn't she just say it was my girlfriend?"

Bai Kun: "..."

He sweated a little: "Master, this is also a bit embarrassing. You also know about our company. You usually have contact with the circle. Miss Su probably doesn't want to expose it."

If this matter is spoken, the entire group of people must not be bombed?

The company is so big that someone will definitely recognize that this person is still Su Cha, a popular actress.

In the end, Bo Mu also turned his face: "I'm so shameless?"

Bai Kun: "..."

What can he say?

He pondered and said: "Master, anyway, this matter will be public sooner or later, why are you in a hurry?"

Is it still possible for him to specifically explain it in the company group now, so-called his relatives are actually the young master's girlfriend?

Also let people not maintain the majesty of his special assistance.

Bo Muyi's face was a bit gloomy, but it didn't have much anger than usual, probably just felt a little stubborn in his heart.

After thinking about it, he still wanted to discuss the company's business with Bai Kun.