The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1664: Seventy-seven births

In the early September, the sun shines on the ground, and the weather is dry and stuffy. August 1st? Wen? Network W (a) W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW. COM

Seventy-seven is a pregnant woman, especially afraid of heat. It is now the hottest season of the year, and she is sweating. Seventy-seven took a shower before lying on the bed, but did not sleep after going to bed.

Shi Qin walked in from the outside and whispered: "Grandma, the old lady of Guanjia and her grandmother are going back."

"I thought she would stay in the house and not go!" Feng Yuwu wants to stay in the house, she can't stop, but decided not to let this woman approach her half a step. But go, better, save you from making trouble on your face.

Shi Qin smiled and said: "The grandmother didn't want to go back, but she didn't dare to stay when she was old. Before I thought that the old lady was particularly powerful, it was definitely fierce. I didn't expect it to be so charitable. An old lady. "It's amazing, but it's also measured.

"You can only say that it is a smart person." But smart or stupid, seven or seven are not willing to deal with her. Feng Huan, the crazy woman, she is no longer willing to have a little bit of it. Not afraid, but annoying. Before I was so forbearing, I didn’t have a son, I was afraid that my status would not be guaranteed, and a few children would not be good.

Everyone said that she was the queen's niece and would be sheltered by the Queen. It is clear that seven or seven, if it is not too much for the family, Yuxi is not going to break the house chores.

Shi Qin hesitated and said the worry in his heart: "I am afraid that my wife is not happy."

"She is not happy, she is not happy! To make her happy, I have never used this day." Before that, I was afraid that Chang's dissatisfaction would endure and endure. As a result, she couldn't help but vomit blood. When she gave birth to her son, she would not endure it.

Shi Qin said carefully: "I am afraid that my wife is not happy, and I am guilty to the world." To let the ancestors give birth to the eldest son, the status of his wife may be threatened.

Hearing this, Qiqi said with a smile: "This time, don't worry, there is a public servant!" The savvy person of the public servant can let a sergeant give birth to his grandson. If not, it will not force the world to drop the woman.

Liu Er is really too small to smash seventy-seven, Feng Zhizhen can always do anything she can do. She had long known that Feng Zhiyi had set up an outside room in Changzhou, but she had been forbearing. However, she was aware of the pregnancy in the outside room. But even if Rui Ge did not happen to happen, the child could not be born.

Seventy-seven said to himself: "If I really didn't have a son's life, I would hire a good family girl for the world." When she gave birth to a child, she took her.

Shi Qin said busyly: "Grandma, no, you will be able to give birth to a young master."

Seventy-seven touched his stomach and said: "I hope he is a son." When she was in a last resort, she was not willing to raise a donkey. Although it is said that life is not as good as it is, it is not the meat that falls from the body, how can it be really intimate.

Shi Qin felt that this topic was too sad. He said, "Grandma, I will help you walk around the corridor!" The sun outside the fireball can only be turned around in the corridor.

"Good." After the baby is stable, when the weather is good, go five or six times a day in the garden, two quarters of an hour. If the weather is bad, it will circle around the hand-to-hand veranda.

The two men circled the hand-carved porch and circled for less than a quarter of an hour.

Shi Qin said with a smile: "Is the little master playing you again?" The child was particularly active, and he liked to move around in his stomach after six months.

Seven or seven gave birth to three children, this feeling she is very familiar with: "Quickly let people call the stable woman, I am going to be born soon." There are still 12 days from the expected date of birth, and production before the seven seven is always pushed After that, so the stable woman did not go home in advance.

Although ten days in advance, Shi Qin did not panic, while holding the seven-seven into the house, he called someone to ask for a stable wife and a doctor.

The delivery room is already ready, just in the side room. After seven or seven lying on the bed, "Go to the water to wipe my body." After giving birth, you can't take a bath for a month. It’s so hot to think about it.

Shi Qin was busy telling him to do it.

Chang’s hearing of the Seven Seventh Movement was born, and he said: “Is there still another twelve days? How was it born?”

Xin mother smiled and said: "It is nothing unusual to have children born in advance and then pushed back. Madam, you have a look!"

The daughter-in-law has children, and the mother-in-law must be going to sit down. When Chang’s clothes were not changed, he rushed over.

When I walked into the yard, I saw it quietly. Only the **** came and went. Chang did not ask someone to ask, went directly to the delivery room.

At this time, Qiqi is eating mushroom soup noodles, and there are six eggs in the noodles. Giving birth to a child is a matter of strength, and when you are full, you have the strength to have children. So even if you don't want to eat, Qiqi still has a hard scalp and will even finish eating the soup with the egg.

Chang asked: "Can someone send a person to ask for a stable woman?" She knew that everything was safe and sound, but she was afraid of an urgent negligence.

Winter Niang said: "There have been sent people to ask, and also handed a sign to the doctor."

“Can you send a letter to the Han family?” Han’s family is the mother-in-law’s mother’s family. It is definitely necessary to give birth to children.

Winter Niang shook her head. I was too busy to forget to inform the Han family. "I will let people know."

Xu Yue learned that Qiqi was born, and he took the Du's in the house to go to the house. This Du's is the grandmother of the blue mother. Because the daughter-in-law is too stupid, how can the blue mother teach and teach, but she can only pass the skills of one body to the grandmother.

When the group went to Fengfu, Qiqi had already screamed loudly, and Du Shi was busy entering the house to help.

Because it is not a first child, it has not suffered many crimes. After more than a minute, the child landed.

Stewart held the child and said to Chang: "Mrs., is a young master. Madame, is a young master." Fengjia now has four girls, and she is looking forward to her son. This time, a young master was born, and there is definitely a lot of money.

Seventy-seven, this fetal belly is round and experienced, and it is said that this child is a girl. Therefore, Chang’s roots did not hold expectations, and he prayed that Liu’s child was a son.

Seeing that it was a grandson, Chang’s happiness was not good: “Hurry up and wash her, don’t cool down.”

At this time, the spirit of the seven-seventh was very good. When the children reached out and wrapped them in a group, they kissed them and kissed them several times. The eyes burst into glittering tears. Looking forward to the night, I finally hoped.

Xu Yue reached out to pick up the child, but she was not willing to give her seven or seven. Xu Yue said with a smile: "Big sister, it is not advisable to hold more children in the month, otherwise the hand will hurt. You will hand over the child to me, and wait for the month to think about how to hold it." Even three girls were born. She knows that the seven seven is under great pressure. Now that I finally got my son, it is so happy that I cried.

Seventy-seven is not a person who does not know how to be awkward. When he heard this, he handed the child to Xu Yue, and then wiped his tears and said: "Thank you brother and sister."

"What do you thank yourself? Big sister, you have a good rest!" Hua Geer is still very respectful to the big sister of Qiqi, so Xu Yue is also interested in her affairs.

Feng Dajun happened to be an old friend, because his family did not know his whereabouts and could not be notified. When he returned home at night, he heard that he had a handful of seven-seven, and he was not happy.

Even if it was late, he ran to see his grandson. The first thing he saw when he saw the child was to untie it, and the child gave him a face.

Feng Dajun touched the urine on his face and laughed. Although the military is not obvious, he wants his grandson's thoughts to be no less than Chang's. Now, I finally got what I wanted.

Chang also said with a smile: "Master, the child has not yet named, you give it a name!"

This is a grandson who has been looking forward to for many years. Feng Dajun loves it very much: "This tiger's head looks so cute, and the nickname is called a tiger!" As for the name, it is not too late to wait until the age of one. Not only the tiger brother, but also the fruit they are all over the age of one.

A Shao looked at the child in the squat, crumpled like a little old man, and he really couldn’t see how cute it was.

Yuxi’s news on the morning of the second day was heard by a son who smiled and said: “It’s just a son.” To regenerate a daughter, the seven or seven is afraid that the burden is even heavier.

Yunqing heard this and deliberately joked: "Do you often say that men and women are the same?"

"I feel that both men and women are the same. People who can seal a family don't think so. If Feng Zhiyi doesn't want a son, he will make an outside room pregnant." It is the same pain for the child Yuxi, or she actually is more It hurts two daughters, but the son is not the same as a woman. If she does not have the four brothers of Qihao, she will definitely only guard the northwest with Yunqing, instead of trying to find the world. The reason is very simple. This female emperor has only been one of Wu Zetian since ancient times. If she did not have a son, even if she helped the cloud to hit the world, she would only marry others. It is not allowed to wait for her to be old, but also to look at the face of the blind man.

Yunqing said with a smile: "Not only Zhiyi wants his son, but the army has always wanted to hold his grandson." It’s just that the Fengjun army is so suffocating, and Chang’s and Feng Zhi’s strength are not good.

"You have always wanted to hold your grandson?" After that, Yuxi remembered the old things and smiled: "Remember that you used to say that you have no son to let the jujubes be solicited. If you don't have Ah Hao, do you really let the jujubes be solicited?" Because of their thoughts, the jujube dates can not be compared with a boy.

"When did I fool you? If you didn't start their four brothers, then the longevity is our grandson." Speaking of longevity, Yunqing's face could not help but smile: "Longevity is too scouring, still delicate. , well-behaved and obedient."

During this time, Yuxi let Yunqing bring longevity and tenderness. As for government affairs and military affairs, she and Kai Hao deal with them.

At the beginning, the cloud was in a hurry and took three days to get started. Because of the busy taking care of the children, the nightmare was thrown into the clouds by Yunqing.

"You don't look at who their mother is!" Longsheng Longfeng Shengfeng, the son of the mouse was born to make a hole. Jujube dates can't be found since childhood, and the tree ostriches catch the fish under the lake. And Liu Er, since childhood, is a lady.