The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

v3 Chapter 3: Don't subscribe specifically for swearin

Yesterday, I was going to live with salted fish and live with full diligence. .

After reading the monthly statistics and general booking, I felt a chill in my heart, and I was hit hard.

One month, 40,000 total subscriptions, 10,000 subscriptions 360, plus full attendance. Two thousand dollars.

Ten thousand words a day takes more than ten hours. The biological clock is seriously out of order, just to get things done.

But Wan Geng is useless, and he is still on the street.

Received a call to recruit a trader and wanted to go out and hang out.

But then I thought about it. At that time, I said that I would stick to it for two months, then I would stick to it. If I stick to it for another month, there will be a million words.

Then endure to continue coding.

Who knows, come together in the morning.

It was deeply disgusting.

In this unfair era, (in the past, dry welding was often deducted from wages by outsourced teams. Underworld, can't afford it.) In this era of rampant piracy, (everyone knows) in an era of lack of respect between people (author code Zi labor), some people are always so disgusting.

When I woke up in the morning, I was deeply disgusted.

This person's original words are that our readers spend money to see finance, and investment depends on business warfare and confrontation. I didn't pay to see you write h... omit a hundred words.

I wrote h? There is no woman in the city to write a chicken.

Then, I looked at his subscription, Whiteboard. A chapter has not been ordered...

Haven't ordered a chapter yet, and you told me you spent money.

I just wanted to ask you, where did Nima Gobi come from to say such things.

Why are you deleting so quickly.

Don't delete it if you have one.

If you look at pirated editions, just look at pirated editions. I don't know if it will affect my mood, and I can't help you. Except for the pirated dog who scolded a few words in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

This is reality.

I just wanted to ask you, where did you get the courage to say you spent money.

Liang Jingru gave you the courage to lick your face and say such things?

The shameless and shameless people have seen it before, and I am so paralyzed that I have never seen such a shameless thing.

Lao Tzu is just a street writer, and writing articles is nothing more than a slap in the face.

If the reader subscribes, that's the boss, and people spend money to buy the product. If they are not satisfied, they are understandable.

You paralyze a pirated dog, why scold me?

Lao Tzu sleeps all day and night, every word is hard work, every word is the fruit of my labor.

You stole the fruits of my labor, and you still dislike Lao Tzu's bad things, can you still point your face?

What the **** do you feel if you go out to the construction site to move bricks and the boss won't give you wages?

You go out to work. The boss doesn't pay you and scolds you for what you do. What is your reaction?

What daddy owes you? What is your special code to point fingers at Lao Tzu?

As an author who slapped the street and turned into scum, I sent a few words to this kind of person who even scolded people for watching pirated copies.

Just relying on this pattern, you will never try to mix up as a person for the rest of your life.


You don't even have the least **** respect for other people. You don't even have the most basic integrity, and you don't even have the most basic morality. If you can stand out, it's not that God is blind.

I'm ready to go down the street.

Report Lao Tzu how you feel paralyzed, Lao Tzu doesn't care anymore.

How can I vent my anger if I don't scold you for this kind of rubbish.

Steal the fruits of Lao Tzu's labor, scold Lao Tzu's results for garbage, and lick their faces and say you bought them.

You are such a genius.

For those who do not spend a dime and still spray Lao Tzu every day, Lao Tzu will send you a few words, Lao Tzu's books, you are not welcome to read. Fuck me.

For the bosses who subscribe to support, Laoyu is here to thank everyone, thank you very much for your support all the way.

You are all bosses, you have spent money and bought something, and it is impossible to return it, so if you are upset, just scold you, as long as it doesn’t concern your family. The old fish was scolded arbitrarily.

Laoyu's culture is not high, and he didn't finish junior high school, so his quality is not good.

If the bosses look angry, they also scold a few words to calm down.

Alright, let’s continue coding, and it’s not very good if you don’t get to a million words.

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