The Rebirth of the National Goddess

Chapter 641: 649, down the mountain (two more)

   Chapter 641 649, Going Down the Mountain (two more)

   During this period of time, Jian Yi seemed to be very free, and always ran to the mountains when he had nothing to do.

   It is already spring.

  The green area in the mountains and forests, where hundreds of flowers bloom, compete for beauty, just like a fairyland on earth.

  Chu Jin wears a thin spring shirt and shuttles between the mountains and forests like a free butterfly.

   Behind her, followed by a fat gray fox.

   "Chu Xiaohui! How many times have I told you! Don't eat raw meat!" Chu Jin snatched a pheasant from the grey fox's mouth and taught him a lesson with a stern face.

   "Ouch..." Xiao Hui slumped his head and whimpered softly, a pair of shiny black lacquer gleaming light, looking at Chu Jin aggrievedly, as if he could cry at any time.

   An expression of 【It was the first hand of the pheasant】.

   is very innocent.

  Chu Xiaohui is a gray fox. He is not good-looking, very ordinary. He is smarter and more human. He is very chubby and cute.

Last winter, the mountain was covered by heavy snow. Chu Jin encountered this injured fox in the deep mountains. At that time, it was seriously injured, all four legs were broken, and it was as thin as a firewood, and only half of its life was left, but Chu Jin took good care of it. , soon recovered.

   And getting fatter.

   Until, it grew into a small fat pier.

   After the little fox recovered, Chu Jin once put it back in the mountains, but the little fox stayed by Chu Jin's side and refused to leave, and he couldn't give it away after sending it several times. In desperation, Chu Jin had to keep it.

   and gave it a name.

  Chu Xiaohui.

   subconsciously told Chu Jin that Chu Xiaohui should be called this name.

   It seems to have other companions.

   Little red, little black, little white?

  Is there really?

  Chu Jin didn't know either.

   "Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful for me," Chu Jin patted Chu Xiaohui's head, "Go clean up this pheasant, and I'll cook the roasted pheasant."

   Hearing this, Xiao Hui's eyes lit up, he picked up the pheasant and ran forward quickly.

  Chu Jin picked up a few sticks of dry wood nearby, and when Xiao Hui came back with the pheasants, Chu Jin had already made a fire.

   After a while, there was a smell of barbecue in the mountains.

   The aroma is tangy.

   Hook people can't stop.

  Xiao Hui ate so much oil that he couldn't wait to swallow his tongue. Most of the pheasants had eaten, but he still didn't feel full.

   After eating the roast pheasant made by Chu Jin himself, Xiao Hui suddenly felt sorry for his former self.

  The fragrance attracts many beasts around.

  The strange thing is that they just watched from a distance and didn't dare to take a half step closer.

   As if there is something around them that they should be afraid of.

   After eating the roast chicken, Chu Jin restored the surroundings and started going down the mountain with the basket on his back.

  There are several more precious herbs in the back basket.

   In the past six months, Chu Jin has learned a lot from Uncle Wu, among which ancient medicine is the best.

   Like Xiao Hui, she was healed by herself.

   Therefore, Chu Jin is relatively confident in his medical skills.

   Moreover, Chu Jin also found a pair of gold needles from the small stone house.

   Now, her golden needle is also very amazing.

   She used that pair of gold needles very smoothly.

just like.

   She used to use the same.

   "Xiao Hui, let's go." Chu Jin turned to look at Xiao Hui who was chasing the hare.

   "Ow~" Xiao Hui turned his head and called out, jumped up, bit the hare's neck, and quickly leaped towards Chu Jin.

  Chu Jin took the dead hare and put it in the basket. Touching Xiaohui's head, he said with a smile, "It's so good."

  Since there was Xiao Hui.

   You can eat all kinds of game every day.

  Xiaohui can even catch fish.

   One person and one fox quickly walked down the mountain.

   soon disappeared into the mountains and forests.

   As everyone knows.

After she (it) left, a person walked out from the hidden forest, with a long body and a beautiful face. He looked at the traces of charcoal fire left on the ground, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his silver hair shimmered in the sun. with dazzling light.

   Chu Jin and Xiao Hui had just returned to the wooden house when they saw Jian Yi's little assistant standing by the door.

   The little assistant was very beautiful and had a sweet mouth. When he saw Chu Jin coming back, he greeted him with a smile, "A Jin, you are back."

   "Xiaoling." Chu Jin smiled and said, "Did you come with Brother Jian?"

   "That's right." Xiaoling continued, "Brother Jian and his uncle and aunt are chatting inside."

  Chu Jin put down the basket and dried the herbs in the yard, just about to turn around and enter the house.

  Xiaoling came over and took her arm, preventing her from opening the door, and said with a smile, "A Jin, I heard that you planted snow lotus, take me to see it."

  Xiaoling is usually not interested in plants, why did she think of seeing snow lotus today?

  I think it must be because the conversation between a few people in the room is inconvenient for outsiders to hear.

   As smart as Chu Jin.

   How could she not hear the reason, "Okay, I'll take you to see it, it will bloom in a few days."

  Chu Jin took Xiaoling out of the courtyard.

   Inside the house.

  Jian Yi sat opposite the two old people and said seriously, "Master and Mistress, I hope your two elders can seriously consider my suggestion. The mountains are hard and Chu Jin is still young. How many years can she delay?"

   Hearing this, Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin showed sadness on their faces.

   They have been with Chu Jin for a year, and they have long treated Chu Jin as their biological daughter. Now, Jian Yi suddenly said that he wanted to leave with Chu Jin, and the two old people could not accept it anyway.

   But, think about it.

  Jian Yi is right, Chu Jin is still young, staying with the two old men and old ladies will only waste his youth.

   She is still young and should go out to meet the world, and they should not delay her.

   Moreover, it is actually a good thing for Chu Jin to follow Jian Yi out.

   It's good for two young people to be alone together. Maybe, in the coming year, the two of them will bring a chubby grandson for themselves.

  Thinking like this, the old couple gradually came to their senses, "Jian'er, then you must take good care of A Jin and don't let her be wronged."

   "Master," Jian Yi stood up excitedly, "So, do you agree?"

  Jian Yi is not a fool. He knows that the master and the wife have long treated Chu Jin as her own daughter. The master even passed on his lifelong medicine to Chu Jin. Jian Yi did not expect that the master and the wife would agree to him so easily.

   It seems that Master and Mistress have been poisoned too deeply.

   As soon as he said that Chu Jin could not be delayed, he was so nervous.

  Chu Jin has a deep scheming and easily won the trust of the master and the wife, and can't let the two old people stay with her any longer.

  If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  So, Jian Yi had to take her out.

"Yes," Aunt Lin nodded, "although we are also very reluctant to A Jin, but, you are right, A Jin is still young, she should walk around and go out to meet the world, Master and I should not delay her good years."

   "Master and Mistress know the righteousness, and the disciple admires it," Jane stood up and continued, "Then I will ask Xiaoling to prepare, we will go down the mountain tomorrow."

   "Going down the mountain tomorrow?" Uncle Wu stood up excitedly, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

  The first thing is to cut the mess with a quick knife, and not let the master and the wife get deeper and deeper.

   "In a few days, the Hundred Flowers Party of our supernatural power world will be held once every ten years. It is a rare opportunity. I want to take A Jin to see it." Jian Yi said with a smile.

  Hundred Flowers.

   is a big festival held once every ten years in the supernatural world.

   and Lantern Festival are similar in purpose.

   On this day, all young men and women will pack up and go out.

   Watching the lanterns, guessing the flower fans, it is really lively.

  Regardless of men or women, if you meet someone you are interested in and send a flower picked in the early morning, if the other party agrees, you will get a good relationship in the future, and it will become a good story.

Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin could only hear the literal meaning, thinking in their hearts, this kid finally came to his senses, and said with a smile, "Okay, then tomorrow, I'll pack up some food for A Jin, you can eat on the way. ."

   "Old man, what are you still doing sitting there, A Jin likes the plum cake you baked the most, so hurry up and bake some more and let A Jin bring it."

   "Okay, I'll go right now." Uncle Wu quickly got up.

   Jian Yi looked at the two busy old people with a very deep look in the bottom of his eyes.

   After dinner.

  Aunt Lin took Chu Jin into the house to chat.

  The content of the chat is to let Chu Jin and Jane go down the mountain.

   After staying in the mountains for more than half a year and nearly a year, Chu Jin also yearns for a life outside the mountains.

   However, after listening to Aunt Lin's words, I still felt reluctance in my heart.

  The icy stone will be hot, not to mention the people's heart, within half a year, she has long regarded Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin as her close relatives.

   The sudden separation made Chu Jin feel sour.

   "Godmother, don't you and godfather come down the mountain with us?" Chu Jin suppressed the sourness in his heart and asked.

   When Jane outside the door heard this, her brows furrowed quietly.

  Chu Jin actually wanted to deceive the master and the wife down the mountain together!

   He has long known that this Chu Jin is uneasy and kind!

Aunt Lin held Chu Jin's hand and said with a smile, "A Jin, your godfather and I are used to living in the mountains, so I won't go with you. In the world of your young people, our two old people will follow. What are you messing with, just remember to go up the mountain to see us when you have time."

  Chu Jin nodded, "Don't worry, Brother Jian and I will come back often to see you and your godfather."

   Jian Yi outside the door raised his lips slightly, once Chu Jin went down the mountain, don't even think about going up the mountain in this life.

   He will not put the master and the wife in the slightest danger.

   "Silly boy," Aunt Lin patted Chu Jin's head with a smile.

"It's not easy to go up the mountain, you two don't have to think about us all the time, that kid Jian Er has been kind-hearted since he was a child, and he became a big official outside, and I can rest assured that I will hand you over to him. Jin Na, we and your godfather have no other wishes. We just hope that you and Jane will be well. Jane is a man, and it is inevitable that there will be some machismo in her thoughts. I hope you don't mind and be more tolerant. If he dares to bully you If so, write to me and I'll help you teach him a lesson."

   Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin knew what Chu Jin meant.

  Er old wanted to get her and Jian Yi together.

   This is a complete mess.

do not know why.

  Chu Jin always felt that his heart was full, and he couldn't hold anyone here.

  Why is the heart full?

   In his spare time, Chu Jin thought about it for a long time, but could not come up with an answer.

   Maybe, it has something to do with that white-haired man.

Hearing this, Chu Jin smiled and said, "Godmother, don't worry, Brother Jian and I are like brothers and sisters, he won't bully me, he is saying that with you and godfather around, he won't dare to bully me either. I."

   Brother and sister.

  Aunt Lin is not a fool, she can naturally hear the true meaning of Chu Jin's words.

  It doesn't matter, love grows over time.

   As long as Jane gets the hang of it, she will definitely win A Jin.

"A Jin," Aunt Lin continued, "you are going down the mountain, and your godfather and I have nothing good to give you. You take this, in case of any emergency, just blow it and you will be able to Every misfortune turns into good luck.”

   said, Aunt Lin stuffed a conch into Chu Jin's hand.

   "Okay," Chu Jin took the conch, "Thank you godmother, you and godfather must take care of your health on the mountain when I'm away."

   "Silly child, they're all a family, how do you say thank you?" Aunt Lin smiled and patted Chu Jin's head.

   Jian Yi frowned more deeply outside the door.

   Mistress is really confused! How could you give such a precious thing to Chu Jin!

   That night, Chu Jin and Aunt Lin chatted for a long time before going back to the room to sleep.

   At night.

   She was dreaming again.

   is still the white-haired man.

   couldn't see his face clearly.

   He was standing in front of a lonely grave.

   As if saying goodbye to someone.

   Intuition told Chu Jin that there must be someone who was very important to him buried there, perhaps the woman in red that day.

  Unfortunately, Chu Jin could not see clearly what words were engraved on the tombstone.

   The next morning.

   Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin sent Chu Jin, Jian and Xiaoling down the mountain together.

  The way out of the mountain must cross a river.

  The weather is sunny and the sun is shining brightly.

   blue sky.

  Green water.

  The green mountain.

  The view is exceptionally good.

   "Goodbye A Jin." The old couple supported each other and waved at Chu Jin with smiles on their faces.

   "Goodbye, godfather and godmother," Chu Jin stood on the bamboo raft and looked at the second old man reluctantly, while Xiao Hui squatted at her feet and let out a low whimper, as if saying goodbye to this mountain.

  Jian stood by the side holding the bamboo raft. Seeing Chu Jin like this, she just thought she was acting sullenly, and sneered in her heart.

  This beauty flower is really a lot of drama!

   Seeing the bamboo raft disappear into the long river, Uncle Wu and Aunt Lin started to cry together.

  Reluctant, they are really reluctant.

   However, they couldn't cry in front of Chu Jin.

  What if Chu Jin sees them like this and refuses to leave?


   Seeing that the bamboo raft was about to come to the shore, Jian Yi took out two black cloth strips from his pocket.

  Xiaoling took one of the cloth strips and blindfolded her eyes.

  Jian Yi handed the remaining cloth strip to Chu Jin, "Miss Chu, it is inconvenient to reveal the whereabouts of the teacher and the wife to outsiders. For your own good and the good of the wife, please cover your eyes too."

   "Okay." Chu Jin took the cloth strip without talking nonsense, and directly covered his eyes.

  Jian Yi was a little surprised.

   He didn't expect that Chu Jin didn't ask anything, so he blindfolded his eyes so cheerfully.

   This was a bit unexpected.

  Jian Yi took out a rope, and let Chu Jin and Xiaoling hold the end of the rope, and hold the top of the rope, and lead the way in front.

  Xiao Hui had Aunt Wu on her body, preparing salted fish and chicken legs, and followed behind.

Jian Yi turned left and right, his steps were very strange, his body almost became an afterimage in the mountains and forests, and the trees behind him kept overlapping and crossing. .

   After half an hour.

  Jane stopped and untied the black cloth from their eyes, "Here it is."

  Chu Jin opened her eyes, the scene in front of her made her slightly startled.

  The lights are feasting, the traffic is busy, and the pedestrians are in a hurry on the road.

   These sights are almost the same as what she saw in her sleep.

  The only difference is that Chu Jin can see that the temples of these passersby are flashing blue or green light.

   But in a dream.

   She seems to have never seen it.

   This is an old and bustling street.

   Jian Yi and Chu Jin Xiaoling had just arrived when a black car drove up in the distance.

   Two men in blue uniforms came out of the car.

  Jian Yi handed the package in his hand to the two men in uniform, and said to Xiaoling, "You and Lieutenant Li and the others go back and prepare first. I will take Miss Chu around to get familiar with the environment."

   "Okay, Big Brother Jian." When the words fell, Xiaoling said to the two adjutants, "Let's go."

   The black car quickly disappeared from view.

   "Let's go." Jane turned her head to look at Chu Jin.

   "Okay." Chu Jin followed behind him.

   Jian Yi personally took Chu Jin around with obvious intentions.

   He wanted to find out the details of Chu Jin.

   By the way, see if you can catch her fox tail.

   When he was on the mountain before, Chu Jin always avoided him, and Jian Yi wanted to play a few tricks with her in person, but couldn't find a chance.

   Now that he has finally brought Chu Jin down the mountain, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

   "Miss Chu, why don't we go to eat first?" Jane stopped in front of a building.

  European-style buildings.

   It looks very majestic. There are uniformed welcome guests at the door, and people in luxurious clothes are constantly coming in and out.

   Strangely, the people who came in and out were only men, not women.

   This is a little weird.

  Chu Jin frowned slightly, and looked up at the gilded characters on the plaque on the gate.

   "Thousands of charming and charming."

   You can still smell the fat powder and wine aroma from inside.

   Subconsciously, Chu Jin refused to be here.

   "Brother Jane, are we going to eat here?"

   "Well," Jane nodded, "Yes, does Miss Chu have an opinion?"

   "I don't feel good here," Chu Jin said bluntly, "Let's change to another place."

  Jane narrowed her eyes slightly.

   He knew that this Chu Jin was pretending to have amnesia.

   Qianjia Baimei is nowhere else.

  This is a man's paradise.

   is similar to the ancient brothel.

   is different from the secular world.

  The supernatural world allows such a club to exist to solve physiological needs, which is a very normal thing.


   There is an unwritten rule here.

   In addition to the staff, other women are usually not allowed to step half a step.

  If a woman goes in ignoring the rules, she will never get out.

  They will be forced to stay there.

  Become one of thousands of Red Shepherds.

   Didn't Chu Jin claim to have amnesia?


  Why didn't she dare to take the step of 'Qianjiaobaimei'?

   Is it a guilty conscience?

  Jane hooked her lips calmly, and continued, "Since you don't like it, let's go somewhere else."

   Since it is a fox.

   Then, her tail will be exposed more and more.

   "Okay." Chu Jin nodded lightly.

   Next, Jian Yi took her into a normal restaurant.

   The staff in the restaurant obviously knew Jian Yi, and welcomed the two of them warmly and respectfully.

   After dinner.

  The two came out of the restaurant.

   Just walked outside the door.

   A shower of peach blossoms wafted across the face, and the fragrance of peach blossoms swept across the face. The petals floated on people's heads, and their faces...

  Chu Jin also reached out and caught a petal, surprise flashed in his eyes.

  I thought it was just a blindfold, but I didn't expect that it was a real peach blossom petal.

  Sprinkle like this.

  How many peach blossoms have to be wasted?

   Wouldn’t it be better if it was used to make peach blossom stuffing?

  Chu Jin curled his lips slightly, people in this supernatural world are really extravagant and wasteful.

   In order to attract the attention of the public, this method can be thought of.

   There were whispers around.

   "The first beauty is coming."

   "Wow wow wow, so excited."

   "What a big pomp, for fear that others won't know that she is the number one beauty in the supernatural world! Shame!"

   "It's Miss Mu."

   "Miss Mu is so pretty."

   "Do you really think that with the word 'xian' in your name, you are a fairy?"

   "Come here, Miss Xianxian is here."

   Following this sentence, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone craned their necks and looked over there.

   is attached.

  Jian Yidu stood there like a statue, staring straight ahead, refusing to move.

   This is rather strange.

   Didn't Jian Yi always have no interest in women?

   how now? Like a wolf meets food?

  Chu Jin picked up a petal and sniffed lightly between his nose, and followed the eyes of everyone, looking over there.

   The first beauty.

  Chu Jin also wants to know what kind of fairy this first beauty looks like?

   sprinkled so many peach blossoms.

  Is it possible, is the Peach Blossom Fairy reincarnated?

   (end of this chapter)