The Rebirth of the National Goddess

Chapter 890: 【free

   Chapter 890 [Free Chapter, Ending Testimonials]

   Goddess is over.

   Although there are only five faint words, it carries too much.

   At this moment, his hands were shaking, and his eyes were a little blurry.

  Deyin is the author account registered on August 10, 2017, and the official serialization began on August 15.

   Then, Deyin was fortunate enough to meet a group of lovely you.

   One year and two months.

   More than four hundred days.

  The full text is nearly 3 million words.

   Even Deyin himself did not expect that he would write so many words.

  Goddess is Deyin's first online serialized article. Deyin knows that she has many shortcomings. Deyin would like to thank all the fairies in front of the screen who embrace Deyin.

   Without your support and tolerance, Deyin would not be able to persist.

  Especially the management of the group, Ah Yi and silly Ah Mu~

  Ayi is a minor, still in high school, but when my heart is broken, she will immediately jump out to comfort me, the language is witty, let me forget my troubles...

  Although Brother Yi always dislikes me and calls me old auntie, I know that you still love me~

   Then silly.

  Silly is a very delicate person. She knows how to dress up and looks beautiful. I always like to learn from her, but she has a bad memory and always likes to lose things, but fortunately, she has never forgotten me~

  Companionship is the most affectionate confession.

  Stupid needless to say, I know that you love me too.

   And Ah Mu, Ah Mu should be the little cutie who accompanied me to the end.

  Although we don't communicate much, A Mu is really a very warm-hearted little fairy.

   I know that we all love each other.

   There are many, many little fairies in the group, and many little fairies who have not joined the group~

thank you.

  Thank fate, let us meet!


   Looking back over the past year, there were joys and joys, sorrows and sorrows, full of thorns and ups and downs.

  Deyin is actually a person who cares a lot about external evaluation. I can feel sad like a discarded Erha because of a comment, or laugh like a 200-pound child because of a comment.

  I can't forget the excitement when I first started the article, the anxiety when I PK, the nervousness when I put it on the shelves, and the excitement when I received the first comment...

  Deyin still remembers the first time he received the manuscript fee.

   Although there is not much money, Deyin is more than a thousand catties in his hands.

   For Deyin, this is not money, it is your approval.

   I remember that Deyin once said off-topic.

  In junior high school, the front desk study committee took advantage of the time of physical education class, secretly took the first novel written by De Yin at that time, and read it aloud on the podium in front of the whole class.

   He made the whole class laugh with his yin-yang tone, sarcastic eyes, and exaggerated body movements.

  The eyes of those classmates were like knives. I don't know what language I should use to describe my mood at that time.

   panic, anxiety...

   That year, the second grade of Deyin junior high school, the tenth class.

   At that moment, I felt that my whole life had lost its luster, and the world had become dark, not even the slightest shimmer.

After reading   , he looked down at me condescendingly.

   said something that I will remember for the rest of my life.

   He said: "XXX! This is how you will be in your life!"

   I'm not reconciled!

   I am unwilling to be bullied by the study committee like this, and even more unwilling to be ridiculed like this.

  I tried to grab the notebook, and then with all my strength, I scuffled with him.

   More and more people are involved in this matter.

   Later, this matter came to the head teacher.

   The head teacher gave me a complicated look, tore off the notebook, and smashed it **** me.

  The confetti, like my heart at that time.


   For the first time in my life.

   I cried at school.

  I am embarrassed!

   Like a clown for fun.

   What he shredded was not just a notebook, but also my childhood dream.

  The head teacher said: "Whatever the root produces, the seedling is right. In this world, there will always be someone who will serve other people and be at the bottom of the table."

   And I, in the eyes of the class teacher, have completely become the person who serves others and is at the bottom of others.

   This incident is like a nightmare, reminding me all the time, I have to work hard! I want to cheer! I am no worse than others!

   In the next eleven years, I was sticking to my original dream.

   I always love words and dreams


In order to survive in this world better, in order to prove that I am not the one who is at the bottom of others, I have worked as an assembly line worker in a factory, served dishes in a small restaurant, received glances from others, and felt the warmth from strangers. .

  I was walking back to the dormitory by myself at three in the morning.

   The road was very quiet. In order not to frighten myself, I turned the music on my phone to the maximum, and I didn’t even have the courage to turn back.

   Now that I think about it, I don’t even know how I got through it back then.

  Perhaps, when people reach the end of the road, they do not know fear.



I graduated.

   The first city after graduation is Shanghai.

  A bustling city with a very fast pace of life.

  It was this city that taught me life.

   taught me to grow.


after that.

  I moved from Shanghai to Suzhou for work reasons.

  Suzhou is a very modest city.

  The four seasons are distinct, and the birds and flowers are fragrant. In this city, I feel a strong feeling of comfort.

   day, start to get on the right track.

  I can rely on my own hands and live a good life in this city. Occasionally, I can go out with my sister and sister to see the outside world and feel the customs there.


   So, the little fairies in front of the screen.

  If you have a dream, don't give up!

   Isn't there such a sentence?

   "As long as you don't fall down, others can push you to the ground, but they can't stop you from standing up with dust and scars all over your body!"

  In the days to come, let's work together, work hard, and run towards the direction of our dreams!

   As long as you are willing to turn back, Deyin is here to advance and retreat with you.


   The previous topic may be too heavy, then let's talk about lighter topics.


   Let’s talk to all the fairies about Deyin’s legitimate career.

   That's right!

   Knock on the blackboard and draw key points.

  De! sound! also! Yes! Have! just! when! job! industry! drop!

  Deyin is the operator of a shopping website.

   What work do you need to do on a daily basis?

   Let’s take a simple example.

   Every time the fairies visit a certain treasure or a certain cat, they can see a banner poster at the top of the screen of their mobile phone or computer.

   There will be a beautiful model lady on the poster, or some household appliances, with exaggerated text descriptions, to attract everyone to click.

   That poster is called "Drilling Exhibition" in our industry.

   Hmm yes!

  De Yin was in charge of the drill exhibition.

   Every time the fairies visit a certain treasure, they have the opportunity to see the posters made by Deyin.

   But this is just one of the daily operations of the operation, there are many other jobs.​​

  For example, activities like Juhuasuan are not unfamiliar to little fairies.

   That’s right, Juhuashou is something that needs to be run with a certain treasure’s activity junior second to sign up for it.

   The daily communication with the active second is like this: ↓

  Deyin: "Dear, this product is imported from Turkey and is very suitable for this event."

  Little Er: "Dear, ninety-nine free shipping."

  Deyin: ⊙v⊙) Dear, this is imported!" Ninety-nine free shipping? Honey, are you sure you're serious? !

  Little Er: "My dear, you can get free shipping for ninety-nine when you wait. Come back to me and sign up for this product."

  Deyin: "Dear, this is an imported product, if 99 free shipping, BOSS will kill me! The lowest price is 1008!"

  Little Er: "Ninety-nine free shipping."

  German: Your little cutie cried to death on the keyboard.

  Little Er: Honey juice smiles, goodbye manually.

   In addition to reporting activities.

  Deyin also observes the fairies every day, what kind of pictures do you like to click on the most, and quietly make a record, and you have to choose what you like in the future.

  If one day no one clicks on the pictures made by Deyin, or if the number of clicks is huge.

   Deyin will be like a playboy.

   All day long, I’m stuck in deep self-doubt.

   "Ahhh! Why is no one clicking on this poster? It's so pretty!"

   "Am I getting old? Can't keep up with the aesthetics of young people?"

   "Will the manager fire me because of the drop in traffic?"

   "What should I do? The rent for next month has not been settled yet!"

   "Am I going to sleep on the street tomorrow night?"

   "Ah! Today is Monday, everyone went to work on Monday, who has time to visit X treasure! It's normal if you don't click!"

   When the number of clicks suddenly becomes high, Deyin will also inflate itself.

   instantly turned into a **** (⊙v⊙)

   Worried: "Will there be other companies to dig my corner?"

   If there is, Deyin will definitely refuse!

   Say to the digger: "NO!"

   What if people are willing to hire Deyin in Hi-Tech? For example, ten times higher salary?

  Do you want to think about it?

   Well, let’s think about it!

  After all, this is a German sound that only needs to buy a house.

   However, Deyin has not waited for a company to dig a corner until now.


  The dream of buying a house... Broken!



   After talking about Deyin's legitimate occupation, let's talk to the fairies about Deyin himself.

   German sound is not forgotten.


   After ninety.

  Deyin comes from a large and complex family.

  There are joys and joys, sorrows and sorrows in the big family.

   There is a saying:

   "Happy families are all alike, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

   The happiest time of the year is the New Year, because during the New Year, brothers and sisters can get together again, drinking, bragging, and dreaming, so happy~

  The content of the dream is as follows:↓

  Sister: "Dog, my wish this year is to get rich overnight and buy a house!"

   Deyin: "Go buy a lottery ticket, set a small goal first, and win 100 million."

  Sister: "After winning 100 million, I will play for two months without going to work. It's so annoying to go to work every day╯﹏╰"

Deyin: "Going to work? Going to work is impossible, and I won't go to work in my life! Who will go to work after winning 100 million? I will burn the keyboard first, and then I will smash the computer! Then I will buy a bomb and blow up the company! Every day Travel the world until you run out of money!"

  Sister: ⊙v⊙) run out of money! What will you do in the future? Save a little bit, dog, what are you thinking?"

   Deyin: "Is one hundred million so easy to spend?"

  Sister: "Buy an island and it's gone, dog, are you stupid?"

  Deyin: "I don't buy an island. It's a waste of money to buy an island. I want to buy, buy, eat, eat, drink, and stroll around!"

  Sister: "The dog kneels down!"

  De Yin: "..." Well, the wish of winning one hundred million can really only come true in a dream!

  The dream is over.

   Then the most unhappy time is when you leave your hometown after the end of the Chinese New Year.

  Even if the big city is good, Deyin can't bear to have his little kennel.

  The golden den and the silver den are not as good as Deyin's kennel.

   I remember the first time Deyin went out for work, he didn’t dare to call home.

   It’s not that I don’t want to go home, but I don’t have the courage to make a phone call.

   Because as long as I hear the voice of my parents, I can't help crying.

   It was a completely uncontrollable emotion.

  Because, going to work and going to school are two completely different experiences.

When I go to school, I can go home at least during the winter and summer vacations, but after going to work, I go from 9 to 5, and there is no time off at all except for national statutory holidays. Even during the Chinese New Year, there are only seven days off. Sometimes we may not see our parents for a year.

  The city is like a cage, trapping us in it.

  The crushed person can't breathe.

  So, little fairies, go home and spend more time with your parents while we are still young and while we still have time.

   The most beautiful thing in this world is not [the car has gas, the card has money, and the mobile phone has electricity. 】

   But, when we think of our parents, 【We still have time to be filial, have time to talk to them, and they are still healthy. 】

  Life, don't wait until you regret it before you know how to cherish it.

   I have seen such an extremely sad saying:

  With parents here, there is still a way to go in life.

   Parents go, life is only the way back.

   Now that I see this sentence, I am really emotional.

  The car can be bought without gas, the card can be earned without any money, and the mobile phone can be charged without electricity.

   But there is only one parent in the world.

   If there is no more, there will be no more.

  Don't wait, the child wants to support but the parent does not wait.

at last.

  May all parents in the world be safe, healthy and happy.

  May all the fairies in the world be treated gently by the years.

  May you be happy and peaceful.


last of the last.

   Deyin's new article is open!


  Knock on the blackboard and draw key points!

  De! sound! open! new! arts! !

  The new article is next door "Goddess of the People: Rebirth of a Black Girl"

  A different story, a different wonderful.

   Let's see how Master Li has been graceful and prosperous all the way and composes a prosperous life!

   Brother Jin's story has ended, and Master Li's story has just begun.

   For collection! Ask for comments!

  The new article will be serialized around December!


Notice! There are benefits ahead.

  Xiaoxiang and the top ten fans of the QQ reading fan list will be given physical gifts!

   Little fairies who haven't joined the group yet, join the group quickly! The group leader is Deyin!

  The top ten babies send their addresses to Deyin.

   Let's take a look at your fan rankings!


   Last last last last.

  Deyin hopes to see the familiar little fairies in the new book.

  Let's go to the day we end the new book, shall we?

  You come or not, Deyin is here.

  The excitement continues.

  In the wind and rain, Deyin is waiting for you in Xinwen next door.

   Finally shouting!

  Deyin's new text for collection~

   Recommend a friend Wuyi's article "Uncle Sick: The Prince's Marriage" (Women disguise as men, strong women, strong men, 1v1, Shuangwen does not abuse)

   She is a "juvenile" who was a disaster victim who was transmigrated by a modern female killer.

   He is a fugitive man who was seriously injured and poisoned.

   The first time we met, she trampled an officer to death and rescued him.

   "Can you take me away from the war, little brother, I will be grateful."

   "If you want me to help, please show me your favor." She smirked.

   He was dumbfounded.

   We meet again, she is a waste prince who is ridiculed in the public, and he is the **** of war that no one dares to provoke.

   The thunder rolls.

   Once you crossed, you became a waste? Dress up as a man?

   The scumbag concubine sister, who designed to send her to the outside of the customs, who would have changed her soul and come back shockingly. Possessing peerless martial arts, he also secretly cultivated his own power.

   Want to kill her? You have to try the taste of smashed bones!

   (This article is also the story of a cool, tyrannical, time-travel girl and a deserted, sick, weak, and war-god man, who are strong and strong, and then simply combine with each other.



   (end of this chapter)