The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1018: Crisis lurking

As soon as the news that Li Dong was about to go on an inspection was leaked, the outside world was also talking.

Someone reported on Weibo that the store manager and the local supplier colluded secretly in a certain place, and put Sanwu products on the shelves.

It was also reported that distant logistics, some express delivery staff had a bad attitude, and hoped that Li Dong would take charge.

Others reported that the local city manager withheld the manager ’s commission.

In short, as soon as the news that Li Dong was going down came out, a lot of remarks suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Reporting is naturally true and false, but it cannot be ignored.

Among the audit team, Li Dong set up an online management team.

There is only one purpose, to collect information, to carry out comparisons, and to go to the local inspection, you can check the authenticity according to the picture.

Zhou Haidong is also very attentive. If more things are found this time, it is his negligence.

It doesn't matter if it's missing. After all, the group is so big that it's impossible for the Supervision Department to find all of them.

Now that these remarks have appeared online, Zhou Haidong hopes that it is both true and false.


In addition to the fun, there are actually more than that.

In recent years, Li Dong is actually low-key and rarely goes out.

I have been staying in Pingchuan, even if I go out, the itinerary is also a secret. Generally, other people do not know that Li Dong is here afterwards.

And Li Dong became the richest man, and his reputation is on the rise. In fact, few people will have any ideas.

Domestically, it is not as restrictive as other places. If you want to kidnap Li Dong, then you have to see if you can eat this piece of meat.

So even if you know Li Dong's itinerary, most people don't dare to worry about it.

After all, Li Dong's security force is certainly not weak, and no one can be sure to get away, let alone get money.

These people are not afraid, but it does not mean that no one is afraid.


Mountain city.

A basement.

Liu Qing grunts and eats instant noodles, his face is not the slightest blood.

He has been hiding here for more than half a month, and he has never been out once.

The three brothers of Liu Tang, the boss Liu Long, also the father of Liu Ke, are timid as mice, seemingly shrewd, but actually useless.

Tang Long Group, who can win this great reputation and prestige in Sichuan and Sichuan, relies on Liu Tang and Liu Qing.

Liu Tang is responsible for the general direction, and it is Liu Qing who really does the black work.

When he first came out to discuss his life, Liu Qing was famous for being ruthless.

Over the years, there has been a lot of blood on his hands.

Last time, because Li Dong fired his gun, he was pushed by Liu Tang to be a scapegoat.

He didn't hate Liu Tang either. Liu Tang still made great efforts. At that time, someone really needed to stand up and take responsibility.

He went in, because Liu Tang hadn't fallen at the time, and others didn't dare to kill him. The case was finally passed after more than ten years of sentence.

Unexpectedly, within a year, the second brother Liu Tang also came in.

Compared to Liu Qing's unknown, Liu Tang is a big guy on the bright side.

There are too many people who want him to die, Liu Tang is an abandoned child.

In less than half a year, from the arrest to the present, Liu Tang ’s case was almost in one stop, and the sentence was quickly passed. The death penalty was executed immediately.

Liu Tang failed to turn the game this time, nor did he turn the sky, and was dragged out to solve it the other day.

As soon as Liu Tang died, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and many people celebrated.

But at this time, some people think of Liu Qing!

This one is not dead yet!

He is really cruel, even worse than Liu Tang.

Liu Tang is only shrewd and capable, although sometimes ruthless, there is no real chance to start.

Now that Liu Tang has been killed, if Liu Qing really came out, would n’t he be afraid in the future?

Many people were worried, so Liu Qing, who had already been settled, turned the case over again.

Some unknown things were brought out by people, obviously to put him to death.

Although Liu Qing served his sentence inside, it was not true news.

The Liu Tang brothers have been operating in Sichuan and Sichuan for so many years, how could they not have some cards.

Soon, Liu Qing received the news that someone wanted to kill himself.

Originally just jail, more than ten years, Liu Qing can survive, it is better than going to Huang Quan like his second brother.

Everyone is afraid of death, even a ruthless person like Liu Qing.

But when he knew that others would not give himself a way, Liu Qing stopped doing it.

Half a month ago, Liu Qing ran away while working out.

Life in prison does not stay in prison all day. These people usually go out to work, and they still work hard.

At that time, their foreign labor point was a mine. These people, Liu Qing, were mainly responsible for moving stones.

Liu Qing laid down his hands this time. While he was not paying attention, he killed the guards with stones and grabbed his gun and ran away.

He has been outside for so many years, knowing that it is not a good idea to run up the mountain. Once the mountain is sealed, he must have nowhere to run.

Thinking about it, Liu Qing decided to run to a crowded place.

Originally he was planning to run to the area of ​​Wenshan, where it is now rebuilt after the disaster, it is very chaotic and easy to hide.

But the place where he ran away was a little far away, but on the contrary he was closer to the mountain city.

Liu Qing didn't think much, and soon decided to hide in the mountain city.

Shancheng and Chuanshu are not far away. He had been in Shancheng for a while and had a stronghold here.

The Tanglong Group fell too fast this time, and no one cared about these little things. These strongholds were not exposed.

Where there are many people, luxurious places, Liu Qing did not dare to go, and finally hid in this basement.

People here often say that it is also convenient to run again, not easy to be caught.

But after hiding here for half a month, Liu Qing could not bear it.

The materials in the basement are enough for him to live for a year and a half. He thought he could hold on, and he ran away when the wind was quiet.

But this closed life, after half a month, is even more tormenting than death.

In the morning, Liu Qing sneaked out.

Originally he wanted to inquire about the wind and see if it was wanted all over the country.

But who knows, he heard Li Dong's news halfway.

To Li Dong, Liu Qing is a hatred.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't go to jail. If it weren't for him, the second brother wouldn't die. If it weren't for him, Tang Long wouldn't fall.

Now, I live a dark life.

That guy has become the richest man, living in a mansion, driving a luxury car, a beautiful car, and enjoying the gaze of ordinary people.

By what!

The boss is the one who provokes him, what does it have to do with their brothers?

As a result, the eldest brother now has nourishment. When the second brother died, he took all the charges, and the elder brother was timid, and no one cared about him.

The three brothers, but the boss escaped.

The person that Liu Qing hates most is Li Dong, the second is the boss Liu Long.

There must be a policeman staring at Liu Long, and after all, he is a brother. Although Liu Qing hates him, his old mother is still there and always needs someone to take care of it.

He didn't plan to avenge Liu Long, and he didn't even plan to retaliate against Li Dong before, so he wanted to live.

But now, he felt he could not run.

He can feel the crisis is approaching, and the police may soon find these places.

By that time, he was dead.

The police will not let him live, and those who fall into the rock will not let him live.

And he was fed up with such a dark life, even more disgusting than mice.

He was already a ruthless person, and now it has aroused his ferocity.

It's a big deal!

It's dying and dying!

Li Dong is his enemy, or the richest man in the country. If he drags Li Dong together when he is dying, it will definitely die vigorously.

Thinking of these, Liu Qing's pale face flashed a flush.

If Li Dong has been hiding in Pingchuan, he does not necessarily have a chance. That is his base camp. Security must be very strict.

But now it's different. Li Dong wants to inspect all parts of the country.

Since the inspection, always go to the store?

It is impossible for a distant store to close due to Li Dong's arrival, Liu Qing can guess.

If you don't close the door, there will be customers, and if you have customers, you will have a chance.

No matter how many bodyguards Li Dong has, can he still be surrounded?

Taking Leng Zi and giving him a headshot, he was dead and never wasted this time.

Liu Qing was eating instant noodles while considering, where to start?

The mountain city is not suitable here. It is too close to Sichuan and Sichuan. If Li Dong hadn't come yet, he would be caught.

Too far away, I can't go now.

Close to the mountain city, far from Sichuan and Shu, calculated for a while, Liu Qing has a goal, Hubei Province!

Hubei Province is very close to the mountain city and not far from Jiangbei. Li Dong will come to Hubei Province.

Not to mention anywhere else, Jiangcheng, the provincial capital, he is definitely going.

He is not afraid that Li Dong will not come to Jiangcheng ’s largest remote supermarket.

If you do n’t come, Hubei is not far from Jiangbei. See if you can touch Jiangbei, maybe you will have a chance.

Figured this out, Liu Qing began to sleep wrapped in a blanket.

Regenerate your energy and go out at night.

As for the stinky sky in the basement, he has become accustomed to these days, except for a small place where he sleeps, other places are instant noodle barrels, and not far away is where he goes to the toilet.

This is also the reason why he is tired, he has had enough of these days.

What was once a brothel is not as good as a beggar. He is unwilling and unwilling.



The patrol team is still in preparation, and it will not be launched so quickly.

Li Dong is not in a hurry, this time he is going to spend about 20 days to visit all parts of the country.

He only needs to look at it in general. The specific review must be handed over to the audit team.

But before he left, he had to greet his parents.

On the evening of the 24th, Li Dong returned to Wanyuan Community.

Both parents are at home, and the Cao Feng couple is also there.

Seeing Li Dong enter the door, Cao Fang was a little surprised: "Why didn't you make a phone call when you came back? It's true. I haven't eaten yet. Let me see if I have anything to eat. I'll give you some stuffing."

Li Dong smiled while changing shoes: "Mom, don't be busy, I ate before I came back."

"Then I will clean up your room and sleep at home at night?"

"Well, sleep at home."

Cao Fang heard that he got up and entered Li Dong's room. Lin Meng was not good enough to sit down. He smiled at Li Dong and followed him into the room.

Li Dong changed his shoes and greeted his dad and cousin.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Dong looked at Cao Feng and said, "Cousin, how are you doing recently?"

Cao Fenghan smiled and said: "It's okay, it's running errands, Qin always takes care of me."

Cao Feng now works in logistics. He has no deep education and extensive knowledge, and he cannot do many things.

The logistics side is okay, and some positions do not require too deep knowledge.

As for Qin Hai ’s care, Li Dong smiled and did not speak. Qin Hai is now running north and south, and he does n’t necessarily come back once a month. How can he take care of him.

The two were talking, Li Chengyuan interrupted: "Okay, don't talk about work at home. Dongzi, are you going on a business trip this time?"

"You all know?"

"Xiaomeng said just now that you have to go out to visit the store, and the time will not be short."

Li Chengyuan said, and looked at Li Dongdao again: "Can we rush back on the 15th next month?"


"July 15th of the lunar calendar."

Li Dong suddenly said with a smile: "Relax, Dad, I remember, even if there is no time, I will come back.

Now that traffic is well developed, it takes only a few hours to fly back and forth. "

Li Chengyuan grinned and nodded, "That's good, but don't be too rushed, it will be too late."

Li Dong rolled his eyes, can this be taken seriously?

He really didn't want to go back. Dad could drown him with spit foam.

The two men chatted a few words, and Cao Fang also packed up the room and walked out.

Lin Meng, who was behind Cao Fang, first greeted Li Dong and then smiled: "Dongzi, you are going out this time. Do you think Fengzi is also brought together?

He can't do anything else, and it's okay to have a bit of coolie.

Going out, there are always places to contribute ... "

As she said, Cao Feng hurried at her.

Lin Meng has been dissatisfied with Cao Feng's work on the logistics side. In Lin Meng's view, logistics has no future.

To talk about the future, either go to the supermarket or engage in real estate.

On the Internet, she also knows that Cao Feng can't do it, but the other two sides are still okay.

Now it's stuffed to the logistics side. Isn't it dry delivery? It's too shabby.

However, she did not think that Cao Feng thought the same way. Cao Feng felt anxious and regretted to see her wife take the initiative to mention this with Li Dong.

I greeted in advance if I knew it. Don't look at Cao Feng's honest and honest. In fact, he is smart.

He understands Li Dong, if you take the initiative to ask him, he will generally have a rebellious psychology, but he will not give it to you.

The more you don't want to, don't argue, he will give you more.

Now Lin Meng said that, not to go on his own initiative, Li Dong was definitely not happy.

Li Dong didn't think too much. After all, Lin Meng didn't say to change jobs. Listening to her, Li Dong thought about it: "It's not impossible to go out to meet the world.

But sister-in-law, you are pregnant now, is it okay for your cousin to go out for so long? "

Lin Meng heard ~ ~ and smiled quickly: "It's okay, it's still early. Let Fengzi go out with you to take a look, take some pictures back, and give me insights."

Li Dong laughed and said: "This is not a tourist, it is not necessary to go to any attractions."

"Same, it doesn't matter if the attraction is not the attraction."

"That line, go back and let my cousin clean up and go with me." Li Dong did not refuse again.

When he was away from home, his parents might not be at ease, and with Cao Feng, his parents would be more at ease.

Since the parents knew they were going out, Li Dong didn't say much.

After chatting with a few people for a while, Cao Feng and his couple were sent away. Li Dong also went into his room to take a rest.

Tired of choking these days, returning home, smelling the familiar smell, Li Dong's spirit gradually relaxed, and soon entered a dream.

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