The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1020: Received the news

In Sunan, Li Dong stayed a few days.

It inspected more than 20 stores and interviewed dozens of management.

South Jiangsu has invested tens of billions of dollars. According to the investment ratio, the annual revenue must reach at least 13 billion, so that at the current level of profitability, funds can flow back within 10 years.

In fact, according to the current market, revenue should be higher.

Dare not say that 20 billion, 15 billion is still necessary.

In 2007, in the second half of the year, Suguo was hit by a distant place, and then integrated by China Resources. In this case, Suguo's revenue in 2007 was still 20 billion.

And Sunan's business, dare not say that it occupies all Su Guo, half still exists.

In terms of the complete year, Su Guo ’s performance in southern Jiangsu in one year is at least over 10 billion.

On the far side, the integration of multiple resources, combined with its own investment, is definitely stronger than the previous Suguo, almost monopolizing the entire department store retail in southern Jiangsu.

However, in this case, performance has not risen.

According to statistics in the first half of the year, Sunan's revenue was only 6.4 billion, which was the first reason Li Dong chose Sunan for inspection.

On the 28th, Li Dong called several senior executives to a meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Dong said: "This year's quota for southern Jiangsu is 15 billion, and the net profit is not less than 1 billion!

This is the goal I set for you. I only look at the general direction, and I do n’t care how it is implemented.

Don't think that if the establishment time in the distance is short, the lack of people can do whatever you want.

To tell you the truth, there is no shortage of people in the distance!

It is an inevitable law for those who are capable and those who are moderate.

In the Beijing-Tianjin region, the investment is only 3 billion, even if Carrefour's investment in Beijing and Tianjin is between 5 billion.

How much did Qi Yunna of Beijing and Tianjin achieve in the first half of the year?

In the remote system alone, Beijing and Tianjin have a revenue of 2 billion, and Carrefour is approaching 2 billion. With this growth rate throughout the year, Beijing and Tianjin's revenue may reach 10 billion.

And Beijing and Tianjin's investment is only half of Sunan!

There are also a large number of competitors!

Wumart, Wal-Mart, and Gaoxin are all located in Beijing and Tianjin, and China Resources is also targeting the North China market.

In this way, 10 billion revenues can be achieved. Do n’t tell me what economic center you have. For the Olympics, there must be a proportion, but it ’s not as big as you think.

I have set a goal of 15 billion for you. The goal is not too big. If you really want to work hard, you can definitely achieve it.

If even this is not possible, by the end of the year, the president of East China and the president of Sunan Provincial Company will resign on their own. As I said, whoever has comments can come to me! "

Zhang Mingduo and Zhao Honggang in the conference room were pale.

It has long been known that Li Dong is about to go viral, but the result was unsurprising.

Directly set the dead amount, this kind of thing rarely happens in the distance.

Because the distance here has been developing rapidly in recent years, the performance is actually better than expected. The headquarters has set 5 billion, and in the end everyone is likely to achieve 10 billion.

In this case, setting a fixed quota has dispelled everyone's enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, all the provinces of southern Jiangsu enjoyed such treatment.

In the past, even if there were, it was also directed to individual regions, individual cities, and province-wide quotas. It really did not happen.

The goal of 6 billion was only completed in the first half of the year. Although it is the peak sales season in the second half of the year, can it really be 9 billion?

The executives in southern Jiangsu, including those in East China, were somewhat unconfident.

Li Dong did not care about them. After setting his goals, he continued: "The other is that the audit team has preliminary results there. The first store in Jinling Confucius Temple, the second store in Wuxi Zhongshan Road, and the first store in Tongzhou Zhongnan ...

A total of 7 stores, the accounts can not be checked.

For the hundreds of stores in southern Jiangsu, 7 seem to be few, but they are all stores in the prosperous business district. You know the impact!

I do n’t know if any of you are involved. I do n’t care about this.

This time the accounts are checked, the amount error is not small, 8 million!

With so much money, I think enough people will go in and repent.

How to deal with it and how to pursue legal responsibility, there will be someone to follow up, you can take care of yourself!

Just under Jiangbei's eyelids, you all dare to do this, what dare not!

The Supervision Department inspected again and again, and the local inspectorate team visited again and again, which did not let some people die, and it seemed that I was too kind.

This is the case in one province, what about the whole country?

Only 8 million were found, but what did not find?

Tens of tens of millions of dollars is not too much for me, but what is yours is yours, not yours, do n’t stretch your hands!

Every year, there are hundreds of millions of bonuses distributed from afar. Many of you even have equity dividends, and your annual salary is often millions of millions. "

Zhang Mingduo waited for Li Dong to finish his speech and said with his head down: "President Li, it is my responsibility ..."

"That's right!"

Li Dong said mercilessly: "It is indeed your responsibility, so I will give you the opportunity to accomplish my goal by the end of the year. As long as there are no other big mistakes, I can blame it.

Can't finish it, don't think I'm kidding, take the initiative to leave, this is the only result! "

Zhang Mingduo's face was a little flushed. After a while, he nodded and said, "Zhang Li, I know."

"Well, don't talk about it here, Zhao Honggang."

Zhao Honggang, the president of Sunan Branch, stood up quickly and almost tripped over the chair when he got up.

At this time, no one laughed at him, and everyone was a little uneasy.

It is not as easy as outsiders imagine to do this step from a distance.

Everyone is not very young. They are young, holding hundreds of thousands of millions of annual salary, and they only had this opportunity in the past few years.

Now that I have left from afar and went to another company, can I still have my current status?

Don't think about it, everyone knows it is unlikely.

Really about to be forced to resign, the face is always there, and the reputation in the circle is stinky.

As soon as Zhao Honggang stood up, he hurriedly said: "General Li, Sunan promises to complete the task you gave us!"

Li Dong smiled and said lightly: "That's best, however, as the leader of southern Jiangsu, Zhang always has a responsibility, and you have a greater responsibility.

After completing the target mission, you will cancel the year-end bonus this year, and you will be exempted from other responsibilities.

If you ca n’t finish it, do n’t say the year-end bonus is gone, submit your resignation report yourself! "

"Mr. Li ... I ... I know."

Zhao Honggang responded, his face extremely pale.

Year-end awards are the biggest source of benefits for distant executives.

There are hundreds of thousands of millions at all, and this is all there.

The year-end bonus is not necessary, unless the contract clearly stipulates, otherwise it will work for you or not.

So even if Li Dong said to cancel, Zhao Honggang had nothing to say, even if he was not satisfied, what could he do?

To sue Li Dong?

Don't joke, the legal team in the distance is not a vegetarian. After a few years of lawsuits with you, the possibility of losing is very great.

His current task is to ensure the completion of the task goal, at least to retain this position.

The position is there, and the money can be earned back in the future, even if there is no year-end bonus, his salary is not low, maybe higher than his salary for changing jobs.

Li Dong simply said a few words, and finally waved his hand: "After the meeting, the audit team will leave some people here to continue checking. I will leave tomorrow. Finally, I would like to say one more sentence. ! "

Everyone should be in a hurry, everyone's face is relatively heavy.

15 billion, this is not a small goal.

If it doesn't work out, it's just to hold several presidents accountable, but everyone understands that it won't be this simple.

Zhang Mingduo and Zhao Honggang, in order to accomplish their goals, will definitely make a vigorous effort.

Those of them, they have to leave in advance.


After everyone was gone, Li Dong could not help rubbing the sun.

As the company grows, there are more messy things.

The Supervision Department, the Supervision Team, and these organizations all exist and are all inspecting, but some things can't be stopped.

Just like the corrupt officials, there is no way to completely eliminate the crop after crop.

The size of an enterprise is not much different from that of a small country.

Deception is not just a matter of officialdom.

However, shopping malls generally do not do too drastically. If it is found that the matter is not too serious, refunding the resignation is the punishment.

If it is truly transferred to the judiciary, it will be more serious.

While rubbing his forehead, Bai Su entered the doorway: "President Li, President Qi just came on the phone."

Speaking of Qi Yunna, Li Dong smiled: "What did Qi say?"

Qi Yunna did not disappoint him. After being promoted to the president of North China, the business did very well.

Compared with East China, where the remote headquarters is located, Li Dong personally sits in town, plus the CEOs of the Group and the Chairman of the Supermarket, a series of senior executives personally urged that Qi Yunna is in control of North China.

But now in East China, there are constant problems. Instead, there are not many problems in North China.

It may also be related to the fierce competition. With more competitors, everyone can only make one move.

Unlike Sunan, there are almost no opponents, many people are slack.

Without external troubles, naturally we can only fight inside.

The factions on the southern side of Sunan are also relatively complex. Regulars such as Long, Shidai, Yongle, and Su Guo, plus distant factions, there are so many systems that do not blame.

There are no mergers and acquisitions in the distance from Beijing and Tianjin, and they have developed by themselves step by step.

The internal fight is not serious, and there are strong enemies outside, so it is more united than other places, and the business is naturally better.

Bai Su said with a smile: "Mr. Qi said, I hope you can go directly to Beijing and Tianjin after inspecting Lu province.

After all, Beijing and Tianjin are very close to the province of Lu. You then divert to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Gan provinces, which wastes time.

Moreover, President Qi also said that she hopes to invite you to watch the Olympic Games together. She has already bought her tickets. "

Li Dong laughed and said: "Qi Yunna is quite confident."

If it is not confident that no problem can be found, how dare you invite Li Dong to watch the Olympics.

Looking at Sunan now, do these people like Honggang Zhao invite Li Dong to go out for fun?

Now everyone is eager to stay away from him, who dares to show up at this time.

Li Dong Wenyan knocked on the table and said after a while: "Well, after reading Lu province, I went to the capital.

As for not seeing the Olympics, I will talk about it later. "

"Okay, then I called President Qi back."

Bai Su smiled and was in a good mood.

There are a lot of females in the distance, but many females will be difficult to approach. People like Shen Qian and Wang Yue usually meet each other and nod their heads in greeting.

However, Qi Yunna is different. She did it step by step from the bottom, and her posture was relatively low.

When meeting with people like Bai Su, they also spoke very softly, and from time to time brought them gifts and special products, Li Dong would not say anything when he knew it.

Just for this, Li Dong ’s three secretaries have a good relationship with Qi Yunna.


Just after Li Dong inspected Sunan and transferred to Dalu Province.

Jiangcheng, Hubei Province.

It took Liu Qing nearly a week to reach Jiangcheng from Shancheng.

800 kilometers, it takes less than a day to travel by plane or train.

But it took him a full week to come here, and Liu Qing became more resentful at the thought.

Now he, like a mouse crossing the street, dare not show his face.

Fortunately, Jiangcheng and Chuanshu are thousands of miles apart, and the tracking of him here has gradually eased.

In fact, if it is just an ordinary escape, it may not be so strict.

The point is that he killed the prison guard and took his gun.

Those who want him to die are now afraid to be retaliated by themselves, which is why tracking is so strict.

Squeezing the cap on the head, Liu Qing wandered up and down the street.

It's not August yet. It was a hot day. There were many people wearing sun hats on the street, and no one noticed him.

Liu Qing pressed the pistol pinned to his waist, pretending to look around calmly, and seeing that no one paid attention to himself, then he looked up at the mall that was not far away.

Jiangcheng Square, here is the largest business district in Jiangcheng ~ ~ Since the Far East Group has settled in Hubei Province, it has opened a large shopping center here to seize the market with the Wushang Group.

If Li Dong came to Hubei Province, he would come here in ten.

Think about it in another place. If you go to investigate its business yourself, would you like to come to the most competitive mall?

Would you like to take a look at the largest local mall?

Certainly not!

So as long as Li Dong comes, Jiangcheng Square is his must-see.

The Jiangcheng Square has a lot of people, let alone Li Donglai, even the No. 1 Provincial Party Committee, can't do it.

As long as he stays here, he can wait until Li Dong.

Liu Qing looked around for the best hidden point nearby.

He decided that, starting today, he would squat around here without having to live in a hotel, and find a recliner to sleep at night to prevent his exposure to the greatest extent.

Anyway, I don't care about life anymore, I still care about these enjoyments.

Pressing the cap again, Liu Qing's face showed a terrible appearance, Li Dong, just waiting for you!

The largest city in Jiangcheng, the most prosperous place, the richest man on the streets, bloody, it is exciting to think about it.

There is such a thing in life, you will not lose even if you die!


Spring Province, Lu.

Li Dong frowned slightly and said softly, "You mean, Liu Qing ran away?"

Tan Yong nodded and replied: "The news from Chuanshu just now, so I suggest canceling the itinerary of Chuanshu and Shancheng, safety first."

"Shancheng must go!"

Li Dongning said: "There are too many things over the mountain, and canceling the trip will have too much impact."


Tan Yong tried to persuade a few words, but was stopped by Li Dong.

Tan Yong sighed in his heart and had to strengthen his precautions. At this time, they had not yet thought that Liu Qing had broken through the encirclement and ran to Jiangcheng, thousands of miles away, waiting for them.