The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1054: WeChat

Hao Tai Hotel.

At 8 o'clock, Li Dong arrives first.

Li Dong did not rush into the hotel, but stood outside the door.

Lighting a cigarette, Li Dong smoked unattendedly.

In fact, Li Dong had been quitting smoking for some time before, but these days, he was tired and tired and needed tobacco to stimulate himself.

When meeting with Zhang Xiaolong, Li Dong needs his mental state to be better.

After taking a few mouthfuls, the security guard at the door of the hotel wanted to step forward and say a few words, but looking at Li Dong ’s posture, several security guards shrank back.

They don't necessarily know Li Dong, but Li Dong is surrounded by a large circle of people, and the fool knows that it's not a small start.

No one interfered, Li Dongan smoked a cigarette quietly.

At this time, Zhang Xiaolong also arrived.

A few people came by taxi. When they got off, they saw everyone at the door.

Although Zhang Xiaolong is a technician, but he has also been a manager, it is not really stupid.

Li Dong, the richest man, came to the hotel in person and said he was still waiting for him at the door.

Even if the little brother came, Li Dong would not necessarily be waiting downstairs.

Zhang Xiaolong is not a blind person. Even his luggage can be taken care of, he hurried over and greeted: "Hello, Mr. Li!"

Li Dong smiled, reached out and shook his hand, and looked at several people behind him, saying: "Don't greet me here, go upstairs and say."


Li Dong and Zhang Xiaolong walked in front, chatting while walking, Li Dong asked, Zhang Xiaolong said.

At this time, Li Dong did not discuss the business, mainly asked Zhang Xiaolong how to settle down.

Of course, Li Dong didn't neglect the others, and greeted them one by one.

Soon, everyone arrived at the hotel room.

The room was booked by Zhang Xiaolong themselves. They had to help book it from afar, but these people didn't say hello before they came.

Zhang Xiaolong said so when he was about to board the plane.

Otherwise, Li Dong did not know that he was coming now.

In fact, Zhang Xiaolong didn't lack money. In 2000, he sold Foxmail and got 12 million, and he has been holding senior management positions since then.

Over the years, he has a lot of money left.

However, Zhang Xiaolong made up his mind. If he didn't get the opportunity he wanted from afar, he would have to start a new business with a few partners, so he still saves money.

The booked rooms are just ordinary standard rooms.

6 people booked three rooms.

Several people entered a room casually, and there were many people around Li Dong. Bai Su, Tan Yong and two bodyguards, plus Li Dong himself, there were five.

Adding 6 people from Zhang Xiaolong's side, 11 people rushed in, and the room suddenly became crowded.

Zhang Xiaolong slightly embarrassed and said: "The environment is poor, President Li smiled."

Li Dong smiled and glanced at Tan Yong. Tan Yong immediately understood it and went straight out with two bodyguards.

Eight people, although a little crowded, are much better than just now.

Seeing everyone standing, Li Dong smiled and said, "Sit all, sit down and chat.

In addition to Lao Zhang, I have seen several of you last time, but you have never dealt with.

Let's not talk about anything else, welcome a few to join the distance, everyone will be their own in the future! "

The people who followed Zhang Xiaolong were slightly relieved.

Before coming, although Zhang Xiaolong told them that Li Dong hoped that he would bring some manpower over, a complete small team, Li Dong might be afraid to accept it immediately.

But after all, he didn't pass through the ditch far away in person, and a few people were really upset.

If this is desperate, what should we do in the distance?

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing will not happen, everyone will communicate well in advance.

But this time, they really didn't communicate with the distance.

First, Li Dong said to Zhang Xiaolong before, hoping he could bring some people over.

Secondly, Zhang Xiaolong and other people in the distance have barely contacted, so Li Dong has contacted him.

Thirdly, Zhang Xiaolong is also measuring in his heart. What is his position in Li Dong's heart when he measures his distance?

When Li Dong was digging people at that time, it was very nice.

He is here, and in the future 90% will be responsible for the mobile Internet business group.

But this kind of thing, Li Dong just talked about it casually, and it didn't fall on the document, how can it be taken seriously.

Bringing the team this time is also a temptation.

If Li Dong is completely unscrupulous, it shows that Li Dong is really willing to help him stand firm. Otherwise, it is debatable why Li Dong dug him.

Fortunately, he brought people, Li Dong's attitude is not bad.

In fact, Zhang Xiaolong thought a little bit more, and Li Dongba didn't want him to bring some people over.

These people are his old folks. WeChat development in the past life is not just a credit to someone, but their entire team.

There is no shortage of people in the distance, and technical talents are not lacking.

However, since Zhang Xiaolong is here, the original team can cooperate better and can reduce the break-in period.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, when a newcomer joins the job, a break-in period can delay a few months.

Everyone sat down and Zhang Xiaolong introduced his team composition to Li Dong.

The whole team, plus Zhang Xiaolong, 6 people, 4 men and 2 women.

They all came from the QQ mailbox R & D team. Zhang Xiaolong took charge of the team. Another five people, two technicians, one was responsible for product planning, one was responsible for terminal development, and the last one was responsible for marketing development.

Overall, the size of this team is not complete.

This is also inevitable. Zhang Xiaolong has not yet been able to take away the people from this R & D center in Yangcheng.

There are hundreds of employees over there, who can really work hard to change jobs with him, and these are the only ones.

Although there are not many people, most of them are the elite of Yangcheng R & D Center.

Those who dare to leave everything behind and give up stable income and work stably do not have the ability to do this kind of thing.

After Zhang Xiaolong introduced it, Li Dong couldn't help laughing: "You took away the elite, Pony jumped angrily?"

Zhang Xiaolong smiled a little awkwardly.

This kind of thing that leads the group away from the original owner is actually not worthy of pride, and is sometimes easily criticized.

Li Dong said this now, although it was a joke, it still embarrassed several people.

Li Dong also saw it, and said with a smile: "If people go to a high place, they should have been.

If one day, someone gives better development, better treatment, and broader prospects to the employees in the distance, I am happy that it is too late.

Tencent does not attach importance to you, and you are valued from afar.

No need to shy away, your current best performance is to do some achievements, greater than that of Tencent.

Tell them with facts that they underestimate you and waste your ability. This is the way to prove yourself. "

Zhang Xiaolong nodded slightly, believing Li Dong's statement.

However, the approval is recognized, Zhang Xiaolong still actively said: "Mr. Li, then next ..."

He didn't finish his words, so he naturally asked how to arrange them next, what is their task?

Li Dong came here also to say this.

After he finished speaking, Li Dong said: "From now on, you are the vice president of the distant mobile business group."

The president of the mobile Internet business group is Wang Junyu, who is very young and has a thin resume.

Zhang Xiaolong's resume is much richer than him, and he is much older than him.

But when he first arrived, Li Dong wouldn't directly put him in position no matter how capable he was.

There are seven major business groups in Yuanfang Technology.

In addition to Liu Hong, the next is the president of the business group. Although Li Dong said before, Zhang Xiaolong will hand over the mobile business in the future.

How long it will be afterwards depends on whether Zhang Xiaolong will give it a try.

Zhang Xiaolong clearly understands this.

The vice president of the business group, the starting point is not too low.

Zhang Xiaolong is very satisfied, and the team members he brought are also very satisfied.

But everyone always felt that the distance here was too casual. The vice president of the business group, Li Dong was appointed on this occasion!

No wonder the outside world says that Li Dong is a unique dictator in the distance, a very domineering person.

Even at Tencent, the appointment of such executives requires a 100% board decision.

Afterwards, there will be a formal appointment document issued, and it will be better in the distance. Li Dong solved it in one sentence.

Regardless of what they thought, Li Dong continued: "Because you first arrived, you are not familiar with the place of life, and I will not make a split arrangement, then you will still be a team.

At this stage, the mobile business group is actually doing nothing, just one pea pod belongs to the mobile business group management.

It is not a lie to say an empty shell.

And your arrival is to fill this gap. "

Zhang Xiaolong has never been quite clear about what Li Dong did when he dug him to develop a PP mailbox?

Not very similar!

If you really develop PP mailboxes, you don't need Li Dong to deliberately dig people.

Since it is not a mailbox, what can it be?

Related to mobile Internet?

Zhang Xiaolong was originally not such a confused person. He didn't even know what he was doing, so he switched jobs.

The point is, the people in front of you are not ordinary.

He is Li Dong!

In the case of QQ defeating all opponents and occupying 90% of the market, he led PP to rise and grabbed 30% of the market share of QQ.

In the case that Taobao has defeated eBay to dominate Asia, his remote mall has just been established, and soon there is a trend to overtake Taobao.

Then, the Weibo in the distance is unique.

Such a legendary figure, even if it is not young, Zhang Xiaolong has to admit that this kind of person is too attractive.

At the beginning in Yangcheng, Li Dong didn't say anything, so he agreed vaguely.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaolong also felt that he was reckless, but he did not regret it.

Li Dong now says to let him fill the gap in the mobile business group. Zhang Xiaolong said in a contemplative moment: "President Li means that in the future our direction is mobile Internet? The main research and development direction is PP mobile web development?"

Li Dong shook his head, he did not come to improve the PP mobile client.

Professional knowledge Li Dong doesn't understand, he doesn't care whether he understands or not, he can say something about it, these people can understand.

Thinking of this, Li Dong said: "I'm not trying to build a second QQ mobile phone. It's not meaningful to work **** it.

Tencent can also think of what we can think of.

In the next three to five years, the mobile Internet will inevitably become popular, and anyone with insight can perceive it.

To surpass Tencent, it is too difficult to work **** the original basis.

I want to start over and rebuild a mobile communication software. "

Zhang Xiaolong was slightly surprised. Does it make sense to re-create the communication software?

Just when he was suspicious, Li Dong continued: "The previous IM was built on the PC side, but the PC side seems to me that sooner or later it will fall."

Zhang Xiaolong had to interrupt: "Mr. Li, is this somewhat arbitrary?"

Many PCs have never thought about the decline of the PC side.

Even thinking about it, I don't think it will be so fast.

Li Dong now directly says that the PC will fall, which Zhang Xiaolong does not agree with.

In 2008, 3G came out, the concept of mobile Internet came out, and smartphones came out.

But at this time, even if everyone knows that these things will develop, not many people can think of developing so fast.

In a few years, mobile phones have replaced computers, which is hardly expected by anyone at present.

Li Dong laughed: "Do you agree with the rise of the mobile Internet regardless of the decline of the PC?"

Zhang Xiaolong thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

This cannot be denied, nor can it be denied.

If you are engaged in this business, you won't even see this situation. The mobile Internet does have signs of its rise.

"Since you agree with this, then there will be no problem.

What I am talking about rebuilding mobile communication software is based on this.

I am looking for you, the purpose is to develop a communication software that is fully suitable for mobile. "

"Completely suitable for mobile?"

Zhang Xiaolong murmured that both QQ and PP actually have mobile clients.

But these are based on the original ~ ~ developed from the PC side, their foundation is still the original.

If it is fully applicable to the mobile terminal, it is not necessarily.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't ask questions, waiting for Li Dong to continue.

Li Dong did not disappoint him. He continued: "The current PP, QQ, and MSN are all social software based on the PC. The social circle is extensive and bloated.

The social fit is not high, the content accuracy is not great, and it is not simple enough and instant.

What I said is totally based on mobile communication software, is to fill these blank areas.

Based on the mobile phone address book, the social simplification will make it have a user experience that is too simple to be simple, and a network of friends that is too real to be real.

You can directly establish a connection with a contact based on the local address book.

On this basis, free SMS chat, caller ID, personal status synchronization and other functions are realized.

When the mobile Internet became popular, the relationship chain was deposited on the mobile phone to achieve a seamless link between the reality and the virtual world, making the mobile terminal a new social node ... "

Li Dong said a lot, but in fact it is not a complete system.

But Zhang Xiaolong understood it, and the people he brought almost understood.

The only thing on the court that I didn't understand was probably Bai Bai.

It was n’t her stupidity, mainly because Li Dong said it was vague, and there was no physical reference. It was difficult for her to substitute it and imagine what kind of software it was.

Bai Su didn't understand everything, she sneaked a glance at the others and saw that they were thoughtful and immersed in Li Dong's words one by one.

Su Su suddenly felt a little proud in his heart. Li Dong was not a professional. As a result, these professionals who flickered in a few words indulged in it, and they were indeed the boss.

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