The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1090: Real dictator

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> Urban romance

> The wealth of rebirth is rolling

> Chapter 1090 The real dictator catalog Bookmark commentsChapter 1090 The real dictator

Fiction: Author rebirth of the extra cash: eagle eating chicken Word Count: 6030

Here Li Dong got Hu Wanlin, and Xu Shengzhe also called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Shengzhe said: "Qi Guanghe agreed, as long as he got the money, he took the whole family abroad to enjoy his old age afterwards."

"He won't fight back again?"

"No," Xu Shengzhe smiled and said: "All the world's Xixi come for profit, Qi Guanghe's purpose is for money.

Cooperate with Han Yu, how much benefit can these people give him?

In the end, it would be right for him not to eat him clean.

Qi Guanghe is still aware of the current affairs, otherwise he will not simply take the money and leave people if he sees things unfavorable.

When I come back now, I am just unwilling, and driven by interests. "

"That's good, but I was taken advantage of by this guy. I'm not too happy."

Xu Shengzhe smiled lightly: "Unfortunately, when things are over, it is not easy to clean up him.

Qi Guanghe knows this point now because he does n’t need any extra branches, so he said that he would go abroad when he took the money.

If you really don't feel happy, wait for him to go abroad, and then find a way, this is not difficult for you and me. "

"Well, that's it for now."

Li Dong said and said, "What about your boss?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

Xu Shengzhe did not want to say more. Li Dong saw that he did not care, and did not ask much.

Everyone has their own way. Since Xu Shengzhe is so determined, he can certainly solve this trouble.

Xu Rulong has caused Xu Shengzhe more trouble than himself.

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and soon hung up.


at the same time.

The news that Li Dong and Shen Qian had fallen apart was still spreading rapidly.

The board of directors opened on the morning of the 25th, and on the evening of the 25th, Shen Xuehua arrived in Jiangbei.

Provincial Party Committee.

Shen Xuehua looked at Li Dong, then Shen Qian, her eyebrows were raised, her expression was angry, "What the **** is going on with you!"

With a laugh, Li Donggan gave Shen Qian a glance.

Shen Qian looked pleased and took Shen Xuehua's arm coquettishly: "Mom, don't be angry."

"I am not angry!"

Shen Xuehua said that she was not angry, but she almost wanted to eat people.

Li Dong and Shen Qian made a big fuss, Shen Qian was kicked out of the distance so unreasonably, when she knew the news, her lungs exploded.

Regardless of Du Anmin's dissuasion, Shen Xuehua didn't stay for a moment, and he killed Pingchuan in a hurry.

The result is good!

When she entered the room, the two actually talked and laughed. Was this how they turned their faces?

Shen Xuehua didn't know whether the two were really troubled in the morning, but now they are reconciled, or the morning is not so serious.

But whether or not, she is very unhappy now. Flash Dance Novel Network

Shen Qian didn't hide her, and she quickly tweeted about Li Dong's plan.

After listening to it, Shen Xuehua froze for a while, and then frowned for a long time: "He is crazy, and you are crazy with him!

Is it so simple?

Han Yu is stupid, but it does not mean that everyone is stupid!

Slightly wrong, some people will follow the trend, rather than offend a large group of people, it is better to participate in and share a cup.

Sun Yuehua, who do you know?

The woman eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Now she can promise you. Turning her head, she and Han Yu will be embarrassed and they will simply kill you!

Even if the entire distance could not be swallowed, it was no surprise that Dongyu Real Estate lost it.

Not to mention that you still have to invest 10 billion now, plus the capital side, the project alone has 15 billion investment.

With so much money, I suspect that there is a high probability of water float.

You guys are playing with fire! "

Shen Xuehua said nothing politely, because this is the fact.

This plan is not perfect, it can be said that there are many loopholes.

If Han Yu were to do it themselves, they might not be able to beat Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe.

But with so much investment, which one would rest assured to let a few second-generations do the work?

At that time, Li Dong was not facing Han Yu, but the people behind them.

These people, who are not old fox level, can Li Dong really take advantage?

Shen Xuehua is not optimistic about this plan. Li Dong is very likely to fail. If he fails, he will lose the entire project and more than 10 billion investment.

Even the richest man cannot bear such losses.

If it caused a chain reaction, things might get worse.

Like Li Dong ’s 10 billion investment this time, it ’s the money from a distant supermarket. If the money does n’t come back, the distant supermarket will be in trouble.

Now that her daughter has identified Li Dong, she is willing to do everything for Li Dong. Of course, Shen Xuehua must consider it clearly.

Li Dong's wealth will also be her daughter in the future.

If Li Dong collapsed because of this failure, that was not what she wanted to see.

Li Dong nodded and said: "Aunt Shen is right, it is indeed playing with fire.

So I can't wait too long. I have to make a quick decision. If I can't succeed within 45 days, I will give up and cut my own to stop the loss. "

"45 days?"

Shen Xuehua is a bit strange, why did he choose this time.

Li Dong said softly: "45 days is the payment cycle, and there are still more than 28 billion yuan on the distant books. Even if there is a run-off, I am not afraid and don't care.

Excluding this 10 billion, I still have money, more than 18 billion, enough to cope with any difficulties.

But in less than 45 days, this sum must be paid to the supplier.

At that time, if the money was dragged down and something went wrong, I would be in trouble. 35xs "

"It seems that you haven't lost your head!"

Shen Xuehua snorted coldly, but calmed down a little bit.

Now that Li Dong is ready, that's a good thing. I'm afraid that Li Dong really doesn't care about it. He has to fight Han Yu with them.

The time has prolonged, and if they can't solve them, Li Dong himself will be in greater trouble.

Shen Xuehua thought for a while and thought, "Is Longhua reliable?"


Li Dong didn't say more, Xu Shengzhe could not be trusted, and now he is not easy to say.

But until now, I can only believe Xu Shengzhe.

Otherwise, no one believes that there is no way to do this.

Everyone is for the benefit, as long as Xu Shengzhe can see the opportunity of profit, he is the most reliable ally.

45 days is also the safety period that Li Dong has set for himself.

During this period of time, Xu Shengzhe has the opportunity to cope even if he is against the water.

Once this time period is exceeded, it will be surrounded and suppressed, and you will be in danger.

Shen Xuehua did not speak, remained silent for a long time, did not continue the topic just now, and instead said: "It is not long before the end of the year."

Shen Qian didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but Li Dong knew.

After hearing her say this, Li Dong nodded and said, "I know."

"Just know!"

Shen Xuehua hummed: "Li Dong, I will help you once this time, but you remember, if you dare to be sorry for Sissi, don't blame me for being welcome!"


Shen Qiang snorted, and Shen Xuehua immediately angered: "Why, I can't even speak!"

Do you know why your father and I have lost face because of this!

This matter has spread, who is not joking us?

You guys are good. If you do n’t discuss with me, you ’re in charge.

And even if things are done, your dad and I have to bear the pressure, why haven't you considered us?

It is said that girls are extroverted, if you were not my daughter, and you were such a daughter, I would have broken your leg already! "

Shen Xuehua was indeed a little angry. Shen Qian and Li Dong made their own claims and did not even greet them beforehand.

This time, they made them passive.

Regardless of whether Li Dong's plan is unsuccessful, for Shen Xuehua, there is no substantial benefit, but it is easy to be criticized.

As she said, she is such a daughter.

What Shen Qian did last time in the capital, even Du Anmin recognized it, it was also helpless, and a spoiled love for her daughter.

The old couple has no son, and they are both older. Now who are they not thinking about for their daughter?

If Shen Xuehua had a son, Shen Qian would dare to be so nonsense. She might really not recognize this daughter, or be more ruthless. Taking the opportunity to join hands with Han Yu, Hei Li Dong was not surprised once.

The family relationship of the big family is already weak, and Shen Xuehua has also experienced it.

However, this is not the Shen family. The Du family is just such a single seedling. Who else can justify it.

Shen Xuehua was a little sullen, got up and pulled Shen Qian out.

Shen Qian was anxious at first glance and quickly said: "Mom, it's our fault not to discuss with you ..."

Li Dong also hurriedly got up and said: "Aunt Shen, this is my fault. It has nothing to do with Sissi ..."

Shen Xuehua didn't have a good air: "Don't come to this set! You are not sure about me and An Min, can you come to this set?

Especially you, Li Dong, my daughter has never violated her parents before. Since following you, what did you teach my daughter?

Let's count back this account and now Sissi and I will go back! "

"go back?"

Shen Qian murmured, and Shen Xuehua was annoyed: "Are you still not born to me?"

Now that they are all in trouble, are they still staying at his house, when everyone else is a fool?

This is the courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee, who is not Qiqiao Linglongxin!

Let's go back to the capital now. You don't need to contact Sun Yuehua. I will contact her. Also, I won't disclose your plan.

How Sun Yuehua chooses afterwards depends on your own.

With all that said, Li Dong, you can do it yourself! "

After leaving this, Shen Xuehua pulled Shen Qian out.

Li Dong wanted to catch up, and realized that it was inappropriate, he stopped at once and looked at Shen Qian, with a trace of apology on his face.

Shen Qian responded with a smile, and before she even spoke, Shen Xuehua lowered her voice and said angrily: "If you laugh, you want to count other people, how is your brain!"

Shen Qian's face stiffened, revealing a bitter expression.

Shen Xuehua didn't care about her anymore, her face became more angry, and when she went out, she saw Qin Yuhan just entering the door. The original half-false anger instantly became real anger. Watching Qin Yuhan snorted and lifted her leg away!

On the side of Shen Qian, there is no need to act at all. Qin Yuhan glanced away and left the courtyard.

Qin Yuhan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

Until seeing the two get in the car, Shen Qian even prepared the luggage. The taste in her heart was even more complicated.

Shen Qian left, with anger and disappointment, so easily left.

Qin Yuhan wanted to laugh and want to be happy, but found himself not happy.

Originally knowing that Li Dong and Shen Qian had fallen apart, she was quite happy.

But when Shen Qian left like this, or was forced to go by Li Dong, Qin Yuhan suddenly felt a little empty.

She didn't understand why she felt this feeling.

Not only sympathy for Shen Qian, but also disappointment in Li Dong.

How much Shen Qian helped Li Dong, Qin Yuhan knew.

Shen Qian also knows how much she paid for Li Dong.

But now, Li Dong completely cleared the boundaries with Shen Qian for a little thing, which made Qin Yuhan feel extremely complicated.

Even Shen Qian, Li Dong said to abandon and abandon, what about yourself?

Is it really more important than Li Shen in Li Dong's heart?

Qin Yuhan was a little hesitant. Until footsteps came from behind, Qin Yuhan barely smiled and said dryly: "I know the matter, or ... let me explain a few words to her ..."

After saying this, Qin Yuhan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and then he fell silent.

Li Dong was a little embarrassed. He hadn't had time to tell Qin Yuhan about this.

Originally Shen Qian said that she wanted to quarrel with Qin Yuhan, but before she had time to quarrel, she was taken away by Shen Xuehua.

Seeing this look of Qin Yuhan now, Li Dong didn't know what to say, only a moment later said: "Do you want me to explain?"

Qin Yuhan was silent.

Li Dong smiled bitterly and had to say, "Well, I won't ask anymore, and this is not what you think it is.

Shen Qian and I ... "

Qin Yuhan looked up, and Li Dong looked around and said, "Go into the room and say, this is more complicated."

Qin Yuhan didn't speak and followed Li Dong into the house.


On the night of the 25th, Shen Qian and Shen Xuehua stayed in the hotel overnight.

The next day, the mother and daughter embarked on a flight to Beijing directly.

At the same time, the housing agency hung out Shen Qian ’s small courtyard in the Provincial Party Committee compound and began to sell it.

On the 26th, Li Dong opened the second board of directors again, and removed the director of Shen Qian Yuanfang.

All this came so abruptly that everyone was overwhelmed.

Li Dong, however, dismissed Shen Qian's last position in the distance. Instead of talking to anyone about Shen Qian, he personally led a team to the provinces and started to discuss the project of the Far City.

For the 50 billion Yuancheng City project, many people originally thought that it would only be implemented in the next two or three years.

But no one thought that Li Dong's ambition was so great that he had to mount it together.

Even in order to insist on his own choice, he turned over with Shen Qian at all.

The dictator Li Dong, this time completely confirmed his reputation.

In the past, even if you knew that Li Dong liked dictatorship in the distance, many people also knew that there were people in the distance who could persuade Li Dong, and Shen Qian could.

According to Li Dong ’s suggestion, Shen Qian really insists on opposing it, and Li Dong generally does not want to go it alone.

But now that Shen Qian is gone, even Shen Qian can't persuade Li Dong, who else can persuade him?

Don't persuade, in the eyes of many people, Li Dong is almost stunned now, he dare to drive away Shen Qian, dare to drive away everyone.

Group executives such as Yuan Chengdao, Sun Tao, Wang Yue, and Chen Lang, whether they are willing or unwilling, no matter how angry they are in their hearts, but since Shen Qian left, no one has said one more word on the Far City project.

The only thing they can do now is to cooperate with Li Dong.

The only thing I can expect is to stop going wrong.

As long as there is no news that all shipments have been misappropriated, the distance can be successfully supported.

Fiction recommendation: Sinful Youth, High Mountain Emperor, Far Exploding Concubine: The evil king N times chasing his wife, the strongest ruler, Xiuluo Wuzun's broken heavens, knocking down the beast: Meng wife comes to Wuzun, the world's highest concubine, the allure online game, the pinnacle of the wolf **** Ziyu Prosperous marriage: Emperor Shao ’s sharp-minded wife, super soldier king ’s beauty legion, the most powerful master of the Shura Wushen system in the city-the dissatisfied barrister ’s angry baby, the cold emperor, gently kisses the firewood and calls the sky BOSS: You are married, I am married

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Chapter 1090 True dictator, the source of wealth for rebirth rolls-Fiction Net-novel novelette

Here Li Dong got Hu Wanlin, and Xu Shengzhe also called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Shengzhe said: "Qi Guanghe agreed, as long as he got the money, he took the whole family abroad to enjoy his old age afterwards."

"He won't fight back again?"

"No," Xu Shengzhe smiled and said: "All the world's Xixi come for profit, Qi Guanghe's purpose is for money.

Cooperate with Han Yu, how much benefit can these people give him?

In the end, it would be right for him not to eat him clean.

Qi Guanghe is still aware of the current affairs, otherwise he will not simply take the money and leave people if he sees things unfavorable.

When I come back now, I am just unwilling, and driven by interests. "

"That's good, but I was taken advantage of by this guy. I'm not too happy."

Xu Shengzhe smiled lightly: "Unfortunately, when things are over, it is not easy to clean up him.

Qi Guanghe knows this point now because he does n’t need any extra branches, so he said that he would go abroad when he took the money.

If you really don't feel happy, wait for him to go abroad, and then find a way, this is not difficult for you and me. "

"Well, that's it for now."

Li Dong said and said, "What about your boss?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

Xu Shengzhe did not want to say more. Li Dong saw that he did not care, and did not ask much.

Everyone has their own way. Since Xu Shengzhe is so determined, he can certainly solve this trouble.

Xu Rulong has caused Xu Shengzhe more trouble than himself.

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and soon hung up.


at the same time.

The news that Li Dong and Shen Qian had fallen apart was still spreading rapidly.

The board of directors opened on the morning of the 25th, and on the evening of the 25th, Shen Xuehua arrived in Jiangbei.

Provincial Party Committee.

Shen Xuehua looked at Li Dong, then Shen Qian, her eyebrows were raised, her expression was angry, "What the **** is going on with you!"

With a laugh, Li Donggan gave Shen Qian a glance.

Shen Qian looked pleased and took Shen Xuehua's arm coquettishly: "Mom, don't be angry."

"I am not angry!"

Shen Xuehua said that she was not angry, but she almost wanted to eat people.

Li Dong and Shen Qian made a big fuss, Shen Qian was kicked out of the distance so unreasonably, when she knew the news, her lungs exploded.

Regardless of Du Anmin's dissuasion, Shen Xuehua didn't stay for a moment, and he killed Pingchuan in a hurry.

The result is good!

When she entered the room, the two actually talked and laughed. Was this how they turned their faces?

Shen Xuehua didn't know whether the two were really troubled in the morning, but now they are reconciled, or the morning is not so serious.

But whether or not, she is very unhappy now. Flash Dance Novel Network

Shen Qian didn't hide her, and she quickly tweeted about Li Dong's plan.

After listening to it, Shen Xuehua froze for a while, and then frowned for a long time: "He is crazy, and you are crazy with him!

Is it so simple?

Han Yu is stupid, but it does not mean that everyone is stupid!

Slightly wrong, some people will follow the trend, rather than offend a large group of people, it is better to participate in and share a cup.

Sun Yuehua, who do you know?

The woman eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Now she can promise you. Turning her head, she and Han Yu will be embarrassed and they will kill you!

Even if the entire distance could not be swallowed, it was no surprise that Dongyu Real Estate lost it.

Not to mention that you still have to invest 10 billion now, plus the capital side, the project alone has 15 billion investment.

With so much money, I suspect that there is a high probability of water float.

You guys are playing with fire! "

Shen Xuehua said nothing politely, because this is the fact.

This plan is not perfect, it can be said that there are many loopholes.

If Han Yu were to do it themselves, they might not be able to beat Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe.

But with so much investment, which one would rest assured to let a few second-generations do the work?

At that time, Li Dong was not facing Han Yu, but the people behind them.

These people, who are not old fox level, can Li Dong really take advantage?

Shen Xuehua is not optimistic about this plan. Li Dong is very likely to fail. If he fails, he will lose the entire project and more than 10 billion investment.

Even the richest man cannot bear such losses.

If it caused a chain reaction, things might get worse.

Like Li Dong ’s 10 billion investment this time, it ’s the money from a distant supermarket. If the money does n’t come back, the distant supermarket will be in trouble.

Now that her daughter has identified Li Dong, she is willing to do everything for Li Dong. Of course, Shen Xuehua must consider it clearly.

Li Dong's wealth will also be her daughter in the future.

If Li Dong collapsed because of this failure, that was not what she wanted to see.

Li Dong nodded and said: "Aunt Shen is right, it is indeed playing with fire.

So I can't wait too long. I have to make a quick decision. If I can't succeed within 45 days, I will give up and cut my own to stop the loss. "

"45 days?"

Shen Xuehua is a bit strange, why did he choose this time.

Li Dong said softly: "45 days is the payment cycle, and there are still more than 28 billion yuan on the distant books. Even if there is a run-off, I am not afraid and don't care.

Excluding this 10 billion, I still have money, more than 18 billion, enough to cope with any difficulties.

But in less than 45 days, this sum must be paid to the supplier.

At that time, if the money was dragged down and something went wrong, I would be in trouble. 35xs "

"It seems that you haven't lost your head!"

Shen Xuehua snorted coldly, but calmed down a little bit.

Now that Li Dong is ready, that's a good thing. I'm afraid that Li Dong really doesn't care about it. He has to fight Han Yu with them.

The time has prolonged, and if they can't solve them, Li Dong himself will be in greater trouble.

Shen Xuehua thought for a while and thought, "Is Longhua reliable?"


Li Dong didn't say more, Xu Shengzhe could not be trusted, and now he is not easy to say.

But until now, I can only believe Xu Shengzhe.

Otherwise, no one believes that there is no way to do this.

Everyone is for the benefit, as long as Xu Shengzhe can see the opportunity of profit, he is the most reliable ally.

45 days is also the safety period that Li Dong has set for himself.

During this period of time, Xu Shengzhe has the opportunity to cope even if he is against the water.

Once this time period is exceeded, it will be surrounded and suppressed, and you will be in danger.

Shen Xuehua did not speak, remained silent for a long time, did not continue the topic just now, and instead said: "It is not long before the end of the year."

Shen Qian didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but Li Dong knew.

After hearing her say this, Li Dong nodded and said, "I know."

"Just know!"

Shen Xuehua hummed: "Li Dong, I will help you once this time, but you remember, if you dare to be sorry for Sissi, don't blame me for being welcome!"


Shen Qiang snorted, and Shen Xuehua immediately angered: "Why, I can't even speak!"

Do you know why your father and I have lost face because of this!

This matter has spread, who is not joking us?

You guys are good. If you do n’t discuss with me, you ’re in charge.

And even if things are done, your dad and I have to bear the pressure, why haven't you considered us?

It is said that girls are extroverted, if you were not my daughter, and you were such a daughter, I would have broken your leg already! "

Shen Xuehua was indeed a little angry. Shen Qian and Li Dong made their own claims and did not even greet them beforehand.

This time, they made them passive.

Regardless of whether Li Dong's plan is unsuccessful, for Shen Xuehua, there is no substantial benefit, but it is easy to be criticized.

As she said, she is such a daughter.

What Shen Qian did last time in the capital, even Du Anmin recognized it, it was also helpless, and a spoiled love for her daughter.

The old couple has no son, and they are both older. Now who are they not thinking about for their daughter?

If Shen Xuehua had a son, Shen Qian would dare to be so nonsense. She might really not recognize this daughter, or be more ruthless. Taking the opportunity to join hands with Han Yu, Hei Li Dong was not surprised once.

The family relationship of the big family is already weak, and Shen Xuehua has also experienced it.

However, this is not the Shen family. The Du family is just such a single seedling. Who else can justify it.

Shen Xuehua was a little sullen, got up and pulled Shen Qian out.

Shen Qian was anxious at first glance and quickly said: "Mom, it's our fault not to discuss with you ..."

Li Dong also hurriedly got up and said: "Aunt Shen, this is my fault. It has nothing to do with Sissi ..."

Shen Xuehua didn't have a good air: "Don't come to this set! You are not sure about me and An Min, can you come to this set?

Especially you, Li Dong, my daughter has never violated her parents before. Since following you, what did you teach my daughter?

Let's count back this account and now Sissi and I will go back! "

"go back?"

Shen Qian murmured, and Shen Xuehua was annoyed: "Are you still not born to me?"

Now that they are all in trouble, are they still staying at his house, when everyone else is a fool?

This is the courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee, who is not Qiqiao Linglongxin!

Let's go back to the capital now. You don't need to contact Sun Yuehua. I will contact her. Also, I won't disclose your plan.

How Sun Yuehua chooses afterwards depends on your own.

With all that said, Li Dong, you can do it yourself! "

After leaving this, Shen Xuehua pulled Shen Qian out.

Li Dong wanted to catch up, and realized that it was inappropriate, he stopped at once and looked at Shen Qian, with a trace of apology on his face.

Shen Qian responded with a smile, and before she even spoke, Shen Xuehua lowered her voice and said angrily: "If you laugh, you want to count other people, how is your brain!"

Shen Qian's face stiffened, revealing a bitter expression.

Shen Xuehua didn't care about her anymore, her face became more angry, and when she went out, she saw Qin Yuhan just entering the door. The original half-false anger instantly became real anger. Watching Qin Yuhan snorted and lifted her leg away!

On the side of Shen Qian, there is no need to act at all. Qin Yuhan glanced away and left the courtyard.

Qin Yuhan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

Until seeing the two get in the car, Shen Qian even prepared the luggage. The taste in her heart was even more complicated.

Shen Qian left, with anger and disappointment, so easily left.

Qin Yuhan wanted to laugh and want to be happy, but found himself not happy.

Originally knowing that Li Dong and Shen Qian had fallen apart, she was quite happy.

But when Shen Qian left like this, or was forced to go by Li Dong, Qin Yuhan suddenly felt a little empty.

She didn't understand why she felt this feeling.

Not only sympathy for Shen Qian, but also disappointment in Li Dong.

How much Shen Qian helped Li Dong, Qin Yuhan knew.

Shen Qian also knows how much she paid for Li Dong.

But now, Li Dong completely cleared the boundaries with Shen Qian for a little thing, which made Qin Yuhan feel extremely complicated.

Even Shen Qian, Li Dong said to abandon and abandon, what about yourself?

Is it really more important than Li Shen in Li Dong's heart?

Qin Yuhan was a little hesitant. Until footsteps came from behind, Qin Yuhan barely smiled and said dryly: "I know the matter, or ... let me explain a few words to her ..."

After saying this, Qin Yuhan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and then he fell silent.

Li Dong was a little embarrassed. He hadn't had time to tell Qin Yuhan about this.

Originally Shen Qian said that she wanted to quarrel with Qin Yuhan, but before she had time to quarrel, she was taken away by Shen Xuehua.

Seeing this look of Qin Yuhan now, Li Dong didn't know what to say, only a moment later said: "Do you want me to explain?"

Qin Yuhan was silent.

Li Dong smiled bitterly and had to say, "Well, I won't ask anymore, and this is not what you think it is.

Shen Qian and I ... "

Qin Yuhan looked up, and Li Dong looked around and said, "Go into the room and say, this is more complicated."

Qin Yuhan didn't speak ~ ~ followed Li Dong into the house.


On the night of the 25th, Shen Qian and Shen Xuehua stayed in the hotel overnight.

The next day, the mother and daughter embarked on a flight to Beijing directly.

At the same time, the housing agency hung out Shen Qian ’s small courtyard in the Provincial Party Committee compound and began to sell it.

On the 26th, Li Dong opened the second board of directors again, and removed the director of Shen Qian Yuanfang.

All this came so abruptly that everyone was overwhelmed.

Li Dong, however, dismissed Shen Qian's last position in the distance. Instead of talking to anyone about Shen Qian, he personally led a team to the provinces and started to discuss the project of the Far City.

For the 50 billion Yuancheng City project, many people originally thought that it would only be implemented in the next two or three years.

But no one thought that Li Dong's ambition was so great that he had to mount it together.

Even in order to insist on his own choice, he turned over with Shen Qian at all.

The dictator Li Dong, this time completely confirmed his reputation.

In the past, even if you knew that Li Dong liked dictatorship in the distance, many people also knew that there were people in the distance who could persuade Li Dong, and Shen Qian could.

According to Li Dong ’s suggestion, Shen Qian really insists on opposing it, and Li Dong generally does not want to go it alone.

But now that Shen Qian is gone, even Shen Qian can't persuade Li Dong, who else can persuade him?

Don't persuade, in the eyes of many people, Li Dong is almost stunned now, he dare to drive away Shen Qian, dare to drive away everyone.

Group executives such as Yuan Chengdao, Sun Tao, Wang Yue, and Chen Lang, whether they are willing or unwilling, no matter how angry they are in their hearts, but since Shen Qian left, no one has said one more word on the Far City project.

The only thing they can do now is to cooperate with Li Dong.

The only thing I can expect is to stop going wrong.

As long as there is no news that all shipments have been misappropriated, the distance can be successfully supported.