The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 112: Money is a good thing

In the security room, Li Dong saw the so-called ruthless character.

In fact, from the appearance, these guys are no different from ordinary security guards.

However, it is true that the body is relatively strong. Several people are small flat-headed, standing straight, and should have been soldiers by virtue of their feelings and temperament.

Sure enough, Sun Tao whispered in Li Dong's ear: "All of them have been soldiers, and the shortest have also been six years of soldiers.

Li Dong didn't speak, and there were more people who couldn't get mixed this year.

None of these soldiers have a skill, and they can only find jobs like security when they come out.

It is not difficult to feed yourself, but it is difficult to feed a whole family.

Looking at how a few people look, the youngest is probably 30 years old. It is when the family is making ends meet, how can a thousand yuan a month's salary be enough.

Li Dong is not nonsense, he directly said: "I should invite you to do what you should know?"

One of the men with scars on his eyebrows nodded and said dumbly: "I know, as long as you don't kill or set fire, you can do anything."

"I don't dare to do murder or set fire. You can rest assured." Li Dong smiled and waved his hand. "All you have to do is fight and fight. As long as there is no life, I will spend money to deal with something."

Several people listened silently and did not express their opinions.

It can be seen that they are honest people, but they are also forced into a dead end by life, otherwise they will not do such things.

Li Dong didn't say anything more when he saw it, but changed the subject and continued: "As for the salary, three thousand guarantees, the bonus is not counted."

When it comes to money, several guys' eyes suddenly light up.

The scarred man who spoke earlier said quickly: "Is there a bonus?"

Li Dong nodded and explained: "Of course there are bonuses, I will have something to do for you later, and everybody will be paid a thousand bonuses!"

Several people breathed suddenly, and Li Dong's burning eyes looked a little unnatural.

These guys are probably going crazy by money, otherwise they will not be like wolves.

But Li Dong likes it very much. It is just like lack of money, and lack of money is the motivation.

No need to mobilize anymore. Looking at this situation, these guys may want to go out to work immediately.

Thinking for a while, Li Dong still added: "If you don't dare to do it in advance, or if you can't let go, let yourself go, I will not leave idlers."

Several people nodded quickly, they still have this ethics.

What's more, where to find such a good job, not to mention the bonus, the basic salary of three thousand is enough for them to desperately.

Next, Li Dong chatted with a few people and briefly learned about their situation.

The man with scars on his eyebrows is called Zhou Haidong. He is thirty-six years old this year. He has been a soldier for eight years and has a daughter who is only four years old this year.

The other people are called Zheng Long, Tan Yong, and Cao Hongbing respectively. The youngest Cao Hongbing is 30 years old this year.

The children are not very big, especially Tan Yong. The three children in the family, the oldest is only five years old, it is when they use money.

Several people could not be forced by money, and the family was counting on them. This was the chance to come to a distance.

After understanding the situation, Li Dong got up and said: "Go, take a vote with you today, and the bonus will be issued immediately after finishing!"

Zhou Haidong quickly followed up, but Sun Tao behind him rolled his eyes.

This is still like a multimillionaire, and the words spoken are similar to the black boss.

Seeing that Li Dong took a few people out, Sun Tao was afraid that they might have an accident and quickly followed.


Zhu Hongtao was disgusted by Li Dong's blood.

The six burly-shaped big men were stuck at the door of the supermarket in the distance.

Meeting Li Dong to lead people out, several guys snorted in a bad voice: "Walking through the back door, didn't you see anyone at the door!"

Li Dong frowned, these guys are getting too much.

Used to just hang around at the door, but now the door is directly blocked.

Li Dong turned around and asked Sun Tao: "Did you call the police?"

Sun Tao nodded and smiled bitterly: "It's reported, and the police said they will arrive soon, but no one will come every hour for less than an hour."

They are so troubled, how many customers are there in one hour.

And more times, the customer's impression of the distance is naturally worse, and naturally no one comes back to shop over time.

"What do you say about Longhua?" Li Dong asked again.

This is Longhua Square, and Longhua also has special security. Li Dong doesn't believe they don't know.

Sun Tao shook his head again, helplessly said: "Longhua said there is no way, these guys are not making trouble, nor making trouble. It is useless to persuade a few times, they can't be rude."

Li Dong cursed in secret, this is still not trouble!

The doors are all blocked. It ’s not a mess. Longhua ’s guy is also a waste. It ’s impossible to keep a group of security guards to eat dry food!

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Li Dong directly told Zhou Haidong: "Six, is there a problem?"

Zhou Haidong narrowed his eyes and nodded.

Li Dong didn't care whether he was bragging or not, he said: "If you find a way to get to the alley below, you will break a leg, and the bonus will be 2,000 yuan per person!"

Originally, Li Dong was going to beat them once, but he didn't expect these **** to block the door directly. Li Dong suddenly became very angry.

Several people in Zhou Haidong's eyes lighted up again, and then added two thousand, that is, one person three thousand bonus!

Plus the base salary, that would be six thousand!

As for breaking the legs of these guys, they have no psychological burden, and look at these guys is not like a good person.

Zhou Haidong licked his dry lips and said in a deep voice: "No problem, will we come back or leave?"

"Return when no one sees, go home and hide for two days when they are seen, and I will contact you when the time comes."

Although Li Dong doesn't care about being known to have done it by himself, or Zhu Hongtao must have guessed that it was done by others, but everything is said without being caught.

No evidence has been caught this year, so I spent a little bit of fart.

As for Zhu Hongtao and the police station, Li Dong is not afraid. Pingchuan is not a district public security bureau who can cover the sky with one hand.

See Li Dong saying this ~ ~ Zhou Haidong no longer asks much.

And Zheng Long glanced at each other, and they rushed towards several strong men.

Just in front of the supermarket, there was a mess, and then Li Dong heard Zhou Haidong yelling: "Son Turtle, there is a kind of head to head, dare to hit Laozi!"

"Paralyzed, let's die!"

Several strong men have always only been bullied. When have they been bullied.

When Zhou Haidong said this, several people quickly chased over.

Cao Hongbing and Tan Yong beside Li Dong also quietly followed after seeing this.

Waiting for several people to leave, Sun Tao is worried: "Is it too cruel to start?"

Li Dong didn't take it seriously: "It's hard to deal with this kind of people. If you admit counsel, they thought we were afraid of him."

These guys are bullying and hard-working goods, otherwise they will not intensify and start to block the door directly.

Wasn't because the reaction from the distance in the past two days was a bit sluggish, and I hadn't been able to clean them up.

Sun Tao was still not at ease and thought for a while: "Should I call Secretary Chen?"

Director Chen is the director of industry and commerce, and one of the most managed guys in the distance.

Li Dong heard the words for a moment and finally shook his head: "Forget it, this matter can be dealt with in private, but in private, it is impossible to say anything."

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Dong felt that Director Chen could not hold back the police station.

Is not a department after all, and the level is not necessarily higher than the other party, why do people listen to him.

Sun Tao said no more, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

If you do n’t do a good business, why do you want to do this?