The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1135: end

Chen Rui was arrested!

Originally, Wu Changguo wanted to act in secret, but there were too many people in the hotel, and Chen Rui was arrested and instantly passed on.

For this matter, Wu Changguo called Li Dong the first time he returned to the provincial office.

As soon as the phone was connected, Wu Changguo scolded: "The next time you mix again, I will send you in for ten days and a half months!"

Li Dong's face was wronged and said helplessly: "Old Senior, don't blame me? This matter can't be concealed."

"That's your responsibility too!"

Old Wu Man is unreasonable, and Li Dong has no way to accept the anger of Old Wu grievances.

Then, old Wu said again: "You have to give me an account of this matter. The last 2o cars were less. It happened just recently ..."

Hearing this, Li Dong finally understood!

Feelings are not really to find fault for this matter, but to knock yourself off.

Li Dong snarled his teeth and said in a while: "I have no money."

Old Wu was blocked enough, and after a while he coughed: "What are you talking about?"

"I have no money."

"You ... roll!"

Leaving this, old Wu directly hung up the phone.

This bastard, still crying with himself, really thought he didn't know how much he made this time.

Think about it, old Wu did not force it, anyway, the gains are not bad now.

Anyway, he knocked on a helicopter, 2o cars, enough for the Jiangbei side.

On the phone, Li Dong grinned and thought to Tan Yong: "Go back and donate another 1o car. The old man's appetite is quite big, and he is not his own. Why do you knock me so much.

That being said, I really want Old Wu to ask for it, but Li Dong will not give it.

Moreover, this time when Chen Rui was arrested, the old man might have to bear some pressure again, and a few cars should be used to comfort old Wu.


On the same day.

Capital city.

Chen Jikuan hung up the phone, and the whole person was completely old, and Rong Chen didn't move for a long time.

His lips twitched, and Chen Jikuan's face gradually became more angry.

Without speaking, Chen Jikuan rushed to his desk.

At this moment, if someone is beside, you can see a few words-confession.

Chen Jikuan's hands were shaking, and he stopped halfway through several times, unable to hold his pen.

Can think of Chen Rui, thinking of the only son, Chen Jikuan gritted his teeth and wrote down one stroke at a time.

In the office, he was alone, very quiet, and only heard the sound of hard work.

About half an hour later, Chen Jikuan finally finished writing.

After glancing at the letter, Chen Jikuan was neatly folded and placed at the center of his desk.

After lighting a cigarette and smoking for a while, Chen Jikuan took out an unused mobile phone from his desk and made a call.

For a long time, the phone was on.

There was no sound over there, only faint breathing.

Holding his cigarette, Chen Jikuan trembled and said: "Everything is my sin. Chen Rui is guilty, and sin will not die.

Secretary, I have nothing to ask, please protect Chen Rui's life.

Today, I only have to die. This is the last wish of my life. Please be merciful and spare his life! "

There was no words on the phone for a long time, and Chen Jikuan's face grew paler and paler.

I don't know how long it took before someone sighed on the phone: "If you knew that, why did you have to do it?"

Secretary, I will try my best. "

Chen Jikuan was crying in tears, and choked: "Thank you, thank you, Secretary, I can't do anything in this life.

Chen Jikuan cried loudly, not for himself or his son, just for this last moment, and some people were willing to help him.

Heart, how dark!

Those old friends, old superiors, who else wants to control him?

Who could have thought that he would die in the end.

Before this call, he hesitated, wandered, and even despaired.

But at this moment, he was satisfied.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Jikuan took out his mobile phone card and broke it away from the bathroom.

He looked at the window with nostalgia, and Chen Jikuan murmured: "Arei, dad can only do so much."


This night.

Li Dong received a call.

Hanging up the phone, Li Dong looked at Xu Shengzhe on the opposite side and sighed, "Everyone has the feeling of cuddling, fatherly love, how great!"

Xu Shengzhe frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Old Chen is dead and hangs himself in the office."

Xu Shengzhe's movement was stagnant, and after a while he said: "Relentless, decisive enough!"

When Chen Jikuan died, there were some things that he all reckoned with. Chen Rui didn't know about it and could completely shirk a lot.

And in China, death is the biggest.

Everyone is dead, no matter how many wrong things were done in his lifetime, he is dead.

At this time, it would be shameful to go out of business.

Even Wu Changguo would not do this. Chen Rui can be said to have saved his life.

Xu Shengzhe exhaled, and said after a while: "If you die, you can carry it, but some things can't be carried.

In ten or eight years, I can't get out. "

Li Dong nodded and shook his head again: "It's not impossible to really kill him. Unfortunately, some people want me to be forgiving and forgiving, forget it."

Xu Shengzhe curiously said: "Who will you listen to others?"

Li Dong smiled and did not continue, this was what Shen Qian just said on the phone.

The meaning is very clear, the meaning of old Du.

Old Du asked him not to kill him, and Li Dong didn't matter. Anyway, when Laozi Chen Rui died, he was also in a catastrophe, and Li Dong didn't worry about anything.

It was Lao Du, who was still willing to protect Chen Rui at this time. He had to say that Li Dong still admired it.

Old Du, after all, his heart softened.

He and Chen Jikuan did not have a good relationship. At the time, Chen Jikuan served as secretary general and was a big steward of the provincial party committee.

However, he does not cooperate with Lao Du, but instead uses the power of the local department to govern Lao Du.

But after all, there was a work together, and strictly speaking, Chen Jikuan was still his big housekeeper. At this point, everyone died, and old Du Bao his son's life was normal.

A soft heart is a good thing, but sometimes a soft heart is a bad thing.

Old Du, I have suffered a lot in this life.

Otherwise, the troubles of the Shen family were solved in the early years, so far as they are still in this position.

When Old Du went to Beijing, it was Shen Jiatian's chaos. When Li Dong was replaced, he kicked away the Shen family.

Li Dong didn't want to say, Xu Shengzhe didn't ask again.

The two had a drink, and after a while, Xu Shengzhe said again: "Where is Han Yu?"

"Looking at Jia Wenhao, I gave him time.

The 23rd Internet Conference was held in Beijing, and I went to Beijing for a meeting.

During this time, if he can do it, he can do it. If he can do it, I will do it myself, and don't blame me. "

Xu Shengzhe nodded slightly, then changed the subject and said: "When will our agreement be signed?"

"Let's finish the meeting."

Xu Shengzhe frowned and nodded without speaking.

This guy, still in Cha Longhua's account, don't he regret it?

Although Xu Shengzhe was a little uncertain, it was not easy to ask too much.

However, since Li Dong has already taken advantage of Longhua, the possibility of repentance is not great, otherwise, it is not good for the diplomatic generation.

The two talked and drank a lot.


at the same time.

Capital city.

Han Yu's face was pale.

Jia Wenhao looked tired and said lightly: "Money, I'll pay you back.

On the other side of the sky, transfer the shares you hold to Li Dong. How much can be recovered?

In addition, after going abroad for a few years, I enrolled in a refresher class for you. Haven't you always wanted to go abroad?

These years, because of me, it is not convenient for you to go abroad.

Now, I do n’t care anymore, you do n’t have to think too much, you really like it, and you can stay abroad. "

"Wenhao ..."

Han Yu burst into tears and choked: "I won't go! I know I'm wrong, but I don't want to go. If I go, who will take care of you, Wen Hao, let me stay.

I swear, I will never do this again.

Really, believe me once, okay? "

There was a little bit of reluctance in Jia Wenhao's eyes, but soon he became firm and shook his head: "No, you have to go!

If you stay in China again, it will only cause me more trouble.

Han Yu, a husband and wife, to say so, you decide for yourself. "

Jia Wenhao dropped this and left the house.

Until stepping out of the threshold, Jia Wenhao's straight waist twitched slightly, and then he took a big step away.


After half an hour.

Jia Family Courtyard.

Jia Wenhao looked at the old man in front of him and whispered: "Dad, I have arranged it."

The old man glanced at him, unable to tell whether he was disappointed or gratified, and after a while said: "Actually, divorce is better than sending abroad."

Jia Wenhao gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "She is after all my wife who is married by Ming Media."


The old man sighed, Han Yu did not kick out Jia's house one day, for Jia Wenhao, it was a bomb.

It might be better to endure the temporary pain and divorce, so Jia Wenhao is flawed, but not a principle error.

Unfortunately, his son is still too soft-hearted.

The old man didn't say much. Until now, no matter how much he said, his son was unwilling and he couldn't help it.

After being silent for a while, the old man said lightly: "It's all done. We will move as soon as Li Dong's end is over."

"Oh, I see."

"Also, Li Dong ..."

The old man thought about it, shook his head and sighed, "Don't fight, it doesn't make sense.

Killing the enemy by one thousand will damage you by eight hundred.

What if you win?

He is just a businessman, just for money, money, for us, is not the main thing, do not make a mistake.

The battle won him, far away, do you dare to take over?

It's no good, no need to be grudge. "

Jia Wenhao said in a deep voice: "I know."

"Just understand, I'm tired. You can go back to Jiangbei as soon as possible.

It's okay for Xincheng to delay for a few days. I'm over here. Li Dong will cooperate with you.

If he doesn't cooperate ... "

The old man said, his slightly muddled eyes suddenly sharpened and said coldly: "That's a public enemy!

Domestically, there is no shortage of a private enterprise! "

Jia Wenhao nodded again: "I understand that he is not stupid and will cooperate.

Of course, at that time, I wish he would not cooperate with me. "

"You ..."

The old man laughed and waved his hand: "Go and be busy with you, your sister is still waiting for you. This girl is not small anymore. I have time to persuade her."

A touch of spoiling flashed in the old man's eyes.

He has no shortage of sons. In addition to Jia Wenhao, he has two sons, and he is not too young.

However, he was a daughter. He was born only when he was older, and he was ten years younger than Jia Wenhao.

For the sake of this daughter, he hurt his brain.

Jia Wenhao also heard a smile on his serious face, and nodded: "Well, then I'm out.

Dad, grandpa, shall I go and see tomorrow? "

"Forget it."

The old man shook his head. The old man was not at home now, but in the nursing home.

Jia Wenhao's return this time is not a business trip, and it is not appropriate to appear there with great fanfare.


"Don't worry about your grandpa." The old man said softly: "If you don't return to Beijing one day, he will refuse to leave one day.

We will send him back when you return to Beijing. "

Jia Wenhao's eyes were red, and he nodded and said nothing.

What this meant was that he understood that when he returned to Beijing, the old man would never have the motivation to persevere again. I am afraid that he would leave soon.

But Jia Wenhao is uncomfortable at this moment, can the father really wait until that day?

When he returns to Beijing, it will take at least six months or even longer.

After returning from Jiangbei, he spent a few years in the capital, and if he goes on, he will be able to rule. This is also the limit that the old man can do.

But Jia Wenhao, I'm really not sure if the old man can wait until this day.

Seeing his son like this, the old man waved his hand: "Don't be a little girl, go."


Jia Wenhao bowed and turned out of the house.

Outside, the younger sister is looking around with a probe.

When Jia Wenhao went out, Jia Yi smiled and said: "Brother, I have been in a hurry to talk with my dad for so long.

Come on, Fang Yu, they are still waiting for me. "

Jia Wenhao laughed and said: "Where to go? Don't be busy all day long, and have time to accompany Dad."

"Got it. Got it. I ’ll chat with my dad every day.

Going away, my friend is waiting for us.

You have to come back for a while, but you have to give me a sigh of relief, these guys, show off in front of me all day, I am almost mad!

Also, did n’t you ask Li Dong to accompany me to dinner last time?

Until now you haven't got it, Fang Yu and they all say I'm bragging, so annoying!

And you too, why do n’t you give me a sigh of relief. Fang Yu and her dad are ministers. You ’re the deputy governor, really, try harder ... "

Jia Wenhao was dragged by her sister, and her sister's chattering sound came in her ears, and she couldn't help sighing ~ ~ I was in my early forties, and at this point, you stinky girl looked down upon me.

And Li Dong that bastard, please be a fart guest!

Now, in front of him, Li Dong and Jia Wenhao panic.

For another person, Jia Wenhao designated not to give a good face, but his sister, he really could not help.

Shaking his head, Jia Wenhao finally got rid of Jia Yi and did not follow.

His return to Beijing this time was not a long-faced thing. He came back for help.

Isn't it fooling people to read the joke now that they are still out there?

After soothing her sister for a while, Jia Wenhao stood at the gate, looking away from the direction of Jiangbei.


Chen Jikuan's death did not cause much trouble.

A deputy of the Qingshui Yamen, even if he hanged himself, did not pay much attention.

What's more, the news is still blocked, and few people know.

And the big play has just begun.

Chen Jikuan is just the opening set, and the real contest is yet to come.

However, for Li Dong.

His big play has entered the final stage.

As for the rest, he was too lazy to manage.

This time, he can say a big victory.

After this time, regardless of the end of Han Yu, he should have done.

Outside the circle, these things will not spread.

But in the circle, people who should know will naturally know, and people who should understand will naturally understand.

From now on, I am afraid that no one will ever treat Li Dong as a soft persimmon.

If this time, if there are a few more powerful tycoons, then Li Dong dares to guarantee that he can sit back and relax in the future and no longer have to worry about the characters in this regard.

Back at the Provincial Party Committee, Li Dong exhaled for a long time.

Tonight, you can sleep well.

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